Dickson 2018 - The Barriers To, and Facilitators Of, Implementing and Receiving MHPSS Programmes

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global mental health



What are the barriers to, and facilitators of,

implementing and receiving MHPSS programmes
delivered to populations affected by humanitarian
emergencies? A qualitative evidence synthesis

Kelly Dickson* and Mukdarut Bangpan

Department of Social Science, University College London Institute of Education, London WC1H 0AL, UK

Global Mental Health (2018), 5, e21, page 1 of 13. doi:10.1017/gmh.2018.12

Background. Humanitarian emergencies can impact people’s psychosocial well-being and mental health. Providing
mental health and psychosocial support (MHPSS) is an essential component of humanitarian aid responses. However,
factors influencing the delivery MHPSS programmes have yet to be synthesised. We undertook a systematic review
on the barriers to, and facilitators of, implementing and receiving MHPSS programmes delivered to populations affected
by humanitarian emergencies in low- and middle-income countries.

Methods. A comprehensive search of 12 bibliographic databases, 25 websites and citation checking was undertaken.
Studies published in English from 1980 onwards were included if they contained evidence on the perspectives of adults
or children who had engaged in or programmes providers involved in delivering, MHPSS programmes in humanitarian
settings. Thirteen studies were critically appraised and analysed thematically.

Results. Community engagement was a key mechanism to support the successful implementation and uptake of
MHPSS programmes. Establishing good relationships with parents may also be important when there is a need to com-
municate the value of children and young people’s participation in programmes. Sufficient numbers of trained providers
were essential in ensuring a range of MHPSS programmes were delivered as planned but could be challenging in
resource-limited settings. Programmes need to be socially and culturally meaningful to ensure they remain appealing.
Recipients also valued engagement with peers in group-based programmes and trusting and supportive relationships
with providers.

Conclusion. The synthesis identified important factors that could improve MHPSS programme reach and appeal.
Taking these factors into consideration could support future MHPSS programmes achieve their intended aims.

Received 22 August 2017; Revised 7 February 2018; Accepted 22 February 2018

Key words: Humanitarian emergencies, Interventions, Low- and middle-income countries, Mental health and
psychosocial programmes, Programme implementation, Qualitative evidence synthesis.

* Address for correspondence: Kelly Dickson, Department of Social
Science, University College London Institute of Education, London
More than 128.6 million people across 33 countries
WC1H 0AL, UK. require humanitarian assistance (OCHA, 2017).
(Email: k.dickson@ucl.ac.uk) Populations affected by natural and man-made
© The Author(s) 2018. This is an Open Access article, distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution
licence (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted re-use, distribution, and reproduction in
any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
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humanitarian emergencies can present with a range of enhancing a sense of empowerment, social connected-
mental health and psychosocial support (MHPSS) ness and other family, community and economic sup-
needs (Steel et al. 2009; Roberts & Browne, 2011; Tang ports (Wessells, 2009; Shah, 2012; Somasundaram,
et al. 2014). Although many retain good psychological 2014), they continue to remain underrepresented in
health by drawing on social and individual protective the outcome evaluation literature (Tol et al. 2011). To
factors, pre-existing mental health and psychosocial improve our understanding of the full range of
status, concurrent life events, and a lack of buffering MHPSS provision and approaches taken across differ-
from stressors caused by humanitarian emergencies ent emergency settings further empirical investigation
can result in significant mental health and psychosocial would benefit from engaging with programme com-
difficulties (Lock et al. 2012; Silove, 2013). A key recom- plexity, theories of change and diversity in outcome
mendation of international humanitarian aid guidelines measurements and implementation processes (Craig
is to ensure mental health and psychosocial pro- et al. 2008; Petticrew, 2015). This could also provide
grammes are made available to local communities in vital insights into how MHPSS programmes can be
disaster and post-disaster settings (IASC, 2007; WHO, better integrated into existing healthcare systems and
2013). However, evidence from recent systematic services (Ventevogel et al. 2011b). The views and per-
reviews reveals a varied picture regarding their effect- spectives of programme recipients and providers play
iveness. For example, while meta-analysis suggests an important role in developing a more comprehensive
that programmes can be effective in improving clinical MHPSS evidence base, as they can provide key
symptomology in adults (Tol et al. 2011; Morina et al. insights regarding important contextual and process
2017) much less is known about the impact of similar factors, both in relation to understanding the barriers
interventions on psychosocial outcomes such as resili- faced during implementation and how recipient char-
ence and hope (Bangpan et al. 2017). When delivered acteristics and experiences of programmes influence
to children, the extent to which programmes achieve uptake and engagement. To our knowledge, there is
their intended impacts is inconsistent when comparing a lack of systematic reviews synthesising evidence
evidence across MHPSS outcomes and humanitarian from studies of people’s experiences and perspective
contexts (Tol et al. 2011; Jordans et al., 2016; Bangpan of MHPSS programmes (Bangpan et al. 2016). To
et al. 2017). Further, no clear pattern in the data has address this gap, we report findings from our
been identified to suggest which participant characteris- qualitative evidence synthesis on the barriers to, and
tics or whether wider social factors moderate the effect facilitators of, implementing and receiving MHPSS
of MHPSS programmes (Bangpan et al. 2017; Brown programmes delivered to populations affected by
et al. 2017). These findings highlight the need to explore humanitarian emergencies in low- and middle-income
contextual factors influencing the delivery and engage- countries (LMICs). Qualitative data can support a
ment in MHPSS programmes to contribute to our greater understanding, from the perspectives of key
understanding of heterogeneity in treatment effects stakeholders, what factors need to be taken into con-
(Tol et al. 2013). For example, access to local and national sideration to ensure programme feasibility, acceptabil-
resources, availability of organisational support with ity and uptake to inform the design and delivery of
community partners (O’Hanlon & Budosan, 2015) and future MHPSS programmes.
the integration of MHPPS programmes with local health
and social care systems can support or hinder pro-
gramme fidelity and impact (WHO, 2015; Van Methods
Ommeren et al. 2015). This systematic review was described a priori in a
Notwithstanding the recommendations on MHPSS research protocol (Bangpan et al. 2016) and adheres to
by the Inter-Agency Standing Committee, which advo- the PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic
cates taking a wide range of possible responses to Reviews and Meta-Analyses) guidance found in the
humanitarian emergencies, many empirically evalu- Supplementary material (Moher et al. 2009).
ated MHPSS programmes continue to draw from
Western-based approaches to the treatment of trauma
Inclusion criteria
and trauma-related symptoms (Bangpan et al. 2017).
Yet, the majority of humanitarian emergencies occur Studies published in English from 1980 onwards were
in non-Western, low-resource settings where such included if they contained qualitative evidence on the
approaches may not be feasible or applicable, perspectives of adults or children who had engaged
(Attanayake et al. 2009; Chowdhary et al. 2014). in, or programmes providers involved in delivering,
While MHPSS programmes often take a broader non- MHPSS programmes for populations affected by
trauma based approach, which seeks to strengthen humanitarian emergencies in LMICs. For this review,
protective factors by focusing on resilience and by humanitarian emergencies were defined as any natural

