Learning Evidence 2 Laura Tarea Ingles 2 Activity 2

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Learning evidence 2. You can say it better.


Laura Camila Escorcia Bello.

David Santiago Barrero Molina

English II

Digital University Institution of Antioquia.

Step one:
Situation 1
I always have to do everything by myself! You never help me.
Why do you say that? I sweep and mop the floor everyday.
But you make me feel bad when you do it unwillingly.
You know I don’t like to do household chores. Sorry.

Problems that can be observed.

1. In my opinion, the first problem that is observed is a dislike of both parties, since
one is disgusted because he claims that he does the toilet alone and the other
person does not help him, and on the other hand the other person, He claims that
statement and tells him that he sweeps and mops every day too.
2. The second problem that is observed is that the other person is judged, blamed
and victimized.

step two:

step three:
Non-Assertive Communication:
"It's that you make me feel excluded."
He is not assertive because he blames and victimizes himself.

Assertive communication:
"When you didn't send me an invitation to yesterday's meeting, I felt left out."
He is assertive because he takes responsibility for his emotions, he is specific, and
he talks about actions and their impact.


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