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Researcher: Jinky Jazmin

Bachelor of Elementary Education 3

Title: A case Study on Children with Disability and their Education (SPED) in Brgy Gibatangan,

Lao-ang, Northern Samar

A. Objectives

General Objective

To study children with disability and their education in Gibatangan, Lao-ang, Northern Samar

To identity a child with special needs

Specific Objectives

1) To give description of the situation of the children with disability in term of their environment

and their immediate environment.

2) To describe the education they have for them.

3) To determine the hindrances and struggles of o Child with disability in studying.

4) To know the scholarly needs of a Child With Disability.

5) To make suggestions and recommendations for the betterment of the education of the Children

With Disability.

B. Profile of the Child

The Case of the Child

In Brgy Gibatangan, one of the remote barangays of Lao- ang Northern Samar, Enrique and his

family lives. Enrique is a 10 year-old child with closed eyes, He cannot see anything and this
disability he has is in-born to him. His eyes are closed with skin as if it were burned. Because if

this reason, he is unable to study in a normal school just like any other kids. The implication of

this is that Enrique was unable to study and has no access to any kind of education, and it is also

because of the location of their barangay. No special education teacher is around and even before

the pandemic, seldom a SPED teachers visit their place since their place has no SPED center.

Hence, Enrique slow progress in education.

Enrique is the 3rd child of Mr. And Mr. Balanday, next to his older brother and his mother. Their

famiy is poor that they lived in a roomless house, their sala is their bedroom as well. According

to Enrique's mother, he is actually into studues but the only problem is that their is no available

SPED teacher and facility in their place as well as in their neighboring barangays.

C. Discussion

What is Special Education?

Special needs is an umbrella term for a wide array of diagnoses, from those that resolve quickly

to those that will be a challenge for life and those that are relatively mild to those that are

profound. Children with special needs may have developmental delays, medical conditions,

psychiatric conditions, and/or congenital conditions. These special needs require

accommodations so children can reach their potential.

No matter the reason, the special needs designation is useful. It can help you obtain needed

services, set appropriate goals, and gain an understanding of your child and the stresses your

family may face.

Special education (also known as special-needs education, aided education, exceptional

education, special ed., SEN or SPED) is the practice of educating students in a way that provides
accommodations that address their individual differences, disabilities, and special needs. Ideally,

this process involves the individually planned and systematically monitored arrangement of

teaching procedures, adapted equipment and materials, and accessible settings. These

interventions are designed to help individuals with special needs achieve a higher level of

personal self-sufficiency and success in school and in their community which may not be

available if the student were only given access to a typical classroom education.

Special education aims to provide accommodated education for students with disabilities such as

learning disabilities (such as dyslexia), communication disorders, emotional and behavioral

disorders (such as ADHD), physical disabilities (such as osteogenesis imperfecta, cerebral palsy,

muscular dystrophy, spina bifida, and Friedreich's ataxia), and developmental disabilities (such

as autistic spectrum disorders including autism and Asperger syndrome and intellectual

disability) and many other disabilities. Students with these kinds of disabilities are likely to

benefit from additional educational services such as different approaches to teaching, the use of

technology, a specifically adapted teaching area, a resource room, or a separate classroom.

Legal Bases of Special Education in the Philippines

Special Education in the Philippines is anchored on the following legal documents. Articles356

and 259 of Commonwealth Act No. 3203, "the right of every child to live in an atmosphere

conducive to his physical, moral and intellectual development" and the

concomitant duty of the government "to promote the full growth of the faculties of every child."

Republic Act No. 3562: "An Act to Promote the Education of the Blind in the Philippines

provided for the formal training of special education teachers of blind children at the Philippine
Normal College, the rehabilitation of the Philippine National School for the Blind (PNSB) and

the establishment of the Philippine Printing House of the Blind

Republic Act No. 5250: "An Act Establishing a Ten-Year Teacher Training Program for

Teachers of Special and Exceptional Children." provided for the formal training of teachers for

deaf, hard-of-hearing, speech handicapped, socially and emotionally disturbed, mentally retarded

and mentally gifted and youth at the Philippine Normal College and the University of the


Section 8, Article XV of the 1973 Constitution of the Philippines, "A complete, adequate and

integrated system of education relevant to the goals of national development."

Articles 3 and 74 of the Presidential Decree No. 603 of 1975, "The emotionally disturbed or

socially maladjusted child shall be treated with sympathy and understanding and shall be given

the education and care required by his particular condition." "Thus, where needs warrant, there

shall be at least special classes in every province, and if possible, special schools for the

physically handicapped, the mentally retarded, the emotionally disturbed and the mentally gifted.

The private sector shall be given all the necessary inducement and encouragement. Presidential

Decree No. 1509 of 1978, created the National Commission Concerning Disabled Persons

(NCCDP) Education Act of 1982 or Batas Pambansa Bilang 232, "The State shall promote the

right of every individual to relevant quality education regardless of sex, age, breed,

socioeconomical status, physical and mental condition, social and ethnic origin, political and

other affiliations. The State shall therefore promote and maintain equality of access to education

as well
In addition, provision of special education in the Philippines is inferred from two provisions of

the 1987 Philippine Constitution. Article II, section 17 provides that the state must give priority

to education, while Article XIV, section 1 guarantees that this education be accessible to all.

Special Education for Students

While some scholars of education may categorize gifted education under the umbrella of "special

education," this pedagogical approach is much different based on students' capabilities.

