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"CONFECCIONES ROMERS" is dedicated to making shirts to order in the state of

tlaxcala and its surroundings.
As can be seen in the sipoc diagram, the first step is for the customer to place the order and
the specific characteristics of how he wants the product, so that later the molds are prepared
and the manufacturing process is carried out.
Within the manufacturing process the weight is carried out, made by two manual or
automatic machines. since they were made, they are washed and the print and embroidery
are added. To later verify their quality and add the buttons. Up to this point the shirt is
ready and can be ironed and separated by size and color to prepare the order. But since
January a problem has been detected within the production, since the estimated time for
delivery is not being ideal and customers show dissatisfaction in the orders.

Since we have non-compliance within the production, for which we want to make the
process of making the shirts more efficient, otherwise the company will begin to lose
customers. As can be seen in the following tool (ishikawa) causes that are causing the
production breach are listed. since within the organization all the technological, economic
and human resources must work in complete synchronization so that the purposes are
The process is illustrated in a sipoc diagram as it takes into account all aspects within the
process as opposed to the flow chart.
The QFD method is not used since it identifies the client's needs and it would be a better
option within another phase to improve the product, as well as the kano model. In the same
way, benchmarking and kaisen represent tools applied in continuous improvement,
therefore they are not optimal to define the problem as such; and the check sheets and the
5s methodology are more useful when it is required to find trends through information
analysis, when process control is required, respectively.
This problem of non-compliance in production, we must measure it, in order to be able to
know more specifically how we are not complying with deliveries, and consecutively in the
good image that customers have of "CONFECCIONES ROMERS".
Therefore, we will have to measure how much is not being delivered in a timely manner to
our client portfolio. Therefore, we will carry out a data concentrate, taking into account the
weekly production from January to date.
We must take into consideration that the weekly production of T-shirts to be delivered is a
thousand pieces.

Weekly deliveries of
finished production
Week 1 765
Week 2 810
Week 3 692
Week 4 777
Week 5 595
Week 6 843
Week 7 910
Week 8 865
Week 9 809
Week 10 900
Week 11 723
Week 12 699
Week 13 785
Week 14 850

We make use of statistics to be able to know, the average of pieces delivered in addition to
being able to validate this through a histogram.

Data number 14
Maximum value 910
Minimum value 595
Rank 315
Number of intervals 4.80743733 5
Interval length 63 63
Through the frequency table, we manage the data collection.

No Li Ls Real limits fi Fi fr Fr Mc
1 595 658 594.5 658.5 1 1 0.07143 0.07143 626.5
2 658 721 657.5 721.5 3 4 0.21429 0.28571 689.5
3 721 784 720.5 784.5 5 9 0.35714 0.64286 752.5
4 784 847 783.5 847.5 2 11 0.14286 0.78571 815.5
5 847 910 846.5 910.5 3 14 0.21429 1 878.5
14 1

And the measures of central tendency, will help us to know where our data is leaning, and
on the results to be able to analyze and make decisions, take actions that help us improve
production and compliance with our customers.


Mc*fi Half N/2 Median Mod
626.5 766 7 758.8 746.2
2068.5 759 746

Here we have a histogram that allows us to visualize the way in which the production of t-
shirts has behaved and to see that in every consecutive week the deliveries have not been
made complete.
Histogram we
1000 have a
910 900
900 843 865 850
810 809 785
800 765 777
723 699
Week Week Week Week Week Week Week Week Week Week Week Week Week Week
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

histogram that allows us to visualize the way in which the production of t-shirts has
behaved and to see that in every consecutive week the deliveries have not been made

The QFD serves to: Identify the needs and expectations of customers, both external and
internal. Prioritize meeting these expectations based on their importance. ... Optimization of
the product or service for the expectations of the target customer.
For this reason, this process was used to improve the non-compliance of shirt production.
QFD is a powerful method that integrally links various aspects that must be taken into
account in the design of a new product or service. What the customer expects, what can be
modified, how it is implemented and how the competition handles it.
It allows determining where to put (deploy) the forces to obtain what is desired with the
minimum resources and with a high level of customer satisfaction. It is commonly used in
applications where strategic planning is required: hoshin kanri or Six Sigma


The Kano model is an analytical tool that relates the characteristics of a product with the
level of satisfaction of its customers or buyers.

The Kano model is a tool for product quality management. It was created in the 1980s by
Japanese professor Nokiari Kano who, together with co-authors Seraku, Takahashi and
Tsuji, explained the bases of his model in his article “Attractive qualities and mandatory
quality” published in 1984. The Kano model seeks to identify and classify the different
attributes of the products and then relate them to the degree of satisfaction they provide to
the customer.

