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1 ---------- is the movement of thermal energy from one system to another system of different
(a) Heat transfer
(b) Heat emitted
(c) Heat radiated
(d) Heat conducted

2 Heat is transferred without actual motion of the particles………………………..

(a) Conduction
(b) Convection
(c) Radiation
(d) Forced convection

3 Heat is transferred from one end to another without the necessity of the intervening
(a) Conduction
(b) Convection
(c) Radiation
(d) Forced convection

4 Heat is transferred from hotter end to colder end with actual movement of particles called
(a) Conduction
(b) Convection
(c) Radiation
(d) Forced convection

5 Expansion in length of the solids is called as……...

(a) Volume expansion
(b) Superficial expansion
(c) Cubical expansion
(d) Linear expansion

6 ………………… defined as fractional change in the area per degree rise in temperature.
(a) Coefficient of linear expansion of Solids
(b) Coefficient of superficial expansion in solids
(c) Coefficient of Cubical expansion in solids
(d) Volume expansion

7 Which one is the types of expansion joints

(a) Fabric expansion joint
(b) Volume expansion
(c) Cubical expansion
(d) Forced convection

8 Axial compensation, Angular compensation and Lateral compensation are the types of
(a) Metal expansion joints
(b) Wall expansion joint
(c) Gimbal expansion joint
9 ……………………… is a mid-structure separation designed to relieve stress on building
materials caused by building movement induced by thermal expansion and contraction caused
by temperature changes
(a) Pressure balance expansion joint.
(b) Slip type expansion joint
(c) Expansion joint
(d) Gimbal expansion joint

10 ……………………..operates on the principle that different metals have different coefficients of

(a) Conduction
(b) Bimetallic strip
(c) Convection
(d) Radiation

11 ……………………..operates on the principle that different metals have different coefficients of

(a) Conduction
(b) Bimetallic strip
(c) Convection
(d) Radiation

12 Bimetallic thermometer accuracy is between ……………………...of the scale

(a) ± 2% to 5%
(b) ± 2% to 4%
(c) ± 2% to 3%
(d) ± 2% to 6%

13 ………………………………….. element is used to convert temperature into a mechanical

(a) mechanical pressure sensor
(b) mechanical temperature sensor
(c) mechanical sensor
(d) electrical temperature sensor

14 The amount of heat flowing from hot end to cold end is ……………………... to thickness of the
(a) directly proportional
(b) linearly
(c) equal
(d) inversely proportional

15 Unit of coefficient of thermal conductivity

(a) W K-1
(b) m-1K-1
(c) Wm-1K-1
(d) K

16 The ratio between the change in temperature and its thickness is called the
(a) volume gradient
(b) pressure gradient
(c) density gradient
(d) temperature gradient
17 ………………….. is defined as the quantity of heat required to raise the temperature of the
entire body through 1K
(a) Thermal capacity
(b) Thermal velocity
(c) Thermal density
(d) Thermal radiation

18 ………………... is the quantity of heat energy required to raise the temperature of 1 kg of a

substance through 1K
(a) Specific capacity
(b) Specific heat capacity
(c) heat capacity
(d) Specific pressure capacity

19 ………………………. of a body is a measure of its opposition to the flow of heat through it.
(a) volume resistance
(b) pressure resistance
(c) heat resistance
(d) thermal resistance

20 For a good conductor ……………………&……………….methods are used to determine the

Thermal conductivity of a material
(a) Searle’s & Forbe’s
(b) Lee’s disc & Radial flow
(c) Searle’s & Lee’s disc
(d) Forbe’s & Radial flow

21 For a bad conductor ……………………&……………….methods are used to determine the

Thermal conductivity of a material
(a) Searle’s & Forbe’s
(b) Lee’s disc & Radial flow
(c) Searle’s & Lee’s disc
(d) Forbe’s & Radial flow

22 Heat lost by the element per second is

(a) Mass × specific heat capacity
(b) specific heat capacity × rate of fall of temperature
(c) Mass × specific heat capacity × rate of fall of temperature
(d) Mass × rate of fall of temperature

23 Amount of heat flowing per second across the element is ……………………to Heat lost by the
element per second
(a) zero
(b) equal
(c) unequal
(d) one

24 Forbe’s Method experiment consists of ………………………..

(a) Static & Dynamic experiment
(b) Dynamic experiment
(c) Static experiment
25 …………………….method is based on the principle that at equilibrium temperature, the rate of
heat flowing into a system is equal to the rate of heat flowing out of a system.
(a) Searle’s
(b) Radial flow
(c) Forbe’s
(d) Lee’s disc

26 Before the removal of the bad conductor and steam chamber ,top surface of the lee’s disc is
covered by the bad conductor. So the radiation is taking place only from the R
(a) bottom surface area and curved surface area of the slab
(b) top surface area and curved surface area of the slab
(c) top & bottom surface area and curved surface area of the slab
(d) bottom surface area and top surface area of the slab

27 Nature of heat exchange process is classified as

(a) Direct contact & Indirect contact heat exchanger
(b) Concentric tubes
(c) Multiple shell and tube
(d) Compact heater exchanger

28 ………………… to resist the flow of heat to and from a body.

