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25 May 2021

Spain, U.S salvage company or Peru?

In this case, even though the U.S marine exploration company found the treasure, they

found the treasure that belonged to Spain which had originated from Peru on a business trip to

Spain. The treasure contains materials that were from Peruvian soil in accordance with Peru

foreign ministry. Notably considering that the ship was on a commercial trip and it never reached

the intended destination, then the goods still remain to be the property of the owner in this case,

the property would be ruled in favor of Peru.

However, noting that international treaty generally holds that warships that are sunk

during battleship are protected from the treasure seekers means that U.S marine exploration had

no jurisdiction over this area (Ochoa, 2019). If I were a judge, in this case, I would rule in favor

of Peru considering that the treasure in concern was mined from their field and never reached its

destination. Notably, this was a time when barter trade was being conducted, and this means that

the treasure hadn’t been paid for, thus ruling in favor of Peru would help them regain their lost

property. Ruling in favor of Spain would mean that Spain would have to pay Peru for the

amount equivalent to the treasure for Spain to have rightful ownership claim.

JP Morgan - Justice Department Settlement: Was it Fair or Flawed?

The settlement was fair as it brought to light the unscrupulous actions of involving JP

Morgan defrauding customers and the government by labeling junk mortgages as good risks to

the customers a case that resulted in billions of losses (Morgenson, 2019). In addition, the bank
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bought defective loans from other financial institutions with the aim of taking quick action on

securitizing them and then passing them to their customers. The actions of this bank means that it

was at the heart of what caused the housing bubble as when the loans started turning out to be

bad, then the faith in the banking system declined which turned the housing crisis to a financial


Secondly, the settlement was fair as it served as a clear indication that no financial

institution no matter how big they might be, is above the law. The settlement means that the

government and investors in the home owned mortgage who suffered losses as a result of the

bank’s actions would be compensated. In addition, the settlement calls for concerns about the

protection that the big institution receives from the government leaves the investors and the

customers at risk of being manipulated by the institutions for their financial gains. The outcome

of the case calls for the regulation and oversight of the security markets to deter such cases from

reoccurring. The fine to JP Morgan serves as a show to other financial institutions that no matter

the time taken, justice will prevail. However, even though the settlement is fair to the investor,

government and customers, then secrecy through which the process followed raises questions.

Future of the Bond Markets: Choppy Waters or Smooth Sailing?

Morgan recorded great success after employing the back to basics approach. This

followed a series of decision by the firm to limit risky involvement on the businesses, a move

that resulted in increased success and revenue in the past quarters (Stevenson, 2019).  However,

Ruth Porat, Morgan’s chief financial officer argued that the unpredictability of political and

government impasses has turned to be the biggest headwind for the market. Notably, in the case

where the members of parliament fail to agree on how to spend funds on certain projects past
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their deadline, there are risks of the shutdown that in turn affects the stock market and the

operations of businesses. Following a shutdown businesses incur losses.

Coming up with a permanent solution for government impasses is almost impossible.

This is because, even though a complete resolution to the current issue is possible, but many

issues are bound to rise in the future which will result in more impasses. Secondly, in the case

where the deadline has passed over certain bills, the members of parliament would opt to device

a temporary solution to the challenge at hand a case that increases the chances of the same issue

reoccurring again. Therefore, the future of Bond’s markets is unpredictable and is likely to

provide smooth sails with occasional choppy waters. However, the government should

implement measures that will ensure that parliament resolves their debates within the stipulated

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Work cited

Morgenson, G. (2019). A $13 Billion Reminder of What’s Wrong. [online] Nytimes.com.

Available at: https://www.nytimes.com/2013/10/27/business/a-13-billion-reminder-of-

whats-wrong.html?_r=0 [Accessed 4 Feb. 2019].

OCHOA, D. (2019). The San Diego Union-Tribune - We are currently unavailable in your

region. [online] Sandiegouniontribune.com. Available at:


florida-2012feb25-story.html [Accessed 4 Feb. 2019].

Stevenson, A. (2019). Morgan Stanley, Under Gorman, Returns to Basics and Profit. [online]

DealBook. Available at: https://dealbook.nytimes.com/2013/10/18/morgan-stanley-

quarterly-profit-beats-estimates/?_r=0 [Accessed 4 Feb. 2019].

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