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global mental health

or man-made emergencies, including both slow-onset criteria 5–6. To be judged as ‘high’ quality on methodo-
and sudden crises. We adopted the Inter-Agency logical reliability, studies needed to have taken steps to
Standing Committee’s (IASC) definition of MHPSS ensure rigour in at least three of the first four criteria.
and included any programme seeking ‘to protect or Studies were judged as ‘medium’ when scoring on
promote psychosocial well-being and/or prevent or only 2–3 criteria and ‘low’ when scoring on only one
treat mental disorder’ (IASC, 2007, p. 11). or none. To achieve a rating of high on usefulness in
answering the review questions, studies needed to
Search achieve depth and breadth in their findings and use
methods that enabled participants to express their
We conducted a comprehensive search of 12 electronic
views on implementing or engaging in programmes.
databases covering health and social science disci-
Studies rated as a medium on usefulness only met
plines including Medline, PsycINFO and ASSIA, 13
either one of these criteria and studies rated low
specialist databases and grey literature portals, in add-
were judged to have met neither criterion. Low-quality
ition to 25 topic-specific websites, consultation with
studies were not excluded from the review. Instead,
experts and citation checking of includes. (See further
quality judgements were used to inform the synthesis
details in the web appendix). Key index and free text
with none of the themes solely generated by studies
search terms were determined by the review questions
judged as low on both dimensions (reliability of
and the inclusion criteria. For example, the type of
humanitarian emergency (e.g. war or typhoon or geno-
cide), combined with the type of mental health and
psychosocial intervention (e.g. CBT, NET) and study Data synthesis
design (e.g. ethnography, process evaluation). The data contained in studies in the form of partici-
Search results were imported into EPPI-Reviewer 4: pants’ quotes, authors’ descriptions or authors’ conclu-
systematic review software (Thomas et al. 2010). sions, was extracted and coded by two reviewers. The
References were initially screened on title and abstract. authors read and re-read the data contained within
Full reports were obtained for those references where each study. They applied line-by-line codes to capture
title and abstract suggested the study was relevant or and interpret the meaning of data and organised the
where there was insufficient information to judge. coding of that data into themes and higher-order
We piloted the inclusion criteria by comparing the themes. They met to discuss their individual coding
decisions of two reviewers before moving to screening before agreeing on a final set of themes. A process of
by a single reviewer, any differences were resolved interpretation also led to a discussion on whether
through discussion. there was sufficient data to inform a sub-theme, and
the identification of negative case examples. Evidence
Data extraction and quality appraisal tables were prepared to facilitate the writing of the nar-
Data were extracted from studies using tools devel- rative thematic synthesis of the findings. These tables
oped specifically for this review. Key information contained the methodological quality of each study;
included: bibliographic details, participant and inter- contextual details of the programmes and humanitar-
vention characteristics study methods and findings ian settings examined; details about the population;
(see web appendix). Piloting and refinement of tools and the final set of themes.
took place before the commencement of full coding.
The reliability and usefulness of studies were assessed Results
using EPPI-Centre tools for qualitative studies using
the following dimensions: sampling, data collection, Search results
data analysis, the extent to which the study findings The flow of studies through the review is provided in
were grounded in the data (criteria 1–4) and; the extent Fig. 1. After the removal of 242 duplicates, 11437 stud-
to which the study privileged the perspectives of par- ies were identified from the search. Fourteen distinct
ticipants, and breadth and depth of findings (criteria studies met the inclusion criteria. An overview of the
5–6). An overall judgement of study quality was studies included in the review is provided in Table 1.
made according to two key dimensions. First, a weight
of high, medium or low was assigned according to the
Characteristics and quality of included studies
reliability of the study using criteria 1–4. Second, a
weight of high, medium or low was assigned accord- We mapped programmes against the tiered system of
ing to the usefulness of the findings in answering the complementary MHPSS supports, developed by the
review question on contexts and barriers to implemen- Inter-Agency Standing Committee (IASC) reference
tation and receipt of MHPSS programmes using group responsible for the greater co-ordination of

