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Chinese Journal of Aeronautics, (2019), 32(4): 785–798

Chinese Society of Aeronautics and Astronautics

& Beihang University
Chinese Journal of Aeronautics

A review of recent advancements in finite element

formulation for sandwich plates
Shehzaib IRFAN *, Faisal SIDDIQUI

Aerospace Engineering Department, College of Aeronautical Engineering, National University of

Sciences and Technology, Risalpur 44000, Pakistan

Received 2 February 2018; revised 28 March 2018; accepted 15 June 2018

Available online 6 January 2019

KEYWORDS Abstract Use of composite structures is exponentially growing in different fields due to their
Buckling; higher strength-to-weight ratio. This application trend requires that accurate theoretical explana-
Finite element; tions and their finite element models be developed for analyzing sandwich plates before finalizing
FSDT; the designs. This paper reviews the recent research trends of finite element formulations developed
HSDT; for analyzing sandwich plates. This paper reviews the finite element models developed after the year
Laminated composites; 2000. Initially, the finite element formulations based on first order shear deformation theory, higher
Piezoelectric; order shear deformation theories, mixed solid-shell elements, zig-zag theories and global–local the-
Sandwich plates; ories are presented. Then, some finite element formulations developed to analyze a very new class of
Zig-zag theory structures called piezoelectric structures are presented. At the end, some formulations to analyze a
very critical phenomenon called buckling are presented.
Ó 2019 Chinese Society of Aeronautics and Astronautics. Production and hosting by Elsevier Ltd. This is
an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (

1. Introduction to a class of composite structures known as sandwich plates.

These plates are generally made up of two thin face sheets
Advancements in technology have paved the way for transition and a core which is sandwiched between the two face sheets.
of composite structures from secondary to primary structural These face sheets are made up of metal or composites and core
components. Due to this status upgrade, these composite is generally a honeycomb or foam. This composition of sand-
structures have to sustain higher loads, which consequently wich plates results in multiple advantages which include high
demands that thicker composite structures must be designed. stiffness and strength, capability to absorb energy and higher
This requirement of thick composite structures has given rise strength-to-weight ratio. Due to these advantages, sandwich
plates are finding their applications in the field of aerospace,
wind turbines, marine and civil industries. Therefore, accurate
* Corresponding author.
theoretical explanations are of prime importance based on
E-mail addresses: (S. IRFAN), faisal@ which this class of structures can be analyzed accurately. Clas- (F. SIDDIQUI).
sical Plate Theory (CPT) is the simplest model which can be
Peer review under responsibility of Editorial Committee of CJA.
used to analyze the sandwich plates. CPT gives accurate
enough layers which are not very high but it gives highly inac-
curate results otherwise. Therefore, higher order theories are
Production and hosting by Elsevier required for accurately modeling the behavior of sandwich
1000-9361 Ó 2019 Chinese Society of Aeronautics and Astronautics. Production and hosting by Elsevier Ltd.
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (

