The Red Pill For Boys - 8 Female Sexual Psychology

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What You Really Need To Know

About Sex

A Red Pill Guide For Boys

Part 8:

Female Sexual Psychology

Game Begins Here
Game is the purposeful development of the masculine skills
you need to pursue your chosen mating strategy and/or
reproductive strategy. An essential element of Game
involves an acute understanding of female sexual
psychology, and the role evolution plays in that process.
Any study of Game, Single or Married, begins by studying
the common sexual response of the human female within
her cultural context. As has been noted, a woman’s
menstrual cycle plays a large role in her desire to have sex.
But that’s just the beginning of the equation. You must
understand the confusing parts of female sexual psychology
to have a hope of understanding women, relationships, or
mastering Game.
“Guarding The Eggs”
While the default Male reproductive directive can be
stated as “spread the seed!” to as many fertile females as
possible, the Female default reproductive directive can be
seen as “guard the eggs!”.
Sex and pregnancy impose large personal penalties on a
woman, as well as inevitable social penalties. Mating
with an inferior-value male is devastating to her
position amongst her friends and society.
To ensure that she has done her genetic duty, a woman
generally places high barriers between her eggs and any
friendly penises that wander by. This requires women
to have adequate information about a potential mate
before making a mating decision.
She feels it necessary to test the men who wish to have
sexual access and find them personally worthy before
The Feminine Need For Security
Balanced against her need for excitement and fun is a
woman’s psychological need for security.
While plunging into the unknown is certainly exciting, the
consequences of such rash actions can be profound.
Ideally a woman can enjoy the fun and excitement of a
relationship and do it in a secure, stable way.
Women frequently weigh their choices based on their
need for security, not just physical and financial but social
and personal as well. Women like to feel safe, and
when they do not feel safe and secure they often
withdraw their attraction.
In many ways a woman’s happiness is directly tied to her
ability to find a secure position or relationship. Instability
and insecurity are bad for her offspring. But a secure and
boring situation will soon leave her feeling unsatisfied.
The Allure Of Excitement
You may have noticed how “girls just wanna have fun”
- there seems to be a real premium placed on fun and
excitement in female psychology.
While often unwilling to take risks themselves, girls
frequently enjoy observing dangerous or exciting
things, and are attracted to “interesting” dudes who do
dangerous things. The female mind requires a lot of
stimulation, especially from a romantic interest. If
a woman in a relationship has inadequate stimulation,
she will often find some way - and some one - to get it
Excitement is an important part of female sexual
psychology. Women require a level of interest and
emotional excitement regularly in order to feel satisfied
with their mate, and witnessing a potential lover doing
something dangerous or interesting is an instant
The Importance Of Emotion
You may have noticed the importance women place on
feeling and expressing emotion, over and above the
importance they place on logic and reason. You will often
observe a woman using an emotional basis for an argument
even if her arguments are logical.
Women in aggregate are steered by their emotional lives far
more than most men are, and they see “hurt feelings” nearly
on par with physical damage.
While generally placing an emphasis on “happier” emotions,
a woman will often nonetheless use an expression of
negative emotion to overwhelm a man in an argument.
Men have been trained to back down from such displays and
often do not understand the origin or the way to deal with
such raw emotion from a woman. To women, in general,
how you make them feel is more important than just about
any other factor. Do not underestimate the power of
emotion to a woman.
Female Solipsism
Men and women approach many topics from fundamentally
different perspectives. One of these common differences is
referred to as Female Solipsism: the tendency of a given
woman to place herself in the center of any equation.
This often-frustrating characteristic is a result of a woman’s
biological need to “protect” the sanctity of the genetic material
she bears, and the children she eventually will. It is a survival
characteristic, not an inherent fault.
By constantly scanning the horizon for dangers and
opportunities and imagining how they will affect her, a
woman’s solipsism ensures that she places her survival and
that of her offspring as a top priority.
This tendency also inspires her to regularly network with
other women to exchange information on common threats
and opportunities. This is known as the Female Social
The Female Social Matrix
Women are adept at working collectively and sharing information.
That network of information sharing between women is known as the
Female Social Matrix.
Much of a woman’s social life is spent updating or being briefed by
the members of her individual Matrix, as well as the larger cultural
Matrix. Only by constantly learning and being briefed can she
adequately affix her position within the Matrix, hopefully to
improve it.
The Matrix is a tricky thing, however, as it uses many tracks of
subtextual communication and consensus-building through which
women compete and work collectively, many of which are
context-dependent. All too often it uses men as pawns in the
struggles of the Matrix.
Be aware that all women have access to the Matrix, and form smaller
Matrices among their friends and family. The Matrix provides
guidance on style, cultural positioning, and advice on competition.
But the collective goal of the Matrix is to control access to sexuality
and regulate mating behavior. Beware the power of the Matrix.
The Rationalization Hamster
While drawn between security and excitement, that leaves a woman with
a lot of choices have to be made about her mating and reproduction.
Choosing a “secure” man for a mate often means giving up excitement.
Choosing an “exciting” man often leads to disaster. But when a potentially
“iffy” situation arises in affairs of the heart, women frequently fall back on
Rationalizations to follow her desires while avoiding recriminations for her
