MT308 Fuels, Furnaces and Refractories

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Course code Course Name L-T-P - Credits Year of

MT308 FUELS, FURNACES AND 3-0-0-3 2016
Prerequisite : Nil
Course Objectives
 To obtain an understanding of the primary energy resources and classification of fuel, the
properties, manufacturing and industrial applications of refractory materials and the design
and construction of different industrial furnaces.
Solid Fuels - Wood, Wood charcoal and Peat, Coal -Liquid Fuels - Gaseous Fuels - Gaseous
Fuels - Coal gasification processes - Oil Gasification Processes – General principles of
combustion - Combustion of solid fuels- Burners for liquid and gaseous fuels- Gas analysis and
calorific value determination - Fluidised bed combustion, Combustion system and its control –
Refractories -Properties of refractories, manufacture of refractory - Failure of Refractories -
Testing of refractories - Phase equilibrium in refractory materials, Special refractories, Refractory
cements/mortars – Furnaces - Heat transfer in furnaces, Aerodynamics of hot gases in furnaces,
Diffusivity, Furnace Efficiency, Waste heat recovery in furnaces, Use of waste heat as secondary
heat source, Control of furnace atmosphere, Furnace used in steel plants.
Expected Outcome.
On successful completion, the students will able to
i. Learn the chemical synthesis and characterization of solid fuels with reference to physical
and chemical properties.
ii. Understand the production of petroleum products and their classification and use
iii. Understand the production of various gaseous fuels and their usage and safty precautions
iv. Learn mechanism of combustion processes, techniques and related various fuels
v. Get the combined knowledge of inorganic chemistry, physical chemistry, chemical
kinetics, transport phenomena, and interfacial engineering.
vi. Learn different types of refractories and their related properties and applications
1. Gupta. O. P, Fuels, Furnace and Refractories, Khanna publication, New Delhi
2. Gilchrist J. D, Fuels, Furnaces and Refractories
3. Suryanarayana. A.V.K, Fuels, Furnaces, Refractories and Pyrometry
4. Mullinger. P and Jenkins. B, Industrial and Process furnaces
5. Poirier D.R and Geiger. G.H, Transport phenomena in materials processing
6. Schuhmann. R, Metallurgical Engineering, vol .1 Engineering principles
Course Plan
Sem. Exam
Module Contents Hours
Introduction and Classification of Solid Fuels
1.1 Solid Fuels: Wood, Wood charcoal and Peat, 1.2 Coal: Origin,
composition, characteristics and significance of constituents of
coal, 1.3 Petrography of coal 1.4 Washing of coal,1.5 Storage of
coal, 1.6 Pulverised fuel/coal: Advantages and disadvantages,1.7 6
Selection of coal for different uses, 1.8 Properties and testing of
coal, 1.9 Weathering or Slacking index of coal, 1.10 Carbonization
of coal: Coke making and by-products recovery, 1.11
Characteristics and distribution of Indian coke.
Liquid Fuels
2.1 Liquid Fuels: Origin, Composition, Classification and
constituents of petroleum, 2.2 Processing of crude oil: single stage,
two stage and three stage distillation units, 2.3 Thermal & Catalytic
cracking-Thermal cracking reactions, Influence of various
parameters in cracking, Catalytic cracking Vs Thermal cracking,
2.4 Reforming-Thermal & Catalytic, 2.5 Polymerisation Alkylation 8
& Isomerisation, 2.6 Purification of petroleum products:
II sweetening process, dewaxing of petroleum products, acid, alkali
and clay treatment, Dearomatisation of kerosene, 2.7 Properties of
petroleum products: specific gravity, molecular weight, vapour
pressure, viscosity, flash point, fire point, octane number etc, 2.8
Coal tar fuels, 2.9 Anti knock value and requisites of good quality
gasoline, diesel, naphta, kerosene, aviation turbine fuel etc, 2.10
Other liquid fuels: benzol, shale oil, alcohol and colloidal fuels,
2.11 Storage and handling of liquid fuels/fuel oils
Gaseous Fuels 15%
3.1 Gaseous Fuels: methane, wood gas, gobar gas, sewage gas and
gas from underground gasification of coal, natural gas, liquefied
petroleum gas (LPG) and refinery gases, producer gas, water gas,
blast furnace gas, coke oven gas, coal gas, 3.2 Coal gasification 7
processes: Lurgi gasification process, Winkler gasification process,
Kopper Totzek gasification process, 3.3 Second generation
gasifiers, 3.4 Oil Gasification Processes- Semet- Solvay process,
Segas process, Onia- Gegi process, Shell gasification process

Combustion 15%
4.1 General principles of combustion, 4.2 Ignition temperature of
fuel, 4.3 Explosive limits, 4.4 Flame characteristics: calculation of
flame temperature, flame velocity, 4.5 Types of combustion
processes, 4.6 Combustion of solid fuels, 4.7 Grate firing and
pulverized fuel firing system. 4.8 Burners for liquid and gaseous 7
fuels, 4.9 Selection of burners: Liquid fuel burners, Vaporizing oil
burners, Burners for gaseous fuel firing, 4.10 Recent developments
in burner design, 4.11Combustion calculations: Gas analysis and
calorific value determination, 4.12 Fluidised bed combustion, 4.13
Combustion system and its control


Refractories 20%
5.1 Definition and classification: Acid refractories, Basic
refractories, Neutral refractories, Insulating refractories Special
refractories, Cermet refractories. 5.2 Properties of refractories, 5.3
V General method of manufacture of refractory, 5.4 Selection of
refractories, 5.5 Description of important refractories: Fire clay
refractories, Silica refractory, High alumina refractories, Bauxite
bricks, Chromite bricks, Chrome- Magnesite bricks, Carbon- 7
Graphite refractories, Ceramic-Graphite refractories, Zirconia
refractories, Dolomite refractories, Oxide/Carbide Refractories,
Sillimanite and allied materials, 5.6 Failure of Refractories., 5.7
Refractories used in various furnace/industries, 5.8 Testing of
refractories, 5.9 Phase equilibrium in refractory materials, 5.10
Insulating refractories, 5.11 Special refractories: Refractory
cements/mortars, Castable and ramming masses.

Furnaces 20%
6.1 Introduction, 6.2 Furnace Auxiliaries, 6.3 Heat transfer in
furnaces: conduction, convention and radiation, 6.4 Aerodynamics
of hot gases in furnaces, 6.5 Diffusivity, expression for thermal
diffusivity. 6.6 Furnace Efficiency, 6.7 Factors affecting fuel
economy in the furnace, 6.8 Distribution of heat in furnace, 6.9
Ceramic refractory coating, 6.10 Waste heat recovery in furnaces, 7
Use of waste heat as secondary heat source, Waste heat boilers,
6.11 Fuel economy in furnaces. 6.12 Control of furnace
atmosphere: Oxidising atmosphere, Reducing atmosphere, 6.13
Furnace used in steel plants: Muffle Furnace Sintering furnace,
Blast furnace, Open hearth furnace, Reheating furnace, Cold rolling
mill furnace, Annealing furnace, Galvanizing furnace.



Maximum Marks : 100 Exam Duration: 3 hrs

PART A: 8 Questions from Module 1&2 (4+4). 6 questions to be answered. 6x5=30 Marks
PART B: 8 Questions from Module 3&4 (4+4). 6 questions to be answered. 6x5= 30 Marks
PART C: 6 Questions from Module 5&6 (3+3). 4 questions to be answered 4x10=40 Marks

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