GINETE, Summative Assessment 1

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Gnarly Clothing is a lifestyle brand dedicated to introducing and sustaining a street-

wear culture fueled by comics, music, skateboarding, street food, people, and most
especially, extreme fun to
individuals worldwide. The
streetwear brand was made
to embrace culture through
the exchange of products,
and its connection with the
people. Gnarly wants to use
their products and art to re-
mind the community to let
go and get rid of all the inhi-
bitions to have the gnarliest
time of their lives. The
poster shown has its resem-
blance to one of 19th Cen-
tury’s style of art which is
Plakatstil or Sachplakat.
Strong bold letterings and
flat colors were used on the
graphics. This strategy is the
perfect style for the brand
and its audience because, it
blends well for poster de-
signs which gives a promis-
ing contribution in today’s
brave new world, by producing poster designs that promotes their products and
embrace culture.

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