Global Protein-Protein Interaction Network in The Human Pathogen Mycobacterium Tuberculosis H37Rv

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Global Protein-Protein Interaction Network in the Human Pathogen

Mycobacterium tuberculosis H37Rv

Yi Wang,† Tao Cui,† Cong Zhang, Min Yang, Yuanxia Huang, Weihui Li, Lei Zhang,
Chunhui Gao, Yang He, Yuqing Li, Feng Huang, Jumei Zeng, Cheng Huang, Qiong Yang,
Yuxi Tian, Chunchao Zhao, Huanchun Chen, Hua Zhang, and Zheng-Guo He*

National Key Laboratory of Agricultural Microbiology, Center for Proteomics Research, College of Life Science
and Technology, Huazhong Agricultural University, Wuhan 430070, China

Received August 06, 2010

Analysis of the protein-protein interaction network of a pathogen is a powerful approach for dissecting
gene function, potential signal transduction, and virulence pathways. This study looks at the construction
of a global protein-protein interaction (PPI) network for the human pathogen Mycobacterium
tuberculosis H37Rv, based on a high-throughput bacterial two-hybrid method. Almost the entire
ORFeome was cloned, and more than 8000 novel interactions were identified. The overall quality of
the PPI network was validated through two independent methods, and a high success rate of more
than 60% was obtained. The parameters of PPI networks were calculated. The average shortest path
length was 4.31. The topological coefficient of the M. tuberculosis B2H network perfectly followed a
power law distribution (correlation ) 0.999; R-squared ) 0.999) and represented the best fit in all
currently available PPI networks. A cross-species PPI network comparison revealed 94 conserved
subnetworks between M. tuberculosis and several prokaryotic organism PPI networks. The global
network was linked to the protein secretion pathway. Two WhiB-like regulators were found to be highly
connected proteins in the global network. This is the first systematic noncomputational PPI data for
the human pathogen, and it provides a useful resource for studies of infection mechanisms, new
signaling pathways, and novel antituberculosis drug development.

Keywords: Mycobacterium tuberculosis • PPI network • virulence • secretion • WhiB3

Introduction pylori,4 Saccharomyces cerevisiae,5-7 Caenorhabditis elegans,8

Drosophila melanogaster,9 humans,10 Synechocystis sp.,11 Campy-
Mycobacterium tuberculosis, one of the most devastating lobacter jejuni,12 and, recently, Treponema pallidum.13 In
human pathogens, is responsible annually for about 2 million addition, using a Y2H method, Rajagopala et al.14 studied the
deaths worldwide. One-third of the world’s population is
motility networks of T. pallidum and C. jejuni. The generation
currently infected with the tubercle bacillus.1 The seriousness
of large Y2H interaction maps has led to comprehensive
of tuberculosis infection has become even more significant with
understanding of the biological processes and functions of
the emergence of multidrug-resistant strains of M. tuberculosis,
many uncharacterized genes. A similar study of protein-protein
promoting a thorough investigation of this unique pathogen.2
interactions in genetically intractable pathogens such as M.
Understanding the virulence and infection mechanisms of M.
tuberculosis would be expected to improve the dissection of
tuberculosis will require systematic identification of signal
virulence pathways and to significantly advance our under-
transduction systems utilized by this pathogen. One approach
to the study of biological regulation at this level is through the standing of tuberculosis infection.
construction of a global protein-protein interaction network. Computer analysis has been used to model the construction
Protein-protein interactions (PPIs) are important in many of global PPI networks in M. tuberculosis.15,16 However, the M.
biological processes, such as in the protein secretion or signal tuberculosis genome encodes about 4000 ORFs, with one-third
transduction. However, interaction data based on high- of these ORFs of unknown function. Therefore, previous studies
throughput experimental techniques are currently available for on PPI networks in M. tuberculosis, based on bioinformatics
only a very few model organisms.3 Global PPI networks have and homology protein mapping, have actually covered only a
been investigated with yeast two-hybrid (Y2H) systems in a very small percentage of the genome.17 These studies provide
number of models, including organisms such as Helicobacter rather limited information, and one-third of the ORFs encoded
by the bacterial genome remain uncharacterized. The definition
* To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail: of protein-protein interactions is now recognized as one of or Tel.: +86-27-
87284300. Fax: +86-27-87280670. the most efficient approaches for mining these types of

These two authors equally contributed to this work. unknown function.

10.1021/pr100808n  2010 American Chemical Society Journal of Proteome Research 2010, 9, 6665–6677 6665
Published on Web 10/25/2010
research articles Wang et al.

Figure 1. Construction and property of the M. tuberculosis PPI network. (A) The process of constructing large-scale M. tuberculosis
protein-protein interaction networks. (B) Schematic representation of bacterial two-hybrid analysis in this study. (C) Global
protein-protein interaction network views of M. tuberculosis. A graph of the pathogenic PPI network involving 2907 proteins linked
via 8042 interactions. Several major protein families are indicated by different colors. (D) The degrees of top 10 highly connected
proteins in the M. tuberculosis B2H PPI network. The numbers of PPIs are indicated on top of the respective columns. The functions
of 10 proteins are shown on the right of the panel.

