Group Member Muhammad Bilal:70077970 M.Taha Sohail: 70077823 Abdulla Malik: 70078208 Arslan Ahmad:70078233

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Group member

Muhammad Bilal:70077970
M.Taha Sohail: 70077823
Abdulla Malik: 70078208
Arslan ahmad:70078233

Date :

Se project

Question :

You have already selected the project in the group,Your task is to show the description of the system in form of
table then you have transform the table into interactive model (Use Case, Class diagram, Sequence diagram).
Instructions have been already given on the what's app group.

Answer :

Our project was bug tracking system

A bug tracking system or defect tracking system is a software application that keeps track of
reported software bugs in software development projects. It may be regarded as a type of issue
tracking system.
There is a variety of bug-tracking systems available today, both commercial and open-source.
Bug-tracking systems are necessary for any organization that maintains medium- to large-scale
systems. While they're useful, however, bug-tracking systems merely record the process
through which a defect report goes.
The really valuable information generated by this process is only gleaned at the end of that
process and often isn't recorded. The most valuable information to be gained from diagnosing a
bug is why the problem occurred.
The process of determining the earliest point in the design and implementation of a program
that a defect was introduced is called root-cause analysis.

A bug tracking system is usually a necessary component of a professional software

development infrastructure, and consistent use of a bug or issue tracking system is considered
one of the hallmarks of a good software team
Data base design :

This section describe the six table that are link to our project this table are describe in the following point

 Permission
 Manager
 Project
 Bug
 Bug type
 Tester type

Table permissions
Name Data type Length Default value
Permission _id Int 11 none
Permission _title String none
Permission _module varchar 20 none
Permission _description text none

Table manager :

Name Data type Length Default value

Manager_id int 11 none
Manager_username string none
Manager_address Varchar 20 none
Manager_email Varchar 50 none
Manager_passward varchar 20 none

Table project:

Name Data type Length Default value

Project_id int 11 None
Project_devloper_id Int 11 None
Project_tester_id Int 11 None
Project_name String None
Project_type String None
Project_description text None

Table bug:

Name Data type Length Default value

Bug_id int 11 None
Bug_devloper _id int 11 None
Bug_title string None
Bug_description text None
Bug_tester_id int 11 None

Table bug_type

Name Data type Length Default value

Bug_type_id Int 11 none
Bug_type_title String none
Bug_type_description text none
Table tester type

Name Data type Length Default value

Tester_id Int 11 none
Tester_name String none
Tester_address Varchar 20 none
Tester_mobile Int 11 none
Tester_email varchar 11 none
Class Diagram of Bug Tracking System

Permission Class Testers Class

+ permission_id : int
+ tester_id : int
+ permission_title : string + tester_name : string Projects Class
+ permission_module : varchar + tester_address : varchar + project_id : int
+ tester_mobile : int + project_developer_id : int
+ permission_description : text
+ tester_email : varchar + project_tester_id : int
+ addPermission()
+ addTesters() + project_name : string
+ editPermission() + editTesters() + project_type : string
+ deletePermission() + deleteTesters() + project_description : text
+ searchTesters() + addProjects()
+ searchPermission()
+ editProjects()
Manager Class
+ deleteProjects()
+ manager_id : int Bugs Class
+ searchProjects()
+ manager_username : string + bug_id : int

+ manager_address : varchar + bug_developer_id : int Bug Types Class

+ manager_email : varchar + bug_title : string + bug_type_id : int

+ manager_password : varchar + bug_description : text + bug_type_title : string

+ manager_mobile : int + bug_tester_id : int + bug_type_description : text

+ addManager() + addBugs() + addBugTypes()

+ editManager() + editBugs() + editBugTypes()

+ deleteManager() + deleteBugs() + deleteBugTypes()

+ searchManager() + searchBugs() + searchBugTypes()

Use Case diagram of Bug Tracking System:

Bug Report

Record in database

Notify User Notify Manager

Get user Information

Find Error Information

Error known Error un known (no answer)

Find Answer in Resubmit to product
Database team

(Error) (answer)

Answer the Question

Add to Bug Tracking

System (Not error)

Sent Notification

Close Ticket Add to Wish List

Bug tracking system sequence diagram

Permission Bug management Bug type management Project management Managers management Tester management

Add and
Add and edit
Add/edit Add and edit project
bug bug type
Login to Add and
page edit

Save and Save and

Bug manage
update bug updates

Delete Update
Save and
update bug
Manage bug type detail

Delete bug
List and manager Delete
delate bug

Manage project details

Manage managers details

Manage tester details

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