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Blastaar of Baluur

Fighting: Ex
Agility: Gd
Strength: Am
Endurance: Un
Reason: Gd
Intuition: Gd
Psyche: Ex

Health: 180
Karma: 40
Resources: Ex
Popularity: -2

Known Powers:
Body Armor: His thick hide gives him Remarkable protection against physical and energy attacks.
Energy Blasts: Monstrous rank
Rocket: Monstrous speed
Self-Sustenance: He can enter a suspended state for moths and voluntarily reawaken whenever he wants.

Blastaar is a military leader and tactician.

The Baluur millitary.

Blastaar is the king of the planet Baluur in the anti-matter universe called the Negative Zone. He ruled ruthlessly for years until many of his
subjects rose against him and imprisoned him in an adhesion suit and set adrift in outer space in the Negative Zone.

Blastaar eventually broke free and sighted the hero Reed Richards (a.k.a. Mr. Fantastic) and his hero team, the Fantastic Four, who were
returning to Earth's dimension after an adventure in the Negative Zone with Triton of the offshoot-race, the Inhumans. Blastaar followed them
through an interdimensional portal onto Earth. The Fantastic Four drove Blastaar back into the Zone, but he subsequently has returned to
Earth several times, hoping to conquer it. Each time Blastaar has been defeated and ultimately deported to the Negative Zone.

Eventually public sentiment on Baluur shifted, and Blastaar no only reclaimed his throne there but also led Baluur's forces in carving out an
interplanetary empire in the Negative Zone. Soon, he encounter another Negative Zone emperor, Annihilus, and stole his great weapon, the
Cosmic Control Rod. Blastaar used the Rod to further his conquest of the Negative Zone until the Rod was returned to Annihilus with the help
of the Fantastic Four.

Blastaar found himself on Earth again when scientists on Earth opened a portal to study the Negative Zone. He was opposed by the young

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