Organizational Behavior - Report On Generational Differences in Work Values in Government Organizations Bangladesh

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Generational Differences

in the work values of government employees in Bangladesh

Morsheda Khanam 3-19-43-002
Aditi Dey 3-19-43-018

Submitted to
Israt Jahan Kumkum
Assistant Professor
Department of Management
MBA (Evening) Program

In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Course titled

EM 513: Organizational Behavior

Dhaka 1000
April, 2021

Letter of Transmittal

30th April, 2021

Israt Jahan Kumkum
Assistant Professor
Department of Management
University of Dhaka

Dear Madam,
We are submitting the report entitled “Generational Differences in the Govt. Employees in
Bangladesh” as partial fulfillment of the course EM 513: Organizational Behavior.

The purpose of this report is to know the generation gap scenario, its helps also its theoretical
background of this as well as its scenario in Govt. employees. This assignment shows a detail
scope of works, strategies and the impact of generational differences in government
organizations. We hope that this request will merit your approval.

Morsheda Khanam
Aditi Dey


We wish to express our sincere gratitude to our honorable course instructor Israt Jahan Kumkum,

Assistant Professor, Department of Management, University of Dhaka for providing us an

opportunity to analysis the Generational differences of govt. employees in Bangladesh through

our assignment.

We have gained elaborative knowledge while analyzing the scenario of generation gap which has

a great effect in the workplace. We cordially thank her for her guidance and encouragement in

carrying out this assignment collaboratively within the group.


Executive Summary

While multiple generations working together, they have some common virtues and some
differences in their values, thoughts and other aspect. If we look at the labor market, the silent
generation retired few decades back. But what we see now is, baby boomers, generation X and
generation Y are working together. Even though baby boomers are at the verge of retirement,
generation X is holding management positions, but the maximum percentage of the labor market
is being dominated by generation Y. The research has been shown that some of the traits are
common among these generations like effective leadership, love for appreciation and
recognition, work life balance and debt and savings. On the other hand, due to the generational
difference, these generations demonstrate some dissimilarity like attitude towards work, loyalty
and commitment, career advancement, self-development, attitude towards management and so
on. Organizations must address these dissimilarities so that these can be overcome. By adopting
different communication strategy, mutual respect among all the generations, mentorships,
sharing of knowledge and views properly and clearly mentioned expectation in the workplace
can help this diverse workforce to get a better future. While baby boomers and generation X can
assist all the employees with their experience, competencies, generation Y can add the
technological support and knowledge for the organization. In the end, this mutual sharing of
knowledge, skills, empathy and emotional intelligence will lead the multigenerational
organization to the next level of achieving their true mission.
Table of Contents
Executive Summary iv

1. Introduction 01

2. Different generations 01

2.1. The Silent Generation: 02

2.2. Baby boomers: 02

2.3. Generation X: 03

2.4. Generation Y: 03

3. Similarities among the different generation in the Govt. Bank 04

4. Dissimilarities among the different generation in the Govt. Bank 05

5. Different generations attitude toward work 06

5.1 Attitude toward management 06

6. How to overcome them 07

7. Conclusion 08

References 09
List of Tables

Table 2: Types of generation 01

Table 2.1: Traits and values of the silent generation 02

Table 2.2: Traits and values of Baby Boomers 02

Table 2.3: Traits and values of Generation X 03

Table 2.4: Traits and values of Generation Y 04

Table 5.1 Workplace Characteristics 07


1. Introduction
Before we go on to discuss any perceived differences between generations, as well as those who
believe that the differences are a myth, let's understand what the term "generation" means. A
group of people born around the same time and raised around the same place. People in this birth
cohort exhibit similar characteristics, preferences, and values over their lifetimes is called
generation. There appear to be differences in the values, beliefs and opinions between different
generations of people. A generation gap or generational gap is a difference of opinions between
one generation and another regarding beliefs, politics, or values.
In the 21st century, different generations working together are not an unusual phenomenon. The
silent generation already has been retired for almost decades while baby boomers already have
passed their heydays and on the verge of their retirement. It has been clear that they prefer face
to face communication, a health insurance, stability of work, they were goal oriented, disciplined
and they had strong work ethics. The second one is generation X who love to take challenges,
self-sufficient, resourceful and independent. They are most likely to believe and empower
employees. The generation Y or millennial are the largest segment in the current workforce
(more than 50%) and they are very ambitious which is why they switch jobs frequently to seek
career growth. Finally, the generation Z is tech-savvy and has entrepreneurial mindset, highly
motivated and want to start own startups. As there are lots of generations work together at once
in the workplace like public bank, so there are so many similarities and dissimilarities among
2. Different Generations:
Researchers now admit that three generations are dominating the workforce. Different birth
cohorts reflect true differences among the values, attitudes and behaviors. Generation will be
differentiated by birth year according to Lancester and Stillman (2002)-
Generation Born Between
Silent Generation 1925-1946
Baby Boomers 1946-1964
Generation X 1965-1981
Generation Y 1982-2000
Table 2: Types of generation

2.5.The Silent Generation:

Silent Generation is also well known as being the “Traditionalist Generation” or “Greatest
Generation” for their traits of being a “withdrawn, cautious and silent” (Strauss & Howe, 1991).
This is the generation with the most working experience and the one that in the near future will
be retired. They are also known for favoring job stability and long-term employment.