The ultimate objective of the Kano model is that the seller or manufacturer can clearly
identify which attributes are valued by consumers and offer a product according to said
Basic: Seasonal Design
Desired: Seasonal Colors
Motivating: Designed by a recognized dressmaker Indifferent: Clothing brand
Rejection: Bad sewing

This is an information system that harmoniously controls the manufacture of the necessary
products in the amount and time required in each of the processes that take place both
inside the factory and between different companies.
In the Improvement phase it is not highly recommended to use, because there is another
phase to which it is applied correctly, for that reason it was not applied.
Benchmarking is the process of creating, collecting, comparing and analyzing key
indicators that allow measuring the performance of the most important processes and
functions within a company. These indicators are known as "benchmarks" and serve as a
standard for business success.
To compare companies with each other, it is important to determine with which
competitiveness indicators this comparison is going to be established, and thus know what
impact each of them has on obtaining results.
According to the definition of this process, it is not convenient to apply it to improvement,
as it is used to measure or analyze the product.
The Analysis of the Mode and Effect of Failures (FMEA) is a procedure that allows
identifying failures in products, processes and systems, as well as evaluating and
objectively classifying their effects, causes and identification elements, in order to avoid
their occurrence and have a documented method of prevention.
This analysis must be carried out before proceeding to the improvement phase, because it
must first be analyzed so that with this and based on the results, the product improvement
can be applied.
The Kaizen method is a management system that is oriented to the continuous improvement
of processes in search of eradicating all those inefficiencies that make up a production
To improve non-compliance in the production of our product, it is necessary to apply this
method repeatedly, to observe negative behaviors.
The CP & CPK processes are more required for the measurement phase since they are
Indices of the Potential Capacity of a process and are shown in a histogram that shows the
availability of offering the benefits required of it. The indices are part of the statistical
process control tools and are regulated by ISO 15504, for standardization in computerized
business management criteria.
Specifically, the Cp is the quotient between the tolerance range admitted for the process
and its own capacity. Cpk, for its part, establishes the central axis of the graph that allows
observing the deviations that occur.

POKA - YOKE is a quality technique applied in order to avoid errors in the operation of a

system. It is advisable to use this method for the analysis phase, since with the results

obtained, an improvement report can be made in the process.


The 5S methodology improves interpersonal relationships and helps in crisis management

when necessary. The 5S methodology is a work philosophy marked by Japanese culture. It

is a method designed to give order and meaning to work dynamics, attending to

disorganized situations.

In this improvement phase, it is important to use this method as it will help to standardize

processes and avoid non-compliance with orders.

u ti

The analytical course diagram is a diagram that addresses a process in a more detailed way

than the synoptic diagram, since it includes and illustrates the five fundamental activities.

Indicates the main phases of the process, method or procedure.

For the improvement phase, it is not so necessary to apply it, since it would serve more for

the analysis phase, even in the control phase.

Advanced Product Quality Planning is a framework of procedures and techniques used to
develop products in industry, particularly in the automotive industry.
The company's product, they are shirts, it is not highly recommended to use this process,
since the procedure for making a walk is simpler.
The new updates have been taken into account thanks to the QFD model, according to this
information it can be said that there have been changes in the delivery of orders to
customers, as well as improvements in the company since there is better control of the
processes used in it. Therefore, the changes that have arisen from before and now are
shown in comparison, serving as support some scatter graph and control graph:

This control graph was used to monitor the stability of the process over the time (weeks), so
that instabilities can be identified and corrected in the process of weekly deliveries of the
finished production.
The following table shows some improvements that have been made in terms of the internal
part of the company and of course in the improvement of the company, marking some
difference in terms of customer requirements (before and after). As you can see, the
improvement plan is working benefiting the entity.

According to the Kano model, a new

product is being manufactured, it is a shirt
with a seasonal design and other attributes,
for the company it would be favorable to
introduce this new product to the market,
taking into account the requirements of
consumers in the QFD Model, being This is
the improvement plan that we have and the
information that I provide is pleasant for the launch of a new product on the market, this
can be in a certain way good or bad, but it must be taken into account that If we advertise
quality and excellent quality of hand construction, this model can increase demand

With the Kaizen method we will give added value to production since it is estimated to
create an optimal production in which the repair, maintenance and purchase of machinery
will be implemented, this operation will be carried out in order to eliminate waste, improve
the quality of the products that offers the company and activate the management of new
technology, also as a company we want to generate the added value of delivery time and
fulfillment of orders to our customers.

With method 5's the improvement phase will be fulfilled, since it is important to use this
method as it will help to standardize processes and avoid non-fulfillment of orders and we
can satisfy customers.
This method in addition to helping us to the above will comply with carrying out the
organization of the company in the production part so that the risks or complications within
it can be reduced, the workplace for the employees will be cleaner and ultimately optimize
the production area.

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