(a) Thermal heating
(b) Thermal pressuring
(c) Thermal insulation
(d) Thermal resistance

29 Thermal insulating materials are classified as

(a) Organic materials & Inorganic insulating materials
(b) Direct contact & Indirect contact heat exchanger
(c) Concentric tubes
(d) Compact heater exchanger

30 Physical state of fluids is classified as

(a) Organic materials & Inorganic insulating materials
(b) Condensers & Evaporators
(c) Compact heater exchanger
(d) Concentric tubes

31 …………………...are used when two fluids cannot be allowed to mix

(a) Recuperators
(b) Regenerators
(c) open heat exchanger
(d) Cross flow

32 The removal of all vitiated air from a building and its replacement with fresh air is known as
(a) Specific heat capacity
(b) Thermal resistance
(c) Thermal insulation
(d) ventilation
33 Adequate ventilation rate for building is …………..
(a) 2.8 m3/min to 5.0 m3/min
(b) 2.0 m3/min to 5.7 m3/min
(c) 2.8 m3/min to 5.7 m3/min
(d) 2.8 m3/min to 4.7 m3/min

34 Infiltration can be calculated by

(a) crack method
(b) Air leakage
(c) random flow of air
(d) volume flow rate of air

35 Ventilation due to external wind is given by the following formula

(a) Q = KA
(b) Q = KAV
(c) Q = AV
(d) Q = KV

35 Types of Ventilation are

(a) Natural & artificial ventilation
(b) Direct contact & Indirect contact
(c) Multiple shell and tube
(d) Condensers & Evaporators

36 The air-conditioning systems can be classified into two categories are

(a) Comfort and Industrial air condition
(b) UnComfort and Industrial air condition
(c) Comfort and uncomfort air condition
(d) Comfort and non-Industrial air condition

37 …………… sucks the air from the room to be conditioned through an air filter and it passes
the air over the cooling coil or the evaporator coil.
(a) Condenser
(b) Evaporator
(c) Capacitor
(d) Coil

38 Room air conditioners are generally available in capacities varying from about
(a) 0.5 Ton to 3 Ton
(b) 0.5 Ton to 2 Ton
(c) 0.5 Ton to 1 Ton.
(d) 0.5 Ton to 1.5Ton

39 Based on the equipment arrangement, the air-conditioning can also be classified as

(a) Direct contact & Indirect contact
(b) Natural & artificial air condition
(c) unitary and central type
(d) Comfort and Industrial air condition
40 The central air-conditioning is of large capacity
(a) 50 to 90 tonnes
(b) 50 to 70 tonnes
(c) 50 to 80 tonnes
(d) 50 to 100 tonnes

41 The literature of heat transfer generally recognizes distinct modes of heat transfer. How many
modes are there?
(a) One
(b) Two
(c) Three
(d) Four

42 Unit of the rate of heat transfer is

(a) Joule
(b) Newton
(c) Pascal
(d) Watt

43 How many types of convection process are there

(a) One
(b) Two
(c) Three
(d) Four

44 Thermal conductivity is maximum for which substance

(a) Silver
(b) Ice
(c) Aluminium
(d) Diamond

45 Which of the following is an example of forced convection

(a) Chilling effect of cold wind on a warm body
(b) Flow of water in condenser tubes
(c) Cooling of billets in the atmosphere
(d) Heat exchange on cold and warm pipes

46 Mark the matter with least value of thermal conductivity

(a) Air
(b) Water
(c) Ash
(d) Window glass

47 Which one of the following forms of water has the highest value of thermal conductivity?
(a) Boiling water
(b) Steam
(c) Solid ice
(d) Melting ice
48 Identify the very good insulator
(a) Saw dust
(b) Cork
(c) Asbestos sheet
(d) Glass wool

49 Most metals are good conductor of heat because of

(a) Transport of energy
(b) Free electrons and frequent collision of atoms
(c) Lattice defects
(d) Capacity to absorb energy

50 Cork is a good insulator because

(a) It is flexible
(b) It can be powdered
(c) Low density
(d) It is porous


1 Bimetallic strip bends due to the …………………………..of the two metals

(a) unequal expansion rate
(b) equal expansion rate
(c) expansion rate is zero
(d) expansion rate is one

2 In thermal conductivity When K = Q

(a) A = 2 m2, Ɵ1-Ɵ2= 2 , Kelvin, x= 1 meter and t= 1 second
(b) A = 1 m2, Ɵ1-Ɵ2= 1 Kelvin, x= 1 meter and t= 1 second
(c) A = 0.5m2, Ɵ1-Ɵ2= 1 Kelvin, x= 0.5 meter and t= 1 second
(d) A = 1 m2, Ɵ1-Ɵ2= 1 Kelvin, x= 0.5 meter and t= 0.5 second

