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Final-Term Exam (Take-Home) Fall – 2020

Faculty of Business Administration

REG NO: 46835

Subject: Organization Theory and Design Submission Day: Saturday

Instructor: Dr. Sajjad Khan/ Dr. Ramaisa/ Dr. Mudassir Submission Date: 30 Jan
Program: BBA Max. Marks: 40

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8. Provide relevant, original and conceptual answers, as this exam aims to test your ability to
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Attempt all questions, all questions carry equal marks

Q1. A) Why do large organizations tend to have larger ratios of clerical and administrative support staff?
Why are they typically more formalized than small organizations? (Word Limit 150-200, 5 Marks)

Larger organizations have bigger administrative and authoritative help staffs because of the
accompanying reasons:

Complex Systems of Work: As association develops and turns out to be enormous the whole framework
turns out to be more intricate. Hence, bigger care staff is needed to work proficiently.

Greater Communications and Reporting: Clerical staff is needed to speak with the clients and higher

The bigger proportion of administrative and regulatory staff empowers the organization to be sure to
accept difficulties and open doors ahead of time. The explanation being they have enough assets and

The enormous organization are more formalized than the small organizations because of the
accompanying reasons:

Emergence of Bureaucracy: The huge association has more significant level of organization, in this
manner they should be more formalized to work effectively

Achieving Standardization: In request to accomplish progress and normalization bigger association must
be formalized.

Innovation: Separate Research and Development offices are set up to accomplish Innovation. In this
manner bigger associations are formalized to accomplish wanted objectives.

The significant objective of the huge association is to achieve inner security and generally speaking
business sector development. This is conceivable through the formalization.

B) A noted organization theorist said, “Pressure for change originates in the environment; pressure for
stability originates within the organization.” Do you agree? Discuss (Word Limit 150-200, 5 Marks)

Indeed. I do concur with the statement. All associations and individuals like to work in stable
environment. There is a pressing factor for change from outside environment. It very well may be in
type of market pressure, dread of contender, government guideline and so forth Model: Government
may incorporate another assessment system because of which there are changes in item valuing,
monetary information detailing and so on Along these lines, it is the environment change. Likewise, the
contender may present new item which does very well on the lookout, thus, an association additionally
carries changes to present comparable item.

Be that as it may, if the environment is steady, association will stay pretty much steady. Regardless of
whether there is interest for change, individuals inside the association oppose the progressions and like
to keep up the norm. Thus, pressure inside the association is consistently of soundness.



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A) Above is the Parrow’s model of Service Technologies. Based on the above model explain Variety
and Analyzability. (Word Limit 150-200, 5 Marks)
Analyzability. This refers to the extent that one thing might be examined. This principally refers to
breaking down of undertaking or technique and as seen inside the chart, routine assignments are more
obligated to being dissected. Consequently if any strategy or errand can be examined like account deals
figure, that may be mechanized and utilized as a support of be given to the association. Though, errands
like administrative dynamic, initiative, methodology which are difficult to research as they consider
numerous components along with a social or human component, couldn't be computerized. Employing
right applicant is best model for administration that is low on analyzability.

Variety. This refers to variation in work that a representative is embraced, the more the fluctuation
in tasks or exercises, the troublesome it'd be robotized. Model, bank occupations which have
tedious exercises would have low assortment and high analyzability. Accordingly bank
occupations likely could be mechanized all the more effectively when contrasted with different

B) Where would your university or college department be located on above Perrow’s technology
framework? (Word Limit 150-200, 5 Marks)

The college or university department will be situated between create innovation and the non everyday

This is on the grounds that the assortment and examination in these departments is neither too little nor
to an extreme. The University or College Department is arranged under Craft Technologies for the
accompanying reasons:

Issues should be addressed for wisdom, experience and information.

Preparing and experience are needed to turn into a teacher or speaker in a college.

The change cycle isn't surely understood.

In a rapidly changing organization, are decisions more likely to be made using the rational or political
model of organization? Discuss with related examples? (Word Limit 350, 10 Marks).

In the rational organizatonal model, an association follows a centralized structure. In spite of this, the
associations utilizing a political organizatonal model follows a decentralized construction.

In rapidly changing business associations, choices are bound to be made utilizing political model of
association. Rapidly changing business associations faces more differences and clashes when contrasted
with others. The essential purposes for utilizing political model in such associations are its serious level
of force and impact that helps in viably dealing with the high clash. Moreover, political model are more
capable and adaptable to address the rapidly changing necessities of a unique association.
In contrast to political model, the reasonable model shows little separation and less adaptability. Hence,
this model couldn't deal with the quickly changing necessities of a powerful association. Because of
these reasons, rational model isn't used by the quickly changing business associations. For example, is
that at their center associations are data preparing frameworks, where data incorporates information
about items, markets, creation strategies, the board methods, account, laws, and the numerous different
elements engaged with maintaining a business. A fruitful association, the hypothesis goes, follows up on
important data and disregards the superfluous. At last, the association that dominates at preparing data
encourages learning and the improvement of new information. Different models of associations center
around characteristics, for example, force and subjection, culture and transformation, and productivity.
Association hypothesis is inspected here essentially from an authentic viewpoint that momentarily sums
up its development.

Do you think computer decision making systems can effectively take ethical issues into account? What
is the role of human decision makers in creating ethical choices? (Word Limit 350, 10 Marks).

PC Decision Making System can't be adequately consider moral issues.
PC can't settle on choices that incorporate moral thought. PCs settle on choice based on accessible data
and not think about the moral qualities.

Human leaders assume a significant part in making moral decisions in deciding. Human chief make moral
decisions in dynamic to serve both an individual and the entire association. Human choices which
incorporate morals are useful for both, an individual and the entire association.

Innovativeness is both a conceived and made. A few people have intrinsic innovativeness. In any case,
everyone has an expertise of inventiveness, which is to be clean. Everybody has innovativeness yet
seldom use it.
NDA is imaginative, modest and magnetic Whereas SB is likewise innovative and her critical thinking
mentality, exertion and independent character are the explanation she a fruitful individual.
In every day life an individual use Perception and Decision making. Numerous elements impact insight,
for example, perspectives, thought processes, interests, insight, time, size, foundation, comparability and
some more.

In short dynamic is decision from the at least two other option. Insight is use in dynamic. Dynamic
incorporates six stages from characterizing an issue to the choice of the best other options.
In dynamic some regular inclination and mistakes are there which isn't useful for the association. Dynamic
is influenced by numerous Common predisposition and blunders, for example, pomposity inclination,
mooring predisposition, affirmation inclination, irregularity mistake, hazard avoidance, knowing the past
inclination and some more.

Dynamic is additionally influenced by the individual contrasts. Singular contrast may incorporate sex,
prior to settling on any choice ladies think a great deal than men. She cautiously investigations the choice
once made. Character and societies of an individual likewise remember for singular contrasts which
influence dynamic.
Association limitations additionally impact the dynamic. The principle association limitation is time limit
then after standards and guideline which impact the dynamic.

Dynamic should incorporate Ethical thought. The three moral choice rules in dynamic are: utilitarianism,
rights and judges. Dynamic is likewise influenced by the inventiveness. Chief should be inventive. His
inventiveness use in dynamic like for arrangement of issue or assembling the data identified with the

The End

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