Production Schedule

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Date What I’m doing Detail

01/02/21 Context Today I will be looking

through the set brief of the
unit in order to understand
what I will be required to
02/02/21 Context Today I have a class call
with my teachers where
they will be going through
the brief I read through
yesterday in more detail.
During this call I will take
notes which I can refer back
to if I need later.
03/02/21 Context Today I will be coming up
with 3 different ideas for my
production and also
deciding what type of
production I will be creating
(Documentary, music video,
short film). I will also send
out a survey asking which
idea they like the best,
While I wait for responses, I
will start to research into
the festival I will be
submitting my production
04/02/21 Context Today I will start work on
my brief and proposal as
well as finish my research
into the festival I have
05/02/21 Context Today I will be analysing my
Weekly Blog survey results and putting
together a focus group. I
will also be deciding on who
my target audience will be
as well as completing the
rest of the work I need on
my context page like the
social impact of my
production, creating my
bibliography and writing out
my final idea
06/02/21-07/02/21 Weekend
08/02/21 Research I will look through my
feedback and update
anything that needs
adjusting. I will also be
starting my research today.
First I will write out a plan
and then start my topic
09/02/21 Research Today I have a one-to-one
call with my teacher to talk
about where I am up to in
my work and what I still
need to complete. I will also
be continuing my topic
research into remote
10/02/21 Research Today I researched into the
digital divide and digital
poverty and how the
economy has impacted
remote learning. I also made
an infographic displaying
some of the statistics I
11/02/21 Research Today I continued my topic
research focussing on how
remote learning has
impacted parents, teachers
and students as well as the
advantages and
disadvantages of remote
learning and how it can
impact the future of
12/02/21 Research Today I wrote out my
Weekly Blog detailed idea for my
production including the
topic research I had
conducted. I also did
research into documentary
film makers that inspire me.
13/02/21-14/02/21 Weekend
15/02 Catch up Finish my research from last
HALF TERM week and make any
necessary improvements
16/02 Catch up Finish my research from last
HALF TERM week and make any
necessary improvements
17/02 Catch up Finish my research from last
HALF TERM week and make any
necessary improvements
18/02 Catch up Finish my research from last
HALF TERM week and make any
necessary improvements
19/02 Catch up Finish my research from last
HALF TERM week and make any
necessary improvements
20/02-21/02 Weekend
22/02 Research Today I will be working
through my feedback and
finishing any work I wasn’t
able to over half term. I will
also be continuing my topic
research into the impact
remote learning has had on
higher and lower education.
23/02 Research Today I will be continuing
my topic research into how
remote learning has
impacted students, teachers
and parents in general and
then specifically into how
student and teacher
motivation has been
24/02 Research Today I will be looking into
how remote learning has
improved and developed to
be more effective for
students to use.
25/02 Research Today I will be researching
into other people’s
experiences with remote
learning around the world
because it is a global issue.
26/02 Weekly Blog Today I will be focussing on
getting up to date with all of
my weekly blogs and my
27/02-28/02 Weekend
01/03 Research Today I will be researching
into my target audience,
specifically their spending
habits and what they do in
their free time in order to
get a greater understanding
of them.
02/03 Research Today I have a one-to-one
call with my teacher to talk
about where I am up to in
my work and what I still
need to complete.
03/03 Research Today I sent a survey out to
my target audience in order
to find out if they liked my
idea. I got my replies back
quickly and was able to
analyse them on the same
day. I also filmed a focus
group with people in my
target audience today.
04/03 Research Today I made an infographic
presenting my target
audience research I also
added to my detailed idea.
05/03 Planning for problems Today I completed my
Weekly Blog weekly blog and also made
my planning for problems
document and filled in what
I had overcome so far.
06/03-07/03 Weekend
08/03 Research Today I looked through my
feedback and added to any
of the areas I needed to
improve on.
09/03 Research Today I decided to focus on
analysing productions,
specifically the ones from
my context page that are
the winning productions
from the festival I would be
submitting my production
10/03 Research I started to research into
different documentary
types and send out a survey
to my target audience
asking which one suited my
idea best.
11/03 Research From my survey results I
have found that my target
audience want me to make
an expository documentary,
so I researched into the
codes and conventions of
them and also analysed 2
example productions.
12/03 Research Today I started to research
Weekly Blog into how to set up an
interview and I found some
videos which I can analyse. I
also completed my weekly
13/03-14/03 Weekend
15/03 Research Today I analysed the video I
found on how to set up a
documentary and made
bullet point notes on the
information I found.
16/03 Research Today I looked through my
feedback and made the
improvements to my work I
needed to I also analysed
the video I found on how to
light a documentary. I also
made bullet point notes
displaying the information I
17/03 Research Today I did research into
music in documentaries, this
took a while as it was hard
to find information om it but
I found some pdf
documents on it eventually.
18/03 Research Today I analysed a video on
how to ask good questions
in an interview. I analysed
the video and made bullet
point notes detailing the
information I found.
19/03 Research Today I finished off any of
Weekly Blog the work I needed to from
tis week and also completed
my weekly blog.
20/03-21/03 Weekend
22/03 Research Today I analysed a video for
my documentary location
research. I also looked
through my feedback and
made any improvements I
needed to.
23/03 Research Today I analysed another
production for my
documentary location
research and found
examples of different music
genres I could use in my
24/03 Research Today I did research into
narrative structures in
25/03 Research Today I did research into
the use of the three-act
structure in documentaries
and added to my planning
for problems document.
26/03 Planning Today I started writing my
Weekly Blog questions for my interview
and completed my weekly
27/03-28/03 Weekend
29/03 Planning Today I completed my
location recce, crew list,
equipment list and
information into my
interviewees work
30/03 Filming b-roll and planning Today I filmed my b-roll and
got the confirmation emails
from my interviewees
31/03 Planning Today I finished writing my
interview questions and
completed my weekly blog.
01/04 Catch up
02/04 Catch up
03/04-04/04 Weekend
05/04 Catch up
06/04 Catch up
07/04 Catch up
08/04 Catch up
09/04 Catch up
10/04-11/04 Weekend
12/04 Filming Interview with Michaela
13/04 Catch up
14/04 Filming Interview with Ed Voice
15/04 Catch up
16/04 Filming Interview with Lauren
17/04-18/04 Weekend
HALF TERM -Filming- Interview with Anneke(17th)-
19/04 Editing first draft Today I started editing my
first draft
20/04 Editing first draft
21/04 Editing first draft
22/04 Editing first draft
23/04 Editing first draft Today I finished editing my
Weekly Blog first draft
24/04-25/04 Weekend
26/04 Script Writing Today I started writing the
script for my voice over
27/04 Script writing
28/04 Script writing
29/04 Script writing
30/04 Recording script Today I finished my script
Weekly Blog and recorded it.
01/05-02/05 Weekend
03/05 Editing finished production Today I started editing the
final edit of my production.
04/05 Editing finished production
05/05 Editing finished production
06/05 Editing finished production
07/05 Editing finished production
Weekly Blog
08/05-09/05 Weekend
10/05 Editing finished production
11/05 Editing finished production
12/05 Editing finished production
13/05 Editing finished production
14/05 PRODUCTION DEADLINE Today I submitted my
15/05-16/05 Weekend
17/05 Final evaluation Today I finished all of my
weekly blogs and started my
final evaluation.
18/05 Final evaluation
19/05 Final evaluation
20/05 Final evaluation
21/05 Final evaluation
Weekly Blog
22/05-23/05 Weekend
24/05 Final evaluation Today I finished my
25/05 FINAL DEADLINE Today I finished any
uncomplete work.

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