plates. Simple cases can be solved analytically using these the- (3) Transverse normal remains perpendicular to middle sur-
ories but complex structures require Finite Element (FE) face after rotation
method because of its versatility and user-friendly behavior.
Ha1 has reviewed the FE formulations of sandwich plates As a consequence of these assumptions, the only non-zero
prior to 1990. Yang et al2 reviewed the advancements between strains experienced by the plate are exx, eyy and exy. This theory
1985 and 2000, and Zhang and Yang3 reviewed the literature fails to capture the shear stress in the plate and therefore gives
between 1990 and 2007. The most recent review on computa- inaccurate results for a thick plate. Hence there is a need to
tional models used for analyzing sandwich plates was done have an alternate which can give accurate results for both thin
by Kreja4 in 2011. Based on this trend, it can be concluded that and thick plates. This alternative was presented by Mindlin6
a lot of effort has been made by researchers to build accurate and Reissner7 in form of FSDT which neglects the third
FE models of sandwich plates, thus generating a requirement assumption of CPT. By neglecting the third assumption, the
of reviewing the literature on a periodical basis. Therefore, a non-zero strains in plate now are exx, eyy, exy, exz and eyz.
latest review of the finite element models which are developed Majority of the theoretical formulations built for sandwich
after the year 2000 on the base of different theories for analyz- plates assumes that thin face sheets obey the assumptions of
ing sandwich plates has been presented in this paper. Around CPT while soft core does not. Researchers have dedicated a
85% of the reviewed literature in this paper is published after lot of effort in modeling the behavior of soft core and have
2007. Initially, a review of very latest theoretical models for come up with different theoretical explanations. Tounsi et al.8
analyzing sandwich plates has been presented. Authors could presented a refined trigonometric shear deformation theory for
not find the finite element formulations based on these models, analyzing functionally graded sandwich plates under thermo
therefore stimulating the readers to develop FE formulations elastic bending loads. Number of unknowns in the presented
based on these very new models. Then, FE formulations on theory is only four which is one less than most of the available
basis of different theories are presented, which include First- shear deformation models. This model does not require any
order Shear Deformation Theory (FSDT), Higher-order Shear shear correction factor. Predicted shear stress distribution is
Deformation Theories (HSDTs), global–local theories and parabolic in the thickness direction, thus satisfying the condi-
Zig-Zag theories. Then some mixed FE formulations are pre- tion of shear stress free surfaces. Less number of unknowns
sented, which use solid-shell formulations to analyze sandwich makes this theoretical model simpler in application. Recently,
plates. Then FE formulations based on global–local theories Siddiqui9 proposed an extended higher-order theory for sand-
are presented. Then some FE formulations for piezoelectric wich plates with arbitrary aspect ratio also known as
sandwich plates and at the end some FE formulations focusing EHSAPT. In this formulation, all six strains in the core (exx,
on buckling and stability are presented. Further, it is acknowl- eyy, ezz, eyz, exz, and exy) were considered to be non-zero, thus
edged that due to limitation of space many relevant publica- fully capturing the compressibility effects of the core in all
tions could not be included in this review for which authors three directions. Hebali et al.10 presented a new quasi-3D
apologize. hyperbolic shear deformation theory for the bending and
dynamic analysis of functionally graded plates. The number
2. Theoretical models for sandwich plates of unknowns and governing equations of the present theory
were reduced, thus making its application less complicated.
The presented model takes into account both transverse shear
As already discussed, a sandwich plate typically consists of two
thin face sheets and a soft core sandwiched between those as and normal deformations without requiring a shear correction
shown in Fig. 1. factor. The number of unknown functions involved in dis-
placement field is only five in the presented theoretical model.
The CPT presented by Kirchhoff5 is the simplest theoretical
Bousahla et al.11 presented a trigonometric higher-order
explanation which models the behavior of plates and assumes
that theory which accounts for stretching in static analysis of func-
tionally graded plates. The number of unknowns in the pre-
sented theory is only five. Governing differential equations of
(1) Transverse normal before and after deformation remain
straight the model are derived using principle of virtual work and the
(2) Transverse normal do not experience elongation physical neutral surface concept. Navier-type analytical solu-
tion was obtained for functionally graded plate under trans-
verse loading and was compared with benchmark solution to
validate the theory. Belabed et al.12 presented an efficient and
simple higher-order shear and normal deformation theory for
Functionally Graded Material (FGM) plates. Number of
unknowns in the presented theory is only five. Presented theory
predicts a hyperbolic variation of all displacements in the thick-
ness direction. It also satisfies the stress-free boundary condi-
tions on the surfaces of the plate without requiring any shear
correction factor. Governing differential equations of the the-
ory has been derived using Hamilton’s principle. Presented the-
ory is simple in application and accurate in static and dynamic
analysis of functionally graded sandwich plates. Bourada
et al.13 presented a refined trigonometric higher-order beam
theory for analyzing bending and vibration of functionally
Fig. 1 Configuration of a typical sandwich plate. graded beams. This theory models the displacement field with
A review of recent advancements in finite element formulation for sandwich plates 787

