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Medical Diagnosis

T/C Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever/ Pleural Effusion, T/C Liver Pathology


Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever - is a severe, potentially deadly infection spread by certain species of mosquitoes (Aedes

Pleural Effusion - is excess fluid that accumulates in the pleural cavity, the fluid-filled space that surrounds the lungs.
Excessive amounts of such fluid can impair breathing by limiting the expansion of the lungs during inhalation.

Liver Pathology – a condition characterized by any liver diseases or condition

Schematic Diagram Precipitating

Environmental conditions (open spaces with water
Predisposing pots, and plants)
Geographical area – tropical islands in the Immunocompromise
Pacific (Philippines) and Asia Mosquito carrying dengue virus
Sweaty skin

Aedes aegypti (dengue virus carrier): 8-

12 days of viral replication on mosquitos’
salivary glands

Bite from mosquito (Portal of Entry in Redness & itchiness in

the Skin) the area

Allowing dengue virus to be inoculated

towards the circulation/blood (Incubation
Period: 3-14 days)
Virus disseminated rapidly into the blood Diagnostic:
and stimulates WBCs including B Hematology :
lymphocytes that produces and secretes Increased WBC:
immunoglobulins (antibodies), and 12,900/cumm
monocytes/macrophges, neutrophils (5,000- 10,000/cumm)
Diagnostic: Increased
Hematology : Lymphocytes: 49% (20-
Decreased Antibodies attach to the viral 40%)
Monocytes: antigens, and then
4%(8-14%) monocytes/macrophages will
Decreased perform phagocytosis through Fc
Neutrophils: receptor (FcR) within the cells and
49%(50-70%) Entry to the Entry to the
dengue virus replicates in the cells
spleen, and bone marrow
Recognition of dengue viral
antigen on infected monocyte
by cytotoxic T cells

Release of cytokines which consist of

vasoactive agents such as interleukins,
tumor necrosis factor, urokinase and
platelet activating factors which
stimulates WBCs and pyrogen release

Signs/ symptoms:
Febrile: 38.6C
Diaphoresis, warm skin, Dengue
flushed; headache of
3/10 pain scale; whitish Fever
spots; body weakness

