The Red Tear Left To Cry of My Father

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Think about the major themes, ideas or emotions in the excerpt of "Cry, the Beloved Country" and select one big idea that you
would like to focus on. Choose a color, a symbol and an image that best represents that idea. Write a 3-5 sentence explanation
for your chosen color, symbol and image respectively. Finally, think of a fitting title for your work.

The red tear left to cry of my father

I chose the color red, the “vater” blissymbolic symbol of a father and an image of an eye crying to
represent the theme I want to focus on which is love over power. Red symbolizes love and blood that is
present in the “Cry, the beloved Country”, in which between these, love still conquers. Kumalo as a father
and the one who also symbolizes South Africa burst into tears and grief when he knew about what
happened to his son, as to South Africa that if it could only speak and tell, will also express the same way
towards his people.
At the end, South Africa, which experienced crying red tears from oppressions will still be crying
at the end but not from the same reason but by joy as it will be able to redeem once more its freedom
through the love and support of its people who cares for it.
As to Kumalo, he is the noble example of a father, who might cry because of pain of truth but if
there’s a single tear left to cry from him towards his child, it will be just a tear of love and acceptance.

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