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Fig. 1. PRISMA flow diagram: The study identification, screening and selection process

MHPSS in emergency settings (IASC, 2007). We found Christensen & Edward, 2015), was the importance of
the evidence base included tier-four ‘specialised formal and informal engagement with local communi-
services’ delivered in post-conflict settings (n = 3) ties and government agencies to support the imple-
and immediately after an earthquake (n = 1), tier-three mentation and coordination of MHPSS programmes
‘focused, non-specialised supports’ programmes in humanitarian settings. Subthemes included the
addressing the psychological and social impact of the importance of community mobilisation and sensitisa-
Rwandan genocide (n = 3); while tier-two ‘community tion, establishing good relationships with parents and
and family supports’ programmes primarily targeted developing effective local community and government
children (n = 5) rather than adults (N = 1). Only one partnerships.
study addressed the basic services and security needs
of affected populations. Overall, study quality was a
Community mobilisation and sensitisation
combination of high or medium reliability and useful-
ness (n = 10). Of the four studies judged as being of low Sensitising and mobilising communities about the
reliability, three contributed findings of medium use- potential impact of humanitarian emergencies were
fulness (see Table 2). cited as key programme activities in five studies.
Two of which were judged to be highly useful and of
high (Christensen & Edward, 2015) or medium reli-
Thematic synthesis ability (Boothby et al. 2006). Two lower-quality studies
also provided medium useful findings, (Baingana &
Theme 1: Engagement with local communities and
Onyango, 2011; Shackman & Price, 2013) while one
government agencies
study was judged as being of low reliability and use-
A key theme across nine studies (Chauvin et al. 1998; fulness (Chauvin et al. 1998). Programme providers
Boothby et al. 2006; Kunz, 2009; Baingana & identified the need to increase knowledge about the
Onyango, 2011; Budosan & Bruno, 2011; Nakkash effects of extended periods of exposure to violence
et al. 2012; Shackman & Price, 2013; Song et al. 2013; and conflict on psychosocial outcomes. For example,

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Table 1. Description of included studies

global mental health

Details of the setting and programme Details of the study

IASC tiers Study Humanitarian crises Intervention Programme timing Study population Methods of evaluation

Tier 4: Specialised Baingana and Civil war: Northern Primary mental health and community Post-conflict: Providers: n = not stated Qualitative: Document review; Key
services N = 3) Onyango Uganda; until 2006 outreach service for adults and children Recipients: n = not stated informant interviews; Patient focus groups;
(2011) Clinical field observations
Budosan & Earthquake: Haiti; 2010 Various models of specialised MHPSS Immediately after crisis Providers: n = not stated Qualitative: Document review;
Bruno (2011) programmes for adults affected by the Recipients: n = not stated Semi-structured interviews; Patient focus
2010 earthquake in Haiti groups
Shackman & Civil war: Sierra Leone; Primary mental health and community Post-conflict ‘Key stakeholders’a: N = 206 Qualitative: Document review; Individual
Price (2013) 1991–2002 outreach service for adults and children and focus group interviews
Song et al. Civil war: Sierra Leone; Primary mental healthcare: psychiatric Post-conflict Providers: n = 24 Qualitative: Semi-structured interviews
(2013) 1991–2002 hospitals and community mental
health services for former child soldiers
Tier 3: Focused, Chauvin et al. Genocide: Rwanda; Psychosocial trauma recovery programme Immediately after conflict Providers: n = not stated Qualitative Document review;
non-specialised (1998) 1994–1995 for children and care-givers in Rwanda Semi-structured interviews; Patient focus
support N = 3) groups; Clinical field observations
Hogwood et al. Genocide: Rwanda; Community counselling groups for adult Post-conflict Recipients: n = 40 Qualitative/Quantitative: Rating scale Focus
(2014) 1994–1995 women in Rwanda groups
King (2014) Genocide: Rwanda; The Healing of Life Wounds programme for Post-conflict Recipients: n = 23 Qualitative/Quantitative: Rating scales, Focus
1994–1995 adults in Rwanda groups
Tier 2: Community Boothby et al. Civil war: Mozambique; Children and war rehabilitation Ongoing to post-conflict: Recipients: n = 23 Qualitative: Interviews; Focus groups
and family support (2006) 1977–1992 psychological and social programme for
N = 6) former male child soldiers
Kunz (2009) Earthquake: Iran; Sport and play programme for children and Post-conflict Providers: n = not stated Qualitative/Quantitative: Semi-structured
December 2003 youth (6–18 years old) Recipient parents: n = 15 interviews; Questionnaires
Lykes & Crosby Guatemala: armed Creative arts project with Mayan women Post-conflict Recipients: n = 105 Qualitative: Participatory research
(2014) conflict in Guatemala workshops
Nakkash et al. Palestinian/Israeli Qaderoon’ (We Are Capable) social skills Ongoing Providers: n = not stated Qualitative/Quantitative: Interviews; Clinical
(2012) conflict; ongoing building programme for refugee children Recipients: n = 150 field observations forms; Recipient
(11–14 years old) in Palestine satisfaction form
Nastasi et al. Tsunami: Sri Lanka; Sri Lanka: post-tsunami after-school Post-crisis Providers: n = not stated Qualitative/Quantitative; Curriculum
(2011) December 2004 programme for students Recipients: n = 120 feedback activities, Student evaluation
forms; Teacher evaluation forms
Sahin et al. Earthquake: Marmara, School-based psycho-educational programme Immediately after crisis Recipients: Qualitative/Quantitative: Questionnaires
(2011) Turkey; 1999 for children and parents after the 1999 Children: 593
earthquake in Turkey Parents n = 137
Tier 1: Basic services Christensen & Civil war: Burundi; 1972 Village health worker clinic integrating Post-conflict Providers: n = 37 Qualitative Open-ended interviews, Focus
and security (N = 1) Edward (2015) and 1994 health delivery with other community Recipients: n = 80 groups
development initiatives for the
community in Burundi