Virus ultimately targets liver Cellular direct destruction and

and spleen parenchymal cells infection of red bone marrow
Ultrasound: where infection produces precursor cells as well as Diagnostic:
minimal apoptosis/cell death immunological shortened platelet Hematology :
hepatospleno survival causing platelet lyses Decreased
megaly Platelet:
Blood Chemistry: Hepatosplenomeg 68,000/cumm
SGOT: 558.0 aly
U/L(Up to 46) enia Signs/
Signs/ symptoms: Dengue Hemorrhagic Red sclera in
>Abdominal pain
with 5/10 pain
Fever both eyes
scale as
verbalized. Increase number and size of
the pores in the capillaries
which leads to a leakage of +1 Bipedal
fluid from the blood to the edema; weak
interstitial fluid (capillary bounding pulse
Signs/ symptoms:
leakage) of the different
Profuse non-productive
cough with white
sputum with blood Signs/ symptoms:
spots noted; shallow & Abdominal distention
rapid respirations of Pleural Ascite with abdominal girth of
35cpm; crackles/rales effusion s 93cm (36.6 inches);
hypoactive bowel
sounds of 2/min
Ultrasound: Diagnostic:
Conclusion: Ultrasound:
Minimal bilateral Conclusion:
pleural effusion. Recovery
Complications: Moderate
Intense bleeding ascites
Pulmonary Edema
White-patho red-meds green s/sblue-dignosticorange-interventions Shock
Very low blood
broken red-complications, broken green early signs pressure
Liver cirrhosis
PATHOPHYSIOLOGY Dengue infection is caused by 1 of 4 related, but antigenically distinct, viral
serotypes: dengue virus 1 (DENV-1), dengue virus 2 (DENV-2), dengue virus 3 (DENV-3),
and dengue virus 4 (DENV-4). Genetic studies of sylvatic strains suggest that the 4 viruses syndrome include the rapid onset of plasma leakage, altered hemostasis, and
evolved from a common ancestor in primate populations approximately 1000 years ago damage to the liver, resulting in severe fluid losses and bleeding. Plasma leakage is caused
and that all 4 viruses separately emerged into a human urban transmission cycle 500 years by increased capillary permeability and may manifest as hemoconcentration, as well as
ago in either Asia or Africa. Albert Sabin speciated these viruses in 1944. Each serotype is pleural effusion and ascites. Bleeding is caused by capillary fragility and
known to have several different genotypes. thrombocytopenia and may manifest in various forms, ranging from petechial skin
hemorrhages to life-threatening gastrointestinal bleeding. Liver damage manifests as
Infection with one dengue serotype confers lifelong homotypic immunity and a very brief increases in levels of alanine aminotransferase and aspartate aminotransferase, low
period of partial heterotypic immunity, but each individual can eventually be infected by albumin levels, and deranged coagulationparameters(PT,PTT).
all 4 serotypes. Several serotypes can be in circulation during an epidemic.
In persons with fatal dengue hepatitis, infection was demonstrated in more than 90% of
Dengue viruses are transmitted by the bite of an infected Aedes (subgenus Stegomyia) hepatocytes and Kupffer cells with minimal cytokine response (tumor necrosis factor
mosquito. Globally, A aegypti is the predominant highly efficient mosquito vector for [TNF]–alpha, interleukin [IL]–2). This is similar to that seen with fatal yellow fever and
dengue infection, but A albopictus and other Aedes species can also transmit dengue with Ebola infections.
varying degrees of efficiency.
Most patients who develop dengue hemorrhagic fever or dengue shock syndrome have
Aedes mosquito species have adapted well to human habitation, often breeding around had prior infection with one or more dengue serotypes. In individuals with low levels of
dwellings in small amounts of stagnant water found in old tires or other small containers neutralizing antibodies, nonneutralizing antibodies to one dengue serotype, when bound
discarded by humans. Female Aedes mosquitoes are daytime feeders. They inflict an by macrophage and monocyte Fc receptors, have been proposed to result in increased viral
innocuous bite and are easily disturbed during a blood meal, causing them to move on to entry and replication and increased cytokine production and complement activation. This
finish a meal on another individual, making them efficient vectors. Entire families who phenomenon is called antibody-dependent enhancement.
develop infection within a 24- to 36-hour period, presumably from the bites of a single
infected vector, are not unusual. Some researchers suggest T-cell immunopathology may play a role, with increased T-cell
activation and apoptosis. Increased concentrations of interferon have been recorded 1-2
Humans serve as the primary reservoir for dengue; however, certain nonhuman primates days following fever onset during symptomatic secondary dengue infections. The
in Africa and Asia also serve as hosts but do not develop dengue hemorrhagic fever. activation of cytokines, including TNF-alpha, TNF receptors, soluble CD8, and soluble
Mosquitoes acquire the virus when they feed on a carrier of the virus. The mosquito can IL-2 receptors, has been correlated with disease severity. Cuban studies have shown that
transmit dengue if it immediately bites another host. In addition, transmission occurs after stored serum sample analysis demonstrated progressive loss of cross-reactive neutralizing
8-12 days of viral replication in the mosquito's salivary glands (extrinsic incubation antibodies to DENV-2 as the interval since DENV-1 infection increased. In addition,
period). The mosquito remains infected for the remainder of its 15- to 65-day lifespan. certain dengue strains, particularly those of DENV-2, have been proposed to be more
Vertical transmission of dengue virus in mosquitoes has been documented.9 The eggs of virulent, in part because more epidemics of dengue hemorrhagic fever have been
Aedes mosquitoes withstand long periods of desiccation, reportedly as long as 1 year, but associated with DENV-2 than with the other serotypes.
are killed by temperatures of less than 10°C.  DIAGNOSTIC EXAMINATION
 Hemoconcentration – more than 20% increase from the
Once inoculated into a human host, dengue has an incubation period of 3-14 days (average baseline Hct;
4-7 d) while viral replication takes place in target dendritic cells. Infection of target cells,  Thrombocytopenia – less than 100,000/mm3;
primarily those of the reticuloendothelial system, such as dendritic cells, hepatocytes, and  Chest X-ray – presence of pleural and pericardial effusion;
endothelial cells, result in the production of immune mediators that serve to shape the  Bleeding parameters (BT, CT, PT, or aPTT)
quantity, type, and duration of cellular and humoral immune response to both the initial
and subsequent virus infections. Following incubation, a 5- to 7-day acute febrile illness
ensues. Recovery is usually complete by 7-10 days.

