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Republic of Philippines

Department of Education
Region 02 – Cagayan Valley
Schools Division of the City of Ilagan
SCHOOL ID: 500731
Sitio Fugu, Sindun Bayabo City of Ilagan Isabela Philippines

NAME:___________________________________________GRADE & SECTION:___________________

Direction: Read the questions carefully and write the letter of the correct answer on the space provided before the number.
_____1. The following are steps in before-listening strategy EXCEPT:
a. Connect b. predict c. talk about new words d. take notes
_____2. To ________ is to make guesses about what you may learn as you listen.
a. Connect b. predict c. talk about new words d. take notes
_____3. During-Listening Strategies, you should find a way to get back on track when you get bored
or when ideas are difficult. Which step is defined?
a. Take notes b. respond c. Re-Listen d. Summarize
_____4. Which of the following steps of After-Listening Strategies refers to identifying the point you
agree or disagree with, the parts you like best, and those which are confusing?
a. Take notes b. respond c. Re-Listen d. Summarize
_____5. Read you lecture several times before and after listening activity and summarize them. which
step of After-Listening Strategy does the statement refer to?
a. Take notes b. respond c. Re-Listen d. Summarize
_____6. The following are the qualities that Romulo describe himself as a Filipino EXCEPT:
a. Responsibleb. brave c. born with freedom d. coward
_____7. What does “Inheritor of a glorious past” mea?
a. Filipinos on the present time inherit the glorious past paid by the blood of many heroes
b. Filipinos on the present time inherit the unending debt of their country
c. Filipinos on the present time inherit the right of freedom
d. None of the above
_____8. What does the seed symbolize in I am a Filipino?
a. Manhood and dignity c. hospitality
b. Bravery d. pride
_____9. The following are the main idea of “I am a Filipoino” EXCEPT:
a. It focuses the great desire of Filipinos having their won freedom
b. Be proud being a Filipino
c. Love of a country
d. Be hospitable

_____10. What does Romulo mean when he wrote that in our blood runs with the immortal seed of
a. The pride of being a Filipino
b. Consistent defiance of Filipinos against being ruled by any foreign power
c. Quality of being hospitable
d. None of the above

For item no. 11-20: From the speech “I am a Filipino” by

Direction: Listen to the song “Rise up” by Andra Day and answer the questions that follow. Write the letter of the correct
answer on the space provided before the number.
_____11. “Rise Up” by Andra Day is a powerful song. Which of the following best defines the message
of the song?
a. Rough times make you weak
b. Persevere during difficult times
c. If you love someone, set him free
d. None of the above
_____12. Which of the following is the theme of the song “Rise Up?
a. Power corrupts humanity
b. Without empathy, there can be no justice
c. No matter how bad you were hurt or how low you fell down, you can persevere, get to the top, and do great
d. Evil is always punished
_____13. To whom does the singer want to offer the song?
I. To people who are afraid to move forward
II. To those who strive for their loved ones even they experience trials
III. To happy people who enjoy their life to the fullest

a. I and III b. III only c. I and II d. I,II and III

_____14. All we need, all we need is hope
And for that we have each other
And for that we have each other
We will rise
We will rise…
This is an example of
a. alliteration b. rhyming words c. repetition d. oxymoron
_____15. Rise like the day, rise unafraid, rise up high like the waves…
This is an example of:
a. Repetition b. alliteration c. rhyming words d. Onomatopoeia
_____16. Complete the lyric of the line from the song “Rise Up”.
You’re ________ down and tired of living life on a merry go round.
a. Happy b. broken c. distressed d. satisfied
_____17. Which of the following is the opposite meaning of the word “Rise Up”?
a. Resist b. Disobey c. sink d. Rebel
_____18. The word Rise up is similar in meaning to ___________.
a. Obey b. Serve c. sink d. Rebel

_____19. Which of the following words rhyme with the word “rise”?
a. Buys, eyes, tries, prize, devise
b. Rose, rabbit, river, rat, rebel
c. Rise like the day, rise unafraid, rise up high like waves
d. Rise like a wave and sink like a stone
_____20. Which of the following best define the word “Rise up”?
a. Disobey, resist, rebel, stand up
b. Obey, serve, comply
c. Concentrate, attract, concentrate, direct
d. Ignore, disorganize, separate, neglect

A. Direction: Arrange and combine the jumbled letters to arrive at the appropriate name of each search engine icon.
Choose your answer on in the word box.