For the study of PPIs, the yeast two-hybrid system has come Materials and Methods
to the forefront as a powerful tool for PPI identification.
However, the development of bacterial two-hybrid systems now Cloning of M. tuberculosis ORFeome into the Bacterial
allows proteins to be assayed for interactions under conditions Two-Hybrid Plasmids. Primer pairs for a total of 3989 ORFs
that closely match the native environment of M. tuberculosis
were designed, and each predicted ORF was amplified with a
(Figure 1B).18-20 In the present paper, we show how we
specific primer pair through PCR. PCR products were digested
successfully constructed a global M. tuberculosis PPI network.
by corresponding restriction enzyme pairs or were ligated with
We cloned almost the entire ORFeome of the pathogen and
an EcoRI-SmaI adaptor (TakaRa Biotech. Co.) if this type of
identified more than 8000 mostly novel interactions among the
2907 proteins. The overall quality of the PPI network was enzyme site was lacking within the ORF sequences. The
validated. Two WhiB-like transcriptional factors were also found cleaned ORF fragments were then cloned into a pair of
to be highly connected proteins in the global network, indicat- BacterioMatch@II vectors of pBT and pTRG vector (Stratagene).
ing that these genes might be core regulators. The capacity for We carried out sequencing of the entire clone library to confirm
comprehensive screening of PPI in M. tuberculosis is expected that the ORFs were correctly amplified and cloned. All pTRG-
to provide further information regarding infection mechanisms ORF plasmids were then pooled, and from there, an ORF library
and to aid in identifying novel antitubercular drugs. for M. tuberculosis was constructed.

