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June 2015 Communications studies Paper 2

Module 1

The writer's main purpose is to inform the public about precautionary measures taken when
dealing with the Chikungunya Virus.

The writer employs many organizational strategies and language techniques to put forward his
point. Three of those organizational strategies are:

Firstly, the use of historical data. This is the use of data from past events to show the present
occurrences. This can be seen in use in line 1, "Chikungunya was first reported in Southern
Tanzania in 1952". By discussing the date of origin of the virus, it adds credibility to the
existence of the virus and make the public aware about its existence.

Secondly, the use of Authoritative references. This is the use of a reputable organization or
person to add credibility to the information presented. This can be seen in use in lines 1-2,
"Chikungunya was first reported in Southern Tanzania in 1952, according to the World Health
Organization (WHO)" and lines 8-9, "WHO and the Pan-American Health Organization
facilitating the bulk purchase of essential public health supplies". The use of WHO and PAO
adds credibility to the information making the public believe the information.

Thirdly, the use of compare and contrast. The use of differences and similarities to dispaly the
information. This is evident in paragraphs 3 and 4. They compared the similarities in
precautionary measures of Trinidad and Jamaica as well as the differences in how the
government in the country handled the outbreak.

Three language techniques were also employed:

Firstly, Tone. The way and attitude in which the writer puts forward his information. The writer
uses an informative tone. This is to inform the reader on a specific subject only to fulfil his
purpose and to help the audience remember the information later.

Secondly, the use of diction. This is the choice of words of the writer. This can be seen in line 20,
"issued tough warnings". This was to effectively communicate to the audience that strict
warnings and punishments will be met out to those who do not heed them.


The information presented was valid because the author makes use of multiple reputed
organization as well as a source in his writing, "Adapted from Caribbean Beat
January/February 2015, Media and Educational Projects Ltd, Trinidad, p. 109. This increases
the validity and credibility of the information.

The writer uses both Creole and Standard English in the passage, possible reasons are: The
writer wants to show the educational difference between the judge and the complainant. In line
1, “Call the complainant to the witness stand,” the judge spoke in Standard English this could
be attributed to his experience in the field of law as well as his education level. In line 20, when I
walking through the state road to me house Isee dis bwoy stoning me mango tree.” This
complainant spoke in a creole English. This points to his profession and rural lifestyle as well as
his low education background. To depict a realistic Caribbean court setting. In a court the judge
holds authority and asks questions while being one of the most highly educated person in the
room while the complainants and the accused are usually of a lower educational background
which can be shown in their manner of speech.

Many non- West Indian may find it hard to understand this passage because of the language
barriers. They would find it difficult to pronounce. Creole language has spellings that are
different from normal Standard English as well as their pronunciation. In line 20, "bwoy" which
in english meant boy would be very different for non-Caribbean to pronounce. They would also
find it hard to understand the language. The creole language has a different diction. In line, 25,
"lick me hand", Non caribbean would not understand what is meant by that but others would. He
is trying to say that the stone hit his hand but it may imply differently to others.

A video presentation of this passage would create a comedic effect by showing the audience the
court trial and video as well as how the complainants talk. Also a comedic effect can be created
when showing them the occurrence in video of ehat the complainant is talking about or what he
is remembering.

(Body posture, facial expressions

Module 3

Obesity is a rising risk factor for heart disease in the world so methods of weight loss must be
employed. As president of the sporting committee, I have been tasked with outlining what the
committee is going to do promote weight loss among the school community. My proposal would ,
including items such as theme, timetable of events, personnel to be involved and benefits to the
school as well three strategies to promote the walkathon.

The theme of this walkathon would be weight loss achievemnt in 30 days. This event would
involve the entire school and span a one month time period. This period would also serve as a
trial run to see if this project would be feasible to continue if there would be improvements. This
event will take place after school for one hour everyday on weekdays to avoid disturbing and
interrupting classes as well as two hours on Saturdays preferrrably from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM.
In this events the personnel involved would be members of the sporting committee. We would
have personnels to handle refrehments which would be in the form of spor drinks afterwards as
well as personnel to monitor the walkathon to make sure no one is cheating. Also attendance
would be taken. This event would involve walking from Cornelia Ida to Leonora and back within
one hour, no stops no rest , until yu are back at school. Students would be required to wear track
suits when involved in the walkathon. This walkathon provides the school with a lot of benefits.
Students who would be getting these regular exercises would be able to properly concentrate in
class and avoid sleeping in afternoons. Also, students would

Three strategies than could be used to promote the walkathon are:

Firstly, Logos, the use of facts and figures to persuade the audience. The use of facts such as the
effects of the walkathon in wight loss as well figures such as percentage of people who benefitted
from a wakathon would persuade and promote the walkathon. So more people would be aware
about and would like to join for the benefits.

Secondly, Pathos, the use of emotive appeal on the audience. By advertising negative effets of
society on the overweight. This would push people to lose the weight through participating in the
walskathon to avoid being grouped or ridiculed.

Lastly, Ethos, The use of dredibility to appael to the audience. The use of reputed doctors and
body builders who show to the audience the effects of the walkathon activities on their lives as
well as their weight. Hearing it from reputed sources would make people want to do the same.

In conclusion a detailed time table as well as personnel working together with the strategies
could make the walkathon a success.

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