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Molecular Microbiology (2012) 83(6), 1210–1228 䊏 doi:10.1111/j.1365-2958.2012.08003.

First published online 22 February 2012

SlrA/SinR/SlrR inhibits motility gene expression upstream of

a hypersensitive and hysteretic switch at the level of sD in
Bacillus subtilis mmi_8003 1210..1228

Loralyn M. Cozy,1 Andrew M. Phillips,1 sustaining patterns of gene expression. While obvious
Rebecca A. Calvo,1 Ashley R. Bate,2 within the three dimensional tissues of multicellular eukar-
Yi-Huang Hsueh,1 Richard Bonneau,2 yotes, development in bacteria is difficult to detect as it
Patrick Eichenberger2 and Daniel B. Kearns1* commonly manifests as freely mixing differentiated sub-
Indiana University, Department of Biology, Bloomington, populations. Molecular techniques with single cell resolu-
IN 47405, USA. tion have revealed bacterial development in the form of
New York University, Center for Genomics and heterogeneity at the level of gene expression in which cells
Systems Biology, Department of Biology, 12 Waverly exist in either ON or OFF states for a variety of phenotypes
Place, 8th floor, New York, NY 10003, USA. (Dubnau and Losick, 2006). The maintenance of two dis-
tinct epigenetic subpopulations has been attributed to
a regulatory phenomenon known as bistability (Ferrell,
Summary 2002). Bistability arises from the stochastic variation of key
Exponentially growing Bacillus subtilis cultures are genetic regulators relative to a critical threshold (Swain
epigenetically differentiated into two subpopulations et al., 2002; Kaern et al., 2005). Hypersensitivity of the
in which cells are either ON or OFF for sD-dependent regulator creates a molecular hair-trigger such that the
gene expression: a pattern suggestive of bistability. system sharply transitions to the ON state once a threshold
The gene encoding sD, sigD, is part of the 31-gene is exceeded. Hysteresis reinforces state acquisition and
fla/che operon where its location at the 3⬘ end, 25 kb resists switching to the opposite state by engagement of
away from the strong Pfla/che promoter, determines its positive or negative regulatory feedback loops (Becskei
expression level relative to a threshold. Here we show et al., 2001; Smits et al., 2006). Whereas hysteresis
that addition of a single extra copy of the slrA gene in makes bistable systems robust by maintaining state choice
the chromosome inhibited sD-dependent gene expres- over many generations, hypersensitivity governs initial
sion. SlrA together with SinR and SlrR reduced sigD entrance of a cell to the ON or OFF state (Ferrell, 2002).
transcript by potentiating a distance-dependent Growing populations of Bacillus subtilis bifurcate into ON
decrease in fla/che operon transcript abundance that and OFF cell types with respect to the expression of
was not mediated by changes in expression from the flagellar genes under the control of the alternative sigma
Pfla/che promoter. Consistent with acting upstream of sD, factor, sD (Kearns and Losick, 2005). Cells that have high
SlrA/SinR/SlrR was bypassed by artificial ectopic levels of sD are ON for the expression of genes encoding
expression of sigD and hysteretically maintained for the flagellar filament protein (Hag) and cell-separating
20 generations by engaging the sigD gene at the native autolysins (LytC and LytF); consequently the cells are
locus. SlrA/SinR/SlrR was also bypassed by increas- motile and separated from one another (Mirel and Cham-
ing fla/che transcription and resulted in a hypersensi- berlin, 1989; Lazarevic et al., 1992; Margot et al., 1999;
tive output in flagellin expression. Thus, flagellin gene Kearns and Losick, 2005; Chen et al., 2009). Cells that
expression demonstrated hypersensitivity and hyster- have a low level of sD are OFF for sD-dependent genes and
esis and we conclude that sD-dependent gene expres- grow in long, non-motile chains (Helmann et al., 1988;
sion is bistable. Márquez et al., 1990; Cozy and Kearns, 2010). Differen-
tiation of the two subpopulations depends on whether
Introduction transcription of the gene encoding sD, sigD, exceeds a
critical threshold that depends on the native location of
Development is the differentiation of clonal cells into one sigD at the end of the 31-gene, 25 kb fla/che operon
or more specialized cell types by epigenetic and self- (Fig. 1; Márquez-Magaña and Chamberlin, 1994; Cozy
Accepted 31 January, 2012. *For correspondence. E-mail dbkearns@ and Kearns, 2010; Lim et al., 2011). Transcription of the; Tel. (+1) 812 856 2523; Fax (+1) 812 855 6705. fla/che operon is primarily directed by a strong
© 2012 Blackwell Publishing Ltd
Motility development in B. subtilis is bistable 1211

SlrA SinR SlrR
Pfla/che “fla/che operon”
flgB flgC fliE fliF fliG fliH fliI fliJ ylxF fliK ylxG flgE fliL fliM fliY cheY fliZ fliP fliQ fliR flhB flhA flhF ylxH cheB cheA cheW cheC cheD sigD swrB cfp

SwrB σD
PD-3 DegU-P
PflgM PlytA PlytF Phag Phag

flgM lytA lytB lytC lytF hag yfp

Flagellar hook/basal body FlgM SinR•SlrR SinR•SlrR SinR•SlrR

Fig. 1. The regulatory architecture governing sD-dependent gene expression. Block arrows represent open reading frames. Bent arrows
represent promoters. Dashed line indicates fla/che operon transcript. Straight arrows represent positive genetic interaction. T-bars represent
negative genetic interaction. Gray lines indicate the region of the fla/che operon that encodes proteins required for the assembly of the
flagellar hook basal body. To support Fig. 5B, three arrows representing genes encoding the fluorophores mCherry (mcherry), CFP (cfp) and
YFP (yfp) are also indicated to show how and where each reporter fits into the regulatory hierarchy.

sA-dependent promoter (Pfla/che) with a weaker, auxiliary The simultaneous maintenance of ON cells and OFF
sD-dependent promoter (PD-3) upstream (Estacio et al., cells in a population is indicative of, but does not defini-
1998; West et al., 2000). Isolation of ON and OFF sub- tively support, the mechanism of bistability. Here we find
populations of a SwrA mutant (see below) revealed that that providing a single extra copy of the gene encoding
both cell types experienced a gradual decrease in fla/che SlrA, a small protein antagonist of SinR, abolishes
operon transcript abundance from the front to the back of expression of the entire sD regulon. We further show
the operon, but that ON cells had a greater amount of that SlrA requires SinR and SlrR to inhibit fla/che
fla/che transcript initially (Cozy and Kearns, 2010). Thus, transcript abundance upstream of the sigD gene and
whether sigD expression exceeded a threshold appeared that SlrA/SinR/SlrR may be bypassed by artificial sigD
to depend on the combination of transcription magnitude of expression. We then use strains expressing an extra
the fla/che operon, the gradual decrease in transcript copy of slrA as tools to demonstrate that sD-dependent
abundance along the operon, and the location of the sigD gene expression is both hypersensitive and hysteretic.
gene. We conclude that the switch governing the motile/non-
A variety of proteins control sD-dependent gene expres- motile state choice is bistable under the control of the sD
sion (Fig. 1). The activity of sD is held in check by the alternative sigma factor.
anti-sigma factor FlgM, and FlgM antagonism is relieved
upon assembly of flagellar hook/basal body, encoded by
genes early in the fla/che operon (Hughes et al., 1993; Results
Barillà et al., 1994; Kutsukake, 1994; Caramori et al.,
SlrA inhibits flagellin expression by inhibiting sD protein
1996). Furthermore, some genes activated by sD, such as
those encoding flagellin and cell separating autolysins, are
repressed by a heterodimer of two DNA binding proteins The motility alternative sigma factor, sD, is required for the
called SlrR and SinR (Chai et al., 2010a; 2010b). Finally, expression of a regulon of genes including genes encoding
two poorly understood proteins SwrA and SwrB increase late flagellum biosynthesis proteins and peptidoglycan-
the number of cells ON for sD-dependent gene expression. remodeling, cell-separating enzymes called autolysins
SwrA is thought to act upstream of sD by activating expres- (Márquez et al., 1990). The activity of sD can be monitored
sion from the Pfla/che promoter and SwrB is thought to act with the sD-dependent reporter of flagellin (hag) expres-
downstream of sD by enhancing sD activity via an unknown sion, Phag–lacZ. Whereas wild-type colonies with Phag–lacZ
mechanism (Werhane et al., 2004; Kearns and Losick, were blue when grown on media containing X-gal, colonies
2005). When both SwrA and SwrB are mutated, nearly all simultaneously mutated for swrA and swrB, encoding the
cells in the population are turned OFF (Kearns and Losick, activators of sD-dependent gene expression SwrA and
2005). How all of the various regulators combine to SwrB respectively, appeared pale blue to white (Fig. 2A)
produce a biased population remains unclear. (Kearns and Losick, 2005). To find other regulators of

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1212 L. M. Cozy et al. 䊏

swrA swrB

swrA swrB slrA (slrA+) (slrA+) (slrA+) (slrA+) (slrA+)
swrB slrA (slrA+) (slrA+) slrA remA remB sinR slrR
B PslrA

ywcC slrA ywcB

Standard Activity (MU)

slrA (slrA+)


Fig. 2. SlrA inhibits sD-dependent gene expression.

