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Name and Dose, Mechanism of Indication Contraindication Adverse Effects Nursing

Classification of Frequency, Action Responsibility
Drugs Route,
Duration of
Hyoscine-N- Dose: 10 mg Blocks the Relief of smooth  Contraindicate  Constipation  Advice the
Butlybromide Frequency: muscarinic muscle spasm of d in patient  Decreased patient to
(antispasmodics) OD receptors found the gastrointestinal with sweating take the
Route: IV on the smooth and genitourinary myasthenia  Mouth, skin drugs 30
Duration: muscle walls systems. gravies, dryness minutes to 1
which means megacolon.  Blurred feeling hour before
its blocks the  Narrow angle  Bloating meal.
action of glaucoma  Dysuria  Buscopan
acetylcholine  Prostate will
 N/V
on the hypertrophy potentiate the
 Headache
receptors found with urinary effect of
within the  Weakness
retention alcohol and
smooth muscle  Mechanical other CNS
of the stenosis in the depressants.
gastrointestinal GI tract  Do not take
and urinary  Tachycardia antacids and
tract and thus antidiarrheal;
reduces spasms 2 to3 hours
and prior to
contractions. taking drugs.
This relaxes the
muscles and
thus reduced
the pain from
the cramps and
Omeprazole Dose: 40 mg Inhibits acid Gastric Ulcer  Contraindicate  CNS: dizziness,  Assess
(proton pump Frequency: (proton) pump d in patient’s headache patient’s
inhibitor) OD and pumps to hypersensitivit  GI: abdominal condition
Route: P.O hydrogen- y to drugs. pain, before
Duration: potassium  Pregnant constipation, starting
3days adenosine women. diarrhea, therapy and
triphosphates  Breast feeding nausea, regularly
on secretory woman. vomiting thereafter to
surface of  Children age 2  Musculoskeletal monitor
gastric parietal to 6 years old. : back pain drug’s
cells to block  Respiratory: effectiveness.
formation of cough  Be alert for
gastric acid.  Skin: rash the adverse
 Give tablets
30 minutes
before meals.
 Explain
of taking
 Warn patient
not to chew
or crush the

Metoclopramide Dose: 1 Stimulates Reduce nausea and  Contraindicate  CNS: seizures,  Assess
(anti-emetic, GI ampule motility of vomiting d in patient’s suicidal ideation patient’s
stimulant) Frequency: upper GI tract hypersensitivit  CV: condition
PRN by increasing y to drugs. arrhythmias, AV before the
Route: IV lower  Pregnant block, therapy.
Duration: 1- esophageal women. bradycardia,  Monitor
2 hour sphincter tone.  Breast feeding heart failure blood
Block woman.  HEMATOLOGI pressure in
dopamine  Elderly patient C: patient taking
receptors at  Patients with a agranulocytosis, I.V form of
chemoreceptors history of leukopenia, drug.
trigger zone. depression, neonatal  Be alert for
Parkinson’s methemoglobine the adverse
disease, mia, neutropenia effects.
hypertension  PATIENT TEACHING
or renal  Instruct
impairment. patient not to
drink alcohol
 Advise
patient to
alertness for
2 hours after
taking each

