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I. OBJECTIVEs: At the end of the lesson the students should be able to:
1. Identify the elements of the story. (EN6RC-Ic-6.5)
2. Show tactfulness when communicating with others (EN6A-Ic-17)
A. Skill: Identifying the elements of the story
B. Reference: Self Learning Module English Quarter 3 Module 2 Lesson 1
English Quarter 3 – Module 2 Evaluate Narratives Based on How the Author Developed the Elements
(Objective 7- used appropriate teaching and learning resources such as SLM for English 6)
C. Materials: Laptop, PowerPoint Presentation, Bluetooth Speaker, Worksheets/Graphic Organizers
D. (indicator 9 – ICT
Value Focus: integrat
Love and care for animals; Respect for everyone
(Objective 1 Integration in Science & ESP)

III. Instructional Procedure

A. Preliminary Activities
1. Spelling - Word Scramble
Direction: Unscramble the letters to find the names of the pictures.
(Objective 2 – reflected in power point presentation)
2. Review
Directions: Below are sentences depicting the elements of a story. For numbers 1 to 4, write C
if the sentence tells about a Character, S for Setting, P for Plot, and T for Theme. For number 5,
write the letter of the correct answer on your answer sheet.
(Objective 2 – reflected in power point presentation)

B. Developmental Activities

1. Motivation
Pupils will sing along with video about books. Then they will answer the questions below.
(Objective 2 – reflected in power point presentation)

1. Tell me about the video you just watched?

2. What can you read in a book?
3. Why do you love books? (Objective 3– Creative and critical thinking)
4. How books help you reduce stress this time of COVID 19 pandemic?
Objective 5- responsive to the educational needs of learners in difficult circumstances…
example this time of Pandemic)
5. How do you take care of your books?

2. Presentation
Today, our learning journey will focus on identifying the elements of the story.

Do you love animals? Why do we need to treat well our pets at home?
Find out in the story how Kamela treats animals. (Objective 1 Integration in Science & ESP)

(Objective 2 & 7 – flash

pictures from learning
resources using ICT
Kamela: The Kind-Hearted Child
By Ma. Melanie L. Padohinog

Kamela is a Grade 6 pupil in a small barrio. She lives a simple life with her three siblings and
their parents.
One day, as she was entering their school gate, she heard a soft cry. She almost leaped when
she stumbled upon a cute puppy. As she looked closer, she found out that it was badly hurt. It has a
wound on its left ear and fresh blood was dripping from it.
What character trait does Kamela possess?
When she was about to pick up the puppy, a group of three boys called her. One of them said,
“Kamela, never mind that puppy. Look at how disgusting it is!”
What do you think will happen next?
Kamela replied, “Yes, for you this puppy is dirty and smells odd. But like us, they have feelings,
too. When people hurt them, they also feel the pain. And when somebody loves and cares for them,
they also love back and care for that person.”
How will Kamela’s classmates react after hearing about her feelings for the puppy?
Kian, Kamela’s classmate, timidly said, “We’re very sorry, Kamela. We made fun of the puppy.
We did not realize that they also need love and care like us. Don’t worry, we will help you bring the
puppy to the veterinarian so that it could be treated and be well again.

Can you identify the elements of the short story?

Kindly answer the following questions in your answer sheet.

1. Who are the characters in the story?

2. How will you describe Kamela?
3. What does Kamela find along the way?
4. What is Kian sorry for?
5. If you were Kamela, would you do the same? Why? (Objective 3 – Creative and critical thinking)
6. If you were a puppy, what can you expect from your owner? (Objective 3 – Creative and critical

3. Teaching/Modeling

Knowing the elements of a story is significant to you as a reader. Why?

 These elements allow you to follow the whole story in a clear and logical manner.
 Understanding the elements of stories will also help you understand and appreciate narratives

Here are the elements of a short story.

4. Guided Practice (Objective 3 – Cooperative Learning)
Group Activity No. 1

There will be four groups in the class. Each group will receive a graphic organizer where they are can write their
answers. There will be a Leader, Recorder, Reporter, Time Keeper and Materials Manager. Each group will
observe the rules provided.

(Objective 2 & 7 –
flash pictures from
learning resources
using ICT
Activity No. 2 (Think-Pair-Share)
(Objective 3– Cooperative Learning)

(Objective 2 & 7 –
flash pictures from
learning resources
using ICT

(Objective 4 – established a learner-centered culture through Cooperative

Learning/students centered learning)

(Objective 1
Integration in MAPEH)
5. Independent practice
Students will work individually by answering the questions below..

1. Who are the characters in the story?

2. Where and when does the story happen?
3. Why does Ms. Pe ask Romeo to apologize to Kian?
4. What point of view is used in narrating the story?
5. If you were Kian, how would Romeo’s answer to Ms. Pe make you feel? Will you accept his apology?
Why or why not? (Objective 3 – Creative and critical thinking)
6. What is the over-all message of the story for students like you?
5. Generalization:

You are way almost done in this lesson. Now, let us have a quick throwback on the most important
parts of the lesson which are essential for your learning.

1. What are the elements of a story?

2. What is a character?
3. What is a setting?
4. What is a plot?
5. What is a theme?
6. What is a point of view?


Objective 5- responsive to the educational needs of learners in difficult circumstances…

example this time of Pandemic, teachers delivers the certificates and awards of students
in their respective homes)

(Objective 6- evidence that highlights providing accurate & constructive feedbacks thru assessment/test)

The teacher will praise students using cheers and different types of claps to recognize good student
performance throughout the class.

(Objective 8- Set achievable & appropriate learning outcomes aligned with learning competencies.


 Directions: Do research on the following topics. Then answer the questions in your
assignment notebook.

1. What are the six elements of a plot?

2. What are the five types of conflict in a story?
3. Why plot is the most important element of a story?
Answer using the graphic organizer below.

Submitted by:
Gr. 6-Einstein Class Adviser

G O O D L U C K & G O D B L E S S !!!

If you want to get the PowerPoint presentation of this lesson, please visit jenrap learning channel or
open this link below ( Ctrl+Click to follow link )

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