A. The indicated genetic backgrounds were plated on media containing the chromogenic substrate X-gal, incubated overnight at 37°C and
photographed. b-Galactosidase assays of Phag–lacZ transcriptional activity were conducted in the same genetic backgrounds as the colony
pictures above each bar and expressed in Miller Units (Table S4). Error bars are the standard deviation of three replicates. The following
strains were used to generate this panel: wild type (DS2746), swrA swrB (DS2748), swrA swrB slrA (DS9243), swrA swrB slrA (slrA+)
(DS9244) (slrA+) (DS9242) (slrA+) slrA (DS7929) (slrA+) remA (DS7846) (slrA+) remB (DS7845) (slrA+) sinR (DS9331) (slrA+) slrR (DS7932).
Note: an epsH mutation was introduced to the (slrA+) sinR strain in order to abolish excessive cell cohesion and permit b-galactosidase
B. Map of the region surrounding slrA. Block arrows represent open reading frames. Bent arrows represent promoters. Black triangles
represent the location of transposon insertion (DS3446 and DS3452). Double T-bar represents the region of DNA used for complementation of
slrA, referred to as (slrA+).

sD-dependent gene expression, the swrA swrB double sD-dependent genes and grew as chains (Fig. 3A and B).
mutant background was mutagenized with transposons Mutation of slrA in the swrA swrB double mutant back-
and screened for insertions that resulted in enhanced blue ground also failed to reduce cell chaining and did not
colony colour. Fifteen of seventeen transposons that increase Phag–GFP expression (Fig. 3C). Thus, in liquid-
enhanced blue colony colour disrupted either the DegS/ based assays, neither b-galactosidase enzymatic mea-
DegU two-component system which activates the PflgM surements nor GFP fluorescence microscopy explained
promoter and expresses the anti-sD anti-sigma factor the enhanced blue colony colour observed in the original
FlgM, or separated the PflgM promoter from the DegU- screen. We infer that the effect of the slrA mutation in a
phosphate binding site (Fig. 1; Hsueh et al., 2011). The swrA swrB mutant background was either subtle, or had
final two transposon insertions that restored blue colony maximal effect at timepoints in the B. subtilis growth curve
colour were found in the open reading frame, slrA, encod- beyond our limited measurements at mid-log phase.
ing SlrA, a small protein antagonist of the DNA binding To further explore the reason that mutation of slrA
protein and master regulator of biofilm formation, SinR appeared to restore Phag–lacZ expression to the swrA
(Fig. 2A and B; Kobayashi, 2008; Chai et al., 2009). swrB double mutant, slrA was mutated in backgrounds
Despite the fact that mutation of slrA restored blue separately mutated for either swrA or swrB alone. Muta-
colony colour to the swrA swrB double mutant on solid tion of swrB decreased the number of cells in the popu-
media containing X-gal, no increase in log phase lation that expressed Phag–GFP compared to wild type,
b-galactosidase activity was observed in liquid media in and simultaneous mutation of swrB and slrA resulted in a
the same genetic background (Fig. 2A). Expression of population that resembled swrB alone (Fig. 3D and E).
sD-dependent genes is heterogeneous in log phase cul- Mutation of swrA decreased the number of cells in the
tures of B. subtilis however, and heterogeneity can population that expressed Phag–GFP as well, but simulta-
obscure subpopulation level effects on gene expression neous mutation of swrA and slrA resulted in a population
(Kearns and Losick, 2005). To assess the effect of an slrA that resembled the wild type (Fig. 3F and G). Thus, muta-
mutation in the swrA swrB background at the individual tion of slrA increased the number of cells in the population
cell level, a fluorescent reporter for sD-dependent gene that express Phag–GFP in the absence of SwrA but not
expression, Phag–GFP, was integrated at an ectopic loca- SwrB. We infer that the original screen to bypass the swrA
tion in the chromosome (lacA::Phag–GFP). Wild-type swrB double mutant was stringent but sufficiently sensi-
populations were heterogeneous for Phag–GFP expres- tive to detect the effect of mutating slrA on bypassing the
sion, whereas simultaneous mutation of swrA and swrB absence of SwrA alone. We conclude that SlrA is an
resulted in a population that failed to express inhibitor of sD-dependent gene expression. We infer that

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Motility development in B. subtilis is bistable 1213

overlay membrane GFP Fig. 3. SlrA inhibits Phag expression in a subpopulation of swrA
cells. Exponentially growing populations containing a sD-dependent
92% reporter lacA::Phag–GFP in wild type (A, DS9294), swrA swrB (B,
DS9344), swrA swrB slrA (C, DS9358), swrB (D, DS9343), swrB
wild slrA (E, DS9357), swrA (F, DS9342), swrA slrA (G, DS9356), swrA
A type slrA (slrA+) (H, DS9381) and (slrA+) (I, DS9334). Cells were
observed using fluorescence microscopy. Membranes were false
coloured red and the Phag–GFP reporter was false coloured green.
The percentage of ON cells from greater than 600 cells counted in
0% the population is indicated in the upper right hand corner of the
overlay panels. Scale bar is 2 mm.
B swrB
sion of slrA from its native promoter at the ectopic amyE
site (slrA+) abolished expression of Phag–GFP in the swrA
0% mutant background (Fig. 3H) and reduced expression of
Phag–lacZ reporter relative to the swrA swrB slrA triple
C swrB
slrA mutant (Fig. 2A). In each case, however, introduction of
the (slrA+) complementation construct appeared to have a
dominant effect as it reduced expression of the Phag
74% reporters below that of either the swrA single mutant or
the swrA swrB double mutant parental strains. Further-
D swrB
more, introduction of the (slrA+) complementation con-
struct as an extra copy into an otherwise wild-type
background dramatically reduced Phag–lacZ reporter activ-
69% ity to render colonies white on media containing X-gal and
swrB diminish b-galactosidase activity in liquid culture (Fig. 2A).
E slrA Cytologically, an extra copy of slrA also abolished
Phag–GFP expression and made the population grow con-
stitutively as long chains that often formed skeins (Figs 3I
48% and 4). We conclude that inhibition by SlrA is potent
because a single extra copy of slrA in the chromosome
F swrA was sufficient to dramatically diminish sD-dependent gene
expression in wild-type cells.
One way in which the single extra copy of slrA could
96% cause reduced sD-dependent gene expression is through
swrA reduced sD protein accumulation. To assess sD protein
G slrA levels, protein from whole cell lysates of wild type, a strain
mutant for sigD, and a strain containing an extra copy of
slrA were separated by SDS-PAGE and probed using
0% anti-sD and anti-sA antibodies. Whereas the vegetative
H slrA
(slrA+) wild type (slrA+)


I (slrA+)

SlrA acts in the same pathway as SwrA, and like SwrA,

SlrA may act upstream of sigD expression.
To confirm that mutation of slrA was necessary for the
Fig. 4. An extra copy of slrA causes severe chaining. Phase
increased frequency of sD-dependent gene expression, microscopy of wild type (3610) and (slrA+) (DS1578) cells during
we genetically complemented the slrA mutation. Expres- exponential growth. Scale bar is 5 mm.

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1214 L. M. Cozy et al. 䊏

Phase Pfla/che-mCherry fla/cheΩCFP Phag-YFP Merge


WT sigD (slrA+)(slrA+)




(slrA+) slrR

C 10
(slrA+) slrR D 300
B-galactosidase activity (MU)
Expression relative to sigA


0.1 wild type 150


0.001 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 WT (slrA+) (slrA+) slrR
flgB fliG fliY sigD
Distance (kb)
Fig. 5. SlrA inhibits fla/che operon transcript levels.
A. Proteins from whole cell lysates of wild type (3610), sigD (DS6420), (slrA+) (DS1578), and (slrA+) slrR (DS3113) were separated by
SDS-PAGE and probed by Western blot with anti-FliG, anti-FliY, anti-sD, anti-Hag or anti-sA primary antibody and indicated by a black triangle.
Open triangle indicates a non-specific cross reacting band for anti-sD.
B. Three transcriptional reporters, PD-3Pfla/che–mCherry (false colour red), fla/cheWCFP (false colour blue) and Phag–YFP (false colour green),
were introduced into wild type (DS3139) (slrA+) (DS6335) and (slrA+) slrR (DS7944) as indicated by the coloured arrows in Fig. 1. Cells were
grown to exponential phase and observed using phase and fluorescence microscopy. Scale bar is 2 mm.
C. Total RNA was purified from wild type (3610, dashed line) (slrA+) (DS1578, open circles) and (slrA+) slrR (DS3113, closed circles) genetic
backgrounds and used as a template for quantitative reverse transcriptase PCR. Dots on the graph represent transcript levels for (in operon
order) flgB, flgC, fliE, fliF, fliG, flgE, fliK, fliY, fliZ, fliR, flhA, cheB, cheW, cheD and sigD at the indicated distances from the Pfla/che promoter.
Transcript levels were quantified using chromomsomal DNA to generate a standard curve and normalized to the expression of the sigA gene
encoding the housekeeping sigma factor, sA.
D. PD-3Pfla/che expression is unchanged by an extra copy of slrA in the chromosome. The indicated genetic backgrounds were used for
b-galactosidase assays of PD-3Pfla/che–lacZ transcriptional activity and expressed in Miller Units (Table S5). Error bars are the standard deviation
of three replicates. The following strains were used to generate this panel: wild type (DS611) (slrA+) (DS3269), DslrR (DS8625) (slrA+) DslrR

sigma factor, sA, was constant in all samples, sD protein SlrA inhibits sD protein accumulation by inhibiting fla/che
accumulation was dramatically reduced in both the sigD operon transcript levels through SinR/SlrR
mutant and slrA extra copy backgrounds (Fig. 5A). We
conclude that one way in which SlrA inhibits sD-dependent To test if SlrA inhibited sD protein accumulation at the level
gene expression is by reducing sD protein levels. of sigD gene expression, we created a strain background

