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Currently, statistics is a science that has managed to gain important spaces in many
everyday areas, it is essential in population studies, risk predictions, but above all it
provides valuable tools in decision-making that without taking away the last word from
the human being.
the problems of probability provide an interesting source for us to think a little beyond
our common sense, and together with statistics allows us to make the so-called statistical
it is worth clarifying that up to this point the ideas that we will work will be somewhat
intuitive, but we wish to formalize them within a short time.


Definition of statistics statistics is the science whose objective is to gather quantitative
information concerning individuals, groups, series of events, etc. and to deduce from it
thanks to the analysis of these data some precise meanings or some forecasts for the
future. utility and importance statistical methods are traditionally used for descriptive
purposes, to organize and summarize numerical data. descriptive statistics, for example,
deals with the tabulation of data, its presentation in graphic or illustrative form and the
calculation of descriptive measures. in everyday life we use some expressions of
insecurity or security such as: "maybe", "very possible", "surely" ..., which try to measure
the confidence we have in something to happen, so in statistics we express that degree of
insecurity or security, not with words but with numbers, what is really important in
statistics is the possibility of anticipating what will happen, based on the data obtained,
as we have, that what allows these divinations is probability.


Statistics is a formal science that studies the collection, analysis and interpretation of data
from a representative sample, either to help in making decisions or to explain regular or
irregular conditions of some phenomenon or applied study, occurring randomly or
However, statistics is more than that, that is, it is the fundamental tool that allows carrying
out the process related to scientific research. It is transversal to a wide variety of
disciplines, from physics to social sciences, from health sciences to quality control. it is
used for decision making in business areas or government institutions. A misuse of
statistics occurs when a statistical argument claims a falsehood. In some cases, improper
use may be accidental. in others, it is useful and of the profit of the author. when the
statistical reason in question is false or misapplied, this constitutes a statistical fallacy.
The statistics of the false trap can be very detrimental to the search for knowledge. For
example, in medical science, correcting a falsehood can take decades and lives of costs.
Incorrect use can be easy to fall into. Professional scientists, even mathematicians and
professional statisticians, can be fooled by even some simple methods, even if they are
careful to check everything. Scientists have come to deceive themselves with statistics
due to lack of knowledge of probability theory and lack of standardization of evidence.


Descriptive or deductive statistics deals with the counting, ordering and classification of
the data obtained in the observations. so that the mind can interpret very numerous data,
it is necessary to summarize them or reduce them. Descriptive statistics serves as a tool
or instrument to describe, summarize or reduce the properties of a data set so that they
can be managed. In short, it includes those techniques that are used to summarize
information (long lists of values) to provide simple and understandable indexes and,
therefore, to facilitate descriptions and comparisons, making it as accurate as possible. To
reduce the information, tables are constructed, graphs are represented and statistical
parameters that characterize the distribution are calculated, thus simplifying the
complexity of all the data involved in the distribution. therefore, the descriptive statistics
refers to, or is used in stages 3, 4 and 5 of the scientific method (observation, classification
and description), and is limited to making deductions directly from the data and
parameters obtained.
"The descriptive statistics is the study that includes the obtaining, organization,
presentation and description of numerical information"

On the other hand, inferential or inductive statistics try to reach conclusions that go
beyond the scope of the data analyzed; that is, they are techniques that are used to infer
or infer unknown characteristics from a set of known data, based mainly on the calculation
of probabilities. As it is impossible to examine the entire population of the phenomena
we study, the construction of laws and theories must be supported by sample data. from
a few known data (those in the sample), it is about obtaining information from the total
population, and this is done by relying on the calculation of probabilities, as we mentioned
above. One of the main objectives of inferential statistics is to estimate the properties of
a population from the knowledge of only a sample of it. Inferential statistics is therefore
based on descriptive statistics, since the inference or deduction of the properties of the
entire population is derived from the characteristics of the sample that is analyzed with
the techniques of descriptive statistics. in fact, its field of action is broader.
"Statistical inference is a technique by which generalizations are obtained or decisions
are made based on partial or complete information obtained through descriptive

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