Natalie Kranick Student - Heritagehs - Final Copy of s2 Webquest Colegio Williams

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Nombre: Natalie Kranick Fecha: 2/8/21

WebQuest: Colegio Williams

You are visiting Colegio Williams, a private school in Mexico. Follow the instructions below to navigate the
website and answer the questions. Log in to Google Classroom to get the link to the main website.

1. Start on the home page and scroll down. ¿Es el colegio nuevo (new) o viejo (old)? El colegio es viejo.

Click on “Historia” and watch the video on the page:

2. At the time the video was recorded, how long ago was Colegio Williams founded?
A. 115 years ago
B. 150 years ago
C. 100 years ago
D. 120 years ago

3. What country did the founder (John Williams) come from?

A. México
B. Francia (France)
C. Inglaterra (England)
D. Los Estados Unidos (USA)

4. What do they call the oldest building in the school?

A. El castillo
B. El colegio
C. La secundaria
D. La oficina

5. ¿Qué es importante en el Colegio Williams?

A. Las matemáticas
B. Los deportes
C. La tecnología
D. La religión

6. As you look at the different installations at the school on the video, how would you describe the school? Use
at least three adjectives (In English). Nice, old, good school/academics.

7. ¿Se puede (can you) practicar deportes en el Colegio Williams?

A. Si
B. No

8. Stay on the “Historia” page and scroll down. ¿Cuáles son los valores (values) del colegio? (Choose all that
A. Biofilia (el amor a la vida)
B. Perseverancia
C. Responsabilidad
D. La colaboración
E. La igualdad
F. La autonomía
Nombre: Natalie Kranick Fecha: 2/8/21
WebQuest: Colegio Williams

9. Stay on the “Historia” page and scroll down. ¿Qué es la mascota del colegio?
A. Un caballo
B. Un tigre
C. Un gatito
D. Un husky

Scroll to the top of the page and find the main menu (blue bar). Click on “Modelo Educativo”:

10. Click on the video. Write the equivalent of the classes below in Spanish:

a. Horseback riding clases de equitación

b. Sustainable learning educación sustentable

c. Teaching farm granja didactica

d. Swimming natación

e. Trilingual education educación trilingüe

11. ¿Cuáles actividades del video te interesan (interest you) más? List at least two. (Answer in Spanish)
clases de equitación, granja didáctica, y natación.

Scroll to the top of the page and find the main menu (blue bar). Click on “Deportes”:

12. ¿Qué significa “deportes”? Sports

13. Which sports does Colegio Williams offer? Highlight all that apply. Then, note the Spanish words for each
sport below on the worksheet and in your vocabulary sheets. The first has been done for you as an example.
A. Basketball - Básquetbol
B. Tennis - tenis
C. Soccer - futbol
D. Cheerleading - Porras
E. Flag football - flag futbol
F. Golf
G. Gymnastics - gimnasia olímpica
H. Hockey
I. Swimming - natación
J. Scuba diving - buceo
K. Horseback riding (equestrian)
L. Dance - danza

Go to the main menu at the top of the page (blue bar). Click on “Instalaciones” to see a drop down menu.

14. ¿Cuántos campuses tiene el Colegio Williams? tres

Nombre: Natalie Kranick Fecha: 2/8/21
WebQuest: Colegio Williams

Click on each campus to see what each offers. (Mixcoac, San Jerónimo, Ajusco)

15. ¿En cuál campus se encuentra (find) la granja didáctica?

A. Mixcoac
B. San Jerónimo
C. Ajusco

16. ¿En cuál campus se encuentran (find) la primaria, secundaria, y la preparatoria?

A. Mixcoac
B. San Jerónimo
C. Ajusco

17. ¿En cuál campus se encuentra (find) la cancha de fútbol soccer?

A. Mixcoac
B. San Jerónimo
C. Ajusco

18. Click on the links to the three campuses and scroll down on each page. Look at the photos. How would you
describe this school? What parts of the school do you like the most? Why? (In English)
I think this school is very nice and well kept, the architecture is pretty, and the school seems very large. I like
the outdoor spaces because they look large and a fun place to be.

Scroll to the main menu at the top of the page (blue bar). Click on “Lenguas”:

19. What is a synonym in Spanish for “lenguas” on this page? Idiomas.

20. ¿Qué significa, "Entre más idiomas conozcas, más humano eres"?
That they teach many different languages at the school to benefit many.

21. ¿Cuales idiomas estudian en Colegio Williams? (Answer in Spanish) Inglés, Francés, y Español.

22. Watch the video on this page. How have the students at this school used English in their lives? (Answer in
a. Santiago: Learning english has helped him to express himself and expand his territory.
b. Marisol: It's not only the academic experience but the social experience too. It opens new doors and
c. Cecilia: It makes a better world for our future.
23. Stay on the “Lenguas” page and scroll to the bottom. ¿Qué certificaciones (certifications) en inglés
pueden recibir los estudiantes?
A. AP y IB
B. Cambridge y IB
C. Cambridge y AP

Scroll to the top of the page and find the main menu (blue bar). Click on “Actividades Extraescolares”:
Nombre: Natalie Kranick Fecha: 2/8/21
WebQuest: Colegio Williams

24. Watch the video. ¿Por qué Gustavo escogió (chose) Colegio Williams para sus hijos (children)?
A. Tuvo una mala experiencia
B. Tuvo una buena experiencia
C. No tiene experiencia con la escuela
D. No le gustan las otras escuelas en México

25. ¿Qué hace la hija de Gustavo? (Choose all that apply)

A. Habla inglés
B. Practica la natación
C. Lee libros
D. Hace la gimnasia

26. ¿Qué le gusta de la escuela? (Choose all that apply)

A. Los colores
B. Los profesores
C. La tradición
D. Es moderno

27. Scroll down. ¿Cómo se dice “chess” en español? Ajedrez

Scroll to the top of the page and find the main menu. Click on “Nivel Escolar” to see the drop down menu:

28. ¿Cuántos niveles (grade levels) tiene Colegio Williams? cuatro

29. Click on each grade level and scroll through the grade level pages. Based on what you see in pictures and
other information on the pages, what do you think are the equivalents to these levels in the United States?
Answer in English.
a. Preescolar: Pre school
b. Primaria: Elementary part of Middle School
c. Secundaria: Part of Middle School and High School
d. Preparatoria: Early College

30. Take some time to explore the website a little more, look at the photos, and watch more videos. Compare
Colegio Williams to Heritage High School, or other schools here in the United States. Write at least five full
sentences in English:
Colegio Williams and Heritage High have great academic programs and many sports and activities. Colegio
Williams is also a private school while Heritage is public. Colegio Williams has three language choices English,
Spanish, and French while Heritage has English, Spanish, French, and Chinese. The grade levels are also a
little different, Colegio Williams doesn't have individual grades unlike Heritage High with 9th, 10th, 11th, and
12th grades. The architecture of the buildings are very different, Colegio Williams is a castle school while ours
is a normal boring looking school.

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