Breakdown by providers and recipients not provided.
global mental health

Table 2. Reliability and usefulness of findings

Study Reliability Usefulness

High Medium Low High Medium Low

Baingana & Onyango (2011) ✓ ✓

Boothby et al. (2006) ✓ ✓
Budosan & Bruno (2011) ✓ ✓
Chauvin et al. (1998) ✓ ✓
Christensen & Edward (2015) ✓ ✓
Hogwood et al. (2014) ✓ ✓
King (2014) ✓ ✓
Kunz (2009) ✓ ✓
Lykes & Crosby (2014) ✓ ✓
Nakkash et al. (2012) ✓ ✓
Nastasi et al. (2011) ✓ ✓
Sahin et al. (2011) ✓ ✓
Shackman & Price (2013) ✓ ✓
Song et al. (2013) ✓ ✓

to mitigate the impact of child soldiering experiences strengthening community sensitisation activities via a
on young boys in Mozambique, Boothby et al. (2006) ‘mass media campaign’ and liaising with individuals
found that their tier-two programme rehabilitation delivering community services to increase programme
activities needed not only to focus on psychological reach (p. 390).
recovery but also on the reintegration of former child
soldiers (FCSs) into their home communities. This
Establishing good relationships with parents to
was achieved via ‘community sensitisation campaigns’
support uptake of MHPSS programmes
focused on increasing ‘community acceptance’ of FCSs.
Programmes targeted public services to encourage ‘col- Establishing the engagement and trust of parents could
lective responsibility’ to ‘support the reintegration of be a challenge but was seen as essential in ensuring
FCS’ (p. 97). Similarly, an evaluation of a tier-one inte- uptake of services targeting children and young peo-
grated village health clinic found that mobilising and ple, a sub-theme identified in two studies evaluating
sensitising the community in post-conflict Burundi tier-two community and family support programmes
instilled a previously missing ‘sense of purpose’ in a post-conflict and post-disaster setting. For
(Christensen & Edward, 2015, p. 48). Increasing access example, the study by Nakkash et al. (2012) judged
to tier-four community-based primary mental health- to be of high reliability and medium usefulness,
care by reducing stigma towards people with mental found that although children were ‘eager to attend’ a
health problems was also identified in two studies. In weekly social skills building programme, parents
post-conflict Northern Uganda, Baingana & Onyango were often a ‘barrier’ (p. 602) as they placed greater
(2011) found that community mobilisation and sensi- value on their children’s education, rather than recre-
tisation had been ‘effectively carried out’ in the region, ational activities. Programme providers took steps to
leading to ‘exceeding targets’ of 120 to closer to 200 address this issue by incorporating English reading
patients engaging with mental health clinics. In post- sessions to ‘increase the perceived educational value
conflict Sierra Leone, Shackman & Price (2013) found of the program’ (p. 602). Developing good channels
that ‘radio programmes were the most successful out- of communication with parents was also highly valued
reach activities in terms of reaching out and dissemin- in the evaluation of a sports-based youth programme
ating information to community members’ with delivered to children in post-earthquake Iran by
recipients stating that ‘negative attitudes towards Kunz (2009), judged as providing highly useful find-
them changed for the better after they had received ings of medium reliability. For example, coaches
support and had recovered’ (p. 269). Chauvin et al. acted ‘as mediators’ to bridge any misunderstandings
(1998), reporting on a tier-three psychosocial trauma between children and their parents, by explaining to
recovery programme for children in Rwanda, sup- them that ‘weaker school performance’ may be a result
ported these findings. They also advocated of the ‘mental suffering the children had undergone

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during the earthquake or to their current living con- Onyango, 2011; Budosan & Bruno, 2011; Shackman &
ditions’ and that sustained participation in sports Price, 2013; Song et al. 2013).
activities, ‘could help’ young people ‘feel better and
perform better’ (p. 1154). Challenge of recruiting and retaining providers