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Motility development in B. subtilis is bistable 1215

carrying three fluorescent reporters at three levels of the To search for genes under control of SlrA that might
flagellar regulatory hierarchy (Fig. 1). To monitor the 5′ account for the decrease in fla/che operon transcript
end of the fla/che operon, a transcriptional fusion between abundance, transcriptional profiling was conducted. RNA
PD-3Pfla/che promoter and the gene encoding red fluores- was purified from growing cells of wild-type and from
cent protein (mCherry) was integrated at the ectopic thrC growing cells of a strain containing an extra copy of slrA,
locus (thrC::PD-3Pfla/che–mCherry). To monitor the 3′ end of differentially labelled, and compared on an oligo-based
the fla/che operon where the sigD gene is located, the genome-wide DNA microarray. Consistent with previous
gene encoding cyan fluorescent protein (CFP) was inte- reports, SlrA not only inhibited expression of certain
grated as a transcriptional fusion at the native site after sD-dependent genes but appeared to inhibit the entire sD
the last gene of the operon (fla/cheWCFP). To monitor regulon and, as suggested above, was a potent inhibitor
sD-dependent gene expression, a transcriptional fusion of the fla/che operon (Table 1, Table S1) (Kobayashi,
between Phag and the gene encoding yellow fluorescent 2008). Also consistent with previous reports, SlrA acti-
protein (YFP) was integrated at the ectopic lacA locus vated genes required for biofilm formation (Table 2,
(lacA::Phag–YFP). Wild-type cells uniformly expressed the Table S1) (Kobayashi, 2008; Chai et al., 2009). We
PD-3Pfla/che reporter, but heterogeneously expressed report- hypothesized that SlrA might diminish fla/che transcript
ers for the 3′ end of the operon and the sD-dependent Phag abundance downstream of promoter initiation by activa-
reporter (Fig. 5B, Cozy and Kearns, 2010). When a single tion of RNA turnover enzymes, activation of an RNA
extra copy of slrA was introduced into this background, polymerase termination factor, or inhibition of an RNA
PD-3Pfla/che expression was not reduced, but expression of polymerase elongation factor (Roberts et al., 2008; Silva
the 3′ end of the operon as well as Phag were reduced et al., 2011). No proteins overtly associated with RNA
below the level of detection (Fig. 5B, slrA+). We conclude stability or transcript elongation appeared to be under the
that SlrA lowers sD protein levels by decreasing sigD gene control of SlrA. Perhaps, SlrA regulates RNA elongation/
expression. turnover at the post-transcriptional level or the factor that
An extra copy of slrA appeared to reduce sigD gene reduces fla/che operon transcript abundance may be
expression within the fla/che operon downstream of the encoded among the various proteins and small RNAs of
Pfla/che promoter. To determine where within the fla/che unknown function under SlrA control.
operon inhibition by SlrA was occurring, total RNA was To find components required to inhibit fla/che transcript
purified from wild-type cells and from cells with an extra levels that were epistatic to SlrA, a strain containing an
copy of slrA, and quantitative reverse transcriptase PCR extra copy of slrA and a Phag–lacZ reporter that normally
(qRT-PCR) was performed using primers specific to 15 grows as white colonies on media containing X-gal was
different genes along the operon. Cells with an extra mutagenized with transposons and screened for colonies
copy of slrA showed reduced transcript abundance with increased blue colony colour. Insertion in either the
throughout the operon relative to wild-type that was native or ectopic copy of slrA restored reporter expression
dependent on the distance from the Pfla/che promoter and to wild-type levels (Fig. 2A). In addition, insertions in
culminated in a 20-fold reduction at the sigD gene remA, remB, sinR and slrR genes all restored reporter
(Fig. 5C). Consistent with a decrease in fla/che operon expression to a level equal to or greater than wild type
transcript levels, cells containing an extra copy of slrA (Fig. 2A, Table 3). Mutations that bypassed the extra copy
also showed reduced levels of two proteins encoded of slrA seemed to have in common a relationship to the
within the operon, FliG and FliY (Fig. 5A). It is notewor- transcription factor SlrR: SlrR was directly mutated in the
thy that the effect of slrA extra copy manifested as far screen, RemA and RemB both activate expression of the
forward in the operon as the first gene flgB which expe- SlrR protein, and SinR forms a co-repressing heterodimer
rienced a fivefold decrease in transcript abundance with SlrR to inhibit expression of autolysin genes (Fig. 1)
(Fig. 5C). The inhibitory effect of SlrA was not observed (Winkelman et al., 2009; Chai et al., 2010a). We focused
at the level of initiation at the Pfla/che promoter as an extra our work on the epistasis between SlrA and SlrR because
copy of the slrA gene in the chromomsome had no a relationship between SlrA, SinR and SlrR has been
discernable effect on the expression of an ectopically previously reported and we inferred that SlrR was the
integrated Pfla/che–lacZ reporter fusion (Fig. 5D). We con- most downstream component of all the genes identified in
clude that SlrA inhibits transcript abundance of the entire the bypass screen (Kobayashi, 2008; Chai et al., 2009).
fla/che operon following transcription initiation and in a To explore the epistatic relationship between slrA and
manner dependent on the distance from the Pfla/che pro- slrR with regards to fla/che operon expression, an slrR
moter. We further conclude that the decrease in fla/che mutation was introduced into a background with an
transcript abundance accounts for the low levels sigD extra copy of slrA and fla/che operon expression was
transcript, the low levels of sD protein, and inhibition of examined cytologically using a strain containing three
sD-dependent gene expression. fluorophores in the motility hierarchy. Mutation of slrR

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1216 L. M. Cozy et al. 䊏

Table 1. Genes inhibited by SlrA.

Gene Fold Annotation Gene Fold Annotation

(fla/che operon) (sD-regulon)

flgB 12.5 fla/che operon, flagellar rod yvyF 5.3 Unknown (sD)
flgC 13.4 fla/che operon, flagellar rod flgM 11.4 Flagellar anti-simga factor (sD)
fliE 23.5 fla/che operon, flagellar basal body flgN 10.7 Flagellar hook chaperone (sD)
fliF 15.9 fla/che operon, flagellar basal body flgL 11.4 Flagellar hook associated protein (sD)
fliG 22.0 fla/che operon, flagellar rotor flgK 13.3 Flagellar hook associated protein (sD)
fliH 27.5 fla/che operon, flagellar secretion yviE 4.2 Unknown (sD)
fliI 83.5 fla/che operon, flagellar secretion hag 157.4 Flagellin (sD)
fliJ 69.5 fla/che operon, flagellar secretion yvyC 35.3 Unknown (sD)
ylxF 54.3 fla/che operon, Unknown fliD 20.2 Flagellin cap (sD)
fliK 65.6 fla/che operon, hook length regulator fliS 24.5 Flagellin chaperone (sD)
ylxG 97.8 fla/che operon, putative hook cap fliT 21.2 Flagellin cap chaperone (sD)
flgE 58.1 fla/che operon, hook protein smiA 16.4 Swarming motility inhibitor (sD)
ylzI 79.6 fla/che operon, Unknown motA 48.2 Flagellar motor protein (sD)
fliL 75.3 fla/che operon, Unknown motB 34.6 Flagellar motor protein (sD)
fliM 71.8 fla/che operon, flagellar switch complex flhO 5.8 Flagellar hook-like protein (sD)
fliY 55.9 fla/che operon, flagellar switch complex flhP 7.4 Flagellar hook-like protein (sD)
cheY 11.1 fla/che operon, chemotaxis yfmT 82.3 Putative dehydrogenase (sD)
fliZ 38.4 fla/che operon, Unknown yfmS 82.1 MCP (sD)
fliP 32.4 fla/che operon, flagellar secretion mcpA 24.5 MCP (sD)
fliQ 59.6 fla/che operon, flagellar secretion mcpB 13.5 MCP (sD)
fliR 58.6 fla/che operon, flagellar secretion mcpC 39.4 MCP (sD)
flhB 37.1 fla/che operon, flagellar secretion hemAT 34.3 MCP (sD)
flhA 55.1 fla/che operon, flagellar secretion tlpA 6.9 MCP homologue (sD)
flhF 31.3 fla/che operon, Unknown tlpC 9.9 MCP homologue (sD)
ylxH 40.2 fla/che operon, Unknown yvaQ 3.7 MCP homologue (sD)
cheB 51.6 fla/che operon, chemotaxis cheV 6.0 Chemotaxis (sD)
cheA 44.4 fla/che operon, chemotaxis epr 6.8 Extracellular protease (sD)
cheW 26.7 fla/che operon, chemotaxis pgdS 15.2 Poly-g-glutamate hydrolase (sD)
cheC 34.6 fla/che operon, chemotaxis ybdO 4.8 Unknown (sD)
cheD 30.8 fla/che operon, chemotaxis yjfB 18.3 Unknown (sD)
sigD 9.6 fla/che operon, sD sigma factor ylqB 15.4 Unknown (sD)
swrB 7.0 fla/che operon, swarming motility yscB 8.6 Unknown (sD)
(Miscellaneous) yxkC 19.4 Unknown (sD)
cgeD 5.3 Glycosyltransferase, sporulation (Autolysin cluster)
cgeE 4.8 Unknown, sporulation lytA 2.7 Unknown (sD)
liaH 5.2 Unknown lytB 14.5 Autolysin facilitator protein (sD)
liaI 6.0 Putative permease lytC 20.9 Autolysin (sD)
maeN 3.1 Sodium/malate symporter lytD 6.9 Autolysin (sD)
mtlD 2.9 Mannitol-1-phosphate 5-dehydrogenase lytF 18.2 Autolysin, cell separation (sD)
mtlF 4.0 Mannitol PTS enzyme IIA iseA 6.1 Autoslyin inhibitor protein
pspA 3.0 Phage shock protein A (Surfactin cluster)
rapB 6.5 Rap phosphatase srfAA 3.9 Surfactin synthesis
sdpA 3.4 SDP bacteriocin secretion srfAB 4.1 Surfactin synthesis
spo0M 6.6 Unknown srfAC 4.1 Surfactin synthesis
ybfK 3.4 Carboxylesterase NP srfAD 3.4 Unknown
ydjG 3.0 Putative phage replication protein comS 3.9 MecA chaperone antagonist
ydjH 3.1 Unknown comK 2.9 Transcription factor, competence
ydjI 3.3 Putative flotillin (wapA cluster)
yheJ 4.0 Unknown wapA 3.2 protease, wall-associated
yjcM 16.2 Unknown, Putative amidase yxxG 4.0 Unknown
yjfA 2.5 Unknown yxiF 3.8 Unknown
ykoW 4.4 GGDEF/EAL containing protein yxiG 3.4 Unknown
yolA 9.3 Unknown yxiH 3.1 Unknown
yolB 8.0 Unknown yxzG 3.0 Unknown
ypfA 3.4 Unknown yxiI 2.6 Unknown
ypfB 5.6 Unknown yxiJ 2.6 Unknown
yuaG 4.4 Putative flotillin yxiM 2.5 Unknown
yuaI 4.3 Putative acetyltransferase (sRNA)
ythQ 3.3 Putative ABC transport permease RNA61 2.8 Between yxjI and yxjH
ytxE 3.6 Flagellar-motor sodium channel RNA62 3.2 Between yxjH and yxjG
yvbX 5.6 Putative peptidoglycan epimerase
yvlA 4.6 Unknown
yydF 3.4 Peptide controlling LiaRS sensor

