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How significant was Mein Kampf (published1925-26) in helping Hitler win support during the 1920s?

Explain your answer.

The Mein Kampf was a book written by Adolf Hitler during his time in prison that sharply expressed his
political views and future plans for Germany; these views included core beliefs of anti-Semitism, anti-
communism, nationalism and his hatred of the treaty of Versailles along with plans to abolish it. The
newly-formed Weimar Government was unpopular in its early years from 1919-22 due to Germany’s
miserable economic state, in 1923 Germany slowly rose to restoration with the help of Gustav
Streseman but the Great Depression of 1929-30 brought back instability to Germany. How the Nazis
were perceived is mostly linked to the political and economic state of Germany. The Mein Kampf could
be deemed responsible for the support Hitler received as people now supported Hitler because of
negative cohesion and it helped people understand Hitler’s views and plans for Germany. However,
there are other factors such as the Great Depression and the Munich Putsch that helped Hitler win
support during the 1920s.

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