behavior. The ability for a woman to rationalize her behavior,
however unacceptable, gives her a reason that it “wasn’t her fault”.
Being blamed for poor judgement is devastating within the Matrix. Being
able to rationalize poor judgement is the job of the metaphorical
Rationalization Hamster. It provides women with excuses for their own
behavior, and by extension that of other women. Most importantly, it can
use “Love” as an overriding rationalization for nearly any behavior.
The Rationalization Hamster is not your enemy - a woman who can
rationalize a reason to spend $400 on shoes can also be convinced to
come up with a reason to rationalize sleeping with you.
Sexual Submission
Despite vocal protests to the observable facts, women and men
have a pattern of submission to dominance when it comes to sexual
matters. Women, even strong women, tend to prefer to submit
themselves sexually to a dominant man. Such submission in
culturally-approved manners tend to elevate her position in the
matrix and lead her toward happiness.
Being forced by circumstance or foolish choice to submit herself to a
weak or low-status man is therefore avoided. Men of status, fame,
fortune, power, or superior physical strength are high-value to
all women, and there is no shame in a woman submitting to a
stronger man under the auspices of “True Love” or
“Chemistry” (the cultural Rationalization Hamsters).
As difficult as it is for most women to admit, the “strength” they are
attracted to is pure male dominance. Their preferred method of
seduction is being compelled to “succumb” against their judgement
and reason to the attraction of a powerfully dominant but gentle
male. This is the essential plot of nearly every romance novel
ever written.
In an effort to validate their own feelings of self-worth,
most women crave undiluted attention from the
males they are attracted to. This attention re-enforces
their feelings of value and confirms the level of
attachment a given male has to her, validating her
need for security. It also provides crucial feedback on
her own efforts at presentation as well as a given
male’s ability to recognize her worth.
Some women will go out of their way to manufacture
crises from which her chosen male can “rescue” her,
usually with a great expenditure of energy and effort on
his part. These women are known as “high
maintenance”, or in extreme cases “attention whores”.
The innate female desire to be regarded is
attractive in moderation, but when it becomes
overwhelming it is rarely to the male’s benefit.
Female Entitlement
An essential point of female sexuality is female entitlement. That
is, the belief that women are due certain things simply on the
basis of their gender. Despite feminist rhetoric about equality,
the focus of both the feminist movement and female culture in
general has been one of increasing social and legal benefits
women are entitled to on the basis of their gender.
Most women feel that they “deserve” quite a few things that
men understand that they must work diligently for.
Among young women this sense of entitlement is pervasive, and
includes the belief that all girls should have hot high-status guys
with cool cars as well as the belief that all women deserve a nice
complacent Beta boy to settle down with after they have
enjoyed all the Alpha sexuality they desire.
They rarely realize the inherent insult in this belief, they frequently
talk themselves out of potentially beneficial relationships by
over-estimating their own value in the SMP.
Her “Number”
A woman’s “Number” is simply the total number of men she’s
had sex with. While some approve of a woman taking full
advantage of the Sexual Revolution and indulging in a large
number of sex partners, the fact is that a woman loses the ability
to form a strong pairbond after her number climbs to over a
dozen men. This ability is vital for both the stability of her
long-term relationships and her ability to bond with her children.
While most women conceal their true Number, or mitigate it
somehow via the Hamster, a woman who is not forthcoming
about her actual number is unlikely to be trustworthy for a
long-term relationship. Women with a high number accrued over
a short period of time are known as “riding the carousel”.
Nor is promiscuity rewarded in most corners of the Matrix. A
woman is always self-conscious about her Number, part of her
vigilance to guard her eggs from inferior mates.
Shit Tests Within the parameters of female sexual psychology a
common tool of competition/mate selection among women
is the so-called fitness test or “shit test”, in which a woman
makes a request or demand that challenges a given male’s
This serves the reproductive purpose of ensuring a good
provider/protector who is well-invested in the female’s
pair-bond by virtue of passing the “shit tests”. When the
shit tests become too challenging, a wise man walks
away or returns the challenge.
Women will shit test you for nearly any reason or none at
all. Usually there is a sexual promise implicit in a shit test -
“put an engagement ring on my finger and I’ll screw you
rotten”, for example. But when a woman blatantly shit
tests a man and then doesn’t deliver on her implied
promise, she has used him and made a chump out of
him. Such women are of little worth, ultimately, and
should be avoided.
The Wall
Despite feminism’s rage against both sexism and ageism, men in
aggregate are still attracted to youth. Women receive almost all of
their sexual capital early, and while feminism has encouraged them to
post-pone their mating decisions until after establishing a successful
career, the penalties involved in the SMP are now becoming clear.
Men of quality may like their brides to be college-educated, but
they rarely desire to spend their wives’ most fertile reproductive
years in grad school. By age 25, a woman’s sexual capital has
usually peaked. By age 30, she is no longer in her reproductive prime,
and begins losing out to younger women. By age 40, her sexual capital
has fallen to the point where finding a quality long-term mate becomes
The period after 40 is known as “The Wall”, and most women fear its
inevitable approach even if they deny it. While not every woman hits
the Wall equally, the fear of loss of youth and beauty (as typified by
Queen Maleficient in Disney’s Snow White) is a strong motivator of
women, and directs large parts of the Female Social Matrix.
Next: Part 9
Why Feminism Hates You

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