Isn't It Is It: My Teacher He/she My Parents and I We

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Question tags: intrebari cu “nu-i asa?

1)a) cand inainte de virgula este vb TO BE, dupa virgula se rescrie forma

b) daca inainte de virgula verbul este la afirmativ, dupa virgula adaugam

“n’t” verbului TO BE(VERBUL VA FI LA NEGATIV); daca inainte de
virgula verbul este la negativ, dupa virgula, verbul va fi la afirmativ.

c) daca subiectul(primul cuvant din propozitie/inainte de virgula) este

exprimat prin pronume personal(I/YOU/HE/SHE/IT/WE/YOU/THEY), se
rescrie; daca este exprimat prin alta parte de vorbire, se va inlocui cu un
pronume personal.

e.g It is sunny, isn’t it?(nu-i asa?)

It isn’t sunny, is it?

My teacher is happy, isn’t he/she?

My parents and I aren’t sad, are we?

2) cand inainte de virgula sunt 2 verbe: dupa virgula va urma primul verb:

e.g I will go home, won’t I?

I won’t go home, will I?

Sarah can’t fly, can she?

3) cand inainte de virgula este un singur verb,altul decat verbul TO BE,

dupa virgula vom scrie auxiliarul timpului respectiv:

e.g You like chocolate, don’t you?

You don’t like chocolate, do you?

Anna likes chocolate, doesn’t she?

Anna doesn’t like chocolate, ………….?

(does she?)

(nu-i asa?)

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