Assessment Tool Written Response Tasks General Instruction

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Assessment Tool

Written Response Tasks

General Instruction.
 All answers must be written in short size bond paper. Follow the format given below.
Submit your output on Friday, May 21, 2021.

Name: Jon Bryan N. Montejo Course code & descriptive title: MMPC 5 Advertising
Course & Year: BSBA-MM, 3rd year Module No. & Inclusive week/s: Final Exam
Date Submitted: May 21, 2021 Grading Period: Final Exer No. _____

Test 1.

1. Direct response media- could be found nearly in all forms of advertising, including TV
commercials, print marketing (magazines, newspapers, etc.)
2. Infomercial- is a television program that promotes a product in an informative and supposedly
objective way.
3. Direct selling- refers to selling products directly to the consumer in a non-retail environment.
4. Database marketing-is a form of direct marketing using databases of customers or potential
customers to generate personalized communications.
5. Support advertising- is the promotion of goods or services for sale through impersonal
media, such as radio or television.
6. Account- specific marketing- is a business marketing strategy that concentrates resources
on a set of target accounts within a market.
7. Trade-oriented sales promotion-are directed at the dealer network of the company to
motivate them to the sell more of the company's brand than other brands
8. In- store couponing- it is only designated on the store and has bar codes and color.
9. Sales promotion- has several communications activities that attempt to provide added value
or incentives to consumers, wholesalers, retailers, or other organizational customers to
stimulate immediate sales.
10. Bounce back coupon- coupons that discovered by the shoppers inside the product upon
Test 2.

1. Discuss some of the significant developments that have taken place with regard to the
history of sales promotion. What do you see as the next major development that is likely to
occur in the area of sales promotion?
 Sales promotion has been amazing and important throughout the ages since business
was born. Promoting your product and services has been proved to be a game changer
in the business and adding some twist in it is even better. The main purpose of sales
promotion is to boost sales of a product by creating demand, that is, both consumer
demand as well as trade demand. It improves the performance of middlemen and acts
as a supplement to advertising and personal selling. The future of sales promotion that i
can see in the future is that the teaming up with the famous endorser to endorse your
brand and giving the endorser a promo code that if they use their name they will have
20% or more discounts upon purchasing.

2. What are some of the reasons marketing and brand managers our allocating more of their
promotional budget to sales promotion rather than media advertising? Do you agree with
the critics who argued that the increase use of sales promotion is undermining brand equity
for many was powerful brands?
 The reason why marketing and brand managers are allocating more of their promotional
budget to sales promotion rather than media advertising is because sales promotion is
much cheaper and more effective than media advertising. Sales promotion attracts
more customers because of the discounts your company is offering rather than media
promotion who's customers skip and didn't watch.

3. Discuss how sales promotion can be used as an acceleration tool that can speed up the
selling and or the purchasing process and help increase sales volume.
 Sales promotion is essentially an accelerating tool, designed to speed up the selling
process and maximize the sales volume. Sales promotion programs encourage
customers and dealers to take immediate action.

4. Discuss some of the factors that contribute to the negative impact of direct marketing. What
can be done to improve direct marketing image?
 Intrusive – Some people find direct marketing annoying and intrusive. If people find your
marketing mail annoying, then it can create a negative brand association.
Environmental Impact – Some direct marketing techniques are associated with having
an environmental impact, mainly direct mail. In order to improve direct marketing image,
you need to improve your image and create a memorable look. Having a great design
that stands out and also reinforces your message is essential to email-marketing
success. Make sure you follow basic design rules, but don't be afraid to get creative. If
you don't have the software or inclination to create stunning professional designs, hire a
graphic designer. The credibility that a professional design lends to your direct email
marketing message is well-worth the investment.

5. Describe the various forms of direct response advertising. Discuss some of the reasons for
the success of direct response advertising.
 Direct response advertising could be found nearly in all forms of advertising, including
TV commercials, print marketing (magazines, newspapers, etc.), radio spots, websites,
and online ads. By creating an irresistible offer, advertisers push prospects through all
marketing channels and generate leads. Using direct marketing allows you to target
specific groups of customers with tailored messages. By taking the time to research and
identify the customers who are most likely to need or want your products and services,
you can focus your marketing efforts where they have the highest chance of achieving

6. Discuss some other factors that contribute to the negative impact of direct marketing. What
can be done to improve direct marketing image?
 Direct marketing is an effective and powerful way to share information about a product
or service to prospects However, although there are many advantages of direct
marketing, there are some disadvantages you need to of the best example
of it is being intrusive. Some people find direct marketing annoying and intrusive. If
people find your marketing mail annoying, then it can create a negative brand
association. By making the direct marketing a good way of advertising, you need first to
improve your image. Having a great design that stands out and also reinforces your
message is essential to email-marketing success. Make sure you follow basic design
rules, but don't be afraid to get creative. If you don't have the software or inclination to
create stunning professional designs, hire a graphic designer. The credibility that a
professional design lends to your direct email marketing message is well-worth the

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