Traits Values
Patriotic, Loyal, Polite, Conservative, Faith Long term careers, job stability, hope for
in institutions, High work ethic, Experience, reputation, fiercely responsible, and take
Graciousness, Keepers of institutional care of possessions.
memory, May feel unappreciated or
Table 2.1: Traits and values of the silent generation

2.6.Baby boomers:
Being brought up in a flourished environment they are said to be very optimistic and responsible
for many social movements. They value and treasure their careers very much and are not very
keen on switching jobs or careers. Baby Boomers are seen as “workaholics” as they seek the
meaning in life from work and place much importance on their careers.

Traits Values
Idealistic, highly competitive, Good pay, community involving, hard work,
overwhelming need for success, don’t like integrity.
to ask for help, trouble admitting the wrong,
experienced, good at mentoring.
Table 2.2: Traits and values of Baby Boomers

2.7.Generation X:
Generation X is one of the smaller generation right now. In comparison with their previous
generations, they are known to be more computer savvy and are believed to be more independent
and focused. Their tough experience of growing up alone because of the increase of the number
of working parents encouraged them to value family and flexible work arrangements that allow
them to balance work with family demands.

Traits Values
Eclectic, Quite adaptive but less Love to be own boss, Look for advancement
comfortable with sudden change, Skeptical, opportunity, Enthusiastic about working
Resourceful, Info highway pioneers. hard to achieve something.
Table 2.3: Traits and values of Generation X

2.8.Generation Y:
This is the generation that grew up in an environment where technology and social networking
introduced significantly. It is also a generation that is considered to be highly educated, highly
optimistic, and ambitious and the desire to work within a flexible working environment. In
comparison to their previous generations they are said to more organized, self-disciplined and
life-work balance oriented. They are known to be a generation that constantly seeks to gain more
knowledge. They learned how to seek their end at lowest cost possible. There are seven key traits
of Generation Y are-

a) Special – Vital to the nation and to the parents‟ sense of purpose;

b) Sheltered – The focus of the most sweeping youth safety movement in American history;
c) Confident – High levels of trust and optimism;
d) Team – Strong team instincts and high peer bonds;
e) Achieving – Track to be the best educated and best behaved;
f) Pressured – Pressure to excel; and
g) Conventional – Support convention, the idea that social rules help.

Traits Values
Digital Generation, Globally concerned, High value on education and lifestyle
Realistic, Media and technology savvy, balance, High tech, Innovative, Work is
accept diversity and change, more prone to important but not the most one, Emotionally
be adaptable in adverse situation. intelligent, mental and physical health
Table 2.4: Traits and values of Generation Y

3. Similarities among the different generations of Govt. employees in Public bank:

It is important to identify the common factors which can tap the potentiality to create engaged
and collaborative working environment. There are usually a generational differences among their
employees because they have different age groups. There can be four areas where the different
generations have in common. They are given below:

 Effective leadership:
Every generation expect their leader to be self-conscious and empathetic towards the
subordinates. Moreover, all the generations expect their leader to be a supportive, positive
minded, flexible and that lead them to their career advancement.

 Recognition and Appreciation:

All the employees from different generations love to be appreciated and recognized for their
work. They want to be rewarded and appreciated for their hard work, dedication, skill sets and
competencies. While some employee expects bonuses, pay increase or vacations.

 Work Life Balance:

Employee from each generation want to be part of an organization that values the work life
balance. Though some employees who belong in the baby boomer generation had hard time to
balance work and life, they also expect flexible organizations like public banks.

 Debt and savings:

Each generation have different financial priorities: buying home, children’s education and
retirement. All the generations think about saving for their retirement.

4. Dissimilarities between different generations of Govt. employees in Public bank:

 Cultural Changes:
Different generation have different cultures and values. They are from different background and
age group also so they have different understandings also. When different cultures combine,
ground rules and goals need to be established in order for the organization to go the same
direction and to give all employees the ability to know what the future holds.

 Career Goals:
A challenge to these generations is to accept that they are looking at the world of work 48
through skeptical lenses and that their skills will help with the next job. Career goals of the
different generation are as follows:
 Traditionalists – “Build a Legacy”
 Boomers – “Build a stellar career”
 Generation X – “Build a portable career”
 Millennials/Generation Y – “Build parallel careers”

 Employee evaluations in the generations:

Employers have noticed differences in work ethic and in the relationship between the different
generations. Suppose Boomers are loyal and feel that Xers are not loyal to the company and do
not have strong work ethics.

