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Solutions Muslims : (i) Eid-ul-Zuha, (ii) Eid-ul-Fitr
Christians : (i) Easter (ii) Christmas
1. (a) When I go out, I like wearing Saari/Suit. 6. Since India has a rich heritage of diversity people
(b) At home, I speak in Hindi. celebrate festivals of other communities, speak
(c) My favourite sport is Cricket. different languages and recite music. These are
(d) I like reading books about Indian Culture. enjoyed by all. People have learnt to eat food of
2. Difference between Samir Ek and Samir Do are : different regions. It is a unique experience.
7. Unity in Diversity’ is an appropriate term to
S.No. Samir Ek Samir Do
describe India because India is a vast country with
(i) Samir Ek is a Hindu. Samir Do is a Muslim. lofty mountains on the North and seas and oceans
(ii) Samir Ek belongs to a Samir Do belongs to a on three sides. These geographical conditions have
helped to shape the life style of the people. This
well settled family. poor family.
diversity can be seen in :
(iii) He goes to school He does not go to (i) the language they speak.
every day. school because his (ii) the clothes that they wear.
(iii) the food that they eat.
parents cannot afford
(iv) the type of occupation that they follow.
to send him to school. In spite of these geographical differences, they
3. No, these differences did not prevent them from are influenced by similar historical developments.
becoming friends. The people from different parts of India rose
4. The two boys may have celebrated the following up and protested against the British rule. Both
festivals—Samir Ek : (i) Diwali (ii) Rakshabandhan Hindus and Muslims sacrificed their lives at the
(iii) Holi (iv) Dusshera. Jallianwallah Bagh in Amritsar. When India got
Samir Do : (i) Eid-ul-fitr (ii) Eid-ul-Zuha (iii) Shab- Independence, our constitution was framed by the
e-barat (iv) Muharram. Constituent Assembly, which was a conglomeration
5. Hindus : (i) Diwali (ii) Holi (iii) Lohri representing different sections of the society.
(iv) Rakshabandhan (v) Dusshera

Solutions their rooms because they believe in purdah system
and they talk in Gujarati with each other. Inspite of
1. The food eaten from different parts of India are : these dissimilarities, we are very close friends.
(i) Idli and Dosa—South India 3. Samir Do did not attend the school because he
(ii) Rasogolla—West Bengal does not have enough money to meet out the
(iii) Kahwa Tea—Kashmir expenditures of schooling. It is not easy for him to
(iv) Sarson ka sag and Makka ki Roti—Punjab attend school, if he wants to do so. His priorities are
(v) Dal Bati—Rajasthan food clothes and his dwelling place. In my opinion,
2. I have a friend who belongs to Gujarat and is it is not fair situation but government can help in
a Muslim. He shifted here in search of job and finally this situation by making education free for those
he got the job in my organization. He usually comes who can not bear the expenditures.
to my home but my mother dislike him because 4. Diversity adds a lot of things to human lives.
he is a Muslim and he eats meat etc. His way of Diversity in the from of art and literature, clothes,
speaking Hindi is some what different as we speak. food, festivals and languages become a the part and
Whenever I go to his home, his family members, parcel of our lives. Hence, it gives a new outlook to
specially female members do not come out from the people related to the rich culture of India.

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5. Gujarati — Gujarat 6. Students do this activity themselves.
Punjabi — Punjab 7. The line, ‘the blood of Hindus and Muslims flow
Bengali — West Bengal together today’ reflects india’s essential feature of
Dogri — Jammu & Kashmir unity.