Genes assigned to functional categories in bold. (sD) indicates genes previously identified as being expressed under the control of sD (Serizawa
et al., 2004; Kearns and Losick, 2005).

© 2012 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Molecular Microbiology, 83, 1210–1228

Motility development in B. subtilis is bistable 1217

Table 2. Genes activated by SlrA. restored expression of the CFP reporter integrated at the
3′ end of the fla/che operon as well as the sD-dependent
Gene Fold Annotation
Phag–YFP reporter (Fig. 5B). Furthermore, Western blot
(Biofilm, polymer cluster) analysis revealed that mutation of slrR in the slrA extra-
epsA 4.4 EPS synthesis, putative length regulator copy background restored protein accumulation of FliG,
epsB 4.2 EPS synthesis, putative tyrosine kinase
epsC 6.6 EPS synthesis, epimerase/dehydratase FliY, sD and flagellin (Hag) to near wild-type levels
epsD 8.1 EPS synthesis, glycosyltransferase (Fig. 5A). Consistent with the cytological and protein
epsE 8.9 EPS synthesis and flagellar clutch accumulation observations, quantitative measurement of
epsF 15.0 EPS synthesis, glycosyltransferase
epsG 14.3 EPS synthesis, Unknown fla/che operon transcript abundance showed that muta-
epsH 12.7 EPS synthesis, glycosyltransferase tion of slrR restored the fla/che operon expression to
epsI 12.6 EPS synthesis, pyruvyltransferase levels comparable to wild-type (Fig. 5C). Although muta-
epsJ 16.9 EPS synthesis, glycosyltransferase
epsK 16.3 EPS synthesis, putative flippase tion of slrR restored fla/che operon transcript levels in the
epsL 15.0 EPS synthesis, glycosyltransferase presence of an extra copy of slrA, no change in expres-
epsM 15.0 EPS synthesis, acetyltransferase sion was detected using promoter fusions of PD-3Pfla/che to
epsN 12.4 EPS synthesis, aminotransferase
epsO 7.6 EPS synthesis, pyruvyltransferase either mCherry or lacZ (Fig. 5B and D). We conclude that
slrR 3.5 Regulator of EPS synthesis/motility SlrA/SinR/SlrR inhibits fla/che operon transcript levels
tapA 4.4 TasA anchoring protein after the initiation of transcription from the PD-3Pfla/che
sipW 6.2 TapA/TasA signal peptidase
tasA 7.5 Extracellular amyloid fibre promoter. Furthermore, we infer that SlrA/SinR/SlrR inhib-
pgsB 15.1 Poly-g-glutamate synthase its sD-dependent gene expression at two levels, by inhib-
pgsC 17.7 Poly-g-glutamate synthase iting sigD transcription post-initiation and by inhibiting
pgsA 14.9 Poly-g-glutamate synthase
pgsE 11.1 Poly-g-glutamate synthase the assembly of flagellar hook/basal body complexes
bglC 8.6 Endo-b-1,4-glucanase (encoded within the fla/che operon) that antagonize the
pelB 4.2 Pectate lyase sD-antagonist FlgM (Fig. 1).
yoaJ 7.5 Putative extracellular endoglucanase
slrA 7.9* Regulator of EPS synthesis/motility
(Miscellaneous) sD is hysteretic for the activation of Phag expression
catD 4.6 Catechol-2,3-dioxygenase
catE 3.9 Catechol 2,3-dioxygenase All our observations suggested that SlrA inhibited Phag
pksJ 4.4 Polyketide synthase
ung 2.8 Uracil DNA-glycosylase expression upstream of sD protein production by reducing
yjiA 5.1 Unknown fla/che transcript levels. We wondered whether artificial
yraJ 4.3 Unknown expression of sigD was sufficient to bypass the inhibitory
yvkA 3.0 Putative multidrug efflux pump
yvkB 3.6 Putative TetR-like transcription fractor effect of slrA. An artificial expression construct was gen-
yvkC 5.5 Putative pyruvate water dikinase erated that fused sigD expression to the IPTG-inducible
ywmC 10.0 Unknown Physpank promoter and was inserted at an ectopic locus
ywmD 5.9 Unknown
(thrC::Physpank–sigD) of a strain containing an extra copy of
The asterisk indicates that slrA activation is elevated in part due to the slrA (amyE::PslrA–slrA). In the absence of sigD induction,
presence of the extra copy included in one strains for comparison. Phag–YFP expression remained OFF and cells grew in
long chains (Fig. 6A). Induction of the sigD artificial
expression construct restored YFP expression to a sub-
population and cells grew in short chains or single cells

Table 3. Transposon insertions that restored Phag–lacZ expression when an extra copy of slrA was present in the genome.

Gene Function of gene product Transposon insertion Transposon insertion site

slrA Inhibitor of motility gene expression TnW7929 TAGTAACCTa

remA Activator of SlrR expression TnW7846 TAGCCTAGTb
remB Activator of SlrR expression TnW7845 TATTACTCT
sinR Co-repressor with SlrR TnW7933 TAGTTCTGA
slrR Inhibitor of motility gene expression TnW7932 TAATATGAAa

a. The transposon inserted between the start codon from the ribosome binding site.
b. The transposon inserted upstream of the ribosome binding site and is likely polar on remA expression.

© 2012 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Molecular Microbiology, 83, 1210–1228

1218 L. M. Cozy et al. 䊏

(slrA+) Physpank-sigD (slrA+) Physpank-sigD ΔflgM Fig. 6. Artificially expressed sD restores

sD-dependent gene expression in the
- IPTG + IPTG - IPTG + IPTG presence of an extra copy of slrA. Vertical
panels A and B show fluorescence
microscopy of DS7228 cells containing the
A B C D sD-dependent reporter Phag–YFP, the

IPTG-inducible promoter fusion Physpank–sigD

and the slrA complementation copy (slrA+).
Vertical panels C and D show fluorescence
microscopy of DS7546 cells with the same
genotype as panels A and B but also includes
a flgM mutation. Cells were grown to
exponential phase in the absence (-) or

presence (+) of 1 mM IPTG. Membrane stain

was false coloured red. Phag–YFP was false
coloured green. Scale bar is 4 mm.