Ciprofloxacin Dose: 200 Bactericidal Mild to moderate  Contraindicate  CNS: confusion,  Assess
(antibiotic) mg effects may UTI d in patients headache, patient’s
Frequency: result from the hypersensitive restlessness, infection
q12 inhibition of to seizure before
Route: IV bacterial DNA fluoroquinolon  GI: diarrhea, therapy and
Duration: gyrase and es. nausea regularly
unknown prevention of  Used  HEMATOLOGI throughout.
replication in cautiously in C: leukopenia,  Before
susceptible patient with neutropenia, giving the
bacteria. CNS disorder thrombocytopen first dose,
such as severe ia obtain
cerebral  SKIN: Steven- specimen for
arteriosclerosi Johnson culture and
s or seizure Syndrome sensitivity
disorders. tests. Begin
 Immunocompr therapy
omised patient pending
may receive results.
the usual dos  Be alert for
and regimen adverse
for anthrax. reactions.
 Pregnant  If adverse GI
women reactions
 Breastfeeding occur,
women monitor
 Children patients
younger than hydration.
age 18.  Reduce dose
for patient
with renal
 Have patient
drink plenty
of fluids to
reduce the
risks of
 Warn patient
to avoid
tasks that
alertness such
as driving.
 Avoid
Potassium Citrate Dose: 10 Restore the Treat a kidney  Contraindicate  Confusion  Advice
(anti-urolithic) mEqs level of the stone condition d for patients  Increased thirst patient to
Frequency: urinary citrate called renal tubular with;  Black or tarry take the
TID and to increase acidosis.  Renal stool medication
Route: P.O the p H of insufficiency  Irregular heart 30 minutes
Duration: urine.  Hyperpotasse beat after meal.
unknown mia  Leg discomfort  The
 Intestinal  Muscle treatment
obstruction weakness may include
 Patients  Coughing up special diet.
submitted to blood  Regularly
anticholinergic check the
therapy heart rate of
 Slow gastric the patient.
emptying  Teach the
patient to
store the
citrate at
away from
moisture and
Diphenhydramine Dose: 10 mg 1. Has 1. Treatment  Use with other  Drowsiness  Give full
Hydrochloride Frequency: high of products  Constipation prophylactic
(antihistamine) 30 minutes sedative, hypersensitivity containing  Diarrhea dose 30min.
prior to BT anticholine reactions diphenhydramine  Dizziness prior to travel
Route: IV rgic and 2. Treatment  Hypersensitivity  Dry if used as a
Duration: 4- antiemetic of motion to antihistamines mouth/nose/thro prophylaxis
6 hours effects sickness  Increases the risk at for motion
2. Blocks 3. Treatment of cognitive  Headache sickness
the action of Parkinsonism decline in the  Anorexia  Take similar
of 4. Nighttime elderly  N&V doses with
acetylcholi sleep aid  Use with caution in  Anxiety meals and at
ne 5. Antitussive clients suffering bedtime
 GI upset
3. Blocks from the following:  Do not use
 Asthenia
H-1 Increased Pressure more than 2
receptors 
in the Eye, Closed weeks to treat
on effector Angle Glaucoma, insomnia
cells of the Chronic Difficulty  For IV, may
GI tract, having a Bowel give undiluted
blood Movement, High  Do not exceed
vessels, Blood Pressure, IV rate of
and Stenosing Peptic 25mg/minute
respiratory Ulcer, Blockage of  Drug causes
tract Urinary Bladder, drowsiness.
Enlarged Prostate, Avoid
Cannot Empty activities
Bladder, requiring
Overactive mental
Thyroid Gland alertness
 Use sun
protection as it
may cause
 Use sugarless
candy/gum to
diminish dry
mouth effects
 Avoid alcohol
and other CNS
 Stop therapy
72-96 hr. prior
to skin testing.
Report adverse
effect and lack
of response
Paracetamol Dose: 500 1. Decrea 1. Control of  Renal  Minimal GI upset.  Do not exceed
(Antipyretic) mg ses fever pain due to Insufficiency  Methemoglobinemi 4gm/24hr. in
Frequency: by a headache,  Anemia a adults and
30 minutes hypothala earache,  Liver toxicity  Hemolytic Anemia 75mg/kg/day in
prior to BT mic effect dysmenorrhea, (hepatocyte  Neutropenia children.
Route: PO leading to arthralgia, necrosis) may  Thrombocytopenia  Do not take for
Duration: 5 sweating myalgia, occur with doses  Pancytopenia >5days for pain
hours and musculoskeleta not far beyond in children, 10
 Leukopenia
vasodilatio l pain, arthritis, labeled dosing. days for pain in
 Urticaria
n immunizations,  If 3 or more adults, or more
2. Inhibits teething,  CNS stimulation
alcoholic drinks than 3 days for
pyrogen tonsillectomy  Hypoglycemic
per day are fever in adults.
effect on Reduce fev coma
2. consumed, consult  Extended-
the er in viral and  Jaundice
a physician prior Release tablets
hypothala bacterial  Glissitis are not to be
to use.
mic-heat- infections  Drowsiness chewed.
regulating 3. As a  Liver Damage  Monitor CBC,
centers substitute liver and renal
3. Inhibits for aspirin in functions.
CNS upper GI  Assess for fecal
prostaglan disease, occult blood and
din bleeding nephritis.
synthesis disorders  Avoid using
with clients in OTC drugs with
minimal anticoagulant Acetaminophen.
effects on therapy and  Take with food
peripheral gouty arthritis or milk to
prostaglan minimize GI
din upset.
synthesis  Report N&V.
4. Does cyanosis,
not cause shortness of
ulceration breath and
of the GI abdominal pain
tract and as these are signs
causes no of toxicity.
anticoagula  Report paleness,
nt action. weakness, and
heartbeat skips
 Report
abdominal pain,
jaundice, dark
urine, itchiness
or clay-colored
 Phenmacetin
may cause urine
to become dark
brown or wine-
 Report pain that
persists for more
than 3-5 days
 Avoid alcohol.
 This drug is not
for regular use
with any form of
liver disease.

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