1. L G E O G O 2. O H O A Y

__________________ _______________________

3. T U B E Y U O 4. N G B I

___________________ _______________________

5. U K D C C K U D 6. N T E I N R E T

___________________ _______________________

7. O Z L L M I A 8. C H M E O R

___________________ _______________________

9. I K I W E P I D I 10. S I S S W

___________________ _______________________

B. Directions: Below is the summary of the selection “The Centipede”. Identify other causes of family problems as
featured in the synopsis. Use these information to complete the word puzzle.


A boy named Eddie hated his sister Delia. This started when Delia beat his dog Biryuk. He wanted to stop her but
couldn’t since Delia had a weak heart. A flashback shows that Eddie and Delia treated each other as rivals. Delia was
8 years old when Eddie was born and her mother died, which seemed to be the reason why she also hated Eddie and
blamed him for the death of her mother. Delia was also jealous of Eddie since the latter gained more attention from
their father. While Eddie loved animals and insects, Delia didn’t, which was why she tortured them just to make Eddie
more miserable. This went out of hand when Delia stabbed Eddie’s dog in the eye. He wanted revenge. A helper
named Berto gave Eddie the centipede. He wished to frighten Delia. His senses were clouded with hate. While Delia
embroidered a white cloth, he threw the centipede on his sister’s lap. He returned to his senses and saw his sister down
and writhing in pain. He regretted it but the damage had already been done.


16 A G U M N T V
3 V T

17 J A O U Y A R I

19 B T E N S S E
12 S P T
Directions: Read and analyze the given sentences then choose the word being referred to. Write the letter of the correct
answer on the space provided before the number.

____1. Which of the following refers to the collections of short, factual entries often written by different
contributors who are knowledgeable about the topic.
A. books B. journals C. encyclopedias D. magazines
____2. Which of the following is a collection of articles usually written by scholars in an academic or
professional field.
A. journal B. encyclopedia C. book D. magazines
____3. Which of the following covers virtually any topic, fact or fiction. For research purposes, you will
probably be looking for this which synthesizes all the information on one topic to support a
particular argument or thesis.
A. book B. magazine C. journal D. encyclopedia
____4. Which of the following collection of articles and images about diverse topics of popular
Interest and current events.
A. magazine B. journal C. encyclopedia D. book
____5. Which of the following is a collection of articles about current events usually published daily.
Since there is at least one in every city, it is a great source of local information.
A. encyclopedia B. newspaper C. journal D. book
For item no. 6-11: Select the source that would provide the type of information described. Write the letter of the correct
answer on the space provided before the number.
____6. Monday weather forecast: Fair, warm morning; cloudy with possible rains in the afternoon
a. Book b. Magazine c. Newspaper d. Blog
____7. The Happiest Days of your Life by: Jamie Field
a. Book b. Magazine c. Newspaper d. Blog
a. Book b. Magazine c. Newspaper d. Blog
____9. Alcohol and Drugs in North America A Historical Encyclopedia-2013
a. Blog b. Library Catalog c. Newsletter d. videos
____10. 371.3 STUDYING SKILLS
Bergreen, Gary.
Copying with Study Strategies
N.Y., The Rosen Publishing Group. 1990
137 p.: ill.
a. Blog b. Library Catalog c. Newsletter d. videos
____11. Covid-19 — Navigating the Uncharted
Anthony S. Fauci, M.D., H. Clifford Lane,
M.D., and Robert R. Redfield, M.D. (The
Journal of Medicine)

