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SUBJECT: Social Service


 Eman Iftikhar-181336
 Shiza Shahid-181346
 Malik Anza Khalid-181341
 Maryam Khan-181342
 Muhammad Sibtain haider-181307
 Shehryar Saeed-181343
 Malik Saim Hassan-181345
 Hamza Abbas-181322


“Building a better community by

fighting hunger today.”

Give from the heart and help lives restart-Hunger Healer


Table of Contents
Types of NGO........................................................................................................................................3
Statement Problem:.....................................................................................................................................5
Aims & Objectives......................................................................................................................................5
Team Finance.........................................................................................................................................7
Team Manufacturing............................................................................................................................7
Team Bravo........................................................................................................................................7
Team Charlie.....................................................................................................................................8
Team HR................................................................................................................................................9
Usage of Funds............................................................................................................................................9
Use of donations.....................................................................................................................................9
Adequate and effective use....................................................................................................................9


Organizations which are independent of government involvement are known as Non-
governmental organizations or NGOs. NGOs are a subgroup of organizations founded by
citizens, which include clubs and associations which provide services to its members and others.
They are usually non-profit organizations. Many NGOs are active in humanitarianism or the
social sciences. Surveys indicate that NGOs have a high degree of public trust, which can make
them a useful proxy for the concerns of society and stakeholders. According to (the
non-governmental organizations associated with the United Nations), "[an NGO is] any non-
profit, voluntary citizens' group which is organized on a local, national or international level.
Task-oriented and driven by people with a common interest, NGOs perform a variety of service
and humanitarian functions, bring citizen concerns to Governments, advocate and monitor
policies and encourage political participation through provision of information.

Types of NGO
NGOs can be distinguished into two groups:
 Operational NGOs
 Advocacy NGOs
According to the difference defined by the World Bank. 

Operational NGOs focus on the design and implementation of development-related projects.

Service delivery lies under this type.
Advocacy NGO defends or promotes a specific cause.
This may be interpreted as the choice between small-scale change achieved directly through
projects and large-scale change promoted indirectly through influence on the political system. 
Our NGO Hunger Healers lies in the category of Operational NGO as it promotes to mobilize
resources, in the form of financial donations, materials, or volunteer labor, in order to sustain
their projects and programs

Hunger Healers is initiated to knock out the hunger from our nation. The divergent thing is that it
is started by youngsters hoping to make a change in society by supplying our poor and needy
fellows with healthy and tasty food. All the employees working under Hunger Healers live like a
family and are always standing first and firm to serve. This foundation has been working at a


lower level for 1 year and now we’ve established this foundation formally to groom our work
even more.

There is a lot of food wastage in Pakistan and the like manner, there are plentiful citizens who
sleep starving along with their hungry children. In the restaurants, the food is given away to the
bins and in the same city or more precisely in the same area people are dying of hunger. Hunger
Healers decided to follow the same path of eradicating hunger but follow it differently. We
didn’t come up with a thought of competing but with a thought of companionship. We welcome
all to come and be a part of Hunger Healers. Donations, zakat, and food everything is accepted as
it shows your love for humanity. Religion, caste, creed, or color nothing could stop us from
spreading the awareness and love.

“When we give cheerfully and accept gratefully, everyone is blessed.” 

As indicated by FAO, just about 33% of food delivered for human utilization, roughly 1.3 billion
tons for each year, is either lost or squandered worldwide. The condition where the two grown-
ups and youngsters can't get to food reliably and need to decrease food admission, eat terrible
eating routines and frequently abandon food. Craving is uncomfortable or difficult sensation
cause by absence of food. In excess of 153 million of the world's malnourished individuals are
kids younger than 5. 9 million individuals pass on for absence of food and nourishment
consistently. Each 3.6 seconds a kid kicks the bucket in light of hunger.795 million individuals
need more food. Hunger impacts youngster's development, absence of nourishment and
unhealthiness. A large number of individuals overall experience the ill effects of hunger, yet 1.3
billion tons of food is discarded every year.
Hunger rate in Pakistan?
Pakistan hunger statistics for 2018 was 12.30%, a 0.3% increase from 2017.
Pakistan hunger statistics for 2017 was 12.00%, a 0.1% decline from 2016.
Pakistan hunger statistics for 2016 was 12.10%, a 0.7% decline from 2015.
Pakistan hunger statistics for 2015 was 12.80%, a 1.8% decline from 2014.
According to the World Food Program, 43 percent of Pakistan's population faces
food insecurity. Of this number, 18 percent of people in Pakistan severely lack access to food.

A survey, conducted by the Ministry of Health, has revealed that almost half of the
families in Pakistan cease to fulfill their nutritional and dietary needs. The survey
revealed that about more than 50% of Pakistani families cannot afford even two meals a
day due to poverty, this leads to severe dietary deficiencies. However, the national
nutrition survey 2018 showed that 36.9 percent of the population faces food insecurity.
Primarily, this is due to limited economic access by the poorest and most vulnerable
group of the population – particularly women – to an adequate and diverse diet. The
survey also showed the second highest rate of malnutrition in the region with 18 percent

of children under 5 suffer from acute malnutrition, around 40 percent of the children in
the same age group are stunted and 29 percent are underweight. All complementary
feeding indicators are far below acceptable levels, only one in seven children aged 6–23
months receives a meal with minimum dietary diversity, with at least four different food
groups, and around 82% children are deprived of the minimum number of the meals a