Dengue hemorrhagic fever or dengue shock syndrome usually develops around the third to
seventh day of illness, approximately at the time of defervescence. The major Laboratory Studies
pathophysiological abnormalities caused by dengue hemorrhagic fever and dengue shock
• Complete blood cell count findings include the following: o Serodiagnosis is made based on a rise in antibody titer in paired
o Leukopenia, often with lymphopenia, is observed near the end of the IgG or IgM specimens. Results vary depending on whether the infection
febrile phase of illness. Lymphocytosis, with atypical lymphocytes, is primary or secondary.
commonly develops before defervescence or shock. A recent systematic o The IgM capture enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (MAC-ELISA)
review found that patients with dengue had significantly lower total has become the most widely used assay, although other tests, including
WBC, neutrophil, and platelet counts than patients with other febrile complement fixation (CF), neutralization test (NT), hemagglutination
illnesses in dengue-endemic populations. inhibition (HI), and IgG ELISA are also used.
o o A recent European study found that, if only a single serum sample is
o A hematocrit level rise of greater than 20% is a sign of available, a single positive result on ELISA (PanBio IgM or IgG) was
hemoconcentration and precedes shock. The hematocrit level should be found to have a high rate of false positivity and should be confirmed
monitored at least every 24 hours to facilitate early recognition of using a second more specific diagnostic technique.
dengue hemorrhagic fever and every 3-4 hours in severe cases of dengue o In order to provide a more rapid reliable diagnosis, clinically available
hemorrhagic fever or dengue shock syndrome. PCR studies are being developed.
o • Cultures of blood, urine, CSF, and other body fluids should be performed as
o Thrombocytopenia has been demonstrated in up to 50% of dengue fever necessary to exclude or confirm other potential causes of the patient's condition.
cases. Platelet counts of less than 100,000 cells/μL are seen in dengue
hemorrhagic fever or dengue shock syndrome and occur before Imaging Studies
defervescence and the onset of shock. The platelet count should be
monitored at least every 24 hours to facilitate early recognition of
• Chest radiography: Right-sided pleural effusion is typical. Bilateral pleural
dengue hemorrhagic fever. effusions are common in patients with dengue shock syndrome.
• Basic metabolic panel findings include the following: • Serial ultrasonography
o Hyponatremia is the most common electrolyte abnormality in patients
o Ultrasonography is a potentially timely, cost-effective, and easily used
with dengue hemorrhagic fever or dengue shock syndrome. modality in the evaluation of potential dengue hemorrhagic fever.
o Metabolic acidosis is observed in those with shock and must be
Positive and reliable ultrasonographic findings include fluid in the chest
corrected rapidly. and abdominal cavities, pericardial effusion, and a thickened gallbladder
o Elevated BUN levels are observed in those with shock. Acute kidney wall. Thickening of the gallbladder wall may presage clinically
injury is uncommon. significant vascular permeability. The utility of previous studies was
• Liver injury panel findings include the following: limited because of the use of single studies for evaluation. However, a
o Transaminase levels may be mildly elevated into the several thousands recent study involving 158 patients examined the role of daily serial
in patients with dengue hemorrhagic fever who have acute hepatitis. ultrasonographic examinations of the thorax and abdomen in the
o Low albumin levels are a sign of hemoconcentration. evaluation of patients with suspected dengue hemorrhagic fever.. Plasma
• Coagulation studies may help to guide therapy in patients with severe leakage was detected in some patients within 3 days of fever onset.
hemorrhagic manifestations. Findings are as follows: Pleural effusion was the most common sign. Based on ultrasonographic
o Prothrombin time is prolonged. findings, dengue hemorrhagic fever was predicted in 12 patients before
o Activated partial thromboplastin time is prolonged. hemoconcentration criteria had been met
o Low fibrinogen and elevated fibrin degradation product levels are signs
of disseminated intravascular coagulation.
• Typing and crossmatching of blood should be performed in cases of severe
dengue hemorrhagic fever or dengue shock syndrome because blood products
may be required.
• Serum specimens should be sent to the laboratory for serodiagnosis, PCR, and
viral isolation. Because the signs and symptoms of dengue fever are nonspecific,
attempting laboratory confirmation of dengue infection is important.

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