 Working together:
Baby boomers and the silent generation like to work individually but the generation Y people
want to work as a team and they also give their best effort within group. Especially in bank job it
is very important.

5. Different generation’s attitude towards work

The oldest representative in the workforce is baby boomers and they entered in the 7th to 9th
decades and now they are at the end of their career. In comparison to other generations, this
generation seems more affectionate towards their work; they respect their work so much though
silent generation was more loyal towards their employer and organizations. Meanwhile,
generation X possesses loyalty towards their profession than the organization itself and
employer. Generation Y somehow have quite similar attitudes like generation X but it is
completely different in comparison to other one. This generation is loyal to the career related
opportunities and advancements while developing self. Moreover, Generation Y is more
motivated while given interesting tasks in a team. Nevertheless, evaluating employees’ loyalty
we should take into account characteristics of certain generation. Personal life is very important
to Generations X and Y. They choose a working place that allows them to separate work from
personal life.

5.1. Attitude towards management:

The managers of any public banks generally agree that there is no management style that could
be completely suitable to all generations. Younger generation representatives change
organizations often and usually not because of a better salary but due to new opportunities.
Working many years for the same company is incomprehensible to Generation Y. They want
challenges and go where they can encounter them. Therefore, younger employees want a strong
leader who could provide an opportunity to learn, improve, make career, a leader who would be
open to changes and opinion of others. It is important for Generation Y to work with a manager
who is kind, understanding, who is open minded and easy to communicate with. It is worth
noticing that employees of Baby Boom Generation or Silent Generation prefer a trustworthy
manager while Generation Y values the manager who has an ability to listen and takes their
opinion into an account. The employees of Generation Y tend to be critical of their managers
while Generation X accepts authorities’ opinion unquestionably. A manager for the
representatives of this generation has big authority, however, unlike Baby Boom Generation
employees; they do not wait for a command from a manager higher in hierarchy but willingly ask
and expect the same thing from him. Generation X is impressed by engaging and inspiring
manager, manager who is setting an example, who they could follow to a different organization

in the future. Being in the middle of these three groups a manager should evaluate the specific
aspects of the generations and have in mind that Baby Boomer Generation is likely to sacrifice
for a job, to work fora long period of time with commitment and dedication, Generation X

perceives work in a simple and flexible way, while Generation Y does not understand how one
could sacrifice personal time for work.

Table 5.1 Workplace Characteristics

6. How to overcome Generational differences of Govt. employees in the workplace:

Companies today have young and old working alongside. If an organization has prevalence of a
multi-generational workforce it means that the managers and senior leaders must ensure to drive
collaboration, understand the needs of different age groups, and focus on the value they can add.
Here are some ways from experts on how to bridge the age gap-

 Focus on similarities not differences:

The basic approach is to focus on similarities and not the differences between the different
generations. Focusing on the core values like age gap can create open-mindedness and flexibility
within company culture.

 Open communication:
Creating a strong mentoring platform for all employees and encouraging cross-generational
mentoring or reverse mentoring opportunities must be encouraged. Mentoring enables
individuals to meet, gain direction and also learn from experiences of other individuals.

 Give value to seniors:

Senior employees have their wisdom and experience while young employees are tech savvy. If
they can create mutual respect to learn from each other, it may help to bridge between the
workplace age gaps.

 Expectations must be clearly set out:

Setting clear roles and disclosing them properly will ensure functional environment in the
workplace. Hence, setting clear role expectation will lead to create a learning environment and
right role fitment.

 Expanding communication strategies:

Multiple way of communication can ensure the bridge between different generational employees.
The generation X usually prefers one to one communication which is thoroughly mentioned
while generation Y expects messaging and email.

7. Conclusion:

It is my belief that all generations can work together to make the organization a success. Pulling
apart will not create a team atmosphere and thus pull the business in separate directions. In the
global environment, businesses must run effectively in order to compete. As each new generation
enters the workforce, it seems that generational differences are exaggerated. Research has shown
that generations have more in common than we have been led to believe. The increase of age and
generational diversity in the workplace especially in public banks has prompted in the
exploration of the ways through which employees exist and function. In the banking sector we
see most of baby boomers generations because they want a job security. Some researchers
argued that these multigenerational co-workers have some similarities while others demonstrated
the dissimilarities and how to bridge between them. They also added that focusing on the
similarities while adopting different communication style and also mutual respect, accepting the
changing environment, sharing knowledge and experience with each other may assist the
multigenerational organizations to function in an effective and efficient way. The only way to
survive is to have a workforce that is dedicated and has the ability to look into the future and “go
beyond the box”. I believe each person within an organization can learn from the other if each
person keeps an open mind and is receptive to change.


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