Statement Problem:
The very idea of starting our revolutionary work started with some small observations. Wherever
we went for our regular hangouts or dinners we observed the same thing let it be restaurants,
hotels, marquees, etc. that leftover food was always discarded by the restaurants. So much of the
food was being wasted despite the fact that thousands of people in our country sleep hungry at
night. This insensitive behavior urged us to start initiate something together, a platform that can
work for these poor people who sleep starving when there's tons of food wasted every day. The
poor hungry little kids begging for food and searching for a bite in trash and empty wrappers
pushed us to start a NGO and help the needy people and that NGO was named as HUNGER


Hunger Healers foundation was founded to help poor and needy people of our society. We aim
to improve the health and livelihood of our community. A huge number of foundations and
organizations are working all over the country for a revolutionary purpose.

According to the survey, 24.3% of the population lives below the national poverty line. At this
state of economic crisis, our ethos is to support the most underserved communities in Pakistan.

“There is no exercise better for the heart than reaching down and lifting
people up”
The main idea of our work is to provide our poor fellows with food which is the basic necessity
of life so that no one sleeps with a starving stomach in our nation. There are a lot of issues and
problems arising due to the leak of healthy food. Worst are the people who died due to

We are committed to serving the people of Pakistan to transform the lives of the despaired
communities through our humanitarian aid and provide hope for a better future.

Aims & Objectives

“Times and Conditions change so rapidly that we must keep our Aim
constantly focused on the future”. ― Walt Disney
The aims & objectives of Hunger Healers set the new goals and hope for the needy and poor
people. They lighten our courage and enthusiasm for humanity.
Our aim pays attention on:
 Develop an example of giving to the needy and poor so that we could evolve a change
 Make healthy food accessible to all
 Zero loss or waste of food
 Access adequate food and healthy diet for all the people
 Reduce the crime rate in eradicating hunger
However, our objectives cover the following prospective:
 To decrease the wastage of food to zero and make food system sustainable
 Lighten the burdens of other non-profit organizations
 Decrease the number of victims dying of hunger
 To become an example for our youngsters who are the future of this country
 To make our people feel the responsibility of feeding poor fellows

HUNGER HEALEARS... Make healthy food

Vision acessible to
Decrease the Make our
wasteage of food to
zero and make food
people feel for
poor and
sustainable ... needy...

Become a Campaigns and Promote

Events for
Working: helping
Thematic Focus
hungry and
Like other NGOs HUNGERneedy
donations and
fellowswould be running solely on donations,
purposes funds and
campaigns’ generated money. This division is made so that everyone could concentrate on their
own part assigned and work properly. Our objectives, passion, and public welfare aim inspire
others(donors) to work with us. 4 Teams are working under Hunger Healers each focuses and
excels in their work and proves their mettle.
Our project area is Islamabad which is the capital city of Pakistan, Islamabad is situated in the
northwest of the nation on Potohar Plateau. This region has been huge in history for being a
piece of the junction of the Rawalpindi and the North West Frontier Province. The city was
underlying 1960 to replace Karachi as the Pakistani capital, which it has been since 1963.
Because of Islamabad's nearness to Rawalpindi, they are viewed as sister cities. Compared to
different urban areas of the nation, Islamabad is a perfect, extensive and calm city with heaps of
greeneries. The current metro region populace of Islamabad in 2020 is 1,129,000, a 3.11%
expansion from 2019. Islamabad is situated at 33.43°N 73.04°E at the northern edge of the
Pothohar Plateau and at the foot of the Margalla Hills in Islamabad Capital Territory. Its height is
540 meters (1,770 ft).

Team Finance
This endeavoring team works hard to manage our funding and donations. They also maintain
good relations with the donors aiming at being funded with the maximum so that we can help
more needy fellows with the best. Financing all other employees to ensure the best output is a
major part of their job.

Team Manufacturing
Our manufacturing team is further comprised of 3 divisions:
Team Alpha, Bravo, and Charlie.
Team Bravo
Responsible for the appealing and hygienic packaging of the food into equally divided portions.
The best part of the job is handing over the food to the needy people and this is done by the very
talented Team Charlie.


Team Charlie
They work 24/7 to make sure that these poor people get to eat their fair share of meals. They not
only provide poor families with the food besides, supply this hygienic food to government
hospitals, footpaths, local workers, beggars etc.

Team Marketing
Who is responsible for making sure that people
are aware of our services and are accessible to
them? They begin campaigns at different social platforms, spreading the noble word. Our social
circle is totally up to these wonderful people. 

Team HR 
This team
searches for
the areas in which
people are
suffering from
hunger and the
people who
are starving.
Resources works are handled by this creative
team who has a soft corner and feel the pain of
other people.
Every organization must have a working circle
with the best people who are continuously
working to make sure they provide the best
services and that's what we strive for.


Usage of Funds
Use of donations
 We ensure that donations are used as promised or implied in fundraising appeals or for the
purposes intended by the donors.
We always carry out programs in an agreed-upon manner and are ethical and responsible for that
Adequate and effective use
We try to make the most adequate and effective use of grants and charitable contributions given
as donations, funds, and zakat.


Lack of
Logistics and Funds
Communicati Limited
on Capacity

Lack of
people's Security
acknowledg Concerns


Shortage of

Absence of
Volunteers for
Grant Funding


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