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. Applications Programs Su EME centity these applications programs, Screen inlays Conducta survey to find out who in your ass: can name a spreadsheet program hhas used a spreadsheet can name a database program hhas used a database ‘knows how to insert graphics into a document ‘can name a wordprocessing program ‘can centre a line of text ‘ean disable the autocorrect Study this diagram ofa medical centre. Which applications rograms wil be used by the following? 1 Reception 2 Practice Manager 3 Doctors Fie 54 UNIT Applications Programs workin gu ps. Read paragraph A and additional paragraphs ‘selected by your teacher. Complete this note-taking frame for each text you read. Users Use Program types: Data input Output “The gst coms ofS networked PCS, sn n each of he consi Ooms, ne the Practice Manager ace and the other [Reception longi the fle sere (Each BC has stow laser pine) All users have aces co Micra’ Ofc, Doctors we the sytem o access 2 number of dishes The tet important holds the ‘econ fall the patents in the protic. These Sls conta personal deals ad the mediel Inory ofthe patient The doctor a ell up the appointments book prior t de consultation, By ‘king om the patents name; they have nme ace thse patent recor At the ‘end ofeach comltaion, dhe doctor enters brief vente inlading dhe Jago and reement “Ths dathsse can abo be wed to palace stats for research and epors. Doctor can aho acess deogs dase on (CD-ROM which provides presrbing lrmaton on thon of deus slain dir suiliny Fr dierent categories of ptents This ‘spate every month. Another database 2 ‘onions dctonary whick provides information fomavwide ange of problems. Reception sa ue special ered sere developed lam a daabase wo eter llappontanent dates ond times foreach dete ‘The progr generates diy eso ppoinanens and can be accewe by the doctors. Reception we the ptr dese to identify chien and old people aha ate due to have vaccinations They then se mame eee Kets asking for appoints be mae “The Practice Manager ane a pel package based on a preaihee to cle salaries for each employee ofthe hea cence. ‘She enter ll income and expendiaret9 price rctice secon She we database to produce ‘only rota of which doctors are ell in ‘rei ana wockende This ras abe ‘over the necwork toa wer Exchange information with others in your group to complete notes forall the texts. Ask and answer questions like these: 1 2 3 4 Whats the ou How do Reception use the system? ‘What type of program do they use? ‘What kindof data do they enter? itput from the program? UNITS Appiatins Programs 55. To Patient Browser allows you to find specific patients and open thie records. also allows you to Meni eiferent categories of patients, for Menatar— wootBor “To ind patients ft ick on the appropriate tb (Personal. “Address oF Registration), te the search cite A ‘combitation of abe ay be sed (eg enter asurname ‘onder the Personal a and Seta doctor inthe Registration a). Set the eft button if you wish to dear the crea [ses of any existing entre, trto search for al patients, bot the fist may bea ong one. Start the search by eicking on the Find button, Write simple instructions for identifying all male patients. «alled Smith in the 16 to 50 age group registered with Doctors Warner and Roberts. 56 UNITS Applications Programs HERI complete tne gaps in these instructions for fining the recorés fall members ofthe Gren family ving in postcode WA 3PH and registered with any doctor in the practice. 41 Fist enter the search ite by nnn 2 Tomvemnens ener Gren inthe Surname box 3. Ensure bath male and female members ofthe family re found by ‘select the Address tab, conn ner the postcode, --choose the Registration tab. + select All doctors. lek on Find 0 on ‘Study these versions of OficeSuite and decide whch version ovies the best value forthe folowing user. The version are Usted from cheapest to most expense. Officesuite ‘Standard ‘+ wordprocessor + spreadsheet {eseiaton rogram oo UNIT Appliatins Progams 57 1. Asalesperson who wants to make presentations at conferences. 2 An administrative assistant who needs to write ofice correspondence and send and receive emails. 3 Aprogrammer who wants to develop applications tallored toa ‘company’s needs. A company wanting to produce its own In-house newsletter company wishing to develop its own website. company which wants to analyse all its sales records. promotions person who wants to be able to edit complex sraphics and incorporate them in brochures. ‘8 Acompany which wants to share documents on a local area network, Workin pals, Aand 8. Each of you has a review ofa computer 'game. Find out from each other this information: The name of the game. The company who produce it. The platform on which its played. ‘The bad points. The good points. The star rating. ‘Student A Your game detals are on page 185. ‘Student B Your game details are on page 191. Work in groups. Decide which applications programs would be used and for what purpose, by the following: 