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FP2: Chapter 7: Maclaurin and Taylor Series

Power Series – function of x is expressed as an infinite series in ascending powers of x.

(6.1) Maclarin’s Expansion (by Scottish mathematician Colin Maclarin)
f(x)= c0 +c1x + c2x2 + c3x3+…………………………….
𝑓 ,, (0) 𝑓 ,,, (0) 𝑓 (𝑟) (0)
f(x)= f(0)+f’(0)x + X2 + X3+ ……. + Xr + ……………
2! 3! 𝑟!
𝑥2 𝑥3 𝑥𝑟
a) ex = 1 + x + + + --------- + + ……….. valid for all values of x
2! 3! 𝑟!
𝑥2 𝑥3 𝑥𝑟
b)ln(1+x) = x - + - …………… + (-1)r-1 + ……… -1<x≤1
2 3 𝑟
𝑥3 𝑥5 𝑥 2𝑟+1
c) sinx = x - + - …………… + (-1)r (2𝑟+1)! + ……… valid for all values of x
3! 5!
𝑥2 𝑥4 𝑥 2𝑟
d) cosx = 1 - + + --------- +(-1)r (2𝑟)! + ……….. valid for all values of x
2! 4!
𝑛(𝑛−1) 2 𝑛(𝑛−1)(𝑛−2) 3 𝑛(𝑛−1)…..(𝑛−𝑟+1)
e) (1+x)n = = 1 + nx + x + x +………..+ xr+ …….. -1<x<1
2! 3! 𝑟!

1 By using the Maclaurin expansion, express the following in power series:
a)ex b)ln(1+x) c)sinx d)(1+x)n
2 Given that y=√𝑐𝑜𝑠𝑥 , show that
𝑑𝑦 𝑑𝑦
a)4y2( )2 = 1-y4, and find ( )0
𝑑𝑥 𝑑𝑥
𝑑2𝑦 1 -3 𝑑2𝑦
b) 2 = - (y +y), and find ( 2 )0
𝑑𝑥 4 𝑑𝑥
By further differentiation, or otherwise, obtain the expansion of y as a series of ascending powers of x up
to and including the terms in x4.
3 Given that y=exsinx,
a)express in the form of kex sin(x+α), stating clearly suitable values for k and α.
b)express the next two derivatives in similar forms.
c)express y as a series of ascending powers of x as far as the term in x 3.
d)Find an estimate of the value of e1/2sin(1/2), hence find the percentage error of the estimate.
4 a)If f(x)=ecosx, prove that f ‘’(x) + sin f ‘(x)+ cosx f(x)=0.
1 1
b)Show that, neglecting powers of x above the fourth, ecosx= e(1- x2+ x4). GST
2 6
5 Given y2 -2ysin2x-cos2x=0 and y=1 when x=0, expand y in ascending power of x up to and including the
term in x3. STPM
6 By using the expansion of sinѲ and cosѲ, prove that if Ѳ6 and higher power to be neglected,
sinѲ – Ѳ(cosѲ)1/3=Ѳ5/45 STPM
7 By using the expansion of ln(1+x) and ex, show that, if the term in x3 and higher power to be neglected,
ln(1+ex) = ln 2 +px +qx2
where p and q are constant values to be found.
Hence, deduce the corresponding expansion of ln(1+e-x). STPM
Ex6A:4,6 Ex6B:3,5,6,8,9 Ex6C:2,4,5,7,8,10,11,12
(6.2) Taylor’s expansion
f(x)= c0 +c1 (x-a) + c2 (x-a)2 + c3 (x-a)3+…………………………….
𝑓 ,, (𝑎) 𝑓 ,,, (𝑎) 𝑓 (𝑟) (𝑎)
f(x+a)= f(a)+f’(a)x + X2 + X3+ ……. + Xr + ……………
2! 3! 𝑟!
𝑓 ,, (𝑎) 𝑓 ,,, (𝑎) 𝑓 (𝑟) (𝑎)
f(x)= f(a)+f’(a)x + (X-a)2 + (X-a)3+ ……. + (X-a)r + ……………
2! 3! 𝑟!

Taylor’s series method can be used to solve differential equation

𝑑𝑦 (𝑥−𝑥𝑜 )2 𝑑2𝑦 (𝑥−𝑥𝑜 )3 𝑑3𝑦
y= (y)x0+ (x-x0)( ) + ( ) + ( ) +………
𝑑𝑥 𝑥0 2! 𝑑𝑥 2 𝑥0 3! 𝑑𝑥 3 𝑥0
Note: when x0 = 0, it reduces to Maclaurin’s series

1 Find the Taylor series expansion of √𝑥 in ascending powers of (x-4) as far as in (x-4)5. Hence find an estimate
for √4.1. Leave your answer correct to 5dp.
2 a)Use Taylor’s expansion to express sinx as a series in ascending powers of (x-𝜋6) as far as the term in (x-𝜋6)5
b) Use Taylor’s expansion to express xlnx as a series in ascending powers of (x-1) as far as the term in (x-1)4
3 Use Taylor’s expansion to express ln(2x+4) a series in ascending powers of x as far as the term in x5
𝑑𝑦 𝑑𝑦
4 Given x=1,y=2 and 3y2 = 1+xy, find ( )1. Hence, express y in ascending powrs of x as far as the term in (x-
𝑑𝑥 𝑑𝑥
Ex6D:All Ex6E:1,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 MisEx 6:All

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