A priority identified in four studies was ensuring that

Developing effective local community and programmes were adequately staffed (Chauvin et al.
government partnerships 1998; Baingana & Onyango, 2011; Shackman & Price,
2013; Song et al. 2013). The highly reliable and useful
The need to improve coordination and develop effect- study by Song et al. (2013) highlighted the difficulties
ive partnerships with local community and gov- that tier-four primary mental health services have in
ernment agencies to support greater programme low-income countries, such as Sierra Leone, where
implementation was identified in five studies. The they struggled to recruit ‘medical students into psych-
quality of studies varied from highly reliable and use- iatry’ (p. 619), citing primary disincentives, such as sal-
ful (Song et al. 2013) to low reliability but with medium aries ‘as low as $80 per month, few ancillary mental
useful findings (Baingana & Onyango, 2011; Budosan health staff in the country, and a deep-rooted stigma
& Bruno, 2011; Shackman & Price, 2013). Song et al.’s against mental illness’ (p. 620). The low-reliability
(2013) evaluation of a tier-four primary mental health study by Shackman & Price (2013) supported these
initiative targeting FCS in Sierra Leone, reported that findings. The authors reported that practitioners were
the delivery of effective care was hampered by a lack often ‘poorly paid and constantly under the threat of
of coordination and communication between provi- losing their position at the end of a project cycle’
ders, local organisations and the government, limiting (p. 265) reflecting ‘the low priority given to mental
the opportunities for mutual support and sharing of health, the lack of resources and training’ in the field
learning and resources. Programme providers attribu- (p. 269).
ted the reluctance of their government health depart- In the study by Baingana & Onyango (2011) of low
ment to engage with and collaborate on a strategy for reliability and medium usefulness, the authors were
the coordinated delivery of mental health for affected optimistic that even with a small number of full-time
populations to mental health ‘stigma’ and the govern- staff (n = 8) they could ‘facilitate district health workers
ment’s lack of knowledge and skills on ‘and how to to establish and run mental health clinics’ (tier-four) in
address’ mental health problems (p. 619). Shackman & post-conflict Northern Uganda; however, their efforts
Price (2013) also faced a lack of ‘government buy-in’ to were hindered by ‘an attrition of government health
support the long-term sustainability of tier-four mental workers trained by the project’ (p. 298). Issues with
health services in post-conflict Sierra Leone. An staff retention meant a loss of knowledge and skills
international development aid organisation also faced in being able to ‘recognise, assess, and manage mental
similar challenges with the lack of mental health priori- illness’ (p. 298). Chauvin et al. (1998) a low quality
tisation when attempting to implement a coordinated study, also suggested that the ‘the number of trauma
strategy for the provision of tier-four integrated advisors need to be increased’ (p. 390) if they were to
MHPSS services immediately after the 2010 Haiti earth- ensure effective delivery of a tier-three psychosocial
quake. They found collaboration attempts with local trauma programme for children in Rwanda.
NGO partners in Haiti proved difficult as their focus
was on the ‘development of their own human and Ensuring providers are sufficiently trained to
material resources’ rather than delivery of MHPSS pro- deliver MHPSS programmes
grammes (Budosan & Bruno, 2011, p. 233). Two further
studies of low reliability supported these findings Even when services were more adequately staffed,
(Chauvin et al. 1998; Baingana & Onyango, 2011) stres- there were concerns about the extent to which provi-
sing the need to strengthen coordination of MHPSS ders felt sufficiently skilled to deliver and address the
programmes at local and national levels. mental health needs of the local population in tier-four
(n = 4) or tier-three MHPSS programmes (n = 1). The
high-quality study by Song et al. (2013) reports that
there was ‘lack of trained staff able to provide effective
Theme 2: Sufficient number of trained MHPSS
mental health and psychosocial work’ (p. 619) to assist
programme providers
in the rehabilitation efforts of FCSs in Sierra Leone.
The importance of recruiting and retaining staff in Three studies, judged to be of low reliability identified
resource-limited settings, to ensure MHPSS pro- similar themes. For example, when attempting to
grammes were delivered as intended, was a concern deliver clinical care to adults immediately after the
across five studies (Chauvin et al. 1998; Baingana & 2010 Haiti earthquake Budosan & Bruno (2011)