6666 Journal of Proteome Research • Vol. 9, No. 12, 2010

Protein-Protein Interaction Network in M. tuberculosis H37Rv research articles
Bacterial Two-Hybrid Analysis. The BacterioMatch II Two- sequences of E. coli were obtained from GenoBase and others
Hybrid System (Stratagene) was used to establish protein-protein from NCBI. Protein interaction networks were visualized using
interactions between M. tuberculosis proteins. Each pBT re- Cytoscape.28 Classes of proteins were colored differently as
combinant MtbORF was used as a bait plasmid to screen the indicated.
pTRG-MtbORF library. The selective medium contained 8 mM Network Topology Analysis. The topological parameters of
3-AT, 8 mg/mL of streptomycin, 15 mg/mL of tetracycline, 34 M. tuberculosis B2H and other reference PPI networks were
mg/mL of chloramphenicol, and 50 mg/mL of kanamycin. The analyzed using NetworkAnalysis29 plugin of Cytoscape.28 The
plates were incubated at 30 °C for 2-4 days. All resulting edges in all PPI networks were treated as undirected. The
positive clones were collected and stored for further use. The definition of network topological measure can be found in
ORF in the recombinant plasmid pTRG-MtbORF was se- NetworkAnalyzer Online Help (http://med.bioinf.mpi-inf.mpg.
quenced. The unredundant positive cotransformants were de/netanalyzer/help/2.6.1/index.html).
spotted onto selective medium to confirm the interactions. The Cross-Species Networks Comparison Analysis. We per-
plates were incubated at 30 °C for 2-3 days. The cotransfor- formed a cross-species protein interaction network comparison
mant containing pBT-LGF2 and pTRG-Gal11P (Stratagene) was analysis of M. tuberculosis B2H PPI networks with those PPI
used as a positive control for expected growth on the Selective data set currently available prokaryotic organisms such as E.
Screening Medium. A cotransformant containing the empty coli,24,25 H. pylori,4 C. jejuni,12 Synechocystis sp.,11 and T.
vectors pBT and pTRG was also used as a negative control. pallidum13 to identify significant conserved subnetworks using
SPR Assays. Surface Plasmon Resonance (SPR) analysis on the NetworkBlast algorithm.30 The Java version of the Net-
a Biacore 3000 instrument (GE Healthcare) with NTA sensor workBlast program (version 1.0) was downloaded from the Web
chips was performed according to our previously published site of the Ideker lab ( The stan-
procedures.21 His-tagged M. tuberculosis protein was im- dalone blast software package was downloaded from the NCBI
mobilized onto the nitrilotriacetic acid (NTA) chips. The other FTP Web site. Protein homology relationships between M.
purified GST-tagged protein, to be used as the ligand, was tuberculosis and other reference species were then constructed
diluted in the HBS buffer [10 mM Hepes (pH 7.4), 150 mM from all-against-all blast searches using the blastp program with
NaCl, 50 µM EDTA, 5 mM ATP, 0.005% BIAcore surfactant P20] E-value set to 1e-10. Finally, a conserved subnetwork search
at a concentration of <200 nM and injected at 10 µL/min for 5 between M. tuberculosis and other species was performed using
min at 25 °C. GST protein was substituted for the GST-tagged NetworkBlast with default parameters, except that a duplicate
protein for a negative control. Each analysis was performed in threshold was set to 0.5. Therefore, when multiple subnetworks
triplicate. An overlay plot was produced using BIA evaluation contained protein homologues that overlapped g50%, only the
3.1 software to depict the interaction between a pair of proteins. subnetworks with the highest density were reserved in the final
Coexpression/Copurification and Western Blotting result. The images of conserved subnetworks were generated
Assays of Protein-Protein Interactions. The pair of potential automatically using the Dual Layout plugin of the Cytoscape
interaction proteins was cloned into the pHEX-derived and software.
pGEX-derived vectors as described in an earlier report.22 A pair
of recombinant vectors was cotransformed into competent E. Results
coli BL21 (DE3). Co-transformants were grown at 37 °C, and M. tuberculosis H37Rv ORFeome Cloning and
protein expression was induced through the addition of 0.5 mM Construction of a Library. According to the NCBI genome,
IPTG (isopropyl-β-D-thiogalactopyranoside). The cells were there are 3989 protein coding genes in the M. tuberculosis
harvested and sonicated at 4 °C. The supernatants were loaded H37Rv genome. Consequently, 3989 pairs of primers were
onto a 15 mL GST column (pre-equilibrated with PBS). The designed, and the corresponding ORFs were amplified by PCR
column was centrifuged at 500g for 2 min, and the supernatant to generate recombinant plasmids and an ORF library of M.
was discarded. Each column was washed with PBS and eluted tuberculosis H37Rv for screening the PPI. Figure 1A shows that
with Buffer B (16 mM Na2HPO4, 4 mM KH2PO4, 20 mM GSH). the produced ORF-DNA fragments were digested by restriction
Fractions were pooled and stored at -80 °C for further assays. enzymes and cloned into a pair of BacterioMatch@II vectors of
The above copurified sample was run on SDS-PAGE for pBT and pTRG (Stratagene). We then were able to successfully
Western blot analysis. The protein bands were transferred to a clone 3896 ORFs corresponding to 99.1% of the predicted
nitrocellulose membrane. Western blot analysis was conducted ORFeome without frameshifts or nonsense mutations; this was
using primary antibody (antisera to His-tag) (1:1000) and confirmed by resequencing. All 3896 pTRG-ORF recombinant
secondary antibody IgG-HRP (goat anti-Rabbit) (1:10000). The plasmids were then pooled to construct the ORF library for M.
signal was developed using DAB detection reagents and tuberculosis.
recorded through photography to quantify the protein. Construction and Properties of the M. tuberculosis PPI
Protein Interactions, Sequence, and Network Visualization. Map. All cloned ORFs were subjected to extensive screening
Protein-protein interaction data sets generated from high- against the M. tuberculosis ORF library, using the bacterial two-
throughput, two-hybrid, and pull-down assays were obtained hybrid technique (Stratagene).16 In total, 11 000 pairs of non-
from the following sources: E. coli,23-25 H. pylori,4 C. jejuni,12 redundant PPIs were isolated and characterized through se-
Synechocystis sp.,11 T. pallidum,13 and M. tuberculosis (this quencing of both the recombinant pBT and pTRG plasmids,
study). Summary information of these data sets was shown in after the first screening (Figure 1A). All 11 000 cotransformant
Supporting Information Table S1. Computational predicted strains, together with the cotransformants containing either
protein interactions and functional linkages of M. tuberculosis pTRG-ORF/pBT or pTRG/pBT-ORF (self-activation controls),
were obtained from Prolinks database,26 STRING database were then spotted onto selective plates for the second screen-
(version 8.2),27 and our previous study.16 All interaction data ing. Some representative plates from the first and second
sets were preprocessed to undirected protein interaction screening were shown (Supporting Information Figure S1).
networks for further analysis. The corresponding protein Ultimately, 8042 PPIs were characterized (which covered 2907

Journal of Proteome Research • Vol. 9, No. 12, 2010 6667

research articles Wang et al.

Figure 2. Interaction distributions in COG functional categories. (A) Interactions between COG functional categories. Numbers and
colors indicate the number of interactions between each pair of COG functional categories in the M. tuberculosis B2H PPI network. (B)
Number of proteins in each COG functional category encoded by the M. tuberculosis genome. (C) Number of interactions in each COG
functional category in the M. tuberculosis B2H PPI network.

genes encoded by the genome of M. tuberculosis), after categories, the B2H data are presented using a heat map, and
eliminating false-positive cotransformants (Figure 1A). A global interactions between lipid transport and lipid metabolism
network of M. tuberculosis H37Rv, containing 8042 PPIs, was proteins are shown to be relatively enriched in the global
constructed (Figure 1C), and the network (or graph) based on network (Figure 2A). The number and map of B2H interactions
these PPI data was visualized by the program Cytoscape29 show a consistency with that of ORFs encoded by the M.
applying the Dual Layout plugin (Supporting Information Table tuberculosis genome (Figure 2B and 2C).
S2). We further finished the PPI enrichment analysis in the
The bacterial proteins formed a highly linked network. As context of these COG categories (Supporting Information Figure
shown in Figure 1C, a giant network component of 8020 S2). Proteins from category I (lipid transport and metabolism),
interactions between 2895 (99.59%) proteins and six small D (cell cycle control, mitosis, and meiosis), and O (posttrans-
isolated network components of less than three proteins were lational modification, protein turnover, chaperones) presented
included in the constructed global PPI network of M. tubercu- higher connection to the rest of the proteins in the network
losis H37Rv. The top 10 proteins (right panel) and their number (Supporting Information Figure S2A). Proteins within the
of linkages (left panel) in the B2H network are listed in Figure category D (cell cycle control, mitosis, and meiosis) were
1D. These include dihydrodipicolinate reductase DapB, two remarkably highly interconnected (Supporting Information
WhiB-like transcriptional factors (WhiB3 and WhiB7), and Figure S2B). Significant enrichment of the interactions between
several proteins of unknown function. On the basis of the COG categories M (cell wall/membrane biogenesis) and U (intra-

