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Question A

i. Discuss Web 1.0, 2.0 and 3.0, and how these advancements benefit e-marketers.
Support your answerwith relevant examples.

ii. Analyse and differentiate between “centralised push” and “decentralised pull”. Support your
answerwith relevant examples.


i. Web 1.0 is the first stage of development of the Internet. Web 1.0 is the first generation of
the Web. A static website which is totally build-up of text and web pages interconnected by
hyperlinks and used as the information portal. Web 2.0 mainly emphasize the ability for people
to accommodate and share information online engage and respond to the content rather than
of just consuming it. Web 2.0 focus mainly on user-generated content making Web more
interactive. Web 3.0 is an easy term with a far greater complex meaning. So let me make it
simple but before digging any further it’s important to know what the term semantics actually
means? Example apple(fruit) vs apple(iOS). Same syntax but different semantics.

ii. concentrate to push is defined as a promotional strategy in which a business attempts to get
their message in front of their potential customers without them having a desire or interest to
buy the product or learn more about it. Push marketing requires a lot of reach and can be
considered to be ‘interruptive’. And decentralised pull is takes the opposite approach.
Consumers actively seeking out a product define it and the retailer presents his ads, or
products, in the path of the consumer.

Question B

Critically discuss the FIVE (5) dimensions of differentiation in e-marketing context, and
analyse how these dimensions could differentiate between e-marketing and traditional
marketing. Support your answer with relevant examples.


there is 5 dimensions: product, services, personnel, channel, and image.

Product is Traditional offline differentiation emphasized the product dimension; the other areas
have been used when little real difference exists between competing products.
Services can effectively differentiate an online business in several ways. Customer service is
enhanced by the ability to receive customer feedback through e-mail 24 hours a day, even if
telephone operators and customer service personnel are not available and this will show the
ability to respond more rapidly (in real time) to customer concerns.
Personnel service and one-to-one relationships between merchants and consumers required
costly skilled personnel. Now, the Internet allows companies to ‘deliver their products and
services through low-cost channels that automate the process and remove the expensive
human element
Channel is The Internet doubles as a location-free and time-free distribution and
communication channel. The Internet expands companies’ reach from local to global, 24 hours
a day, and with a limitless assortment of products.
Image it means that “online marketers must enhance the user’s online experience in order to
entice potential customers to buy”

Question C

Discuss integrator and competitor positioning attributes, and their importance in

generating online customers. Support your answer with relevant examples.
i. Brand positioning is essential for brand differentiation and building brand equity. Obtaining
and sustaining competitive advantage through brand positioning is a complex process in the
context of increasing competition and complicated consumers. However, many positioning
strategies are prone to follow similar pitfalls by aligning to market tendencies and thus failing to
provide significant brand differentiation. This paper analyzes new positioning strategies for
gaining sustainable competitive advantage. By using anti-market reactions such as
transformation, subtraction and division, companies are able to build effective positioning
strategies by making the problem of competition irrelevant. We relate these new positioning
strategies to the classic positioning process and identify the key elements which make them
successful. We describe the value proposition of new positioning strategies from the means-
end theory perspective. Finally, the managerial implications of new positioning strategies are
reviewed. We suggest directions for effective positioning and propose avenues for future
positioning research

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