(Fig. 6B). Expression was restricted to a subpopulation the flagellin ON state remained ON for at least 20 gen-
because of the anti-sigma factor FlgM that inhibits sD erations after inducer had been removed (Fig. 7A, ‘WT’).
activity. Mutation of flgM restored Phag expression to all Furthermore, the maintenance of the ON state was
cells in the population whether or not inducer was added dependent on the sigD gene at the native location, as
(Fig. 6C and D). We conclude that artificial expression mutation of native sigD resulted in loss of Phag–YFP fluo-
of sigD bypassed the inhibitory effect of SlrA on Phag rescence within four generations after inducer removal
expression. (Fig. 7A, DsigD). sD-dependent hysteresis of Phag–YFP
Hysteresis is the epigenetic maintenance of a cell’s was also found to occur in strains mutated for swrA
regulatory state over many generations in the absence of (Fig. S1A) and in a subpopulation of a strain wild type for
a stimulus. We wondered whether we could use the fact flgM (Fig. S1B). Direct induction of a fluorescent reporter
that artificial expression of sigD could restore Phag expres- alone from a Physpank promoter (Physpank–GFP) did not
sion in the presence of an extra copy of slrA to test for display hysteresis (Fig. S2). Finally, consistent with SlrA/
hysteresis. To build a strain suitable to detect hysteresis SinR/SlrR acting upstream of sD, hysteretic activation of
of the OFF to ON transition, we created a sigD artificial sD did not change the levels of either the SlrR or SinR
expression construct with enhanced dependence on proteins (Fig. 7B). We conclude that activation of sD was
IPTG induction by mutating the sigD ribosome binding site hysteretic and that hysteresis was maintained by expres-
away from consensus (thrC::Physpank–crRBSsigD). The RBS- sion of the sigD gene within the fla/che operon after arti-
crippled crRBSsigD expression construct was introduced to ficial induction of the ectopic construct was removed.
a strain containing an extra copy of slrA (to increase the The expression of sigD depends on the fla/che pro-
number of cells in the Phag OFF state), a mutation in flgM moter region. We hypothesized that deletion of the fla/che
(to eliminate regulation at the level of sD activity), and a promoter region (PD-3Pfla/che) would mimic deletion of the
Phag–YFP reporter construct (to detect sD-dependent gene sigD gene with respect to hysteresis. To test the promoter
expression). The resulting strain was sensitive to artificial requirement, we deleted a region encompassing the PD-3
sigD induction as the population was largely OFF for promoter, the Pfla/che promoter and the DNA between them
Phag–YFP expression in the absence of IPTG and all ON in the ‘WT’ genetic background from Fig. 7A. Upon induc-
for Phag–YFP expression in the presence of 1 mM IPTG tion of sigD, the population grew exclusively in the ON
(Fig. 7A). state; however, after removal of inducer, outgrowth in
To assay for hysteresis, cells grown in the presence of media lacking IPTG revealed that the sD state of the
IPTG were washed, serially diluted, and allowed to grow population quickly reverted to the uninduced (OFF) phe-
in the absence of IPTG such that the cells would return to notype (DPD-3Pfla/che, Fig. 7A). In contrast, when only the
our standard measurement condition of 0.5 OD600 after a sD-dependent PD-3 promoter was deleted, the population
defined number of generations. Cells that had acquired exhibited hysteresis comparable to that of ‘WT’ (DPD-3,

© 2012 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Molecular Microbiology, 83, 1210–1228

Motility development in B. subtilis is bistable 1219

A ΔflgM (slrA+) Physpank-crRBSsigD Phag-YFP

-IPTG +IPTG 4 10 20
28% 100% 100% 99% 97%


0% 100% 0% 0% 0%
ΔPD-3 ΔPfla/che

5% 100% 97% 5% 2%

39% 100% 100% 99% 99%


B ΔflgM (slrA+) Physpank-crRBSsigD Phag-YFP

“WT” ΔsigD
- + 4 10 20 - + 4 10 20


“WT” ΔsigD
- + 4 10 20 - + 4 10 20


Fig. 7. sD expression is hysteretic for activation of Phag expression.

A. Fluorescence microscopy of cells containing the sD-dependent reporter Phag–YFP (false coloured green) and membrane stained (false
coloured red). Strains were grown to OD600 0.5 in LB with or without 1 mM IPTG. Cells grown with IPTG were then pelleted, washed in LB
without IPTG, and separately serially diluted to make growth back to OD600 0.5 require 4, 10 or 20 generations. The following strains were
used: DS7803, DS7804, DS8243, DS8129. Common genotypes are indicated along the top of each panel with differences indicated vertically.
‘WT’ refers to the genetic background listed above each panel series. Per cent population in the sD-ON state is written in the upper right hand
corner of each panel as determined by counting over 600 cells. Scale bar is 4 mm.
B. Samples were taken from the hysteresis time-course in Fig. 7A of DS7803 and DS7804, whole cell lysates were separated by SDS-PAGE
and probed by Western blot with anti-sD, anti-sA, and anti-SinR primary antibodies. The ‘-’ indicates samples grown in the absence of IPTG,
‘+’ indicates cells grown in the presence of IPTG, and numbers indicate the number of generations grown after IPTG was removed. The
position of the sD protein is indicated by a black triangle. Grey triangle indicates a non-specific cross reacting band for anti-sD. The anti-SinR
antibody cross-reacts with SlrR (Chu et al., 2008); the position of SlrR is indicated by an open black triangle and the position of SinR is
indicated by an open gray triangle. Each series represents a separate gel using the same samples.

© 2012 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Molecular Microbiology, 83, 1210–1228

1220 L. M. Cozy et al. 䊏

Fig. 8. Activation of Phag expression is hypersensitive to induction of sD.

A. Fluorescence microscopy of cells containing the sD-dependent reporter Phag–GFP (false coloured green) and membrane stained (false
coloured red). Strain DS9345 was grown to OD600 1.0 in LB in the presence of the indicated amount of IPTG.
B. Fluorescence microscopy of cells containing an IPTG inducible Physpank–GFP construct (false coloured green) and membrane stained (false
coloured red). Strain DS5237 was grown to OD600 1.0 in LB in the presence of the indicated amount of IPTG.
C. The fluorescence intensity of over 600 cells of strains DS9345 (closed circles) and DS5237 (open circles) was determined by pixel counting
at each IPTG concentration and the median fluorescence intensity was plotted on the graph (Table S6). Hill constants were derived by fitting
the data to a standard binding curve (van Holde et al., 1998).

Fig. 7A). We conclude that the Pfla/che but not the PD-3 Discussion
promoter was required for ON-state maintenance and that
Pfla/che is likely needed to provide a high level of operon Fluorescence microscopy and single cell analysis have
expression such that sigD transcript levels rest above a revealed remarkable heterogeneity at the level of gene
threshold. expression in bacterial populations in which particular
regulons are either ON or OFF in individuals. Population
heterogeneity has been found for a variety of conditionally
Activation of Phag expression is hypersensitive to sD
advantageous, time-sensitive phenotypes including com-
While hysteresis stabilizes cells in one regulatory state or petence for DNA uptake, sporulation, biofilm formation,
another, hypersensitivity provides for state acquisition in persistence to anitibiotic treatment, nutrient uptake and
bistable systems (Ferrell, 2002). Hypersensitivity invokes virulence factor synthesis (Siegele and Hu, 1997; Tolker-
a non-linear or sigmoidal output in response to linear Nielsen et al., 1998; Balaban et al., 2004; Maamar and
increase in stimulus. To test for hypersensitivity, a strain Dubnau, 2005; Smits et al., 2005; Rietsch and Mekal-
was generated in which all cells began in the OFF state for anos, 2006; Chai et al., 2008; Veening et al., 2008;
sD-dependent gene expression and sigD was artificially Nakata et al., 2009). Simultaneous maintenance of spe-
induced. First, the strain contained an extra copy of slrA cialized cell types primes a subpopulation to immediately
integrated at the ectopic amyE locus (amyE::PslrA–slrA). exploit a selective advantage in a harsh and fluctuating
Second, the strain was mutated for flgM to remove activity- environment (Kussell and Leibler, 2005; Veening et al.,
level regulation of sD (DflgM). Third, the native Pfla/che pro- 2008). One explanation for ON/OFF bifurcated subpopu-
moter was replaced by an IPTG-inducible Physpank promoter lations is the epigenetic phenomenon of bistability, which
such that expression of the fla/che operon and therefore invokes a gene expression switch with hypersensitivity to
sigD expression could be controlled by linear variation govern state acquisition relative to a threshold, and hys-
in IPTG concentration (WPhyspank–fla/che). Fourth, a teresis to govern state stability often by engaging regula-
Phag–GFP reporter was introduced at the ectopic lacA locus tory feedback loops (Ferrell, 2002). Here we study the
so that sD-dependent gene expression could be measured heterogeneous expression of motility genes in B. subtilis
cytologically (lacA::Phag–GFP). and demonstrate hypersensitivity and hysteresis in the
In the absence of IPTG, the engineered strain for the system.
hypersensitivity experiment was all OFF for Phag expres- Motility in B. subtilis requires over 30 proteins to
sion. When grown in the presence of low levels of IPTG, assemble flagella. Many proteins for early flagellar assem-
cells induced Phag expression heterogeneously and popu- bly are encoded in the massive 25 kb, 31 gene fla/che
lation level expression became homogeneously ON at high operon. The second to last gene in the fla/che operon,
levels of IPTG (Fig. 8A). GFP intensity was measured by sigD, encodes sD an alternative sigma factor that directs
pixel counting of individual cells at each level of IPTG RNA polymerase to express a regulon of proteins including
induction and the population-wide behaviour was repre- late flagellar assembly proteins and autolysin enzymes
sented by the median fluorescence intensity (Fig. 8C). We involved in daughter cell separation after cell division.
found that as the IPTG concentration increased linearly, Whereas only a minority of cells in a wild-type population is
sD-dependent gene expression output displayed a sigmoi- OFF for sD-dependent gene expression, the number of
dal response with a Hill constant of 3.6 as derived by fitting OFF cells increases dramatically in cells mutated for SwrA,
the data to a standard binding curve (van Holde et al., a protein that appears to activate the Pfla/che promoter of the
1998). As a control, the median fluorescence intensity of fla/che operon (Kearns and Losick, 2005). In previous
cells expressing GFP directly from an IPTG-inducible work, ON and OFF subpopulations were isolated from a
Physpank promoter (amyE::Physpank–GFP) was largely linear swrA mutant and separately analysed for fla/che operon
with a Hill Constant of 1.5 (Fig. 8B and C). We conclude expression (Cozy and Kearns, 2010). Both cell types expe-
that sD-dependent gene expression exhibits a non-linear rienced a decrease in fla/che operon expression that
response to linear fla/che operon induction and we infer depended on the distance from the Pfla/che promoter, and
that sD displays hypersensitivity. variations in fla/che transcript levels caused the sigD gene