6668 Journal of Proteome Research • Vol. 9, No. 12, 2010

Protein-Protein Interaction Network in M. tuberculosis H37Rv research articles

Figure 3. Topological properties of the M. tuberculosis B2H PPI network. (A) Degree distribution. The number of proteins with a given
link (k) in the M. tuberculosis B2H PPI network follows a power law P(k) ) akb (a ) 3039.8, b ) -1.968). R2 ) 0.884 for the power law
fit. (B) Topological coefficients distribution. The topological coefficient was plotted against the number of links. The topological coefficient
with a given link (k) in the M. tuberculosis B2H PPI network follows a power law TC(k) ) akb (a ) 0.976, b ) -0.972, R2 ) 0.999). (C)
Average clustering coefficient distribution. R2 ) 0.234 for power law fit. (D) Closeness centrality distribution. R2 ) 0.383 for power law
fit. (E) Shortest path length distribution. On average, any two proteins in the M. tuberculosis B2H PPI networks are connected though
4.31 links. (F) Stress distribution. The stress of a node n is the number of shortest paths passing through n. The stress distribution
gives the number of nodes with stress s for different values of s. The values for the stress are grouped into bins whose size grows
exponentially by a factor of 10. The bins used for this distribution are {0}; [1, 10); [10, 100); ...

cellular trafficking and secretion) was observed (Supporting networks can be found in Supporting Information Table S1 and
Information Figure S2B). Signal proteins from category T (signal Figure S3. The first three topological features were identical to
transduction mechanisms) tended to interact with proteins our current understanding of PPI networks in prokaryotic
from category I (lipid transport and metabolism), C (energy organisms4,12,13,23-25 (Supporting Information Table S1). How-
production and conversion), and J (translation) (Supporting ever, the M. tuberculosis network only had a consistent cluster-
Information Figure S2B).
ing coefficient with that of Synechocystis sp.11 and was lower
Topology of the M. tuberculosis PPI Network. The topologi-
cal parameters of PPI networks were calculated using Network than the other reference networks (Supporting Information
Analysis29(Figure 3). The average shortest path length was 4.31, Table S1). The clustering coefficient of different data sets
network diameter 10, average number of neighbors 5.509, and generated from the pull-down assay tended to be closer
clustering coefficient 0.006. A complete network parameter of (0.064-0.079), while the two-hybrid-based screens showed
M. tuberculosis B2H PPI and several prokaryotic reference apparent variance (0.006-0.233).

