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A Proposal

for a
New Cattle Market
Slaughter House
Great Yarmouth

Great Yarmouth Local History

and Archaeological Society

Monograph Eleven
Copyright © Great Yarmouth Local History and Archaeological Society

Published by
Great Yarmouth Local History and Archaeological Society
Registered Charity No 277272

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a
retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopy-
ing, recording or otherwise) without prior written permission of the publisher.

Every endeavour has been made to trace any copyright that exists on the material in the book,
but often the owner of the copyright is unknown. If the society has contravened copyright,
please accept our apologies and the publisher will be happy to include a full
acknowledgement in any future edition

Reprographics, Great Yarmouth Borough Council
Monographs Published by
the Great Yarmouth Local History and Archaeological Society

Monograph One:
Excerpt from the Sailor’s Home Logbook 1861 to 1864

Monograph Two:
Record of the Surviving and Legible Memorial Slabs in
St. Nicholas’ Church, Great Yarmouth at the Commencement of the
Restoration Work: 2nd June 1957

Monograph Three:
Little Yarmouth

Monograph Four:
Homocea: YH 573: A Diary of the
Autumn Herring Fishing Season: 1908

Monograph Five:
Photographs of Great Yarmouth taken between 1942 and 1944

Monograph Six:
Plaques in and around Great Yarmouth and Gorleston

Monograph Seven:
Window Display par excellence
The work of Philip Musgrave-Gray of Palmer’s Department Store,
Great Yarmouth in the 1930s

Monograph Eight:
A Snapshot of Great Yarmouth 150 years Ago
Advertisements from the Yarmouth Independent of 1863

Monograph Nine
Some Bye-Laws of Great Yarmouth Borough Council 1862-1873

Monograph 10
Caister Causey Act 1772
Great Yarmouth Local History and Archaeological Society

On 25th January 1888, the Great Yarmouth branch of the Norfolk and Norwich Archaeological
Society was formed. On 27th February 1953, the Society became independent and its name was
changed to the Great Yarmouth and District Archaeological Society. At the Annual General
Meeting on 15th May 2009, it was decided to change the Society’s name to the Great Yarmouth
Local History and Archaeological Society in order to reflect members’ changing interests.

The aims of the Society are: to encourage the study of history and archaeology, especially in the
Great Yarmouth district; and to secure the preservation and conservation of historic buildings and
monuments within the town and district.

Its activities include lectures in the Northgate Room, Central Library, Tolhouse Street, Great
Yarmouth, at 7.30pm, on the third Friday of each month, January to May and September to
December. The lectures are on local and national, historical and archaeological topics.

At least two excursions are organised each summer, including a coach trip to a place of interest
in East Anglia, and an evening visit to a village or a site.

The Society’s journal is a compilation of articles, written mostly by local people on mainly local
historical and archaeological topics, and is published each autumn.

The Society produces a quarterly newsletter, giving news, articles and notices of events, which is
sent out by email or post.

The Society also erects blue plaques around the district to commemorate buildings people or
events of local interest.

Many old books, mainly Acts of Parliament, were housed in the basement of Great Yarmouth
Town Hall. The Great Yarmouth Archaeological and Local History Society were requested to find
a home for the books. Many have been deposited in local reference libraries. The Society has
decided to publish three of these books as Monographs; this being the third, as they may be of
interest to local historians. This monograph has been scanned from an old typescript.
This volume concerns a proposal for building a new cattle market and slaughter house to the
north of Great Yarmouth and the demolition of the hazardous complexes just outside the town
wall to the east of the Market Place and elsewhere in the borough. It is not clear whether the
plan was initiated and the Great Yarmouth Borough Services Depot now stands on the proposed
site in Churchill Road, Great Yarmouth.
Paul Davies.

The Committee of the Great Yarmouth Local History

and Archaeological Society
President: Andrew Fakes
Chairman: Paul Davies
Secretary: Patricia Day
Treasurer: Derek Leak

Committee Members:
Carl Boult
Stuart Burgess
Ann Dunning
Alan Hunt
Peter Jones
David McDermott
John Smail
James Steward
Michael Wadsworth
Patricia Wills-Jones

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