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found that the majority of primary healthcare practi- perceived benefits also increased when ‘the number
tioners felt that they ‘lacked the knowledge and skills’ and variety of activities’ was higher (p. 46). Data
(p. 230) to assist patients presenting with mental health from student evaluation forms revealed mixed find-
problems. Similarly, in their evaluation of the primary ings about the content of an after-school psychosocial
mental health and community outreach services cap- curriculum, delivered in post-tsunami Sri Lanka, with
acity to address the MHPSS needs of people affected some young people ‘indicating enjoyment of writing,
by the civil war in Uganda, Baingana & Onyango drawing, working together, and questioning, while
(2011) found that although there were 12 members in others indicated dislike’ for the same activities
each village health team, ‘only one was trained’ and (Nastasi et al. 2011, p. 527). The study by Kunz
thus it proved difficult to cover all outreach activities (2009), found that many of the young people sampled
(p. 298) including programme components ‘specifically ‘looked forward’ to engaging in sports and play activ-
targeted at children’ (p. 298). Chauvin et al. (1998) ities, not only because they were ‘fun’ but because par-
found that although a 2-day training course included ticipating in the programme was ‘very important’ to
‘sensitising’ staff to support children exposed to the them. When evaluating ‘creativity as an intervention
Rwandan genocide, the capacity-building efforts strategy’ (p. 30) for Mayan women living in post-
focused primarily ‘on the human resources facet specif- conflict Guatemala, Lykes & Crosby (2014) found
ically for front line groups’ with more training ‘related that the inclusion of activities such as drawing and
to counselling’ needed (p. 389). Shackman & Price drama enabled women to engage more meaningfully
(2013). report that the delivery of socially and cultur- in the healing process. The women spoke about the
ally appropriate tier-four mental health services, in value of embodying their experiences via perfor-
post-conflict Sierra Leone, was hampered by training mances, helping them bypass words to express emo-
materials found to be skewed towards the ‘biomedical tional effects, such as ‘sadness, negative memories,
model’, and ‘westernised counselling techniques’ suffering that we have lived through’, as well as enab-
rather than supporting practitioners to identify ‘appro- ling them to ‘enjoy things’ again (p. 38).
priate treatments’ for people in the region (p. 268).
Instead, individual practitioners attempted to adapt
‘a western counselling model to better fit into their
Culturally relevant activities
own cultural ways of helping’ (p. 268).
A further sub-theme, identified in two highly useful
Theme 3: Experience of programme activities and medium reliable studies was the importance of
culturally relevant activities to support engagement
Recipients across five studies evaluating tier-two
and increase programme impact. Interviews with
MHPSS programmes (Boothby et al. 2006; Kunz,
FCSs in the study by Boothby et al. (2006) found that
2009; Nastasi et al. 2011; Sahin et al. 2011; Lykes &
participation in traditional cleansing ceremonies
Crosby, 2014) provided diverging views on their
‘helped them return to civilian life’ and were ‘vital
experiences of engaging in programme activities.
for rebuilding’ trust between the boys and their com-
munities’ (p. 96). Similarly, Lykes & Crosby (2014)
Increasing meaningful and enjoyable engagement
reported that to ensure programme effectiveness and
through the provision of varied and creative
support deeper forms of engagement, programme
activities needed to be in alignment with the ‘cultural
The extent to which engagement in MHPSS pro- and educational’ experience of Mayan women. By
grammes was more enjoyable or meaningful to recipi- developing a creative-based workshop that ‘interfaces
ents when they included a range of activities, including with Mayan beliefs and practices’, providers were
creative or other forms of play was identified across able to support ‘indigenous meaning making’ and
three studies. Two studies were judged as highly reli- facilitate women’s engagement ‘in a wide range of pro-
able and providing medium useful findings (Nastasi cesses that contributed to their personal transform-
et al. 2011; Sahin et al. 2011) and one study of medium ation’ (p. 38).
reliability with highly useful findings (Lykes & Crosby,
Sahin’s et al. (2011) evaluation of a psycho-education
Theme 4: Benefits of group-based programmes
programme on the impact of natural disasters for chil-
dren and adults after the Marmara earthquake, indi- The benefits of group-based MHPSS programmes were
cated that for parents increasing the number of issues cited in five studies (Nastasi et al. 2011; Hogwood et al.
covered and made available for group discussion 2014; King, 2014; Lykes & Crosby, 2014; Christensen &
increased the perceived benefits. For children, the Edward, 2015).

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global mental health

A resource and source of support Theme 5: Quality and nature of relationships with
programme providers
A sub-theme in four studies was the importance of the
group as a resource and a source of support. Two stud- A key theme across four studies (Boothby et al. 2006;
ies were judged as highly reliable and provided high Kunz, 2009; King, 2014; Lykes & Crosby, 2014) was
(Christensen & Edward, 2015) and medium useful the quality and nature of relationships between provi-
findings (Nastasi et al. 2011), the remaining two studies ders and recipients, and their role in maximising
were of medium reliability both providing highly use- engagement and increasing the impact of programmes.
ful findings (Hogwood et al. 2014; Lykes & Crosby,
2014). Community members in the evaluation of a tier- Building trusting and supportive relationships
one health clinic by Christensen & Edward (2015)
valued ‘being drawn together as a group by enjoyable The importance of building trusting and supporting rela-
things’ (p. 40). The role of group-based programmes in tionships was a sub-theme emerging from two studies
promoting social cohesion and ‘reducing social isola- judged to be of medium reliability and providing highly
tion’, by connecting with others in a similar situation, useful findings. In the post-earthquake city of Bam, Kunz
was also reported by women participants in a tier- (2009) evaluation of a sports programme for young
three counselling support group for mothers exposed Iranian people found that once ‘a trusted relationship’
to events during the Rwandan genocide (Hogwood between the sports coaches and young people was estab-
et al. 2014). The study found that women ‘attributed lished, it was likely to be ‘an indicator for positive develop-
their improved relationship with their children to the ment’ (p. 1153). Similarly, the trust and support received
support and knowledge provided by the group’ by facilitators in a creative arts project for Mayan women
(Hogwood et al. 2014, p. 401). Two studies evaluating in post-conflict Guatemala were reflected on positively.
tier-two community and family support interventions Women spoke about ‘coming out of our fear’ to process
also reported favourable experiences of participants their experiences as being a direct result of the facilitators
engaged in group-based activities. In Nastasi et al.’s working with them (Lykes & Crosby, 2014).
(2011) evaluation of a post-tsunami after-school pro-
gramme delivered to young people in Sri Lanka, the Personal qualities and providers acting as role
findings revealed that ‘the opportunity for group inter- models
action’ was met positively and corresponded with
In addition to the importance of building trusting and
‘high levels of engagement’ by students (p. 527).
supportive relationships, programme recipients in
Lykes & Crosby (2014) also found that Mayan
three studies, providing highly useful findings of
women in post-conflict Guatemala who were engaged
medium quality, also reflected on the individual qual-
in collective drawing activities valued ‘the many
ities and attributes of programme providers, citing
opportunities of doing things together’ (p. 36).
them as key factors in supporting them to participate
and benefit from MHPSS programmes. For example,
in the evaluation of a tier-three programme by King
Safe space to tell their story
(2014) adult survivors of the Rwandan genocide spoke
Two studies, evaluating tier-three programmes for emphatically about the professional qualities of the pri-
women in post-genocide Rwanda, provided highly mary facilitator. They described him as someone who
useful evidence of medium reliability on the challeng- was ‘calm, humble, attentive and compassionate’, with
ing but rewarding experience of sharing their personal the ability to ‘handle crises; welcome opposing views
stories with others. In the Healing of Life Wounds pro- without taking sides; be flexible and disclose his own
gramme, King (2014) found that many of the women personal challenges despite his social status and age’
appreciated the confidentiality of the group as a separ- (p. 423). These skills were seen as pivotal in facilitating
ate and ‘safe space’ from the wider community, where and bringing together Tutsis and Hutus to engage in the
they could process their emotions. The study reported Healing of Life Wounds dialogue and reconciliation
that forming trust among women in the group was a programme. The study by Boothby et al. (2006) reported
gradual process that evolved over time as more similar findings by FCSs engaged in the tier-two
women shared their experiences and felt heard and lis- Mozambique-based Children and War Rehabilitation
tened to with respect and empathy. In her study of psychological and social programme. Young people in
community counselling groups for Rwandan mothers, this study appreciated the care-givers’ concern for
Hogwood et al. (2014) reported that, although some their ‘well-being, including appropriate discipline, and
group members found it difficult to talk about their consistent modelling of good behaviour’ (p. 99). They
experiences, ultimately, realising that they were not credited these qualities with helping ‘them to recover
alone helped them to find their voice. their own sense of caring for other human beings’

