Pedia Growth and Development

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GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT ○ The pain response is general

Growth - is an increase in physical at first

size, measured as height, weight, and ○ As they grow, the pain
other body parts. Measured in terms of response is specific
quantity. ○ This is because you can now
- Size identify the pain stimulus
Development - the progressive ● Simple to complex
increase in skills, maturity in mental, ○ The way a baby
physical and social markers. A.k.a. communicates is through
Maturation. Measured in terms of crying (simple)
quality ○ As they grow, they start to
- Skill learn how to pronounce
- These two always go together or words (complex)
else the child will grow abnormally 3. Influenced by numerous factors
● Harmful/chemical factors - these
PRINCIPLES OF GROWTH AND factors can cause numerous
DEVELOPMENT defects on the baby
- Principles that guide parents in their ● Genetics
baby care and discipline ● Food you were given
- A golden rule in pediatrics ● Environment
1. It is a lifelong process - from 4. Individualized - unique
conception to death ● Don’t compare your patients
2. Directional/orderly sequence with each other because they
● Cephalocaudal: head to tail are different from one another
○ The baby learns to move his ● Even twins are uniquely different
head first, then his back, his 5. Predictable stages at different
buttocks, then his legs rate
● Proximodistal: near to far ● Rates of growth are different
○ Newborn reflexes are ● Rapid (growth spurts) - infancy,
primitive reflexes adolescent
○ A newborn’s fists are always ● Slow (growth gaps) - toddler,
fisted because it’s still a reflex preschool, school-age (slower
○ They first use their palms process of growth)
before they could learn how ● Some toddlers or preschoolers
to use their fingers are often found as picky eaters.
○ They are able to control a This is because their body
part of their body that is near dictates that they dont need as
their body first, “proximal” much food. Because growth has
● General to specific slowed down = decreased
○ The way a baby reacts to appetite
6. Skills and behavior are learned ● Plays with their BODY AND
by practice SENSES (a baby usually plays first
● For a baby to learn something, with his mouth, his hands, etc.)
they are encouraged to repeat ● TOYS - mobiles, rattles, teething
that action again and again until rings, music boxes, squeeze toys
they’ve mastered it (ex: teaching Toddler
a baby to close open his hands ● I, Me, Mine
to teach them how to control ● Egocentric
their fingers and be able to ● Very possessive/ cannot share
grasp things better) ● They don’t want to share but they
7. Primitive reflexes must disappear want company so they play beside
first before development begins someone
8. Play is central to the life of the ● Loves to play BESIDE another child
child but must have each a toy
● A child learns how to socialize PARALLEL GAMES
through play ● TOYS - promote skills of walking -
9. Body systems do not develop at push and pull toys, and talking - toy
the same time telephone, coordination - blocks
● Baby inside the womb can’t Preschooler
breathe on their own yet ● Children under this stage are very
● As you get older, your systems imaginative
mature ● Loves to share and imitate adults in
● One system remains dormant their play role-play -
until you undergo puberty > COOPERATIVE/ASSOCIATIVE
reproductive system GAMES
● TOYS - role-playing games -
GAMES CHILDREN PLAYS playschool, playhouse, doctor-nurse
- Games can be used in monitoring kit etc.
behavioral changes in children Schooler
Things to consider in buying toys: ● Must have a winner at the end of
1. Must be safe - no small parts, the game COMPETITIVE GAMES
non-toxic, not sharp ● TOYS - card games (flash cards,
2. Must be chosen based on the child’s unggoy ungguyan), scrabble,
stage of development or age hopscotch, skipping rope, etc
3. Must have a purpose
4. (if the child is sick) Must be chosen FACTORS INFLUENCING
based on the limitation of a child’s GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT
condition Genetic Factors
Infants ● Heredity - sex, genetic traits like
● Plays alone - SOLITARY GAMES gender, height and weight, physical
characteristics, personality
(temperament), medical conditions, ● Socioeconomic level - lack
race and nationality, intelligence resources to provide an
● The baby’s gender comes from the environment for optimum health
father ○ Despite economic status being a
Environmental factors factor in a child’s growth, it is
● Neuroendocrine factors - growth also important to know that it’s
hormones, also about being wise in
○ Influences the pattern of your choosing the right food and
growth right after you were born using the right resources to
○ May also be factors that ensure the child’s healthy and
influence the baby while they proper growth
are inside the womb
○ Hormonal problems that may ENVIRONMENTAL HAZARDS
affect your growth Pre-natal
● Nutrition - diet, amount, kind of ● Maternal infection (rubella),
food chemicals, radiation, water, air, and
● Interpersonal relationship - plays food contamination, smoking, drugs,
a critical role in emotional, alcohol
intellectual and personality ● Maternal infection may cause
development natural abortion
○ Cultural norms ● Chemicals may cause birth defects
○ Mothering person - single most Post-natal
influential person during early ● Environment at home, in school, the
infancy; molds the child city and the country
○ Ordinal position in the ● The home you grew up in; what you
family/family size; ex: the see in the people you are with; you
earliest child is usually the most imitate what they do
responsible, the youngest is the
spoiled, the middle child is DEVELOPMENTAL THEORIES
usually neglected (not always Freud’s PSYCHOSEXUAL THEORY
tru) ● Behavior is the result of instinctual
● Health and disease - skeletal drives of a primarily sexual nature
disorders, dwarfism, rickets, (libido)
cretinism (congenital ● Sexual gratification is focused on a
hypothyroidism) particular body part
○ Childhood is our sickly stage ○ Infancy: oral
○ Very old and very young are the ○ Toddler: anal
most vulnerable ○ Preschooler: phallic (for gender
○ You may get these identification)
diseases/disorders if you weren’t ○ School age child: latency (calm;
given enough vitamins/food still focuses on the genitals but
not the main focus)
○ Adolescent: Genital (puberty) ● Feeling of independence
Erikson’s PSYCHOSOCIAL THEORY ● Shame and doubt develop when he
● Behavior is the result the person’s learns that his assertiveness is not
social view of self. The resolution of acceptable
a conflict in each stage leads to ● Don't shame the child when they
accomplishment of his show their autonomy by spanking
developmental task them or making them doubt through
● Developmental tasks: using reverse psychology, it will only
○ Infancy: trust vs. mistrust make them confused
○ Toddler: autonomy vs. shame ● Teach the child what is right with no
and doubt agendas in order for them to know
○ Preschooler: initiative vs. guilt what to in certain situations and in
○ School age child: industry vs. order for them not to acquire the
inferiority negative values at that certain stage
○ Adolescent: identity vs confusion Preschool
Infancy ● Freud’s genital (phallic)/erikson’s
● Freud’s oral/ erikson’s trust vs initiative vs guilt
mistrust ● Sexual identity through awareness
● The infant receives pleasure of his/her genital
through his mouth. Answering their ● They have a tendency to touch the
cry (needs) helps develop trust things that they are curious about so
● When a baby cries, they are asking there is a possibility that they will
for physiologic needs; it’s not true touch their genitals at this stage
that when they are crying, they ● Parents may reprimand their
should be ignored for a while in children from doing this but it is
order for them not to grow spoiled; wrong and they may develop a fear
mistrust may develop of castration complex (”wag mo ‘yan
● Mistrust develops when care is hawakan. Puputulin ko yan.”)
inconsistent and inadequate ● Initiative is the freedom to initiate do
