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Course Title: HOPE 2

Course Description: Physical Education 2

4th Quarter Modular Learning Guide 1

Expected Time Completion: 4 hours

Topic: Team Sports

A. Learning Outcome
a. Discuss Team Sports
b. Identify the Benefits of Team Sports
c. Draw the dimension of a popular team sports

B. Learning Content:

Team sport

A team sport includes any sport which involves players working together towards a shared
objective. A team sport is an activity in which a group of individuals, on the same team, work
together to accomplish an ultimate goal which is usually to win. This can be done in a
number of ways such as outscoring the opposing team. Team members set goals, make
decisions, communicate, manage conflict, and solve problems in a supportive, trusting
atmosphere in order to accomplish their objectives.

Benefits of Team Sports

1. Team sports increase self-esteem.

2. Team sports build strong relationships.

3. Team sports help develop critical thinking skills.

4. Team sports teach that life isn’t always fair.

5. Team sports teach that life is tough sometimes.

6. Kids should play multiple sports.

7. Team sports help kids learn to accept defeat.

8. Team sports help kids develop character and teamwork skills.

9. Team sports build perseverance.

10. Team sports teach that hard work pays off.

11. Team sports help control emotions.

12. Team sports build leadership skills.

13. Team sports teach discipline.

14. Team sports help parents be present and teach them how to support their child.

15. Team sports teach collaboration.

Pros and Cons of Team Sports

The Positives about –

Fun – Most people love playing their chosen sport, if you love football then running around
the footy field is hardly a chore. This means you will want to exercise rather than having to
force yourself into action.

Competitive – Any competitive environment will force you to raise your game and make you
put in extra effort. This can be excellent for improving fitness, getting in shape as it naturally
adds to your motivation.

Good Calorie Burn – Team sports usually involve moving good distances when playing which
can provide a significant calorie burn and thus be very beneficial to losing body fat.

Sociable – Doing exercise around other people is great for enjoyment and raising your
game. It is also great for the social aspect. This modern day we are less sociable than ever
and most people have replaced that with eating which has disastrous effects on the body of

The Negatives about –

Time – Many team sports take up time, it could be getting to the away team venue meaning
it takes 5 hours to do 90 minutes of exercise. Likewise training may take up more time than
you have available that day or evening. This can put you off exercising rather than doing a
quick session.

Injury – Most team sports have a higher injury rate than exercising alone because of the
competition and unpredictable nature of the sport involved.

Divert Focus – Often people become too centered on their playing their sport over doing the
physical preparation to make them good at the sport. Playing can only take you so far and
when niggles etc. kick in you have to use other techniques to keep you in good physical

Popular Team Sports

1. Soccer / association football 6. Field Hockey

2. Cricket 7. Volleyball

3. Basketball 8. Ice Hockey

4. Baseball 9. American Football

5. Rugby Union 10. Rugby League

C. Learning Activities

1. Choose 3 popular team sports that were discussed.

2. Draw the dimensions of their court for each popular team sports you choose.
3. Get pictures (print out for hard copy module) of hand signals that are being use
in the game. Make sure there is a name for the hand signal.

Example: Sepak takraw (court) Lacrosse (hand signal)

Note: this are two different team sports.



D. Resources

E. References:

ACSM, ACSM's Guidelines for Exercise Testing and Prescription, Sixth Ed.
New York, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2000

Baechle, Thomas, Ed. D, CSCS. Weight Training Instruction: Steps to Success

Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics, 1994.

Borton, Benjamin. Human Nutrition.

New York: McGraw-Hill, 1978


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