© 2012 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Molecular Microbiology, 83, 1210–1228

Motility development in B. subtilis is bistable 1221

IPTG concentration
0.01 mM 0.02 mM 0.04 mM 0.06 mM 0.08 mM 0.10 mM





C 8000
GFP fluorescence
(arbitrary units)


Phag-GFP (Hill constant = 3.6)
2000 Physpank-GFP (Hill constant = 1.5)

0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
IPTG concentration (mM)

© 2012 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Molecular Microbiology, 83, 1210–1228

1222 L. M. Cozy et al. 䊏

to be expressed either above or below a threshold. Here tion and express the native sigD gene. We hypothesize
we show that introducing an extra copy of the gene slrA into that the ON state was maintained by positive feedback at
the chromosome caused a distance-dependent decrease one or more sD-dependent promoters internal to the fla/
in fla/che transcript levels reminiscent of the swrA mutant. che operon (West et al., 2000; Cozy and Kearns, 2010).
Furthermore, a cell doubly mutated for swrA and slrA By replacing the Pfla/che promoter with an artificial IPTG
restored the sD ON cells to wild-type frequency, and we inducible promoter, we were able to vary the amount of
infer that the distance-dependent decrease in fla/che tran- inducer linearly and show sigmoidal output in Phag expres-
script originally observed in a swrA mutant was likely due to sion indicative of hypersensitivity in the system. Hyper-
the action of SlrA. sensitivity often invokes cooperative protein–protein
SlrA function has been shown to be mediated through interactions that are difficult to explain in the context of a
the paralogous DNA binding proteins SinR and SlrR sigma factor. sD is unusual among the sigma factors,
(Kobayashi, 2008; Chai et al., 2009; 2010a). Consistent however, in that it binds to DNA in the absence of core
with this genetic organization, mutation of slrR was epi- RNA polymerase, and generates supershifted complexes
static to an extra copy of slrA in all experiments we that may indicate more than one protein bound at the
performed. SlrA interacts with SinR to derepress SlrR promoter (Chen and Helmann, 1995; Bertero et al., 1999;
expression; SlrR in turn forms a heterodimer with SinR Sevim et al., 2011).
that acts downstream of sD and directly represses two of We propose a model in which ON/OFF motility gene
the vegetative autolysins (LytC and LytF) and flagellin expression is governed by the amount of fla/che operon
(Hag) (Fig. 1; Chai et al., 2010a). Here we show that expression which determines the probability that sigD is
SlrA/SinR/SlrR also act upstream of sD by inhibiting transcribed to set sD protein levels relative to a threshold.
expression of the entire sD regulon by diminishing fla/che SlrA/SinR/SlrR imposes resistance on the system
operon transcript levels and may be bypassed by artificial upstream of sigD by reducing fla/che transcript levels and
sigD expression (Fig. 1, Table 1). SlrA/SinR/SlrR reduce thus the probability of transcript completion, which in turn
fla/che operon transcript levels as early as the first gene in favours the acquisition of an OFF state. SlrA/SinR/SlrR
the fla/che operon but the effect does not appear to be may reinforce the OFF state by reducing basal body
mediated at the level of transcript initiation at the Pfla/che antagonism of FlgM, and by directly repressing certain
promoter. We infer that the effect must occur post- genes under sD control. For example, direct repression of
initiation and may involve control of a transcription elon- LytC may be particularly important for cell chaining as LytC
gation factor, a transcriptional terminator or RNA turnover. is expressed from both sA-dependent and sD-dependent
No genes overtly associated with RNA management, promoters (Lazarevic et al., 1992). SwrA, on the other
however, were found to be under slrA control by transcrip- hand, activates expression from the Pfla/che promoter to
tome analysis or by a forward genetic bypass screen. The increase fla/che operon transcript and increase the prob-
mechanism of the SlrA-mediated fla/che operon transcript ability that sD protein exceeds a threshold. Hypersensitivity
decrease is unknown but may be mediated by SlrA- in sD output, perhaps by nucleation of sD protein at promot-
transcriptionally-regulated proteins of unknown function ers, overrides SlrA/SinR/SlrR activity and provides for a
or by essential proteins that are regulated at the functional sharp transition to the ON state. Once ON, sD hysteretically
level. maintains its own expression to stabilize cells as single
SlrA not only diminishes sD levels but also indirectly motile individuals. While the mechanisms that contribute to
inhibits sD activity. Early inhibition of the fla/che transcript the observed hypersensitivity and hysteresis remain
by SlrA reduced the amount of basal body proteins syn- unknown, both properties support a model in which motility
thesized by the cell. Fully assembled basal bodies gene expression is bistable under the control of sD.
antagonize the FlgM anti-sigma factor that binds to sD and
inhibits sD activity (Barillà et al., 1994; Caramori et al., Experimental procedures
1996; Bertero et al., 1999). Thus, SlrA restricts basal body
Strains and growth conditions
assembly and releases FlgM from its antagonist. By intro-
ducing a flgM mutation to eliminate the contribution of Bacillus subtilis PY79, 3610 and their derivatives were
activity-level regulation on sD, we were able to bypass grown at 37°C in Luria–Bertani (LB) (10 g of tryptone, 5 g of
SlrA by artificial expression of the sigD gene integrated at yeast extract, 5 g of NaCl per litre) broth or LB plates
an ectopic site in the chromosome and demonstrate supplemented with 1.5% Bacto agar. When appropriate,
antibiotics were included at the following concentrations:
hyteresis in the system. When artificial induction of sigD
10 mg ml-1 tetracycline, 100 mg ml-1 spectinomycin, 5 mg ml-1
was removed, Phag expression remained in the ON state
chloramphenicol, 5 mg ml-1 kanamycin and 1 mg ml-1 eryth-
for over 20 generations that depended on the sigD gene romycin plus 25 mg ml-1 lincomycin (MLS). Isopropyl b-D-
at the native locus. Hysteresis required the Pfla/che pro- thiogalactopyranoside (IPTG, Sigma) was added to liquid
moter presumably to set a high level of fla/che transcrip- medium at indicated concentration when appropriate.

© 2012 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Molecular Microbiology, 83, 1210–1228

Motility development in B. subtilis is bistable 1223

Table 4. Strains.