Solutions Nehru in his book ‘Discovery of India’ wrote that
India has been always united inspite of geographical,
1. If I was forced to live in a place where people wore religious and cultural differences. Indian unity
the same two colours, red and white, ate the same is not something imposed from outside, but is
food (may be potatoes), took care of the same two something deep and within its is fold. The widest
animals, for example the deer and the crow, and to tolerance of beliefs and customs has always been
entertain themselves played snakes and ladders. I acknowledged and even encouraged.
would miss the following : 2. The concept of diversity includes acceptance
(i) I do not like deer and crow. I will miss keeping and respect. It means understanding that each
dog as a pet. individual is unique and recognising individual
(ii) I would miss wearing clothes of different col- differences. These can be along the dimensions of
ours-blue, green, yellow, etc. race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, socio-
(iii) I like to play basket ball and will miss it, if I lived economic status, age, physical abilities, political
there. beliefs and other ideologies. It is the exploration of
(iv) I would not like to eat potatoes every day. I like these differences in a safe, positive and nurturing
variety in my food, eating different vegetables, environment.
fruit, milk, curd and cheese.
1 2 3
Different ways in which Through singing a hymn. P
eople close their eyes People sit in rows on the
people pray. and join their hands and ground and the Maulvi
recite the prayers. leads the prayer.
Different ways in which T
hrough exchange of Through signing a N
ikah, in which both the
people get married. garlands and taking register in the court. boy and girl confirm that
seven pheras around the they want to get married.
sacred fire in presence of
relatives and friends.
Different ways in which I n Punjab , women wear In West Bengal women In Manipur women wear
people dress. suits and salwar and wear sarees. a fanek.
Different ways in which In Punjab Sikhs say Sat- In Jharkhand many Jn Delhi, people greet
people greet each other Sri-Akal. adivasis say “johar” to each other by saying
greet each other. ‘Namaste’.
Different ways in which By making Biryani with By making lemon rice, By boiling rice in plain
people cook rice. meat or vegetables. with some dal, fried in oil. water.

Solutions (iii) People practice It is a cold place
religions such as surrounded by
Students mark Kerala and Ladakh in their Maps Judaism, Islam, mountains hence
from Atlas. Christianity, Hinduism people eat meat
S.No. Kerala Ladakh and Buddhism. primarily.
People practice
(i) Kerala is a state. Fishing Ladakh is a small town Buddhism and Islam.
and Agriculture is the in Jammu & Kashmir.
(ii) It is surrounded by Agriculture is the
see on one side hence Primary occupation.
people eat fish and rice


(iv) It is located in the It is located in the 3. Tamil Nadu : It is a state situated on the sea coast of
southern part hence northern part of India India. It has moderate climate throughout the year,
with rainfall during the winter season. It comprises
people wear shirt and hence people wear fur
a fertile land and people grow rice and vegetables.
lungi because of hot coats because of cold Fishing is the main occupation of the people. Rice
climate. climate. and fish is the staple diet of the people. They build
houses on a higher ground with slanting roofs, so
2. The National anthem is sung in all parts of India. that the rain water can easily drain out.
The national anthem is expression of India’s unity
Rajasthan : Mostly, it comprises of desert and it
and sovereignty. Whenever it is sung, in any part is one of the border states of India. Rajputs are a
of the country, people stand in attention position, martial race. Agriculture is very difficult and coarse
with their heads held high It is sung on various grains like jowar and bajra are grown. Major means
occasions of our national respect in every part of the of transport are the camels. People build houses
country. People in all parts of the country respect with flat roofs and verandahs to keep the dusty
the national anthem and nobody dishonours it. winds away.


Solutions like tea and coffee, spices, nutmeg and cashew nut.
8. The book “Discovery of India” gives a complete
1. (a) view of Indian history, philosophy and culture.
2. Hindi and English are the two major languages Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru studied the history of
which are spoken by the Indians. India starting from the Indus Valley Civilization to
3. Nehru said that India’s unity is not something Aryans invasion and then to the British rule. The
imposed from outside, but it is something deeper effect of these people on Indian culture and their
and within its fold, the widest tolerance of beliefs incorporation in the Indian society was examined
and customs is practised and every variety is in the book.
acknowledged and even encouraged. 9. (i) The British Army Officer, Dyer commanded his
4. The Portuguese discovered the sea route to India troops to enter into the Jallianwalla Bagh on
from Europe, when Vasco-da-Gama landed with Baisakhi Day (April 13).
his ship here. (ii) The troops opened fire without a warning to
5. The term ‘Cheena-Vala’ is used for the fishing nets the unarmed protestors, who were demanding
used in Kerala, and they are called so, as they look the release of two natural leaders, Satyapal and
like the Chinese fishing nets. Saibuddin Kitchlew.
6. The term ‘communalism’ refers to the tendency (iii) Dyer’s troops fired and killed hundreds and
of socio-religious groups towards sectarian stopped only when they ran out of ammuni-
exploitation of social traditions as a medium of tion.
political moblisation to promote political, social (iv) The Bagh, enclosed from all four sides with
and economic interests of one group, even at the buildings, had only one main entrance that was
expense of or in an antagonistic condition of other blocked by Dyer’s troops.
groups. (v) Other smaller gates were locked and people
7. Kerela basically thrives on agriculture. The main fleeing from the firing were shot.
crops are paddy, coconut, pepper, cashew, cassava (vi) Many of them jumped to their death in a well
and plantation crops like rubber, and cash crops inside the garden.