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global mental health

(p. 99). The young people in the tier-two psychosocial Another key theme was the importance of designing
sports programme in post-earthquake Bam in Iran also programmes that are socially and culturally meaning-
valued the coaches’ qualities of ‘understanding and car- ful to local populations to ensure they are appealing
ing about people’ over their being ‘good in sports’ and achieve their intended aims. The importance of
(Kunz, 2009, p. 1153). The establishment of a supportive attending to cultural and ethical issues when support-
relationship based on these qualities enabled coaches to ing the mental health and psychosocial well-being of
also ‘serve as role models for the children’ and provided different groups is well documented (Chu et al. 2016)
them ‘with guidance and orientation’ (p. 1154). and is one of the key challenges to the delivery of
MHPSS programmes in diverse cultural settings in
which emergencies often occur (Sommers-Flanagan,
2007; Wessells, 2009). To address this challenge, devel-
A number of themes emerged from our synthesis. opment of MHPSS programmes should consider
Community engagement was identified as a key mech- exploring the needs of local communities by drawing
anism to support the successful delivery and uptake of on participatory approaches to facilitate stakeholder
MHPSS programmes in humanitarian settings. In par- involvement in the design and delivery of programmes
ticular, mental health sensitisation and mobilisation (Oliver et al. 2008; Mockford et al. 2011). The findings
strategies, and the need to develop effective partner- also highlight the importance of ensuring that pro-
ships with governments and local communities were grammes remain appealing and accessible to local
seen as pivotal to increasing overall programme acces- populations by increasing opportunities for meaning-
sibility and reach. These findings resonate with a grow- ful engagement via peer group support. Engagement
ing body of literature on contextual factors influencing with peers in group-based programmes was seen as
effective implementation of MHPSS programmes in beneficial as it provided an opportunity to connect
humanitarian settings (Kruk et al. 2010; Tol et al. 2011; with people from similar circumstances and back-
Tol et al. 2013). For example, collaborating with govern- grounds, helping to promote greater social cohesion
ments to deliver services, co-ordination of multi-sector- and reduce social isolation. An evaluation of psycho-
ial mental health agencies to maximise resources and social activities for children living in armed conflict
reduce potential duplication of effort and investing in settings also found high levels of satisfaction with
the provision of integrated mental health and psycho- group-based programmes (Jordans et al. 2011). This
social activities with existing primary healthcare have finding was moderately associated with a reduction
all emerged as critical to addressing the short and in post-treatment problems, reflecting increasing evi-
long-term MHPSS needs of affected communities dence on the relationship between participant satisfac-
(Pérez-Sales et al. 2011; Ventevogel et al. 2011a, b; tion and overall programme effectiveness (Mueller &
Epping-Jordan et al. 2015). Successful collaboration Pekarik, 2000; Roos & Werbart, 2013).
efforts, to enable sustainable programme development, A final theme in our synthesis concerned the import-
also require sensitive assessment of local political con- ance of building trusting and supporting relationships
ditions and current views on service provision, and between programme providers and recipients to maxi-
the time and commitment needed to invest in relation- mise engagement and increase programme impact. We
ships and effective partnerships (Patel et al. 2011). found that providers who could relate by bridging dif-
Another key mechanism contributing to the success- ferences and show nurturing qualities, and who could
ful implementation of MHPSS programmes is ensuring act as role models, were highly valued. The wider
they are delivered by sufficient numbers of trained pro- research literature also attests to the value of establish-
viders. However, the recruitment and retention of ing a robust and attuned therapeutic relationship to
practitioners sufficiently skilled to deliver MHPSS pro- improve recipient outcomes (Norcross & Wampold,
grammes continues to be an ongoing challenge, espe- 2011). In humanitarian settings, attention therefore
cially in resource-limited settings where there may be needs to be given to the individual qualities of pro-
a lack of incentives to work in the mental health sector gramme providers and to the potential to add value
(Eisenbruch et al. 2004; Budosan & Aziz, 2009; Budosan by investing in high-quality relationships to improve
& Bruno, 2011). These findings underscore the need to people’s mental health and psychosocial well-being.
explore the potential of different training approaches
such as the ‘apprenticeship model’ and ‘training of
Strengths and limitations
trainers’ to ascertain if they can support organisations
to develop and retain practitioners at the level of skill We have taken a systematic and transparent ap-
and numbers required to ensure programme fidelity proach to synthesising qualitative evidence on the
and reach (Murray et al. 2011; Quosh, 2013; Budosan implementation and receipt of MHPSS programmes
et al. 2014; Henderson et al. 2016). delivered to populations affected by humanitarian