Toddler small activities and appreciated for it
● Freud’s anal/erikson’s autonomy vs ● Stage of “KUSA”
shame and doubt ● Don't make the children go away
● Elimination gives the child a sense when they are showing initiative;
of autonomy; they are able to this will make them develop guilt; let
control their bowel needs already at the child help by making them do
this stage simple tasks
● Finds pleasure in controlling his ● Another technique would be to allow
eliminatory function the child to imitate you through
● Toilet training begins using their toys like while cooking
● The child is taught the right place, ● Guilt develops if the child is made to
right manner and right time to feel that his activity is bad or wrong
eliminate bowel functions
Schooler ● Shows the gradual development of
● Freud’s latency/ erikson’s industry how you think from when you were
vs inferiority a baby up to how you are right now
● The sexual drive (libido) is Sensorimotor (0-2 years old)
controlled and dormant ● Learning by sensation
● Interest on same sex only (normal ● Reflex activity to repetitive behavior
homosexual) to imitate behavior
● Boys vs girls ○ Baby is taught through
● Learns how to do things well (their sensation such as “close
own personal criteria) open”(making the baby close
● At this age, the child discovers and open their hands),”beautiful
where they excel at (in sports, eyes”(making the baby close
academics, etc.) and open their eyes)
● Achievement oriented years ● “Cause and effect”/”trial and error”
● Wants to prove their best in school ○ Ex: when a child touches
Adolescent something hot and they get hurt
● Freud’s genital/erikson’s identity vs from doing it, they wont do it
role confusion again
● You want to blend in ● Object permanence
● Resurgence of sexual drives, ○ When they see an object and it
develops sexual maturity gets out of their sight, they
● Your hormones will also play a role realize that they don’t really
in this stage disappear but just goes from
● Relationships with the opposite sex one place to another
● “Who am I?” (peek-a-boo game)
● Learns who they are and what kind Preoperational (2-7 years old)
of person they will be ● The stage before you are able to
● Need for feeling of belongingness use your brain fully enough
and acceptance by himself and ● Thought becomes more symbolic
others ○ You see things in your mind and
● The way we saw ourselves when gradually you give meaning to
we were younger won't be the same those things such as an
way we see ourselves as of the umbrella, you’ll know how it
moment looks like and more often you’ll
see that it is used when it is
Piaget’s COGNITIVE DEVELOPMENT raining so then it will be
● By John Piaget registered in your brain as an
● Explains how a child learns and object that is used for that
thinks purpose
● Child reorganizes their thinking ● Unable to understand relationship of
process to bring them close to adult size, weight, and volume
○ They’d still think that a tall glass ○ They are able to think in a more
contains more than the smaller scientific way like doing scientific
glass even though both glasses experiments
have equal volume ○ Children are given simple
● Concept of time is now and distance scientific experiments at this age
is only as far as the eyes can see ● Capable of seriation (sorting
○ They don't know dates yet according to quality)
○ “Market day”; “My birthday” ○ They can already sort things
○ Their concept of time should be from smaller to biggest
in the concept of activity “Mama ○ They can sort things through
kelan ang birthday ko?” “Apat na quality like fruits belong with
tulog nalang birthday mo naa” fruits, clothes belong with
● Egocentrism (cannot take another’s clothes etc.
point of view) ○ Two objects may not be the
○ They don't see the difference same physically but of the same
between needs and wants quality (ex: you can put atis and
● Centering (attention on only one ice cream together because they
feature of an object) are both sweet)
○ Ex:a child can only describe an ● Capable of conservation (volume,
apple for its color which is red, weight and number remains the
they can’t distinguish it yet if it is same even if appearance changes)
a washington apple; they can ○ They are able to understand that
only focus on ONE characteristic 1 kilo of feathers vs 1 kilo of
at a time steel is just the same
○ They don't have the ability to ● Capable of classification
think innovatively yet so they get ○ They can now classify animals,
shocked when for example, a fruits, etc.
cup, is not used for drinking but ○ Different from seriation because
instead as a pen holder seriation focuses on “quality”
● Very imaginative (magical thinking) ● Understands reversibility
○ They think that their words can ○ When ice turns into water when
make things happen it melts and becomes ice again
○ Their dreams are powerful and once it is put back into the
makes them think it is real freezer
○ Children at this age are prone to ● Inductive reasoning
telling fabricated stories so it’s ○ You’ve learned in science
important to investigate further already that when it is hot, there
Concrete operations (7-12 years old) is a possibility that it will rain
● Thoughts become logical and anytime soon
coherent, systematic reasoning ○ You’ve learned that if you played
in the rain for too long, it is
possible that you may get sick
Formal operations (12 years old and 2. Most rapid during infancy and
above) adolescent stages
● Can solve hypothetical problem with - 6 months - doubles birth weight
scientific reasoning - 1 year - triples birth weight
○ At this age you’ll start doing - 2 years - quadruples birth weight
scientific projects that will
require you to come up with 3. Toddlers, preschoolers, schoolers
hypothesis are considered to be slow periods of
● Adaptable and flexible growth
○ You are able to accept other - The child’s appetite lowers
people’s perspective
● Deductive reasoning Known birth weight
○ From the general effect to cause
○ You can now think of the Less than 6 months
numerous problems that caused
a certain event Age in months x 600 + birth weight in
● Can think in abstract terms grams = expected weight in grams
○ You are able to understand
metaphorical language *1 lb = 454 grams
*1 kilo = 1000 grams
ASSESSMENT OF GROWTH *1 kilo = 2.2 lbs
● Quantitative assessment
1. Physiologic loss of weight a couple Above six months
of weeks (2-3weeks) after birth:
5-10% of birthweight Age in months x 500 + birth weight in
- Usually, weight loss is seen as grams = expected weight in grams
an indication of sickness.
However, in this age it is normal. Example: 5 months old infant with birth
- Weight loss more than this may weight of 3,200 gms. (approx 3.2 kilos)
indicate a problem
- This is because a baby is 5 x 600 +3,200 = 6,200 gms or 13.66
weighted as they are born. A lbs
newborn baby is plump, their
bladder is full, their bowel starts Unknown birth weight
to accumulate called
“meconium” and these add up Below 1 year
to their weight. Once their body
has normalized and adapted, Age in months / 2+3 or 4 = weight (kg)
their body waste is eliminated,
their weight will normally Above 1 year
Age in years x 2 + 8 = weight (kg)
but as they reach toddlerhood,
Example: baby 4 months old with they start to have an idea of
unknown bwt. should weigh what? “parents”
○ As they reach preschool, they’ll
4 / 2 + 3 or 5 = 5 to 6 kg (if in lbs. X 2.2 start to recognize more family
= 11 to 12 lbs. members
Tannhauser’s Formula - weight for ○ Widening their scope of
height relationship with others
● Language
Height in cm - 100 = weight in kg ○ The cries of a baby have
(note: less 10% for Filipinos) different sounds depending on
what they need but only the
*1 inch = 2.54 cm mother is able to know what the
*1 ft = 12 inches baby needs
○ The cries of a baby may change
Example: 5 ft 2 inches tall at around 7 months and is called
“differential crying”
Convert height to cm = 5x12 inches =
60 inches + 2 = 62 inches x 2.54 = Developmental Milestones
157.48 less 100 = 57.48 (less 10%) ● Gross motor skills - cephalocaudal
=51.7 kg or 113.47 lbs. (normal weight
for a Filipino with a height of 5 ft 2