Intellectual giftedness is a difference in learning and can also benefit from specialized teaching

techniques or different educational programs, but the term "special education" is generally used

to specifically indicate instruction of disabled students.

Whereas special education is designed specifically for students with learning disabilities,

remedial education can be designed for any students, with or without special needs; the defining

trait is simply that they have reached a point of unpreparedness, regardless of why. For example,

even people of high intelligence can be under-prepared if their education was disrupted, for

example, by internal displacement during civil disorder or a war.

In most developed countries, educators modify teaching methods and environments so that the

maximum number of students are served in general education environments. Therefore, special

education in developed countries is often regarded as a service rather than a place. Integration

can reduce social stigmas and improve academic achievement for many students.

The opposite of special education is general education. General education is the standard

curriculum presented without special teaching methods or supports. Students receiving special

education services can sometimes enroll in a General education setting to learn along with

students without disabilities.

Based on the latest Department of Education 2000 report, out of 80 million Filipinos, 50% are

children and youth (0-24 yrs.) The SPED Division of the Department of Education estimates that

12% of the children population in the country have special needs; 2% are gifted while 10% are

those with disabilities. On the projected population of 43,303,145 children and youth (0-24 years

old) for the year 2000, there were 5,196,377 children with special needs.

Enrique, as the subject of this paper, according to his parents has a very normal behavior just like

those normal kids, though he is not fond of going outto play with some other kids; he prefers

playing inside the house with his older sister. He even tried to do chores such as washing dishes

and cooking but he's parents do not let him to, because they are afraid of what might happen.

Furthermore, Enrique's education before is on going before the pandemic. A teacher from SPED

Catarman visits him twice a week for a special education session, she taught him to read letter

using the appropriate tools in teaching such a child. However, starting the pandemic, his teacher

wanst unable to come for their education session anymore, as well as be ause his parents are

unable to pay for the tuition and the needed materials for his studies, currently, Enrique spent his

days in their home, playing with his siblings.

Education Problems in the SPED as determined by the Issue

Medical issues for children include serious conditions like cancer, heart defects, muscular

dystrophy, and cystic fibrosis. It also includes chronic conditions like asthma and diabetes,

congenital conditions like cerebral palsy and dwarfism, and health threats like food allergies and


A child may need frequent medical testing, hospital stays, equipment, and accommodations for

disabilities. Establishing a good support system is very important when dealing with uncertainty

and any medical crises. (Mauro, T: 2020)

As for Enrique's situation, he is in need of support because of his medical condition. And this

problem led him to tge Special Education curriculum.

Scholarly Needs of Students with Disability

Students whether they are with slecial need or with disability or not, they need something

scholarly. It is to hone and develop them as an individual. In the case of Enrique, he is in need of

proper education which is cannot br attain in their place because of its location and because it is

considered to be a farflungare which is only accessible by habal-habal. It is very important for

the child to gain proper special education because it will hone him to a better individual in the

future. However, because as well of the distance from the nearest SPED Center, which is

approximately 1 hour and 30 minutes travel with public transportation like jeepney and another

30 minutes travel of habal-habal.

Furthermore, it was said that during the sessions before, they also in need of tools equipments

that can used for their education, chairs and other school supplies are lacking also the proper

place for the teaching or learning may take place.


The researcher, in order to gain the necessary information and dats needed to complete this

study, employ a non-structured interview to the parents of the subject as well as a small talk with

the subject. By these ways, the researcher was able to collect informations and data that help the

researcher ro complete this paper. The researcher visit the subject and his parents in their

community to as well, assess the community that the subject belongs. Moreover, the needs and

what are lacking can also be assessed.

Findings and Conclusions

After the interview conducted by the researcher and also of the assessment done to assess the

community, the following findings were drawn:

1. There are no accessible SPED center in the place and therefore has no proper education that

can be given to the children with disabilities in the area.

2. The unavailability of SPED Center in area make the parents with child with disabilities unable

to send their children to school to gain proper education, however, those with semi-disablities

such as eye-impairment are still sent to normal schools, its as well because of the lack of

specialized education for them in te area.

3. Having disability is already a challenge and hindrance to the student in going to school, in

ither worda in gaining education. However, in the place of Enrique, there are still several more

hindrances that can be observed such as unavailability of SPED Center and SPED Teacher to

assess students' needs in their education. Furthermore, tools, equipments and facilities intended

for children with disabilities are also part of those hindrances.

4. The child needs proper education, as well as those with disabilities, they are in need of

specialized education that would cater their special needs. Teachers to teach them the lessons,

but not just a normal teacher but those who are expert in teaching children with special needs in

order to cater the scholarly needs of the students.

5. The government should alot funds that could help the students with disabilities to gain proper

education, also for teacher that would teach the students. In addition, erection of SPED Center in

the area or nearer are will be a great help so that they could already cater the place and its

neighboring ares with the same case.


There are many children with disabilities that are unable to gain and received education intended

for them, this is because if their location, and the unavailability of teachers and SPED Centers to

cater and assess their needs. In Gibatangan Lao-ang Northern Samar, Enrique is one of the

student or children with disabilities that is in need if such education. However, because eof the

pandemic, the visiting teacher for Enrique's specialized education was unable to visit him.

Furthermore, the government should alot funds to carer the needa of these children with special



Mauro, T. 2020. What does Special Needs means?.

Understood. 2019. Understanding Special Education.

Special Education in the Philippines. Retrieved from

Rabara N. 2017. The Education of Exceptional Children in Public Elementary Schools in Region

1. Asia Pacific Journal of Contemporary Education and Communication Technology

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