Solutions noble prize for his work “Gitanjali”.
1. (c) 5. Ladakh is a desert region situated in the mountains
of the eastern part of Jammu & Kashmir.
2. Onam is the famous festival of Kerala.
6. The state of Kerala has the highest literacy rate. The
3. St. Thomas is credited with introducing Christianity
literacy rate in the state is 90.92%.The Government
in India nearly 2000 years ago.
of Kerala initiated a state wide campaign total
4. India’s National Anthem was composed by increasing the literacy rate in the state.
Rabindranath Tagore. Rabindranath Tagore won

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7. The saffron colour indicates renunciation of being Hussain. The Shia Muslim community celebrates it
impartial. The white in the centre marks the path in a grand manner.
of truth to guide our conduct. The green shows our EId-ul- Fitr : Eid-ul-Fitr is also known as the festival
relation to the soil, to the plant life here, on which of breaking of the fast. It is celebrated at the end of
all other life depends. The Ashoka wheel in the the month of Ramzan. It is an occasion of fasting
centre is the wheel of Law of Dharma. and rejoicing.
8. The national song of India was composed by 10. Ladakh was a major trading centre on the Silk
Bankim Chandra Chatterjee in Bengali language. Route between China and the Mediterranean. It
The English translation of the song was done by was considered to be a good trade route as it had
Shree Aurobindo. many passes through which caravans travelled
9. The two important festivals that are celebrated in to Tibet. As a result, Ladakh came to be known as
India by the Muslims are : the ‘Land of Passes’. The caravans carried textiles,
Muharram : The festival celebrates the martyrdom spices, raw silk and carpets.
of Prophet Mohammed’s grandson, Hazrat Imam

Solutions 7. Judaism constitutes the religious doctrines and a
rite of the Jews as enjoined in the laws of Moses.
1. (d) Judaism is based on Zoroastrianism. It has given
2. Hemis festival which is a two day festival celebrated rise to two great religions of the world which are
at the Hemis monastery in Ladakh. Christianity and Islam.
3. Manipur : The traditional Manipur costume for 8. Drought is a dry weather condition that persists
women includes a shawl called Innaphi, a Phanek long enough to cause problems such as crop
and a wrap-around skirt called Sarong. damage and water supply shortages. The two states
that are severely affected by drought are Rajasthan
Tripura : The women of Tripura wear Rinai, a long

and Gujarat.
and broad cloth which is wrapped around the waist
9. Siddhartha Gautama was the founder of the religion
and reaches the knees. Buddhism. Two main principles of Buddhism are :
4. St. Thomas, the Christian apostle, visited Kerala in (i) Right speech, and
52 B.C. (ii) Right action.
5. Changpas, the tribals of Ladakh rear goats and 10. The state, Kerala derives its name from the
sheep. Malayalam word ‘Kera’, meaning the coconut palm
6. Famine is a phenomenon in which a large and ‘Alam’, meaning the place. Coconut forms a
percentage of the population of a country remains part of the daily diet of the people of Kerala.
undernourished. It is usually associated with crop Coir is an important eco-friendly material which is
failure. obtained from coconut husk. Kerala is considered
The two great famines that India experienced were to be the largest producer of coir. Products such as
flooring, mats, carpets, wall hangings and bags are
the first Bengal famine of 1770 and the second
made from coir fibre.
Bengal famine of 1943.

