ENVR 252 Assignment 1

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Name: Shanzey Ahmed

Roll no. 21-10900

Course: BUSN 252 B

Submitted to: Shazia Ilyas

Assignment 1

 Global environmental issue:

Climate Change and Global Warming

Global warming is one of the serious issue over the past few years yet it’s one of neglected topic
too. Since many years, the impacts of global warming are already carrying damage and harm to
mankind and to Earth itself. Unnecessary temperature rises will have a devastating effect and
emission of gas from the greenhouse is very important. The excessive increase of population and
climate are relatively linked with one another. Population growth is an important factor because
it affects the Earth’s capacity to withstand environmental change and absorb toxic emissions. For
example, there has been a lot of deforestation for agricultural and for spare land purposes to feed
and provide shelter to human race which unfortunately has caused an imbalance between oxygen
and carbon dioxide. Moreover, other than population, there is a series of events which were
caused by global warming that has affected the natural environment and temperature of various
countries and continents. Such as, in 2020. Australia experienced perhaps, one of the most
disastrous and catastrophic bushfire ever recorded, other than that there was a locusts swarming
in the Middle East, some part of Africa and over Asia. Because of the climate change, the
strongest heatwave was recorded in Antarctica which was above 20 degrees respectively. This is
alarming because it will result in melting of ice in the Arctic regions. Deforestation in Amazon,
worst floods in China, California experiencing record breaking wildfire that literally blacked out
the sun for days, are few of the examples which are caused by climate change.

 Local environmental issue:

Air pollution/ quality in Lahore

According to the IQAir world air quality report 2020, Lahore has been ranked 18 th in world’s
most polluted countries. Lahore has been suffering from high level of air pollution. Nonetheless.
Pollution simple rose to the highest point of the public’s awareness in 2017, hen significant air
quality data was published without precedent for Pakistan. Without the public access of
government data, an organization of citizen-operated sensors started to screen and monitor
particulate matter, also called PM2.5, and reported the recorded data in real-time. The data
revealed Lahore’s undeniable levels of air pollution, shocking the citizen and becoming the
media’s eye.

However, air quality in Lahore ordinarily worsens throughout the winter season i.e., from
October to February when farmers in the most extensive Punjab set fire to the remainders of
crops, creating smoke that adds up to smog and as a result, studies have proved that smog has
been contagious for health simultaneously, climate changes mean contaminations stay caught in
the air for longer time. And since Lahore is an industrial city, highly populated; the smoke from
industries, vehicles, burning crops, from brick kilns results in air pollution.

I personally think that these are the most neglected types of pollutions which are causing serious
problems and are hazardous. Therefore, WWF our government should take them seriously and
take considerable measure to prevent the Earth from further damages.






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