1 amuseum 2 publishers of a subscription-only magazine 3 police headquarters rite your recommendations for one ofthe users in Task 10 reasons foreach applications program you recommend. she most port, ASPs dont own the data contos ‘ha sore the information. hstod, thy lose space From dota sorage specials nts way, 4 thay con be confident of meeting curlomer incoosng storage requirements by buying more space ass needed ‘Thar’ wide variay of eppicatons avaloble for vio via ASPs, Ofico site oppications ond ‘email servis ore Mo ofthe mos! generic ‘pplication: available hnough ASPs. Large, ‘complex business opplcains sich os tenirtizereiurce planning teal like SAP ave cenater popular candidate for delivery trough on ASP. Other business services, sch os payroll fond accountng syors are also available. This 's particule Beneficial small businesses swtich oe likly fo grow quietly ond den’ want 1 deal with tbe problems caused by ' eulgrowing ther existing systom ond having to Inove fo @ highend pockoge. ASPs aso offer o ‘means of wsing special loos tho! would terwiae prove prohibitively expensive, Small businesses have the opportuni o use sach 10 tooe fr short periods af ines and when hey ‘ed them, rather than having te buy the sefware ai a permanent investment. (One of he mojor borers fr sal businesses sahich want o make o sat n commas ie 15 ensuring tha hey have suficiont resources to cope wth sudden large inreoses in customers. Ths means not only having adequate slorape focal your cusemers' deal, but ensuring that {720 hove the technology in ploce to handle » Sock level, eficien delivery ond large volumes frac I's vey rare for an e-commerce busines to handle all of hose slments by ise, mokiog this one ofthe bestetablshed ‘areas of ASP ute, Being able to respond 1 rapidly to chongos inthe siz0 ol your customer bose ad the type of prodve ht thay wan! to cotder Fom your business, demands more exiblity thon traditional sofware can provide. UNITS Appications Programs. 59 Re-read the text to find the answers to these questions. 1 Note the advantages and disadvantages of using an ASP, 2. Match the items in Table A withthe ‘statements in Table 8. Sef andar porams wed a 1 Facty fo storing lange amounts of information Ii Capacty of a network connection Iv. High capacty Internet connection Selecting program Wi Common enterprise resource planning tool il Applicaton sevice provider vil Colection of elated webpages [3 Using information fom the text, mark the following as True or Fase: 2 Sofware from an ASP must be installed locally ona user's computer You need ahigh bandwidth connection to lise an ASP service. ‘¢_ASPS usualy use their own storage space for customers. 4 Using an ASP gives you more flexibly. {© Ane-commerce business usualy provides all ofthe requieed technology ise [ape om ASP ap you sal ceive by Mogae Waban, Cre Magarin, November 2000) 58 UNITS Applications Programs pce $$ Find the answers to these questions txt below. the 41 How do you pay for the applications provided by an ASP? no charge charged according to use € single payment 2 What two main services does an ASP provide? 3 How does an ASP ensure that they have enough storage space forthe changing ‘needs of customers? ‘4 What types of applications are avalable fom ASPs? 55 Why sit useful for a small business to be able te rent specialist tools from an ASP? {6 Whatis one ofthe best established areas of ASP use? Application Service Providers | your hard dik is packed to busting pony, the IT departments Fr too busy 0 fx your email problems, and your business cant ocd Yo buy the tos tht you'd like 19 develop the compory ‘webaie, the i's me to think about ving on ‘pplication service provider {ASF}, Rother thon instoling sohware on each machine o server ‘within your organization, you rent pplication: from the ASP. which provides remote acess 10 ve the sofware and manages he hardware required to run the aplication “hore oreo lt of advariages fo tis approach The havoc caused by vieuses makes the idea of ‘ulsourcing your emall ond office site services 1 an atractve option alo gives you more Fesibilty ~ you pay for applications os ond when you need them, rather than invesing ino Tet of costly sofware which you're then ed 1 for yoors. Not having o worey abou! upgrading 2» fo the latest version of your ofce ste or cbout batling with the complexes of monaging on ‘emall sytem, leaves businesses wih more tim. Time to focus on what hey do best Howover, there ore some poten ptf. To 2 vie applications remotely requtes alt of bandwith, sich i only really avilable fom 1 broadbend conection of leoed linet he ASP inal ti oles important fo ensure that he ASP willbe able a provide o secre, elise 2» service which willbe cvaleble wherever you raed Providing applieatons and storage space for ‘vs numbers of users requires some powerll technology onthe port of he ASP. This includes 1 secur contls and dota troge as wall providing the physica inks © customers, For i

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