Solutions 7. Ladakh is a desert in the mountains in the eastern
part of Jammu and Kashmir. Very little agriculture
1. (d) is possible as the region does not receive any rain
2. Ladakhi is the predominant language of Ladakh. and as it is covered which snow for a large part of
3. Pheran and Kasaba are the two popular costumes of the year. There are very few trees which grow in
Ladakh. their region. The major crops of this region are rice,
4. Buddhism and Islam are the two important religions wheat, barley, peas, millet and maize.
of Ladakh. 8. (i) Women and men from different cultural, reli-
5. Kerala is located in the South-West corner of India. gious and regional backgrounds were united
6. Ibn Battuta was an ardent Muslim who was born together to fight against the British rule. They
in Morocco. He was a pilgrim, jurist, courtier and worked together to plan joint actions to be tak-
a politician. He travelled for twenty nine years. en against the Britishers. They went to jail to-
He visited India, Africa and China. He is the only
gether and found different ways to oppose the
medieval explorer to visit the lands of every Muslim
ruler in his time.


(ii) India does not have a uniform culture. It has Economic inequality comprises all disparities in the
diversity of cultural practices, languages, cus- distribution of economic assets and income.
toms and traditions. The people of India get an Social inequality refers to the lack of social equality,
opportunity to enjoy all these diversities in the where individuals in a society do not have equal
nature in their day-to-day life. social status, adequate provision of healthcare
9. Inequality means the unavailability of resources facilities, etc.
and opportunities for different people. The caste Political inequality exists where people are
system is an example of inequality. Inequality has not given voting rights, freedom of speech and
various forms like : assembly, freedom to contest elections and so on.

Solutions 7. The coastal state of Kerala is in the southern part of
India and is called the Tropical Paradise of India.
1. (a) It is surrounded by the Arabian Sea on one side
2. The other name for the Jallianwala Bagh Massacre and Western Ghats on the other side. The tropical
is Amritsar Massacre. climate of Kerala offers a pleasant atmosphere
3. The British ruled over India for more than 200 years. throughout the year. Kerala has hot and humid
4. The state of Kerala was created on 1st November, climate during April and May and pleasant and
1956. cold climate during December-January.
5. The important tourist places in Kerala are the 8. (i) The poem was sung after the Jallianwala Bagh
backwaters, beaches, rolling hills and exotic wild Massacre in Amritsar in which General Dyer,
life. opened fire on a large group of unarmed peo-
ple, killing and wounding many people.
6. India, being the largest democracy, has multiple
(ii) The last line of the poem “the blood of Hindus
cultural origins. It is a land of diverse cultures,
and Muslims flows together today”, reflects the
religions and communities. There is great diversity
unity of the Indian people.
in our traditions, manners, habits and customs. Each
9. Assam is a North-Eastern state of India. It is famous
state portrays different customs and traditions. Yet,
for Assam tea and silk. A land of high rainfall, the
all the live people together as Indians. People from
place is endowed with lush greenery and the mighty
different backgrounds and cultures participated
river Brahmapurta. Major religions of the state are
in the struggle for freedom. The freedom fighters,
Hinduism and Islam. Bihu is the important festival
namely Mahatma Gandhi, Nehru and Subhash
celebrated in Assam. It is the home of varieties of
Chandra Bose believed in the concept of unity in
citrus fruits and leafy vegetables.

Solutions 6. Kochi, the commercial capital of Kerala, is known as
the ‘Queen of the Arabian Sea’. 
1. (b) 7. Vasco Da Gama was a Portuguese explorer. He was
2. (b) born in Sines, Portugal in 1469. The Portugal King,
3. (a) Intermixing Emmanuel I ordered Vasco Da Gama to complete
his father’s historic voyage. In 1502, he destroyed
(b) Jawaharlal Nehru the Arab trading centres in India and established
(c) Chinese, Arab Portuguese trading centres. He helped Portugal to
(d) Inequality become rich and famous.
(e) geographical area. 8. Onam is an important festival of Kerala. It is
celebrated with joy and enthusiasm by the
(f) culture people for ten days. People prepare Onasadya, a
4. (a) (False) nine course meal consisting of 13 dishes. Other
important features of Onam are Vallamkali, the
(b) (False) snake boat race and Pookalam, which flower mats
(c) (True) are designed by women.
(d) (True) 9. Pashmina shawls are expensive shawls in the
markets of Ladakh and in the other parts of India,
(e) (False) the reason being that the wool comes from mountain
(f) (True) goats called Changra and only a small portion of
5. The lakes, canals, inlets and rivers in Kerala are the goat hair is used to make pure Pashmina. The
interconnected waterways that form the backwaters manufacturing of shawls requires great skill. The
in Kerala. wool is famous for its softness, warmth lightness
and beautiful dyes.

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