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emergencies in LMICs; filling a notable gap in the evi- Declaration of Interest

dence base. Although our search was successful in
The author(s) declared no potential conflicts of interest
locating qualitative studies, their methodological reli-
with respect to the research, authorship or publication
ability and usefulness varied. Some studies lacked ana-
of this article.
lytical depth, and thus important themes may have
been missed. The relatively smaller number of studies
on the impact of natural disasters and the predomin-
ance of findings from post-conflict settings may also References
have obscured findings specifically relevant to those Attanayake V, Mckay R, Joffres M, Singh S, Burkle Jr F,
settings. Despite conducting a comprehensive and sen- Mills E (2009). Prevalence of mental disorders among
sitive search, we cannot be certain that we found all children exposed to war: a systematic review of 7920
relevant studies; in particular, we may not have identi- children. Medicine Conflict and Survival 25, 4–19.
fied grey literature or unpublished reports, which Baingana F, Onyango P (2011). Scaling up of mental health
are more likely to include qualitative evidence on the and trauma support among war affected communities in
process of implementing programmes. Limiting the northern Uganda: lessons learned. Intervention 9, 291–303.
Bangpan M, Dickson K, Chiumento A, Felix L (2017). The
review to English language studies also means key
Impact of Mental Health and Psychosocial Support Interventions
insights from other languages have not been included.
on People Affected by Humanitarian Emergencies: A Systematic
However, despite these limitations, we developed a Review. Oxfam: Oxford.
contextually rich synthesis exploring contextual factors Bangpan M, Lambert F, Chiumento A, Dickson K (2016). The
that can be taken into consideration to facilitate greater Impact of Mental Health and Psychosocial Support Programmes
programme feasibility, fidelity, acceptability and reach. for Populations Affected by Humanitarian Emergencies: A
Systematic Review Protocol. Oxfam: Oxford.
Boothby N, Crawford J, Halperin J (2006). Mozambique child
Conclusions soldier life outcome study: lessons learned in rehabilitation
This review has synthesised qualitative evidence from and reintegration efforts. Global Public Health 1, 87–107.
process evaluations on the implementation and receipt Brown R, Witt A, Fegert J, Keller F, Rassenhofer M, Plener P
(2017). Psychosocial interventions for children and
of MHPSS programmes delivered to people affected by
adolescents after man-made and natural disasters: a meta-
humanitarian emergencies. Our findings suggest that
analysis and systematic review. Psychological Medicine 47,
future MHPSS programmes and services would benefit 1893–1905.
from continuing to invest in community engagement Budosan B, Aziz S (2009). A mixed methods field based
and outreach efforts to promote the value and improve assessment to design a mental health intervention after the
the co-ordination of MHPSS services at local and 2005 earthquake in Mansehra, North-West Frontier
national levels; explore models of best practice to sup- Province, Pakistan. Intervention 7, 265–280.
port the training needs of providers, deliver culturally Budosan B, Bruno R, Frederique (2011). Strategy for
sensitive and socially appropriate MHPSS programmes providing integrated mental health/psychosocial support in
for individuals and their families and build high qual- post earthquake Haiti. Intervention 9, 225–236.
ity therapeutic relationships to improve recipient Budosan B, O’hanlon KP, Aziz S (2014). Improving access to
community-based mental health care and psychosocial
engagement and outcomes. Further research should
support within a disaster context: a case study from Haiti.
build on these findings and current practice recommen-
Disaster Health 2, 25–34.
dations, alongside evaluations of programme effective- Chauvin L, Mugaju J, Comlavi J (1998). Evaluation of the
ness. This could support better theorisation on the links psychosocial trauma recovery programme in Rwanda.
between programme aims, choice of programme com- Evaluation and Program Planning 21, 385–392.
ponents, delivery mechanisms and how programmes Chowdhary N, Jotheeswaran A, Nadkarni A, Hollon S, King
intend to improve outcomes for affected populations. M, Jordans M, Rahman A, Verdeli H, Araya R, Patel V
(2014). The methods and outcomes of cultural adaptations
of psychological treatments for depressive disorders: a
Supplementary material systematic review. Psychological Medicine 44, 1131–1146.
The supplementary material for this article can be Christensen C, Edward A (2015). Peace-building and
reconciliation dividends of integrated health services
found at https://10.1017/gmh.2018.12
delivery in post-conflict Burundi: qualitative assessments of
providers and community members. Medicine, Conflict &
Acknowledgements Survival 31, 33–56.
Chu J, Leino A, Pflum S, Sue S (2016). A model for the
We acknowledge Oxfam and the Feinstein Inter- theoretical basis of cultural competency to guide
national Center (FIC) at Tufts University for their psychotherapy. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice
financial support. 47, 18.

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