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COURSE: Introduction to Research Methodology

Submitted By: Saad Riaz

Submitted to: Dr. Gulnaz

Roll no: IFM-18565

BS English – Morning

Level: 4th Semester- Sec- D

Date: 2nd Jan, 2020

1. Topic

2. Introduction

2.1 Research Objectives

2.2 Research Question

2.3 Significance

2.4 Delimitation

2.5 Limitation

3. Literature Review

4. Research Methodology

4.1 Research Design

4.2 Population

4.3 Sample

4.4Data Collection

4.5Data Analysis

5. Results and Discussion

6. Conclusion

7. References
1) Topic.
Impact of Mother tongue on Learning English Language: A Case Study in Pakistan.
2) Introduction.

This paper will help in understanding the fact that how mother tongue plays a vital role in
learning English language .Mother tongue is considered by many critics as a fundamental
ingredient for learning any language. Mother language, is the first thing that triggers
Language Acquisition System. If a boy learns mother language quickly, he is supposed to
learn the second language, also very quickly. Some believe that this hypothesis is not
true. Although, English has became an internationally important language. English is
spoken in many countries as a second language. In Pakistan English is taught as a
compulsory subject in primary and secondary schools. For a successful career, English is
considered as a backbone in Pakistan, and is a compulsory subject at primary and
secondary Schools. Mother tongues (Pashtoo, Saraiki, Hindku, Urdu and Punjabi) are
also taught at primary and secondary Schools. So their role in learning second language
cannot be denied and over ruled. This paper will investigate the impact of mother tongue
on the learning of English language by comparing different Secondary school level
students who speaks these different mother tongues.
In the present era, no one can deny the importance of English to be learned as second
language. English has become global language. In Pakistan there is a lot of influence of
other tongue. English is not taught as first language so people has to learn it, but mother
tongue shows influence in learning second language (English).
2.1. Research Objective
The main objective of the paper is to find whether the mother tongues (Pashtoo, Saraiki,
Hindku, Sindhi, Punjabi and Urdu) and secondary languages are inter-dependable or not.
Furthermore, this paper will try to find the role of Mother tongues in learning English
2.2 Research Questions.
Looking at the research objectives, we have the following research questions:
1. Is there any connection between the mother tongues and the English language?

2. Is mother tongue effect the accent of English language?

2.3 Statement of Problem
This research will be done to evaluate whether the mother tongue has its effects on
learning the second language or not. If the second language has its effect on learning then
the question is how these two factors are inter-dependable.
2.4 Significance.
The significance of this paper will be that, we will come to a conclusion that whether
mother tongue plays a role in learning English language, or does not play a role. This
study will help the students or people of any field to learn second language more
efficiently by using different techniques. The research will also highlight the importance
of learning second language (English). Students and teachers will learn how to improve
their second language learning.
2.4 Delimitations.
There are also different role of other countries mother tongue in learning English, but our
research will focus on Pakistani mother tongues( Pashtoo, Saraiki, Hindku, Urdu and
2.5 Limitations.
Our research will be limited only to the impact of Pakistani mother tongues on learning
English language.
3) Literature Review
The role of mother language in learning English cannot be put aside. There are much
debate on this topic over many years and different researcher have different conclusions.
There is many literature review present on this topic but we will select some of it.
Makayla (1967) says that error in pronunciation may be due to transfer from the native
language. Lack of accuracy and language skill is also the result of native language.
Olanipekun ET. Al (2014) pointed out that
Mother tongue has no effect on the learning of English. They did not find any correlation
between student’s performance in English and mother tongue. Although, learners in
Nigeria learn English Language as a second language after the acquisition of their various
mother tongues. These learners who are vast in their mother tongues before coming to the
school system are compelled to learn English because of the role it would play in their
lives. Hence, most of these learners find it more convenient to use their mother tongue
more often than the English language even in the school environment. The resultant
effect of this is that some Nigerian students seem to be deficient in oral communication
when it comes to the issue of speech work in English Language (Oyinloye; 2002).
4) Research Methodology

Research Design
A quantitative paradigm and also qualitative paradigm will be followed in this research.
The research will be quantitative - qualitative in nature. The study will be more
quantitative as the data will be collected through questionnaire in which most of the
questions will be closed ended. The data will be collected through pretest and posttest.
And the data will be analyzed statistically. Moreover the research will be qualitative
because the researcher has designed a research question for the current research and
some questions will be open ended in questionnaire and the detailed analysis of data
would be given.
The researcher will be held by designing the questionnaire for the undertaken research.
Questionnaire would contain some open ended question to get responses of students of
secondary school level and learners regarding what they think about mother tongue
effect in learning second language. Secondly; questionnaire containing number of close
ended questions, pretests & post tests will also be conducted with the samples and then
the results would be compared.

The students of secondary school level from Islamabad Capital Territory, (Pashtoo
speaking, Sindhi speaking, Urdu speaking, Hindko speaking and Saraiki speaking and
Pahari speaking students). As, Islamabad is the capital of Pakistan, that’s why students
from every region come here for study. It will not be difficult to find students with
different mother tongues.
50 different students of secondary school level (Twenty each from Pashtoo, Sindhi, Urdu,
Hindku and Saraiki speaking language) will be brought together. The researcher will
select the sample through the technique known as convenience sampling (a type of non-
probability sampling) in which population elements are selected on the bases of ease of
Data Collection
These students will be given a special coaching of one week regarding English Language
learning. The will be treated equally without any discrimination. After a week they will
be examined by giving a test of 50 marks consisted of different exercises of grammar,
comprehension and oral presentation, with respect to English language.
Data Analysis
We will do the careful examination of the participants, and the results will be put into
tables so that we can find out whether the learner's mother tongue has an impact on the
learning of foreign language or not. Each group's data will be analyzed. The obtain
results will put into different tables for better depiction and further analytical decision,
results and recommendation.

5) Results and Discussion

After critically analyzing the data, we will reach the results and conclusions. If Mother
tongue has a role in learning English, there would be different results, shown at the table.
Some may score high or some may score low. If we found no differences in the scoring
tables or in pronunciation of English language, then, it is easy to say there is no role of
mother Tongue in English language learning.
6) Conclusions
We will put forward a statement, whether Mother tongue plays a role in learning English
language or mother language does not play a role in learning English language, that will
be decided by looking at the results.
7) References
Mackay, W.F (1967). Language teaching analysis Indiana: Indiana University Press.
Nimer Abuzahra, M. A.-H. (July 2016). Using Cartoon in Language Classroom from a
Constructivist Point of View. Arab World English Journal (AWEJ) Special Issue on CALL
No.3, Pp.229-245.

Olanipekun ET. Al (2014). Mother Tongue and student’s academic performance in

English language among
secondary school students. International journal of language, literature and culture, 1,(1),

Oyinloye G.O. (2002) Language Education and teaching Methods, Green line publishers
Ado-Ekiti Nigeria.

Pourhosein Gilakjani, A. (2012). A Study of Factors Affecting EFL Learners' English

Pronunciation Learning and the strategies for Instruction. International Journal of Humanities and
Social Science, 2(3), 119-128.


LANGUAGE LEARNING AND HOW TO BE TAUGHT. International Journal of Teaching and
Education, pp 21...34

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