Journal of Proteome Research • Vol. 9, No. 12, 2010 6669

research articles Wang et al.
Degree distribution follows a power law [P(k) ∼ ak ] (a ) b
family in mycobacteria, named for the conserved proline (P)
3046.1; b ) -1.968; correlation )0.738; R-squared ) 0.884) and glutamate (E) residues near the N-terminal region of the
(Figure 3A). About 89.1% (2589/2905) of the M. tuberculosis proteins.17 The function of most PE/PPE protein is unknown.
genes have 1-10 interaction partners (Supporting Information The B2H network included 106 PE/PPE family proteins and 671
Figure S3E). The number of proteins declines very quickly until PPIs (Supporting Information Figure S4A). There were 102 PPIs
about 15 degrees, indicating that there are very few proteins involved with secreted proteins (or antigens), 44 PPIs associated
containing more than 15 interaction partners in the network. with membrane proteins, and 40 with lipid transport and
In particular, the topological coefficient of proteins in M. metabolism proteins (Supporting Information Figure S4B). This
tuberculosis B2H networks perfectly follows a power law implies that PE/PPE family proteins might play roles in protein
distribution [TC(k) ∼ akb] (a ) 0.976; b ) -0.971; correlation secretion, transmembrane transport, and cell envelope forma-
) 0.999; R-squared ) 0.999) and represents the best fit in tion pathways.
all current available PPI networks from prokaryotic to Another example of the function of hypothetical proteins and
eukaryotic organisms (Figure 3B, also see Supporting Infor- new pathways concerns lipid metabolism. As shown in Sup-
mation Table S3). porting Information Figure S5, two hypothetical proteins,
Closeness centrality is a measure of how rapidly information Rv1638A and Rv2102, were grouped into a subnetwork enriched
spreads from a given node to other reachable nodes in the in lipid metabolism-related genes. Rv1638A has previously
network. The closeness centrality distribution of the M. tuber- shown to be markedly repressed together with a group of lipid
culosis B2H PPI network shows that highly connected proteins metabolism genes (cmaA2, mmaA3, mmaA2, fadE10, echA8,
in the network have a pronounced ability to spread information fadD21, inhA, tesB1, fas, fadD29) in sputum, compared to
in the network (Figure 3C). The same tendency also exists in aerobic growth.32 Compared with the in vitro growth condi-
reference networks (Supporting Information Figure S3). Nodes tions, Rv2102 was consistently down-regulated, together with
with high closeness centrality have potential significance for several lipid metabolism genes (fadA2, fadD15, kasA, kasB),33
responding to external perturbations and for maintaining following M. tuberculosis infection of human macrophage-like
network stabilization. This may be part of the explanation why THP-1 cells. Of these, four genes, inhA, fas, kasA, and kasB,
the highly connected “hub” proteins usually play essential roles appeared in the subnetwork (Supporting Information Figure
in cell processes.31 S5). In addition, both Rv1638A and Rv2102 interacted with the
Although lower than other networks, the clustering coef- same enoyl-CoA hydratase gene of echA6 in the PPI network.
ficient distribution (Figure 3D) of the M. tuberculosis B2H PPI These suggest that Rv1638A and Rv2102 could function in lipid
network shares a tendency similar to that seen in other metabolism.
networks, in that it diminishes when the links increase (Sup- Rv3312A was previously shown to encode M. tuberculosis
porting Information Figure S3). The shortest path distribution pili.34 In some Gram-positive pathogens, such as Streptococcus
(Figure 3E) and stress distribution (Figure 3F) of the M. and C. diphtheriae, pilus assembly has been associated with
tuberculosis B2H PPI network also share patterns similar to sortase genes, whose products are involved in covalent linkage
those of other reference networks (Supporting Information of the pili to the cell wall peptidoglycan.35-37 Unexpectedly,
Figure S3). M. tuberculosis lacks a sortase gene.38 In our PPI network,
Experimental Verification of Interaction. Two groups of Rv3312A was shown to directly interact with several potential
genes were randomly chosen for validations that would further transmembrane or secreted proteins, such as Rv0508, Rv0854,
evaluate the quality of our PPI data. A total of 241 pairs of Rv1583c (annotated as a hypothetical phiRv1 phage protein),
interactions were examined, using a coexpressing system and lipoprotein LpqX (a cell envelope protein)39 (Supporting
reported recently,22 and a significant success rate of 147/241 Information Figure S5). These proteins were also shown to
(61%) was obtained (Figure 4A). Another 35 pairs of interactions interact with the other functionally related secreted antigen or
were tested using SPR assay, and the verified PPIs had a success transmembrane proteins such as MPT53,40,41 Rv0219, Rv2869c,
rate of 20/35 (57%). This was a somewhat lower rate than the and the lipoprotein LpqQ (Supporting Information Figure S5).
coexpression/copurification assay (Figure 4B). The difference This suggests that these proteins may form an integrated
most likely arose because a relatively large fraction of active pathway for the assembly or localization of pili by situating on
proteins could not be successfully purified or some weak the bacterial surface or its plasma membrane. Therefore, the
interactions could not be successfully detected with the SPR B2H data suggest that M. tuberculosis may use a new sortase-
technique. A great deal of our bacterial two-hybrid data could independent pathway, as proposed here, for the assembly of
be confirmed (success rate 60.5%) through various independent its pili.
methods, which produced data similar to that from previous Conserved Subnetworks Across Species. A cross-species PPI
yeast two-hybrid studies on other model organisms.10 network comparison based on the NetworkBlast algorithm
Protein Function Predictions and Pathway Mapping. In- method30 revealed 94 conserved subnetworks between M.
teracting proteins often function in the same pathway or tuberculosis and several prokaryotic organism PPI networks. A
protein complex. The M. tuberculosis interaction map could complete list of the identified subnetworks is shown in the
therefore be used to predict the functions of hypothetical Supporting Information. These conserved subnetworks con-
proteins or to map protein complexes and new pathways. The sisted of 65 conserved interactions between M. tuberculosis and
M. tuberculosis genome encodes about 1361 hypothetical E. coli (44 generated from comparison with the data sets of
proteins.17 The 1104 hypothetical proteins are included in the Arifuzzaman et al.24 and 21 with Hu et al.,25 15 between M.
B2H network, which were involved in 5176 PPIs. This is 64.36% tuberculosis and C. jejuni, 12 between M. tuberculosis and
of the global PPI number (5176/8042), indicating that these Synechocystis sp., and 2 between M. tuberculosis and T. palli-
uncharacterized proteins may participate in numerous cell dum). No significantly conserved subnetworks were identified
functions in M. tuberculosis. For example, the PPI network was between M. tuberculosis and H. pylori. This was not surprising
also linked to function of PE/PPE proteins, a unique protein because in Parrish’s previous research they also failed to

