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Adibah Dayana binti Ahmad

RCB 20701005

Persuasive Speech: Why people should not take education for granted

Education is not preparation for life; it is life itself (John Dewey, American
philosophers) said that, this philosophy would allow students to become far more
engaged with both what their learning and with society as a whole. Schools, according
to Dewey, are not just places where we learn facts and numbers, but also places where
we learn how to live. I am using the word “people” here referring to students, parents
and society as these people are the ones who’s going to be affected much by the
downfall and the arising of nation’s education.

A student is primarily a person enrolled in a school or other educational

institution and who is under learning with goals of acquiring knowledge, developing
professions and achieving employment at desired field. Parents can be defined as
person who gives birth to or raises a child. Whereas the society can be well understood
as a community of people who lives together in the same area or nearby. These three
types of people; students, parents and society were linked-in under the society’s
constitution which have domino’s effect toward each other. If a group from these three
constitutions is collapsed, the other two will get the same effect.

Education is the most powerful weapon that can lift a nation to the eyes of the
world. It will change an iron into a flying airline, a pessimist into an optimist nation, a
hopeless country into a rapid growing country such as Japan, a poor little kid into a
successful young man and so much more. However, some community in this world
never take serious account on education; be it the parents, the students or the society
itself. They ended up ruined their own nation by not improving their life, in this cruel
and fast-moving world. We can see this clearly in certain country such as Africa, there
is no paradigm shift, thus they have to lived in poverty, poor hygiene awareness,
exposed to diseases that is rarely infected other growing countries. Unfortunately, this
also happen in our own nation where some parents did not emphasize their children
to come to the school, not paying attention to their progress, and even asking their
children to stop studying. Worst than that, they let the children to decide for their future
themselves either they want to continue school or not when actually the frontal lobe of
the children itself is still not complete to let them think rationally!

I was wondering, what happen to our parents who let the children to play the
phone all the time and allowing them to take their study for granted? I was wondering
why does our society allowing this habit to be normalize into our community and thus,
breeding a nation that is becoming helpless without social media, games and etc but
not the education? The moment these two groups; parents and society allowing the
breakdown of education, student is the one who received the effect. They have no
more pleasure in their study, in addition to the pandemic, most of the first grade in
primary school does not know how to read, and at the same time they were exposed
to the mobile phone without proper monitoring. It scares me, what is going to happen
to our nation?

This student someday will replace all the soldiers, the ministers, the policemen,
the teachers and the nation builder. They will work and pay the bills to support their
family, they will later send their children to the schools to continue human legacy. They
will pay the taxes to support country’s development, they will fight for this country
whenever they are needed to. But what happen if this “student” that we raised now
has no skills to continue their life the way their ancestors? What happen if this “student”
does not understand what is the meaning of being “responsible” and all they know
about life is surfing internet, exploring new gadgets and apps, and they actually
acquire nothing in real life? What happen if we are failed to pass our legacy the skills
of responsible and skillful teachers, policemen, soldiers, ministers or nation builder?
This is the domino effect of a nation who neglected education.

According to Humanium, more than 72 million children around the world remain
unschooled as a result of poverty and marginalization. We are so lucky to not being
included in this statistic. Living in a harmony and peaceful country, we tend to forget
to appreciates meanwhile some of us inaccessible to education because of certain
factors. I hereby would like to called out every students, parents and society to not
take education for granted. We do not want the children to grow as a pathetic and
regretful young person who dumb their study just because they do not get the clearer
view on how their life will be look like in the future without education!

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