● DDST - Denver Developmental
Screen Test
● MMDST - Metro Manila
Developmental Screen Test (PH
version of DDST)
Every two months:
Areas assessed:
○ 0 - no head control; always
● Gross motor skill - large muscle
support the baby’s head
○ 2 - lifts head
○ Refers to the whole body as a
○ 4 - lifts head and chest
○ 6 - sits with support; support =
○ Cephalocaudal
● Fine motor skill - small muscle skills
○ 8 sits alone or without support
○ proximodistal
○ 10 - stands with support
● Interpersonal - social skill
○ 12 - stands alone/walks with
○ Only the primary caregiver
(mother) is recognized at first
○ 14 - 15 - walks alone development of their
● Fine motor skills - proximodistal secondary sexual
○ Neonate: strong grasp reflex
characteristics; sometimes
○ 3 months: grasp reflex is
because f the
gone/hands are held open;
“hand regard” = plays with development of the other
hands and often observes their parts of the body of the
hands girl, their height is left
○ 6 months: palmar grasp; holds
big object like feeding bottle with
2 hands
○ 9 months: pincer grasp; thumb ● It’s important for kids to be given
and finger to hold objects not only toys that are for “boys”
○ 12 months: can hold big and but also for girls in order for them
small objects; puts things in and
to learn how to properly socialize
out of containers, throws objects
with the other gender. This is

