Truth and Falsehood

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The dear old man with a fussy beard

Beckons the innocent, the sweet
Who never fathomed he should be feared.

Tempting the child with coated candy treat

He recounts stories from lands afar
While the child, in glee asks for a repeat.

Glib laughter echoes through the door ajar-

He coddles the kid in his wrinkled hand
As its mother enters, inviting a spar.

“My loving child, don’t you understand

This man’s a rogue, thoroughly cruel?
Now let’s leave his wretched land!”

“Mother Truth, do not my anger fuel!

This child is mine, and mine alone
Depart now else we’ll have to duel!”

The child, aghast, trembling to the bone

Watches with tear the fitful scene
What should it do-join in or condone?

“Dear mother, I may be of your gene

But harsh you are and hard-hitting.
It is time that I rightfully intervene

To end this dispute, long seeming.

Kind, nice this old man has been
And his many stories so charming.

It is with him that I want to be seen.”

“Child, you must be highly mistaken-
Your mind hidden behind a dark screen

The entirety of your life is forsaken

As he sucks your joys out as a leach
If this be your unfortunate decision!”
“Mother Truth, cut down your preach!
The child has now made its choice
And fortunately forever out of your reach!”

Diminished, Mother Truth, with no rejoice,

Her pristine white sleeves flowing
Leaves, for untruth had drowned her voice!


The doors closed, windows barred

As Mother Truth did exit the place
The child, unwitting,it had erred

Tries moving, only to fall without grace

To the mirth of a vicious hooded youth
Of the old man, there was no trace.

“Oh please do tell me the truth

Where had the old man gone? ”
“Oh child, you are so uncouth!

What an error have you done!”

Saying so, he removed his hood.
“Listen here, silence now or be gone!

I am your Master called Falsehood.

Have you now as my loyal slave
Work hard, laborious as you should

Lest you want to dig your own grave!

Tied you will be, chained to the door
Denied of any, any that you crave”

The child cried sprawled on the floor

When to the floor dropped a thing.
The child looked with hope, succour-

It was the candy, tied to a string

Green as the saccharine coating had paled
Making the poor child, in guilt, sting.
“Dear Mother, my folly has indeed entailed
I must suffer in unbearable pain
As the vile Falsehood watches, regaled.

Your brave efforts to save me are in vain

As I couldn’t foresee the old man’s mask
Or what his malicious soul did contain!

I have realized that my ultimate task

Is to, with my heart and soul, plead
You to seek where Falsehood bask

And save a child, like me, from greed

And from Falsehood’s deceptive snare
For, if not now, then may Truth succeed!”


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