6670 Journal of Proteome Research • Vol. 9, No. 12, 2010

Protein-Protein Interaction Network in M. tuberculosis H37Rv research articles

Figure 4. Coexpression/copurification and SPR assays for verifying bacterial two-hybrid interactions. (A) A scheme of coexpression/
copurification method for PPI verification. (B) A scheme of SPR method for PPI verification. (C) Coexpression/copurification assay. The
pair of potential interaction genes was cloned into the pHEX-derived and pGEX-derived vectors. The E. coli BL21 (DE3) cotransformants
with a pair of recombinant vectors were grown at 37 °C, and protein expression was induced. The cells were sonicated, and the
supernatants were loaded onto a 15 mL glutathione (GST) column for copurification. The copurified sample was run on SDS-PAGE for
Western blot analysis. A Western blot analysis was conducted using primary antibody (antisera to His-tag) (1:1000) and secondary
antibody IgG-HRP (goat anti-Rabbit) (1:10000). Representative data are shown. (D) SPR assay. His-tagged M. tuberculosis protein was
immobilized onto the NTA chips. Another GST-tagged protein, to be used as the ligand, was diluted in the HBS buffer [10 mM Hepes
(pH 7.4), 150 mM NaCl, 50 µM EDTA, 5 mM ATP, 0.005% BIAcore surfactant P20] at a concentration of <200 nM and injected at 10
µL/min for 5 min at 25 °C. GST protein was used as a negative control. Each analysis was performed three times. An overlay plot was
produced, and representative curves are shown.

identify conserved subnetworks between C. jejuni and H. pylori; groups of regulatory proteins that were obviously enriched,
this may be caused by the low interactome coverage of H. pylori such as sigma factors (SigB, SigE, SigH, and SigF), two-
PPI networks.4 Notably, among the 12 conserved subnetworks component signal proteins (MtrA, MtrB, DevR, PhoP, and
between M. tuberculosis and Synechocystis sp. were several KdpD), serine/threonine protein kinases (PknD, PknJ, and

Journal of Proteome Research • Vol. 9, No. 12, 2010 6671

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Figure 5. Representative examples of conserved subnetworks between M. tuberculosis and other reference species. Conserved
subnetworks identified by NetworkBlast. Red nodes represent the proteins from M. tuberculosis, and green nodes represent the proteins
from corresponding reference species. Blue dashed lines indicate cross-species sequence similarity between proteins. (A) Conserved
subnetworks between M. tuberculosis and C. jejuni. (B) Conserved subnetworks between M. tuberculosis and E. coli. (C) Conserved
subnetworks between M. tuberculosis and Synechocystis sp. (D) Conserved subnetworks between M. tuberculosis and T. pallidum. A
complete list of conserved subnetworks identified by NetworkBlast in this study is available in the Supporting Information.

PknK), and cyclic-di-GMP small molecular signal proteins secretion through coupling with ESX system proteins, ESAT6,
(Rv1354c and Rv1357c) (Figure 5 and Supporting Information and CFP10-like proteins in M. tuberculosis. Multiple M. tuber-
Figure S4). All of these represent the dominant regulation culosis ESX systems may coordinate through protein-protein
mechanisms in prokaryotic organisms. Our results suggest that interactions and cooperatively serve in bacterial protein secre-
these proteins, through their involvement in the conserved tion. This function would be consistent with the previously
interactions, may function as protein complexes or in the same observed crosstalk between two different ESX systems in a
pathway. mycobacterial species, M. marinum.43
Linking PPI Networks to Protein Secretion Pathways. PPI Network Analysis Revealed Two WhiB-Like Core
ESAT-6 and CFP-10 were two major secreted antigens of M. Regulators. Two WhiB-like regulators, WhiB3 and WhiB7, were
tuberculosis and were also involved in protein secretion.42 found among those in the top 10 with high presence in the
ESAT6 and CFP10-like proteins and 408 PPIs were included in global PPI network (Figure 1D). In total, 58.2% (96/165) of these
our global network among 22 ESAT6 and CFP10-like gene interactions could be validated by the coexpression/copurifi-
clusters in the genome of M. tuberculosis17 (Supporting Infor- cation method (Supporting Information Table S5), which is very
mation Table S4). Of these, 22 proteins formed a subnetwork, close to the overall success rate of the PPI network (60%).
most of which interacted with multiple other proteins, indicat- WhiB3 has been recently characterized to have extensive
ing that different pairs of ESAT6 and CFP10-like proteins may involvement in the regulation of lipid metabolism and in
cross-regulate during the virulence secretion of the pathogen response to environmental stresses.44 In the present study,
(Figure 6A). A linkage between two major M. tuberculosis ESX WhiB-3 interacted with 113 proteins including 8 lipid transport
protein secretion systems, ESX-1 and ESX-5, was also observed and metabolism proteins, 3 oxidoreductase proteins, 4 regula-
(Figure 6B). Several family proteins in the subnetwork were tory proteins, and a number of transport-related proteins, such
found to interact with these two ESX system proteins, including as 4 membrane transport proteins, 3 PE/PPE proteins, and 15
eight ESAT6 and CFP10-like proteins, three secretion proteins, secretion proteins (Figure 7). In all, 29 hypothetical proteins
one PE/PPE protein, two transmembrane proteins, two lipid and other function proteins were found to link with WhiB3
transport and metabolism proteins, one regulatory protein, and (Figure 7).
eight hypothetical proteins (Figure 6B). In contrast, WhiB7 is linked to drug resistance and persistent
In addition, 37 reported secretion proteins were included in infection.45 WhiB7 was involved in 52 PPIs that included 2 drug
a PPI subnetwork, and these directly interacted with ESX resistance proteins (TrpG and Rv1260), 4 oxidoreductase
systems or ESAT6 and CFP10-like proteins (Figure 6C). There proteins, 3 persistent infection proteins, 4 regulatory proteins,
were also 20 transmembrane proteins, 6 PE/PPE proteins, 3 and 4 protein kinases (Figure 7). Interestingly, both WhiB
lipid transport and metabolism proteins, 4 regulatory proteins, proteins in the subnetwork interacted with the same hypotheti-
and 9 hypothetical proteins included (Figure 6C). This indicates cal protein, Rv2418c. Although each WhiB-like protein may play
that these related proteins might be involved in protein different roles during infection of M. tuberculosis, our data

