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SECTION 1 Theories and methods 1 politics Klaus von Beyme CChapter contents 2ERBRw 28 klaus von Beyme Introduction Comparative pol “The pre-movlern sage or the tw comparison since Aristotle ws and normative, mostly ethnocentric used compar Tn bis Ragga ‘wae summoned ty Apollo]on Mount Parnasas and vwaming for modem states, The diachronic com- parisons treated various systems like contemporary But they didnot help to develop eitiat methodology of cormparison, ia reaction tothe French sd gave up the ant-companntive biae of hirorict, soriography to spread in all modern societies. pretest denounce thethress of ‘experiments were unfeasible. Early comparisons in ‘thepre-moderners were obsessed with nding simi antes: Only the twentieth century waste primacy ‘ofthe Method of Dilerence increasingly develope, ‘of comparative polite. 30. Klaus von Beye hell, Montesquieu, and Toequeibe come lose founding a medern compaate 9 Select This was setnonledged by John Stuart ic comparison as led experiment 10 rent ioe cay st. In and Hold Lak created an ally—offers more precise proof for modernity than jel political theory. die «continental polit theory. Spencer among the‘ ‘al groups which consider schola sdeologies. There is no longer the hope for a procestesaflere, Historical revench ‘philosopher king who combines knowiede and weve, t0 suspect auch txnnomise 2 ‘of comparative polite in political science because ‘ofthe mathematical character ofthe most influential ‘economic models ‘The German Siatschre (theory of state), ested the socal system are sep We shocld not identify the modern breakthrough to scent comparisons with behaviurism, 35 sometimes oceurs in American literature. Even he broader and less rigid form of ‘tehavioual- s'— which dominated fora while the terchbea- ical rational of the nao-p Kar Popper ws laterkcn on nting what itclled es. Charles Merriam and other founders of political science in the US were more tolerant and “und of hepe was renewed, colaeed between 1849 and 1989. “The diving fore behind thie was that Schmit nd lingo (998) : Da cPand eT « Chant 2 amet Gand 3 Se @ o 7 mend Ge 7 @ easton andr * _ crane set Coamivt Vontome Chant athe than by the rely oftheir in anthropology. Stems theory onthe contrary i h wee ale to ere s ; Typologies and classifications: the first step to comparison The snot smiardeg’ of omarion wail 248) called deci " : + Techniques of seking and interpreting data have tobe developed + Quanticition and measusement inthe seconding of ds, + Values as distinguished between propositions e- lating to ethical evaluation and those rating to cempitial explanation. + "Pure science’, or the secking of understanding and esplanstion af ehaviour befor wilztion af knowlege fr solution of societal problems. + Integration of political research with that of ther ‘Only ence poi ‘widespread, but some researchers prefered ‘most Pacement of dichotomous restmentby Aieentapten deer Pmewnlant Teme 97: ion Aonkg Suto! he ion by ee also Chapter 3 below). In historia! per~ degrees lead to ogi messiness. remodern and Similarities weremosydemonstatedby some modern typologies do et live upto hese gid hedifusionofinsttutions.amethod wielyeppliedstteria. The preicaments of ypelogel work as « «matcal models, One branch of palitcal science rook verthiskind of approach Anthoay Davin gave the American and German rankings sine Somit and ‘Tepenbaus (1964: 65) and Falter and Kliogemann (2998) have shown that comparative scholars had the highes reputations among their coleagues In rads shold he teste primarily by the accuracy of Klaus von Beyme ‘gine types shovld net reinvent Gresc notions += Kichenho (1967) di bat rather try and find a altel wens terminology imbued with traditional percepdons of poles and can hardly proceod ike chemistry or medicine in preserving purely sientifc jagon. As an cample of this by wotes of non-confidence Comparative politics, influenced by omy even sugested hat theefference hetwoon capitalist and communist systems in the ‘Typalgies in comparative socal Engels fevdls, Commie ‘Ad and Verte committee ofnotables Mokiied party genie in (eominea) chavs he evluton of Table 1.2 (canine Authors Types ape ‘Mobilization devdoping seme Conocnional dewseying a Made we ig developing ‘wat widely shared estumption, especialy ia can political science, though lesson Europe ‘where the remains of deoogial debates were sill “The behaviourist epprosch in the 19505 and 1960s frequenty staned with survey studies of individuals, Therefore it wie normally les epen to traninstional comparions. The predicament of the small number of cases for comparison drove "The'Quas-Eastoninn inthe schoo] of Dye (1966) nd Hofer, onthe other hand, overcame the ak ‘ofeory by adapting abundantly the terminology of steuctural-funtionlsystemstheory.On the round fof a modernization theory this approach had one polizy output. But tie policy frist was mas pt of path dependence wes introdvced to explain why so many rising expectations for reform laid filed in the 1970s, Restrict ‘zted by historical developments and institntional borirs, left only ‘narrow corridors and windows ‘of opportunity for policy action (on path de- pendence see Chapter 21). To avoid a new kind fof hstoricism it was important that compar earch wat growing in order to avoid “eulture- ‘bound genesiatons as a danger of one-country studies The hopes for reform proved to be de- pendent on the ‘ype of decision which hes been Pay Taboos Pay Cansrutive Party aid Ga ‘ae in ‘Uisice Unionist Paty Secal Democratic and tabour Par independent eigec 15.999 ‘a,3i0 Wiles: 1 county boro, 9 oui, 2s and arty system Rests ofthe 2005 lgiative elect onan a (eonnued) 38 Klaus von Beyme COUNTRY PROFILE United Kingtiom fontioued The typologies of policy fields and instruments of poites wee soon connected by the network ap- fin the ‘archaeological comparzone simed at furterplutelization of dt- ‘ decioa-tnakng proces (dep ‘es, nterest groups, and administrators who prepare of development—under the impact of recnomic theory—was more inteesed in forecasting fi- ture developments than in sete description of facts, Comparative politics in post-modern times -moderits accept post-riederism conly ata stage of moderrity which implements i base principles in « more consequential and sys tematic way than clesical moderiy, Ie cannot be soccer eae eens Sowers pnesintereainsipefpaltalteny ——aneadeensteepel imps ‘toward comparisons. The eras af ‘pre-modernity’, = tional order Some formic choles, sich aon (Merk er a-2003) ‘The acceptance of three workds—the capita fst Wiest, the communist world, and the ‘Third ‘World—unt 1989 included the acceptance of a plurality of sates. After the beelowa of com: convergences are growing modem vaistions of st sore plausible than before ogi Maturara in the ealy 1980s developed bypothesis that no country in the world nes chapter TH Conclusion cvoltion of comparative polities was not the breakdown of communism. After 1945 'eof American political cence broadened to Worldwide teres in area and sats stds ‘The Uehavioual revolution’ for awhile seemed 'o devo into a kind of dominant paradigm—but only in the United States. The evens after 1968 tnd consolidation ofthe new democracies was one Bu eon the fare of consslidston 42 Klaus von Beyme corraratie lisse: chal and Sets noite Scene Newby Park, World trends sayreeiaied "-tsseoepet — nee dened —— Wn ute on ‘or roomate Online dirs ofthe soca scenes ‘itp corto scuREStheoy nl Poli hear ees, irtemet eources optical seri (Univer of Colao, ule). wr palishes ee? Founda fp | teat an ane ston of he Amaican Poa SrenceAssaaten. 1 2 3. wot chaaezes comparative pales in made test “4, What wasthe contrbution of the behavioural revelutcn’ tothe deuepment ofa scleriie compte wy Visit the Online Resource Centre that accompanies this Book for more information: 5 & 7 Wy id camoaratne pls progres 4 Does pls determine pies or the oer way ound? Wat he ue 10. what eye helical event inetced the evolution of comparzie ples?

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