a. Internet b. Blog c. Journal d. Newspaper

a. Internet b. Blog c. Journal d. Newspaper
____13. Meet Pat Flynn
a. Internet b. Blog c. Journal d. Newspaper
____14. Eleni loves to read books by Leo Tolstoy. What resource should she use to find books written by
the author?
a. Blog b. Library Catalog c. Newsletter d. videos
____15. He dreamt of reading “Robinson Crusoe.”
a. Books b. Magazine c. Newspaper d. Blog

Directions: True/False. Tell whether the statement is True or False. Write True if it is correct and False if it is wrong.

__________16. Every piece of information requires careful consideration.

__________17. Different kinds of information are written for different purposes and different audiences.
__________18. Information in any format is produced to convey a message and is shared via a
selected delivery method.
__________19. Choosing the right information starts with knowing more about the different kinds that
are available.
__________20. You will be better positioned to select the best sources for your information needs if you
learn more about how and why information sources are created.

Direction: Choose the statement that best summarizes the following passages. Write the letter of the correct answer on the
space provided before the number.
_____1. Which of the following is one of the oldest and basic forms of communication?
a. Print Media c. Internet connection
b. Android Phone c. all of the above
_____2. The following are examples of print media EXCEPT:
a. Newspaper b. Brochure c. books d. Wikipedia
_____3. Which of the following is a shortened version of a text that highlights key points and retelling a
story in your own words.
a. Summary b. Print Media c. Paraphrase d. none of the above
_____4. Which of the following steps of writing a Summary should come first?
a. Write the main ideas in phrase form
b. Combine the sentences into one or more paragraphs
c. Read the material and identify the main ideas
d. Proofread the summary
_____5. Which point of view summaries should be written?
a. First Person Point of view c. Third Person Point of view
b. Second Person Point of view d. all of the above
_____6. Janie’s dog wasn’t feeling well today. He did not want to go out for his walk and did not eat
his food. Janie threw his toy across the yard hoping he would run to fetch it, but he just sat there.
a. Janie’s dog is active but today he is sick.
b. The dog is sick and tired that is why he is not feeling well.
c. Janie’s dog is sick and he did not go for a walk, eat or play.
d. The dog is sick and just sat all day
_____7. Blair and Natalie are not speaking to each other today. It was weird sitting at their table during
lunch while they were glaring at each other. I hope they make up soon; we are three best
friends and I don’t want to choose sides.
a. I ate lunch alone because my best friends had a fight.
b. I don’t like having lunch when my friends have a fight.
c. Blair and Natalie did not speak but glared at each other. I hope my best friends make up.
d. I hate my bestfriends
_____8. Julio decided to stay up and watch television instead of studying for his History exam. Today,
when it was time to take the test, he looked at the paper and could not answer any of the
questions. He swore that from this day forward he would always study for tests.
a. Julio had an exam and promised that he will study the next time.
b. Julio liked to watch TV so he spent most of his time watching TV shows.
c. Julio watched television instead of studying for his History exam so he could not answer the test. He swore to
always study.
d. Julio did not pass the exam
_____9. Cats are affectionate, cute, and independent. Unlike dogs, cats can stay alone if you go away
on a trip. They do not need to be walked and are easy to potty train. Also, cats do not bark, so
your neighbors will not have any noise to complain about. If someone wants to have a pet, a
cat is great choice.
a. Cats are great pets because they are better than dogs.
b. Dogs are a lot of work because they always bark and need a walk.
c. Cats are affectionate, cute and independent. Cats are great pets because they don’t need a lot of work or disturb
d. None of the above
_____10. Exercise is crucial to our lives. Doctors recommend we exercise at least two times a week.
Exercise does not necessarily need to be done in the gym; it can consist of an outdoor walk or
bike ride. It does not only control weight, but it combats many health conditions and diseases.
Another added benefit to exercise is its mood boosting qualities.
a. Bike riding is good exercise. It is the best exercise to improve weight loss and improve one’s mood.
b. Exercise can be done anywhere and the doctors recommend to do it all the time. You must choose the best
exercise for you.
c. Exercise is important and doctors recommend to do it at least two times a week. Different forms of exercise
can help improve weight control, health and mood.
d. Exercise controls weight gaining
_____11. In earlier days those who had overseas business which they believed should be discussed
personally, took ship and set out across the briny deep. Once aboard they transacted their
affairs, engaging in commercial and social matters or conducting government business.
Today ships and passengers continue to sail the seven seas, and airplanes soar overhead. But
above them all, words speed through the sky – telephone conversations quickly bring together
in the most personal fashion people who are separated by thousands of miles.
a. Overseas telephone service today is ruling out all need for overseas travel.
b. Nothing can take the place of person-to-person conversation in settling business, social, and government
c. Many conversations which once required overseas travel can now be conducted by telephone.
d. Even with modern overseas telephone service people continue to travel abroad by ship or by plane.
_____12. The attitudes of Americans toward gambling are amazingly contradictory. You may find, for
example, that horse racing is legal in your state, but that you cannot legally play poker for
money on your front porch; bookies may be prosecuted by state law, but they are supposed
to purchase a federal license nonetheless; one church condemns gambling, while another
raises money by sponsoring Bingo games. Gambling laws are inconsistent from state to state
or even from town to town and are very difficult to enforce.
a. Americans have negative attitudes toward gambling.
b. Gambling laws are difficult to enforce
c. Gambling laws are inconsistent from community to community.
d. Churches do not have uniform ideas about gambling.