6672 Journal of Proteome Research • Vol. 9, No. 12, 2010

Protein-Protein Interaction Network in M. tuberculosis H37Rv research articles

Figure 6. PPI network and protein secretion pathway. The local network was constructed based on the data from our bacterial two-
hybrid experiments. Several major protein families are indicated in different colors. (A) The PPI network of 11 pairs of ESAT6/CFP10-
like proteins. (B) The PPI network involved in ESX1 and ESX5 system proteins. (C) A local network of some reported secretion proteins
in direct linkage with ESX systems or ESAT6 and CFP10-like proteins.

Journal of Proteome Research • Vol. 9, No. 12, 2010 6673

research articles Wang et al.

Figure 7. Local network involved in WhiB3 and WhiB7. The local network was constructed based on the data from our bacterial two-
hybrid experiments. Several major protein families are indicated in different colors.

suggest that these two proteins, WhiB3 and WhiB7, could even human PPI networks.4,10,12,13,23-25 This indicates that the
crosstalk and cooperatively regulate the persistent infection of network property might be a general characteristic. Most
the pathogen through a master protein, Rv2418c. interestingly, the topological coefficient of the M. tuberculosis
B2H network perfectly followed a power law distribution
Discussion (correlation ) 0.999; R-squared ) 0.999) and represented the
best fit in all currently available PPI networks (Supporting
This study introduces the systematic bacterial two-hybrid Information Table S3).
analysis of the human pathogen proteins. On the basis of
Very few experimentally validated protein-protein interac-
ORFeome cloning and extensive library screening, we were able
tions have been reported in M. tuberculosis; nevertheless, some
to identify 8042 protein-protein interactions connecting the
of the only interactions to have been reported were found in
2907 bacterial proteins, which represented about 74.1% func-
the current global PPI network.15,50-54 However, among 8042
tional proteins encoded by the entire genome. The M. tuber-
pairs of PPIs, we observed only about 90 conserved interactions
culosis B2H PPI network was separated into seven connected
components, with the largest component accounting for 2895 that were also found in other model organisms (Figure 5 and
(99.59%) proteins from the whole PPI network. Supporting Information Figure S6). This is relatively low but is
The yeast two-hybrid system has been used as a powerful similar to what has been reported in other previous studies on
tool for PPI identification.4-13 However, yeast has certain PPIs.10,11,25 It also demonstrates that the newly produced PPIs
limitations, especially with respect to the assay of bacterial in this study were mostly novel interactions.
protein interactions. The development of bacterial two-hybrid The ORFeome of an organism is useful for various reverse
systems now allows proteins to be assayed for interactions proteomics studies, including global analysis of protein-protein
underconditionsthatcloselymatchtheirnativeenvironment.46-48 interaction and the identification of functional genes. In the
In the current study, we successfully constructed a global PPI present study, a high coverage rate and a relatively small library
network of the pathogenic bacterium, M. tuberculosis H37Rv, have been achieved by cloning the ORFeome from predicted
using the bacterial two-hybrid technique. We identified more genes in the pathogenic genome. This offered a tremendous
than 8000 mostly novel interactions in the pathogen. advantage for extensive characterization of protein-protein
In a PPI network, the term degree represents the number of interactions within the genome. This is the first-ever report on
proteins that interact with another specific protein. The degree the ORFeome cloning in M. tuberculosis in a bacterial two-
distribution of the M. tuberculosis network proteins slowly hybrid vector. A small number of ORFs (<0.9%) could not be
decreased, leading to the generation of a pattern similar to that successfully amplified (Supporting Information Table S6). This
found in the other model organisms.49 The calculated average is probably due to sequencing errors in the genome project or
shortest path length (4.31) within the largest network (Figure simply because the best PCR conditions have not yet been
3C) was close to the value presented for other prokaryotic and found.

