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Student Marker

100% - 80% 80% - 70% 70% - 60% 60% - 50% 50% - 30% 30% - 0%
Task 1 – A client-side A client-side A client-side A client-side A client-side No or very little work
web framework was used framework was used framework was used, framework was used framework was not done
application successfully, including successfully. very few issues. but a lot of issues with used.
(50%) advanced features. implementation.

The application is fully The application is fully The application is The application is The application is not
functional, all functional, most mostly functional, barely functional and functional.
requirements were requirements were basic requirements at prototype stage.
implemented. implemented. were implemented.
Persistent storage of Persistent storage of Persistent storage of Persistent storage is Persistent storage is not No or very little work
data via server-side data via server-side data via server-side local and/or hard- functional. done
RESTful API, with RESTful API, standard RESTful API, standard coded.
advanced features features, fully functional features, issues with
(authentication, security, implementation.
error handling)

Full CRUD 3 CRUD aspects were 2 CRUD aspects were Data is read-only, no
functionality. implemented. implemented. ability to update, add or

A framework has been A framework has been No use of a server-side No use of a server-side Server-side API is not
used to implement the used to implement the framework, but code is framework, code is functional.
API. API, but with minor structured according to mostly unstructured.
issues. an architectural pattern.
Layout and navigation Layout and navigation Minor issues with Major issues with Navigation and/or No or very little work
are responsive, clear are clear and consistent layout and/or layout and/or layout not functional. done
and consistent but not responsive navigation. navigation.
All code committed to All code committed to All code committed to Some code committed Very little use of GitLab was not used
GitLab on a regular GitLab on a regular GitLab, but to GitLab, GitLab at all.
basis, use of issues. basis. intermittently. intermittently.
Task 2 – Excellent testing using Excellent testing using Adequate testing using Appropriate tools were Very poor, very little No or very little work
Testing and appropriate tools. appropriate tools. Some appropriate tools. used, but very basic evidence. done
analysis Results are clearly omissions. Omissions or lack of testing.
(50%) presented. clarity.

Excellent analysis and Excellent analysis and Excellent analysis and Very basic analysis, Very poor, no
comparison of all comparison of most comparison of some discussion is simplistic, understanding of the
techniques and techniques and techniques and very little literature different techniques and
technologies used. Well technologies used. Well technologies used. Well used. technologies, no
referenced literature. referenced literature. referenced literature. literature used.


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