Strain Genotype

3610 Wild type

PY79 swrAPY79 sfp0 (laboratory strain)
DS611 thrC::Pfla/che–lacZ mls
DS1578 amyE::PslrA–slrA cat
DS2746 lacA::Phag–lacZ tet
DS2748 DswrA DswrB lacA::Phag–lacZ tet
DS3113 amyE::PslrA–slrA cat slrR::tet
DS3139 thrC::Pfla/che–mCherry spec lacA::Phag–YFP tet swrBWCFP mls
DS3269 amyE::PslrA–slrA cat thrC::Pfla/che–lacZ mls
DS3446 swrA swrB lacA::tet Phag–lacZ slrA::TnYLB kan (TATGCCAAC)
DS3452 swrA swrB lacA::tet Phag–lacZ slrA::TnYLB kan (TATGAAAAC)
DS5237 thrC::Physpank–GFP mls
DS6335 thrC::Pfla/che–mCherry spec lacA::Phag–YFP tet swrBWCFP mls amyE::PslrA–slrA cat
DS6356 DflgM DswrA amyE::Phag–GFP cat thrC::Physpank–(crRBS)–sigD mls sigD::tet
DS6420 DsigD
DS6447 DflgM DswrA amyE::Phag–GFP cat thrC::Physpank–(crRBS)–sigD mls
DS7228 amyE::PslrA–slrA cat lacA::Phag–YFP mls thrC::Physpank–sigD spec
DS7564 DflgM amyE::PslrA–slrA cat lacA::Phag–YFP tet thrC::Physpank–sigD mls
DS7803 DflgM amyE::PslrA–slrA cat lacA::Phag–YFP tet thrC::Physpank–(crRBS)–sigD mls
DS7804 DflgM amyE::PslrA–slrA cat lacA::Phag–YFP tet thrC::Physpank–(crRBS)–sigD mls DsigD
DS7845 remB::TnYLB kan (TATTACTCT) lacA::Phag–lacZ tet amyE::PslrA–slrA cat
DS7846 < remA::TnYLB kan (TAGCCTAGT) lacA::Phag–lacZ tet amyE::PslrA–slrA cat
DS7848 slrA::TnYLB kan (TAGCTTCTT) lacA::Phag–lacZ tet amyE::PslrA–slrA cat
DS7851 remB::TnYLB kan (TACTCTCCC) lacA::Phag–lacZ tet amyE::PslrA–slrA cat
DS7929 slrA::TnYLB kan (TAGTAACCT) amyE::PslrA–slrA cat lacA::Phag–lacZ tet
DS7930 slrA::TnYLB kan (TATGCCAAC) lacA::Phag–lacZ tet amyE::PslrA–slrA cat
DS7931 slrA::TnYLB kan (TAAAAACTG) lacA::Phag–lacZ tet amyE::PslrA–slrA cat
DS7932 slrR::TnYLB kan (TAATATGAA) lacA::Phag–lacZ tet amyE::PslrA–slrA cat
DS7933 sinR::TnYLB kan (TAGTTCTGA) lacA::Phag–lacZ tet amyE::PslrA–slrA cat
DS7944 DslrR thrC::Pfla/che–mCherry spec lacA::Phag–YFP tet swrBWCFP mls amyE::PslrA–slrA cat
DS7966 DsigD amyE::PslrA–slrA cat lacA::Phag–YFP tet thrC::Physpank–(crRBS)–sigD mls
DS7967 amyE::PslrA–slrA cat lacA::Phag–YFP tet thrC::Physpank–(crRBS)–sigD mls
DS8129 DPD-3 amyE::PslrA–slrA cat lacA::Phag–YFP tet thrC::Physpank–(crRBS)–sigD mls
DS8243 DPD-3 DPfla/che amyE::PslrA–slrA cat lacA::Phag–YFP tet thrC::Physpank–(crRBS)–sigD mls
DS8625 slrR::tet thrC::Pfla/che–lacZ mls
DS8626 amyE::PslrA–slrA cat slrR::tet thrC::Pfla/che–lacZ mls
DS8666 DflgM amyE::Physpank–slrR cat thrC::Physpank–GFP mls
DS8667 DflgM DsigD amyE::Physpank–slrR cat thrC::Physpank–GFP mls
DS9242 amyE::PslrA–slrA cat lacA::Phag–lacZ tet
DS9243 DswrA DswrB slrA::TnYLB kan lacA::Phag–lacZ tet
DS9244 DswrA DswrB slrA::TnYLB kan amyE::PslrA–slrA cat lacA::Phag–lacZ tet
DS9294 lacA::Phag–GFP mls
DS9331 sinR::TnYLB kan epsH::Tn10 spec lacA::Phag–lacZ tet amyE::PslrA–slrA cat
DS9334 amyE::PslrA–slrA cat lacA::Phag–GFP mls
DS9342 DswrA lacA::Phag–GFP mls
DS9343 DswrB lacA::Phag–GFP mls
DS9344 DswrA DswrB lacA::Phag–GFP mls
DS9345 DflgM amyE::PslrA–slrA cat Pfla/cheWPhyspank–fla/che spec lacA::Phag–GFP mls
DS9356 DswrA slrA::TnYLB kan lacA::Phag–GFP mls
DS9357 DswrB slrA::TnYLB kan lacA::Phag–GFP mls
DS9358 DswrA DswrB slrA::TnYLB kan lacA::Phag–GFP mls
DS9381 DswrA slrA::TnYLB kan amyE::PslrA–slrA cat lacA::Phag–GFP mls

All strains are in the undomesticated 3610 genetic background unless otherwise indicated. The symbol ‘<’ indicates insertion is upstream of the
indicated gene.

Strain construction In-frame deletions. To generate the DsigD in frame marker-

less deletion construct, the region upstream of sigD was
All constructs were first introduced into the domesticated PCR-amplified using the primer pair 2019/2020 and digested
strain PY79 by natural competence and then transferred to with EcoRI and XhoI, and the region downstream of sigD was
the 3610 background using SPP1-mediated generalized PCR-amplified using the primer pair 2021/2022 and digested
phage transduction (Yasbin and Young, 1974). All strains with XhoI and BamHI. The two fragments were then simulta-
used in this study are listed in Table 4. All plasmids used in neously ligated into the EcoRI and BamHI sites of pMiniMAD
this study are listed in Table S2. All primers used in this study which carries a temperature sensitive origin of replication and
are listed in Table S3. an erythromycin resistance cassette to generate pDP326

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1224 L. M. Cozy et al. 䊏

(Patrick and Kearns, 2008). The plasmid pDP326 was intro- was ligated into the SphI/NheI sites of pLC135 containing a
duced to PY79 by single cross-over integration by transfor- spectinomycin resistance cassette to create pLC136.
mation at the restrictive temperature for plasmid replication To generate the inducible sigD construct with a crippled
(37°C) using mls resistance as a selection. The integrated ribosome binding site, the sigD gene was amplified using
plasmid was then transduced into 3610. To evict the plasmid, 3610 genomic DNA as template and the primer pair 1628/
the strain was incubated in 3 ml of LB broth at a permissive 1973 and was digested with SphI and NheI. The fragment
temperature for plasmid replication (22°C) for 14 h, diluted was ligated into the SphI/NheI sites of pDR111 containing a
30-fold in fresh LB broth, and incubated at 22°C for another spectinomycin resistance cassette to create pKB144. Primer
8 h. Dilution and outgrowth was repeated two more times. 1628 replaced sequence immediately upstream of the sigD
Cells were then serially diluted and plated on LB agar at start codon with the ‘AAAGGAAAAAAGCG’ altered ribosome
37°C. Individual colonies were patched on LB plates and LB binding site sequence from the mutant epsE allele loc2
plates containing mls to identify mls sensitive colonies that (Guttenplan et al., 2010).
had evicted the plasmid. Chromosomal DNA from colonies
that had excised the plasmid was purified and screened by IPTG inducible GFP. The GFP gene was amplified using
PCR using primers 2019/2022 to determine which isolate had pDP155 plasmid DNA as template and the primer pair 378/
retained the DsigD allele. 1528 and was digested with NheI and SphI. The fragment
To generate the DslrR in frame marker-less deletion con- was ligated into the NheI/SphI sites of pDP150 containing an
struct, the region upstream of slrR was PCR-amplified using erythromycin resistance cassette to create pAP11.
the primer pair 1965/1966 and digested with EcoRI and XhoI,
and the region downstream of slrR was PCR-amplified using YFP transcriptional reporters. The Phag–YFP fragment from
the primer pair 1967/1968 and digested with XhoI and pDP193 was amplified using the primer pair 380/563 and
BamHI. The two fragments were then simultaneously ligated digested with EcoRI and BamHI. The fragment was ligated into
into the EcoRI and BamHI sites of pMiniMAD which carries a the EcoRI/BamHI sites of pDR183 containing an mls resis-
temperature sensitive origin of replication and an erythromy- tance cassette to create pLC19. Alternatively, the Phag–YFP
cin resistance cassette to generate pDP321. pDP321 was fragment from pDP193 was digested with EcoRI and BamHI
integrated into B. subtilis genome and evicted as described and ligated into the EcoRI/BamHI sites of pNC018 containing
previously. Colonies were screened by PCR using primers a tetracycline resistance cassette to create pLC20.
1965/1968 to determine which isolate had retained the DslrR
To generate the DPD-3Pfla/che marker-less deletion construct, SPP1 phage transduction
the region upstream of DPD-3Pfla/che was PCR-amplified using
To 0.2 ml of dense culture grown in TY broth (LB broth supple-
the primer pair 1648/1649 and digested with EcoRI and XhoI,
mented after autoclaving with 10 mM MgSO4 and 100 mM
and the region downstream of DPD-3Pfla/che was PCR-amplified
MnSO4), serial dilutions of SPP1 phage stock were added and
using the primer pair 2315/2316 and digested with XhoI and
statically incubated for 15 min at 37°C. To each mixture, 3 ml
BamHI. The two fragments were then simultaneously ligated
of molten TY supplemented with 0.5% agar was added,
into the EcoRI and BamHI sites of pMiniMAD which carries a
poured atop fresh TY plates, and incubated at 37°C overnight.
temperature sensitive origin of replication and an erythromy-
Top agar from the plate containing near confluent plaques was
cin resistance cassette to generate pDP310. pDP310 was
harvested by scraping into a 50 ml conical tube, vortexed and
integrated into B. subtilis genome and evicted as described
centrifuged at 5000 g for 10 min. The supernatant was treated
previously. Colonies were screened by PCR using primers
with 25 mg ml-1 DNase final concentration before being
1648/2316 and digesting the PCR product with XhoI to deter-
passed through a 0.45 mm syringe filter and stored at 4°C.
mine which isolate had retained the DPD-3Pfla/che allele.