6674 Journal of Proteome Research • Vol. 9, No. 12, 2010

Protein-Protein Interaction Network in M. tuberculosis H37Rv research articles
Specific protein-protein interactions are crucial for all degrees” in the global PPI network (Figure 1D). The most highly
biological processes. Compiling protein-protein interaction connected proteins are usually the most important16 and are
networks provides many new insights into protein function and considered to participate extensively in cellular processes. In
gives directions for the development of new drugs targeted to several recent reports, M. tuberculosis WhiB-3 protein was
this pathogen. The genome sequencing project for M. tuber- found to directly regulate lipid metabolism and to respond to
culosis H37Rv offers much valuable information. One striking environmental stresses.44 WhiB3 has been proposed as a
finding is that the pathogenic genome encodes a unique metabolic switch that senses environmental signals during
protein familysPE/PPEsalthough its function remains largely infection.15 Therefore, the 9-fold up-regulation of WhiB3 in a
unknown. Our PPI network covered 106 PE/PPE proteins and BCG vaccine strain is particularly notable.43 The present study
included 671 PPIs (Supporting Information Figure S6). Their shows that WhiB3 interacted with 113 proteins. Aside from its
functions have been linked to protein secretion and membrane roles in lipid transport and metabolism, and oxidoreduction,
transport and even gene regulation and lipid metabolism. This this protein is also connected to many transport-related
suggests that the mycobacterial PE/PPE proteins might be proteins such as membrane transport protein, PE/PPE proteins,
involved in pathogen growth and virulence. Our PPI network and secretion proteins (Figure 7). These findings support the
also allows the annotation of a large group of hypothetical previous observation that WhiB3 is a core regulator for the
proteins in M. tuberculosis that may be involved in 5176 PPIs pathogen.15,44
or 64.5% of the global PPI number. This will serve as a unique
resource for further analysis of protein functions. Conclusion
Evidence shows that M. tuberculosis might use unique The current study presents the first global protein-protein
secretion machinery and may encode nonclassical systems to interaction analysis in the human pathogen M. tuberculosis
secrete its virulence determinants during infection.42,55-57 H37Rv. Almost the entire pathogenic ORFeome was cloned.
Protein-protein interactions have been reported to be involved More than 8000 novel interactions were identified. The bacterial
in secretion of a number of cases, including secretion of two proteins formed a highly linked network. The PPI information
major proteins, ESAT-6 and CFP-10.42 At present, 22 ESAT6 and was connected to the pathogenic protein secretion pathway
CFP10-like gene clusters have been found in the genome of and gene regulation. These results will serve as a unique
M. tuberculosis,17 but their contributions to virulence secretion resource for further dissection of signal transduction and
in the pathogen have not yet been identified. In the current infection mechanisms in M. tuberculosis, as well as for the
study, cross-interactions between different pairs of EAST6/ development of new antituberculosis drugs.
CFP10-like proteins were found based on the local PPI network Abbreviations: PPI, protein-protein interaction; BCG, bacille
(Figure 6A), while a link between two major M. tuberculosis Calmette-Guerin; B2H, bacterial two-hybrid; Y2H, yeast two-
ESX protein secretion systems (ESX-1 and ESX-5) was observed hybrid; PCR, polymerase chain reaction; IPTG, isopropyl β-D-
(Figure 6B). Although the cooperative mechanism was unclear, 1-thiogalactopyranoside; SPR, surface plasmon resonance; ORF,
this correlation between two ESX systems has been previously open reading frame; SNP, single-nucleotide polymorphism.
observed in other species. For example, a deletion of the ESAT-6
and CFP-10 encoding genes in M. marinum resulted in Acknowledgment. This work was supported by the
increased secretion of the ESX-5 substrate PPE41, whereas an National Natural Science Foundation of China (30930003,
ESX-5 mutant showed increased secretion of the ESX-1 sub- 31025002) and 973 Program (2006CB504402). This work was
strate Rv3881c.43 Several protein families in the current study also supported by the National Special Key Project of China
were found to link the two ESX system proteins. This implied on Major Infectious Diseases (2008ZX10003-005).
the existence of potential molecular mechanisms for com- Supporting Information Available: A complete list of
munication between these proteins. On the other hand, a
the identified subnetworks and representative plates for the
significant level of reported secretion proteins were included
screenings; PPI enrichment analysis, topological analysis and
in the network and physically interacted with ESX systems or
measures of each PPI network; power-law distribution of node
ESAT6 and CFP10-like genes (Figure 6C). Our findings dem-
degree and topological coefficient; the distribution of protein
onstrate that ESAT-6/CFP-10-like proteins may not only rep-
category and PPI; examples for the function predictions of
resent typical antigens but also may function as shuttle
hypothetical proteins and new pathways based on the PPI
chaperones for the secretion of other virulence factors. In this
network; conserved subnetworks; protein-protein interaction
context, multiple ESAT-6/CFP-10-like proteins, through pro-
pairs of M. tuberculosis and PPI validation; protein-protein
tein-protein interactions, may function as an integrated system
interaction pairs involved in 22 ESAT6 and CFP10 proteins; no
for virulence factor secretion. However, the single pair of ESAT-
PCR-amplified products of M. tuberculosis ORFs. This material
6/CFP-10 may not have this function in the nonpathogenic
is available free of charge via the Internet at
species because ESX-1 is present in the genomes of most
mycobacterial species that have been investigated to date,
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Journal of Proteome Research • Vol. 9, No. 12, 2010 6677

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