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Submitted By Sajida Bibi

Submit To Mam – Noor

Roll Number 7640

Subject Operating System

Department Computer Science (5 th


Submit Date 14/ 12 / 20

 Topic No:1
 What is OS?
 Operating System is a software, which makes a computer to actually work. It is
the software the enables all the programs we use. The OS organizes and
controls the hardware. OS acts as an interface between the application programs
and the machine hardware.

 Examples:Windows, Linux , Unix and Mac OS, etc.

 The Role of an OS
 Government
 The external or the user point of view
 A top-down perspective
 –Hides the complexity of using the hardware devices
 –Provides the user a more convenient view of the system resources
 –Purpose: Convenience
 Resource manager
 The inside or the designer point of view
 A bottom-up perspective
 –Brings the hardware resources in a functional state
 –Provides each program with time and space for using resources
 –Purpose: Efficiency
 Control Program
 Operating system controls the execution of user programs and devices.
 It is responsible to monitor and control the operating of software.
 It control the hardware components of a computer system.
 It also ensures that system resources are used properly.

  Management of the processor

o Scheduling algorithm.
Management of execution of applications
o Allocating the resources required.
Management of input/output
o Peripheral administrators or input/output administrators.
Management of the random access memory
 Virtual memory.
File management
o Reading and writing in the file system.
o File access authorizations.
Management of authorizations
o Security relating to execution of programmers.

 Topic No:2
 Operating system security
o OS Security generally refers to the protection of Information stored, as
well as the Data we deal with in real time, while using a Computer System.

o Security of an OS depends upon how the system is being used by the

administrator and how well it is maintained.

o Security Issue
 Operating systems provide various mechanisms to protect data and programs.
 A system is secure if and when the resources are used and accessed as
intended under all circumstances.
 Security is never assured to be one hundred percent.
 Security violation are either maliciously intentional or accidental.
o Some examples of malicious accessing are as follows:
 Unauthorized reading of data.
 Unauthorized modification of data.
 Unauthorized destruction of data.
o  Among the issues to be considered these are the important ones:-
 Physical Security
 Authentication
 Software Vulnerabilities
 Malwares

 Authentication:
 Verifies user identity
 Permits access to the operating system
 Physical authentication:
 Allows physical entrance to company property
 Magnetic cards and biometric measures
 Digital authentication: verifies user identity by
digital means
 A user can be identified by:
 User possession, using such as a key or card
 User knowledge, using an identifier or password
 And user attributes, such as fingerprint, retina pattern, or signature

 Detection
o If a break-in occurs, it should be detected as soon as possible. Effective
detection measures also discourage intrusion attempts.

 Information about system events should be recorded in auditing systems.

 Virus checkers can be used to search the presence of known abnormalities.
 The current state of the system can be checked against a previous state.
 The existence of a long-running process in a listing of currently executing
processes may indicate suspicious activity.

 Correction
o If a system has been penetrated, it is necessary to take corrective action.
 Periodic backup should be performed to rollback the system to a previous state.
 If backup does not exist or its integrity is unknown, entire system may be
 The cause that allowed the system to be penetrated should be fixed.
 It may involve deactivating a services, installing bug fix or modifying the system

 Identification
 The source of attack should be identified to discourage intruders. It
is the most difficult security task.
 Audit records provide useful identification information. But the information in audit
logs may have been tamped with by the intruder.
 System accessed through modems can keep track of source of incoming calls
using user-id.
 System accessed through a network can record the address of the connecting
 Attacks through a series of computers must be traced to their origin.

 Program Threats
 Virus dropper inserts virus onto the system. 
 Many categories of viruses, literally many thousands of viruses 
   Armored
 Multipartite
 Tunneling
 Stealth
 Encrypted
 Source code
 Boot
 Trojan Horse
  Code segment that misuses its environment
 Exploits mechanisms for allowing programs written by users to be executed by
other users.
 Trap Door
 Specific user identifier or password that circumvents normal security procedures.
Logic Bomb
 Program that initiates a security incident under certain circumstances. 
System Threats
  Worms – use spawn mechanism; standalone program.

 Topic No:3
 Virtual memory
o What is Virtual Memory?
 The term virtual memory refers to something which appears to be present but
actually it is not.
 The virtual memory technique allows users to use more memory for a program
than the real memory of a computer.

 Demand Paging
Demand Paging Bring a page into memory only when it is
Less I/O needed
 Less memory needed
 Faster response
 More users
 reference to itPage is needed

 invalid reference  abort

 not-in-memory   bring to memory

 Page Fault
 If there is ever a reference to a page, first reference will trap to
 OS page fault
 OS looks at another table to decide:
 Invalid reference. abort.
 Just not in memory.
 Get empty frame.
 Swap page into frame.
 Reset tables, validation bit = 1.
 Restart instruction

 Page Replacement
 Prevent over-allocation of memory by modifying page-fault service routine to
include page replacement.

 Use modify (dirty) bit to reduce overhead of page transfers – only modified pages
are written to disk.

 Page replacement completes separation between logical memory and physical

memory – large virtual memory can be provided on a smaller physical memory.

 Page Replacement Algorithms

 Want lowest page-fault rate.
 Evaluate algorithm by running it on a particular string of memory references
(reference string) and computing the number of page faults on that string.
 In all our examples, the reference string is
 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 5, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.
 Random:
 Pick any page to eject at random
 Used mainly for comparison
 FIFO: The page brought in earliest is evicted
o Ignores usage
 OPT: Belady’s algorithm
 Select page not used for longest time
 LRU: Evict page that hasn’t been used the longest
 Past could be a good predictor of the future
 MRU: Evict the most recently used page
o LFU: Evict least frequently used page

 First-In-First-Out (FIFO)
 Simplest page replacement algorithm.
 Each page associated with time –brought into memory.
 Replace the oldest page.
 First-In-First-Out(FIFO) Algorithm. FIFO is easy to understand and program.
 Page Optimal Replacement
 In this algorithm, pages are replaced which would not be used for the longest
duration of time in the future.

 Least Recently Used (LRU)

In this algorithm page will be replaced which is least recently used.
 Not Recently Used (NRU)
 Pick a random page from the lowest category for removal • i.e. the not

referenced, not modified page.

 It favors keeping pages in memory that have been recently used.

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