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The Great Gatsby:

Graphic Organizer
Complete the following graphic organizers.

Prompt #1: The novel is written as a flashback in the voice of Nick Carraway. The new version of the movie
begins with Nick Carraway telling the story to a doctor as a patient in a psychiatric hospital. What characters,
events, and/or conflicts could have driven the mild-mannered bond salesman from the Midwest to seek help in
a mental institution? (Consider the time period as well)

Quote from the text to (Explain how Nick could have
Answer support been negatively affected)

Name one character “She was the first “nice” girl he Daisy caused a problem between
from the novel that Daisy had ever known. In various Jay and Tom by initiating love affairs
unrevealed capacities he had between both of them while she is
caused a problem. come in contact with such
still married.
people, but always with
indiscernible barbed wire
between” (Fitzgerald 112).

Name a second “I told him the truth,” he said. Tom caused a problem by
character from the Tom “He came to the door while we blaming Myrtle’s killing on
were getting ready to leave,
novel that caused a
Buchanan and when I sent down word
that we weren’t in he tried to
Gatsby when Daisy killed her.
This made George Wilson kill
force his way up-stairs. He Jay.
was crazy enough to kill me if
I hadn’t told him who owned
the car. His hand was on a
revolver in his pocket every
minute he was in the house
——” He broke off defiantly.
“What if I did tell him? That
fellow had it coming to him.
He threw dust into your eyes
just like he did in Daisy’s, but
he was a tough one. He ran
over Myrtle like you’d run over
a dog and never even
stopped his car.” (Fitzgerald

Name one place in the “The other car, the one going In front of the eyes was where
novel where something
T.J. toward New York, came to
rest a hundred yards beyond, Myrtle was killed. It was out
bad occurred. Eckleburg's and its driver hurried back to front of the gas station that
eyes where Myrtle Wilson, her life
violently extinguished, knelt in
they run.
the road and mingled her thick
dark blood with the dust.”
(Fitzgerald 103).

Name a second place “The chauffeur — he was one In Gatsby’s pool, he was killed
Gatsby’s of Wolfsheim’s proteges —
Prompt #2: Choose one of the characters (Jay Gatsby, Daisy Buchanan, Tom Buchanan, or Myrtle
Wilson) and discuss how over the course of the novel, they try to escape the world they come from? Think
about who helps them to and/or prevents them from escaping, and whether or not they succeed in

Quote from the Quote from Was this

Did this text to support Who helped the text to character
character try whether or not or prevented support who successful
to escape the character this helped/ in escaping
from the tried to escape character prevented the world
world they the world they from them from they come
came from? came from. escaping? escaping. from?

Jay “Before I could “[P]erhaps

Yes reply that he was Daisy’s [Gatsby] no
my neighbor dinner
was announced; Parents longer cared.
wedging his tense If that was
arm imperatively true he must
under mine, Tom have felt that
Buchanan he had lost
compelled me from
the room as though
the old warm
he were moving a world, paid a
checker to another high price for
square.” (Fitzgerald living too long
10). with a single

Daisy ““I told her she

No might fool me but N/A N/A
she couldn’t fool
God. I took her to
the window.”— with
an effort he got up
and walked to the
rear window and
leaned with his face
pressed against it
——” (Fitzgerald

Tom “He broke off

No defiantly. “What if I N/A N/A
did tell him? That
fellow had it coming
to him.” (Fitzgerald

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