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Mary Grace Y.

Paracha BSED-Filipino III

Building and Enhancing new literacies across Curriculum (EDUC 110)
Module 10
Instructor: Xcerielle Rheena L. Lasmarias


Instruction: Write a keyword in every box on how are you going to define an ecological literacy.



Ecologically Responsible
 I am a type of person who embodies ecological ideas in daily life. I have a little garden
in home and I love to plant some flowers and vegetables, I am the one who water them
every day and I’m so happy every time I saw them growing. During this pandemic I am
one of those plantitas, because my mother and I planted different kinds of flowers and
plants and this is also one of our bonding as a family. I also plant trees during our
school activities, during my senior high school years. I experience tree planting at the
lower part of Mt. Matutum, we struggled a lot on our way there but it’s all worth it in the
end. We’re so happy that we planted all trees very well and it’s a fulfillment for us. It’s so
satisfying, because in our small way we helped our mother nature and through that
trees we planted we also helping our community to avoid some natural disasters. We
should all protect our mother nature, because these is where we live. Planting trees,
flowers and vegetables helps to improve our ecosystem and it’s an act that we can give
back to maintain the earth a better place to live.
Compile pictures printed in a long bond paper depicting the human’s actions in maintaining a
green environment

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