_____13. Tea is the world’s second most popular drink after water. Tea is a big part of the Chinese
culture. A Chinese saying identifies the seven basic daily necessities as fuel, rice, oil, salt, soy
sauce, \vinegar, and tea. According to Chinese legend, tea was invented accidentally by
the Chinese Emperor Shen Nong in 2737 B.C. China is one of the main producers of tea, and
tea remains China’s national drink.
a. Why tea is so popular
b. The importance of tea in the Chinese culture
c. The health benefits of tea
d. Drinking water is good for you
_____14. Which of the following rules in making a precis will help you understand what the main ideas
and motives of the author are?
a. Make a list of the used evidence
b. Highlights the main features, arguments and points
c. Attentively read the source text
d. Research any information you find unfamiliar.
_____15. When you need to have a clear understanding of what you are writing about, which of the
following rules you need to do?
a. Make a list of the used evidence
b. Highlights the main features, arguments and points
c. Attentively read the source text
d. Research any information you find unfamiliar.
_____16. Which of the following rules will help you concentrate on the work and stick to a proper précis
a. Make a list of the used evidence
b. Highlights the main features, arguments and points
c. Attentively read the source text
d. Research any information you find unfamiliar.
_____17. Which of the following best defines paraphrasing?
a. Rephrasing an original statement
b. Summarizing and shortening
c. Stealing someone else’s words
d. A type or summarization
_____18. Which of the following is the best possible paraphrasing of this statement?
We were able to save the day thanks to teamwork and innovative thinking
a. We saved the day with teamwork and creative thinking
b. Because we worked together and used innovation, we made it work
c. Thanks to innovative thinking and teamwork, we were able to save the day
d. We were able to save the day together
_____19. When can paraphrasing be used?
a. In a documentary
b. On a news report
c. In a formal essay
d. All of the above
_____20. Paraphrasing can help you avoid _____________. It is taking another person’s ideas or words
and presenting them as your own. This is not only a serious academic offense, but it is also
illegal in many cases. Use your own words when you write, and always give credit to others
whose ideas you use.
a. Getting in trouble
b. Plagiarism
c. Cheating
d. Pledging

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