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Final Major Project

Centre Number: 62441

Centre Name: The Henley College
Student Name: Gemma Caiger
Student Number: 908160
Dates and Deadlines:
Date issued: 1st February 2021
Interim Deadline: 25th May 2021
Final Deadline: 9th June 2021

Competition: Raindance
Raindance is the largest independent film festival in the UK. According to studiobinder the
festival is also rated in the top 10 international film festivals for film makers to consider. The
festival is based in London's West End film district. Additionally, Raindance is recognised by
the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Science USA, the British Academy of Film and
Television Arts and the British Independent Film Awards. Winners for Best Animation/Best
Documentary Short/Short of the Festival will qualify for Oscars and selected shorts will be
considered for BAFTAs.

Categories Dates and Deadlines

• Animation Short • Opening Date- August 1st 2020

• Documentary Feature • Earlybird Deadline- April 12th
• Documentary Short 2021
• Music Video • Regular Deadline- May 10th
• Narrative Feature 2021
• Narrative Short
• Late Deadline- June 14th 2021
• Queer(Feature)
• Notification Date- September
• Virtual and Augmented Reality Experiences
15th 2021
I will be entering the Documentary Short category. • Event Date- October 27th-
November 6th 2021
Submission Fee:

Submission Rules

• Films must be submitted via online Why I feel I could win the festival
screener only. Films are not accepted I think I could win the festival because my
if sent on DVD. production on remote learning currently
• Feature films must not have been effects everyone in the world. My focus
released in the UK on any format or on digital poverty, how remote learning
screened publicly online. has been affecting student’s mental
• Selected films must have a DCP in
health and how teachers have been
order to be screened as well as a Blu-
forced to adapt will not only be insightful
Ray back up.
• Film title must clearly be labelled on to viewers but also bring awareness to
the DCP and Blu-Ray. have the pandemic is affecting education.
• Film must clearly be labelled if it's PAL
or NTSC.
• DCP must be received at Raindance
no later than 20 days before the
scheduled release date.
• Documentary films of any genre and
type must be under 45 minutes long.
Rules and Regulations

• There will be no reference to drugs, no swearing and no nudity within your productions
• All practical work must be your own
• Only 10% of your production can be found footage (downloaded) and only if you
are producing a factual programme
• No footage or written work from previous units may be used or resubmitted
for your final project
• All written work must be your own and any sourced work must be Harvard referenced
• The work submitted must follow the brief created at the beginning of your
Final project

Idea Outline

My first idea for my production is to create a documentary on remote learning

and how it has been both a positive and negative experience for both students
and teachers, how they have been affected by it and have been able to maintain
a semblance of normality. I especially want to focus on how it has been affecting
student’s motivation when it comes to lessons and school and how teachers have
had to become more creative with their teaching methods in order to make
lessons accessible to all students. Have schools and teachers been given the
appropriate support when it comes to remote teaching or have, they been left to
figure things out on their own? Are schools actually going to be safe to go back
to or are students likely to be remote learning for the foreseeable future?

Detailed idea

Currently As the world is at a standstill remote learning has become the new normal
for students, parents and teachers. Everyone has had to become more creative with
how they go about educating especially teachers not only have they had to adapt
their lessons to make them work remotely they have also had to make them
engaging so that their students stay interested and motivated to learn. Schools and
teachers were left to figure things out when remote learning was first implemented
last March, since it happened immediately there wasn't much time to prepare for the
transition into remote learning but still teachers have done their best to keep things
as normal as possible. Will they teachers have been trying their best to help students
with their schoolwork many students have lost their motivation. So far in the UK
there have been three national lockdowns two of which meant students had to
switchback to remote learning. Having small amount of lesson time in classrooms
after remote learning for half a year to then be put back into remote learning are
over the start of the new year has left many students and teachers stressed and
confused. What long term effects will remote learning have on schools, students,
teachers and the economy? How will the students that were forced to teach
themselves the content be able to prepare for future exams? Is remote learning
going to be a long-term solution or will schools actually be made safe for all students
and teachers to go back to?

Target Audience
My target audience is 15–20-year-olds as I
feel currently, they are the ones largely
effected and misinformed on remote
learning. During the first lockdown in
March nobody knew how long remote
learning would last, if it would be beneficial
or if it would be accessible to all students
and teachers. Initially students were left to
their own devices to teach themselves the
curriculum and prepare themselves for
exams that they didn't end up taking. Remote learning is still a relevant topic a year
on from when we were put into lockdown the first time. Although a lot has changed
from when we first started to where we are now many things remain the same
including how isolating remote learning is for students and teachers. Since students
and teachers only perspective on remote learning is their own I would like to make
this production to enlightened them of the struggles that other people are going
through because they might not have access to the same materials even though
they're learning the same content.

Production Schedule

Doing: Completed:
01/02/21 Complete Context work (To be completed by
lesson 11)
Send out surveys and create focus groups in
order to get my target audiences opinion on
my ideas, analyse the results from them
1-2-1 with marking teacher
08/02/21 Feedback
1-2-1 with marking teacher
Start work on topic and target audience (To
be completed by lesson 11) research into my
topic and target audience
Complete weekly blog
15/02/21 Half Term – work through improvements and
catch up on any unfinished work
22/02/21 Feedback
1-2-1 with marking teacher
Research the conventions of documentaries/
factual programmes (To be completed by
lesson 11)
Complete weekly blog
01/03/21 Feedback
1-2-1 with marking teacher
Continue target audience and topic research
(To be completed by lesson 11)
Find interviewees/ experts
Complete weekly blog
08/03/21 Feedback
1-2-1 with marking teacher
Location research and location tests/recces
Plan for problems and create contingency
Complete weekly blogs
15/03/21 feedback
1-2-1 with marking teacher
Create opening and end credits (To be
completed by lesson 11) Complete
weekly blogs
22/03/21 feedback
1-2-1 with marking teacher
prep for pitch
Start pitches
Complete weekly blog
29/03/21 Pitches
Start pre-production planning, create
production schedule, organise filming and
Easter Break – Starts Wednesday 31st
05/04/21 Easter Break Filming

12/04/21 Easter Break filming

19/04/21 Filming
Complete weekly blog
26/04/21 feedback filming and
editing complete
weekly blog
03/05/21 feedback filming and
editing complete
weekly blog
10/05/21 feedback complete reshoots if
needed Final edit submitted on
May 14th
Complete weekly blog
17/05/21 Viewing of productions to set groups
Feedback forms to be completed for final
Final evaluation must be completed by May
24/05/21 Interim deadline May 25th
Tuesday - Friday is marking week
31/05/21 Half Term

7/06/21 grades given on 7th of June

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