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Proposal to organise a college event

The lack of events in our college is alarming, in recent years there have been fewer
and fewer events. Although events might not seem important, they would have a huge
effect on students regarding their sense of belonging and develope their skills, whether
is socially,artistically or mathematically.
Recent research has proven that recreational activities might cause an improvement
on the academic performance of students or any individual in that respect. Therefore,
it would be sensible to organise an event in which students may share their interests
and passions. For this reason, I would like to suggest to organise an arts event in which
students will be able to perform and share their artistic preferences with their
classmates and the public, thus creating an special bond with people sharing their
interests. And for those who are not into any artistic discipline, it would be a great
chance for them to be exposed to different art forms.
Firstly, I would organise the music section in which students will be given the
opportunity to perform live music of their preference as long as it is suitable for the
event. Moreover, it might be an excellent idea to bring a music teacher who can give
some pieces of advice to the performers or people interested in music.
As for plastic arts section, such as painting, sculpture and ceramics,it will take place in
an special area where it will be possible possible for them to not worry about leaving
stains all over. Painters will be given a canvas and a wide range of materials for them
to be able to express in the best way possible. In addition, they will be able to put their
pieces for sale if they wish.
It is extremely important to take into account the students needs to have some
creative activities, in this way they will be more engaged in classes and might improve
the college reputation. I hope that these proposals will be given due consideration.
This would make the students feel more relaxed and comfortable at
college, resulting in better performances while studying.

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