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Klaus Voorhees

Fighting: Remarkable
Agility: Monstrous
Strength: Good
Endurance: Remarkable
Reason: Good
Intuition: Good
Psyche: Excellent

Health: 145
Karma: 40
Resources: Excellent
Popularity: -5

Known Powers:
Malleable Body: Cobra's entire body and bone structure is very soft. While he cannot changeshape he can fit into small holes and is difficult to
hold. Attempts to grapple or strike Cobra suffer a 3CS penalty to hit while Cobra's own attacks are on the Amazing level.
Body Armor: Cobra's suit provides Good protection from Physical and energy damage.
Wall Crawling: Cobra's suit contains special chemical's that allow him Remarkablew wall crawling abilities.
Wrist Launchers: Cobra wears two small launchers on each wrist that shoot
Amazing intensity poison. Endurance FEAT, failure results in unconsciousness.
Smoke that fills 1 area and obscures vision.
Incredible intensity nerve gas
Blindness gas. Endurance FEAT, failure results in blindness for 1-100 rounds.


Serpent Society


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