Q&A: important for the child to learn

● Ma'am may question po ako: how to own up to their actions
Tungkol po dun sa growth stages towards the girls and know how to
nung children po. Bakit po parang treat them properly. This will mold
mabilis po yung growth ng girls at the boys into better father figures
school age if supposedly na nasa in the future.
growth gap po sila? Basing lang
po sa observation na matangkad ● Ma'am hanggang kailan po
pwedeng maging central focus ng
yung girls sa boys po during these
child yung play? Ano po yung
stages mangyayari if pinagbawalan natin
○ A: normally the boys yung bata sa paglalaro? Kailan po
develop slowly because natin sila pwedeng pigilan?
○ Parents are only there to
their secondary sexual
regulate their play time not
characteristics come on a to reprimand them to play
later time compared to a unless the play they like to
girl who sometimes get do is hurting someone
else or if it is starting to
their menstruation as soon
become the real center of
as 9 or 11 years old; it’s their life and they aren’t
also because of the doing their other routine.
genetic makeup of the Play is very powerful so
this is very important for
child; it depends on the the children. However, this
may be addictive that’s
why it should be
regulated. It is dangerous
to make them stop at an
early time because their
needs wont be satisfied at
that age and they would
keep on looking for it.
Safety is a priority but they
should be allowed to play
in order for them to learn.

● During pre-school stage po, sa

Phallic stage ni Freud, diba po
children may start to be curious of
his genitals. Should we allow
toddlers po to touch his genitals?
Ano po yung dapat gawin during
such situations?
○ Yes because this is in
order for them to learn the
differences between
genders. This is ok
because they are just
curious and it isn’t with
malice. They also
shouldnt be teased for it
because they will develop
guilt because of it.

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