SUMO–FliY fusion protein expression vector. To generate

the translational fusion of FliY to the SUMO his tag, a frag-
ment containing fliY was amplified using 3610 as a template For phase contrast images, cells were grown to mid-log-
and the primer pair 1295/1296 and was digested with SapI phase, concentrated by centrifugation and 3 ml of culture was
and XhoI. The fragment was ligated into the SapI and XhoI spotted on a glass microscope slide and immobilized with a
sites of pTB146 containing ampicillin resistance cassette to poly-L-lysine-treated glass coverslip. Samples were observed
create pDP288 (Bendezu et al., 2009). under phase contrast at 1000¥ magnification using a Nikon
eclipse 80i microcope and recorded with a Nikon CoolSNAP
SlrA complementation. The slrA region was amplified using HQ2 camera and Metamorph image capture software
3610 genomic DNA as template and the primer pair 540/541 (Universal Imaging).
and was digested with EcoRI and HindIII. The fragment was For fluorescence microscopy, 1.0 ml of broth culture was
ligated into the EcoRI/HindIII sites of pDG364 containing a harvested at mid-log phase and washed once in T-Base
chloramphenicol resistance cassette to create pKB8 buffer [20 g (NH4)2 SO4, 140 g K2HPO4, 60 g KH2PO4, 10 g
(Guérout-Fleury et al., 1996). Sodium Citrate per litre]. The suspension was pelleted and
resuspended in 40 ml of T-Base buffer containing 1 mg ml-1
IPTG inducible sigD constructs. The sigD gene was ampli- FM4-64 (Molecular Probes) and incubated for 5 min at room
fied using 3610 genomic DNA as template and the primer pair temperature in the dark. Three microlitres of suspension was
374/375 and was digested with SphI and NheI. The fragment placed on a microscope slide and immobilized with a poly-L-

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Motility development in B. subtilis is bistable 1225

lysine-treated coverslip. Fluorescence microscopy was per- (Mukherjee et al., 2011). Immunoblot was developed using the
formed with an Nikon eclipse 80i microcope and X-Cite lamp, Immun-Star HRP developer kit (Bio-Rad).
recorded with a Nikon CoolSNAP HQ2 camera and Meta-
morph image capture software (Universal Imaging), and
adjusted with Adobe Photoshop software. RNA purification

Twenty-five millilitres of cells were grown to midlog phase in

FliY protein purification LB broth at 37°C and either separated by density gradient
centrifugation (see above) or left as a mixed culture. Cells
The FliY protein expression vector pDP288 was transformed were then combined with 25 ml cold methanol, pelleted and
into Rosetta gami E. coli, grown to ~ 0.5 OD600 in 500 ml of stored at -80°C. Cell pellets were then combined with 75°C
Terrific Broth, induced with 1 mM IPTG and grown overnight LETS buffer (0.1 M LiCl, 0.01 M EDTA, 0.01 M Tris, 0.2%
at 16°C. Cells were pelleted and resuspended in Lysis Buffer SDS) and 75°C acid phenol (pH 4.3) and glass beads. The
(50 mM Na2HPO4, 300 mM NaCl, 10 mM Imidazole) and mixture was vortexed and centrifuged 3200 g for 10 min at
lysed by French Press. Lysed cells were ultracentrifuged at 4°C. The resulting aqueous phase was removed and vor-
35 000 r.p.m. Cleared supernatant was combined with texed with phenol-chloroform (5:1, 75°C) and then centri-
Ni-NTA resin (Novagen) and incubated for 1 h at 4°C. The fuged 3200 g for 10 min at 4°C. The resulting aqueous phase
bead/lysate mixture was poured onto a 1 cm separation was removed and combined with equal volumes of isopro-
column (Bio-Rad), the resin was allowed to pack and was panol, mixed and microfuged 25 min at 4°C to precipitate the
washed with Wash Buffer (50 mM Na2HPO4, 300 mM NaCl, RNA. Supernatant was removed from the pellet and the pellet
30 mM Imidazole). SUMO–SlrA bound to the resin was was washed in cold 75% DEPC H2O-EtOH and microfuged
then eluted using a stepwise elution of Wash Buffer with 5 min at 4°C. Supernatant was removed from the pellet and
50–500 mM Imidazole. Elutions were separated by SDS- the pellet was resuspended in 20 ml of DEPC H2O. Trizol
PAGE and Coomassie stained to verify purificaton of the reagent was added to the resuspended RNA, vortexed. Chlo-
SUMO–SlrA fusion. Purified SUMO–FliY was combined with roform was then added, shaken and microfuged 15 min at
Ubiquitin Ligase (protease) and Cleavage Buffer and incu- 4°C. The resulting aqueous phase was removed and com-
bated overnight at 4°C to cleave the SUMO tag from the FliY bined with equal volumes of isopropanol, mixed and
protein (Butt et al., 2005). The cleavage reaction was com- microfuged 25 min at 4°C to precipitate the RNA. Superna-
bined with Ni-NTA beads, incubated for 2 h at 4°C, and cen- tant was removed from the pellet and the pellet was washed
trifuged to pellet the resin. Supernatant was removed and in cold 75% DEPC-treated H2O-EtOH and microfuged 5 min
dialized into 50 mM Tris (pH 8.0), 150 mM NaCl, 10% Glyc- at 4°C. Supernatant was removed from the pellet and the
erol, 1 mM DTT and stored at -20°C. Removal of the SUMO pellet was air-dried for 5 min before it was resuspended in
tag was verified by SDS-PAGE and Coomassie staining. 80 ml of DEPC-treated H2O at 55°C.

FliY antibody preparation

Quantitative RT-PCR
One milligram of purified FliY protein was sent to Cocalico
Total RNA was isolated from late exponential-phase cultures
Biologicals for serial injection into a rabbit host for antibody
as described above. Isolated RNA was DNase-digested using
generation. Anti-FliY serum was mixed with FliY-conjugated
the TURBO DNA Free Kit (Ambion). cDNA was reverse tran-
Affigel-10 beads and incubated overnight at 4°C. Beads were
scribed from each DNase-treated RNA sample using random
packed onto a 1 cm column (Bio-Rad) and then washed with
dT primers of qScript cDNA SuperMix (Quanta Biosciences).
100 mM glycine (pH 2.5) to release the antibody and imme-
Quantitative PCR was performed with specific primer pairs
diately neutralized with 2 M unbuffered Tris. Purification of
(1 mM) and either diluted cDNA template or DNase-digested
the antibody was verified by SDS-PAGE. Purified anti-FliY
RNA template using SYBR Green SuperMix Low ROX
antibody was dialized into 1¥ PBS, 50% glycerol and stored
(Quanta Biosciences) on the Stratagene MX3500 Pro ther-
at -80°C.
mocycler. Data were analysed using the MXPro Stratagene
software package. The following primer pairs were used:
Western blotting 1560/1561 (flgB), 2560/2561 (flgC), 2562/2563 (fliE), 1596/
1597 (fliF), 2564/2565 (fliG), 1598/1599 (flgE), 1654/1655
Bacillus subtilis strains were grown in LB to mid-log-phase, 1 (fliK), 1656/1657 (fliY), 1600/1601 (fliZ), 1658/1659 (fliR),
or 10 ml were harvested by centrifugation, and resuspended 1602/1603 (flhA), 1604/1605 (cheB), 1662/1663 (cheW),
to OD600 100 in Lysis buffer (20 mM Tris pH 7.0, 10 mM EDTA, 1562/1563 (cheD), 1448/1449 (sigD), 1450/1451 (sigA).
1 mg ml-1 lysozyme, 10 mg ml-1 DNase I, 100 mg ml-1 RNase I) To quantify the amount of mRNA corresponding to each
and incubated 30 min at 37°C. Ten microlitres of lysate was gene, cross-threshold (CT) values generated using cDNA as
mixed with 2 ml of 6¥ SDS loading dye. Samples were sepa- template were compared against CT values generated using a
rated by 15% SDS-PAGE. The proteins were electroblotted known concentration of chromosomal DNA as template. All
onto nitrocellulose and developed with a 1:5000 dilution (Anti- primer pairs used in quantitative PCR amplify a 100 bp target
SigD, Anti-FliY), 1:10 000 dilution (Anti-FliG, Anti-SinR) or in the chromosome. Assuming one copy of each gene per
1:40 000 dilution (Anti-Hag, Anti-SigA) of primary antibody chromosome, the ratio of the concentration of target DNA
and a 1:10 000 dilution secondary antibody (horseradish to total chromosomal DNA is approximately 100 bp/
peroxidase-conjugated goat anti-rabbit immunoglobulin G) 4400 000 bp. Chromosomal DNA was isolated from a 3610-

© 2012 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Molecular Microbiology, 83, 1210–1228

1226 L. M. Cozy et al. 䊏

derived strain that lacks the endogenous plasmid (McLoon without IPTG to the starting optical density. Washed cells
et al., 2011) using a standard protocol and treated with Ribo- were then diluted 24, 210 or 220 in 25 ml of LB without IPTG
nuclease A (Sigma) for 1 h at 37°C. RNase-treated chromo- and allowed to grow until reaching the starting optical density
somal DNA was purified using phenol:chloroform (1:1) representing 4, 10 and 20 generations respectively.
extraction and resuspended in sterile MilliQ water. Quantita-
tive PCR was performed as described above with specific
primer pairs (1 mM) and diluted chromosomal DNA of known Acknowledgements
concentrations spanning five orders of magnitude (from We thank T. Bernhardt, S. Barry, K. Blair, A. Camp, S. Gut-
1 ¥ 10-5 ng ml-1 to 1 ¥ 10-10 ng ml-1) as template (Fig. S3). Data tenplan, T. Kacmarczyk, D. Rudner, M. Winkler, J. Winkel-
were analysed using the MXPro Stratagene software man, R. Chen, S. Mukherjee, T. Redditt and A. Zlotnick for
package. The CT values obtained were plotted against the reagents and assistance. This work was supported by the
amount of template DNA (ng) used in the quantitative PCR NIH Training Grant (NIH T32 GM007757) to L.M.C., the
reaction using KaleidaGraph software. From these data, the Women in Science Fellowship to L.M.C., NIH grant
equation of a line of best fit was calculated and used as a GM092616 to P.E. and NIH GM093030 to D.B.K.
standard curve. The amount of RNA calculated for each gene
in the fla/che operon was normalized to sigA RNA amounts in
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