3 ……………………….is also called as thermometric conductivity and used to determine the rate
of heat flow.
(a) Thermal conduction
(b) Thermal radiation
(c) Thermal convection
(d) Thermal diffusivity

4 By means of an electric heater of 12kW, the temperature in a room with 6.0m2 of windows is to
be maintained so that the inner surface of the glass is 10˚C above the outer surface. Ignoring the
heat losses through the walls of the room and assuming that heat is lost through the window
glass of thickness 6 mm, what is the coefficient of thermal conductivity of glass?
(a) 0.2Wm-1K-1
(b) 2.2Wm-1K-1
(c) 1.2Wm-1K-1
(d) 1.4Wm-1K-1
5 How much heat will be conducted through a slab of area 90×10-4m2 and thickness 1.2×10-3m in
one second when its opposite faces are maintained at difference in temperature of 20 K. the
coefficient of thermal conductivity of that material is 0.04
(a) 6 Joule
(b) 5 Joule
(c) 7 Joule
(d) 8 Joule

6 For determine the thermal conductivity by using Forbe’s Method is not give the accurate value
due to
(a) distribution of heat is uniform along the bar
(b) distribution of pressure is not uniform along the bar
(c) distribution of radiation is not uniform along the bar
(d) distribution of heat is not uniform along the bar

7 After the removal of the bad conductor and steam chamber ,In lee's disc method radiation is
taking place only from the
(a) bottom surface area and curved surface area of the slab
(b) top surface area and curved surface area of the slab
(c) top & bottom surface area and curved surface area of the slab
(d) bottom surface area and top surface area of the slab

8 Regenerators are preferred when the hot and cold fluids pass alternately through a space
containing solid particles (matrix), these particles providing alternately a
(a) source
(b) sink and source
(c) screen and a source
(d) source and detector

9 Which of the following is not a component of packaged air conditioners?

(a) Compressor
(b) Condenser
(c) Chiller
(d) Evaporator

10 Which of the following qualities is not possessed by the filters in the air conditioning system?
(a) They should be capable of removing dust particles from the incoming air
(b) They should afford easy cleaning
(c) They should offer low frictional resistance to the airflow
(d) They should offer high frictional resistance to the airflow

11 For comfortable working, the ___________ content should be limited to about 0.6% by volume.
(a) Oxygen
(b) Hydrogen
(c) Carbon monoxide
(d) Carbon dioxide
12 In ______________ system, the use is made of doors, windows, ventilators and skylights to make the
room properly ventilated.
(a) Artificial ventilation
(b) Air conditioning
(c) Natural ventilation
(d) Mechanical ventilation

13 Where people are working, there has to be ______________ to cause proper ventilation of the
(a) Air change
(b) Humidity
(c) Temperature
(d) Moisture

14 Where people are working, there has to be ______________ to cause proper ventilation of the
(a) Air change
(b) Humidity
(c) Temperature
(d) Moisture

15 The reciprocal of thermal conductivity is known as __________

(a) Thermal conductance

(b) Surface resistance
(c) Specific conductance
(d) Thermal resistivity

16 Which of the following is not a quality of a good thermal insulating material?

(a) It should be durable
(b) It should have a low thermal resistance
(c) It should be readily available
(d) It should be fireproof

17 h is the ……………………………..of the metal disc in Lee's disc method

(a) Thickness
(b) Diameter
(c) Radius
(d) Circumference

18 Gaps are left in railway tracks to compensate thermal expansion during

(a) rainy season
(b) winter
(c) hot season
(d) wind

19 Which of the following is an example of forced convection

(a) Chilling effect of cold wind on a warm body
(b) Flow of water in condenser tubes
(c) Cooling of billets in the atmosphere
(d) Heat exchange on cold and warm pipes
20 Which statement is true regarding steady state condition?
(a) There is a variation in temperature in the course of time
(b) Heat exchange is constant
(c) It is a function of space and time coordinates
(d) Internal energy of the system changes

21 Choose the false statement

(a) For pure metal thermal conductivity is more
(b) Thermal conductivity decreases with increase in the density of the substance
(c) Thermal conductivity of dry material is lower than that of damp material
(d) Heat treatment causes variation in thermal conductivity

22 Transmission of heat depends upon the outermost electrons. Therefore solids with weekly
bonded electrons are …………………………………….of heat.
(a) good conductors
(b) bad conductors
(c) Insulators
(d) Semiconductors

23 Why is the roof of buildings painted white?

(b) Because it reflects radiations
(c) Because it is cheaper
(d) Because it conducts heat

24 Most materials expand on heating because the

(a) particles are moving
(b) particles are stable
(c) particles are rotating
(d) particles are vibrating

25 The energy transfer between the hot fluid and cold fluids is brought about by their complete
physical mixing in
(a) Direct contact heat exchanger
(b) Regenerators
(c) Recuperators
(d) Boilers

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