three unknowns as in Timoshenko beam theory, and the thick- the plate. Comparison of the results show that the presented
ness stretching effect is also included, which results in non-zero model is significantly accurate for this particular case. Abual-
transverse normal strain. Presented theory does not require a nour et al.23 presented a shear deformation theory for dynamic
shear correction factor and governing differential equations analysis of functionally graded plates, and similar to Bourada
are derived using Hamilton’s principle. Yahia et al.14 has devel- et al.24, they also considered the transverse normal stains to be
oped various higher-order shear deformation plate theories for non-zero. This model takes five unknowns into consideration
wave propagation in functionally graded plates. Main focus of and does not use any shear correction factor. This model is
the developed models is to model the wave propagation in developed for analysis of simply supported plates. Draiche
functionally graded plates which occurs due to porosities in et al.25 did the static analysis of composite sandwich plates
the plates. The governing differential equations of the wave by using a higher-order shear deformation theory which
propagation in the functionally graded plate are derived using assumes that transverse normal strains are not zero. These
Hamilton’s principle. The presented model can be applied in results were compared with classical plate theory, first-order
the structural health monitoring of functionally graded plates. shear deformation theory, Reddy’s higher-order shear defor-
Hamidi et al.15 presented a sinusoidal plate theory for bend- mation theory, higher-order shear and normal deformation
ing analysis of functionally graded sandwich plates under ther- theory and elasticity solution. This comparison showed that
mal and mechanical loading. Number of unknowns in the the presented model is significantly accurate. Bellifa et al.26
current model is five. Comparison of the results obtained using presented a first-order shear deformation theory for bending
current model shows that proposed theory accurately predicts and free vibration analysis of functionally graded plates.
the behavior of functionally graded sandwich plates under Governing differential equations are developed using the clas-
thermo-mechanical loading. Mahi and Tounsi16 presented a sical first-order shear deformation theory and neutral surface
hyperbolic shear deformation theory for bending and analysis concept. Current theory is efficient as well as accurate for
of all types of sandwich plates. This model has five Degrees of bending and free vibration analysis of the functionally graded
Freedom (DOFs) which does not need shear correction factor. plates. Bellifa et al.27 also developed a zeroth-order shear
Moreover, differential equations are obtained using Hamil- deformation theory for nonlinear buckling analysis of Nano
ton’s principle. Meziane et al.17 presented a refined shear beams. It is different from the existing shear deformation the-
deformation theory for the dynamic and buckling analysis of ories in terms of rotational displacements. This theory consid-
exponentially graded material sandwich plate placed on an ers axial displacements within the use of shear forces instead of
elastic foundation. Comparison of current model was done rotational displacements. Besseghier et al.28 did the dynamic
with other available models and it was shown that the accuracy analysis of functionally graded Nano plates placed on an elas-
of current model is comparable to that of the models which are tic foundation using a novel refined trigonometric shear defor-
computationally more expensive than this. Bennoun et al.18 mation theory. This theory has only four unknowns and is
presented a refined plate theory for the free vibration analysis validated against available results in the literature. A paramet-
of functionally graded sandwich plates which has five ric study was also carried out for various parameters.
unknowns. The presented theory is fully capable of analyzing Ćetković and Vuksanović29 proposed a layer-wise displace-
two common types of FGM sandwich plates, namely, the ment model for the global–local analysis of sandwich plates.
sandwich with FGM face sheet and homogeneous core and The proposed model assumes a piecewise linear variation of
the sandwich with homogeneous face sheet and FGM core. displacements in x- and y- directions and a constant transverse
The validation of the presented model is done by comparing displacement in the thickness direction. Finite element formu-
it with three-dimensional elasticity solution. Bouderba et al.19 lation of the same model was also developed and used to cal-
presented a simplified version of first-order shear deformation culate the results. Comparison of the results showed efficacy of
theory for analyzing thermal buckling of functionally graded the proposed model. Demasi30 presented an extended general-
sandwich plates which is similar to classical plate theory in cer- ized unified formulation. He also introduced Partially Zig-Zag
tain aspects. This simplification results in four unknowns of Advanced Higher-order Shear Deformation Theories
the problem as compared to five in case of conventional (PZZAHSDTs), Partially Layer-wise Higher-order Shear
first-order shear deformation theory. This leads to a less com- Deformation Theories (PLHSDTs), Partially Layer-wise
plex model with significant accuracy. Beldjelili et al.20 pre- Advanced Higher-order Shear Deformation Theories
sented a refined plate theory for analyzing sigmoid (PLAHSDTs), Partially Layer-wise Advanced Zig-Zag and
functionally graded plates under hygroscopic, thermal and Higher-order Shear Deformation Theories (PLAZZHSDTs).
mechanical loading. Number of unknowns of the theory is It was also shown that partially layer-wise theories are compu-
four. This theory successfully captures the trigonometric distri- tationally less expensive than classical layer-wise theories.
bution of transverse shear strains in the thickness direction and Khalili et al.31 developed a global–local theory using a 3D elas-
ensures traction free boundary conditions at the top and bot- ticity correction for analyzing sandwich plates. The governing
tom surfaces. El-Haina et al.21 recently presented a simplified differential equations were solved using a finite element
model to analyze the buckling of thick functionally graded approach in which Galerkin approach and second-order
material plate under thermal loading. Plates considered here Lagrange elements were used. It was shown that the proposed
have functionally graded faces with homogeneous core made theory gives accurate results for both thick and thin plates. It
up of isotropic material. was also shown that current theory gives more accurate results
Bousahla et al.22 presented a refined sandwich plate theory than higher-order zig-zag theories and is computationally less
for analyzing functionally graded plates when subjected to a expensive. Sahoo and Singh32 presented an inverse hyperbolic
linear or non-linear temperature rise in the thickness direction. zig-zag theory for analyzing sandwich plates. This theoretical
However, this model works under a restrictive assumption that model assumes a non-linear distribution of in-plane displace-
elastic modulus and Poisson ratio remain constant throughout ments (because of inverse hyperbolic shear strain shape

function) in the thickness direction as compared to third-order squared energy between FSDT and HSDT. Further, the
polynomial in the conventional theories. Vidal et al.33 has used applicability of this enhanced FSDT to commercial software
proper generalized decomposition for layer-wise modeling of package ANSYS with minimum effort was shown. A post-
the plates with different layers. This approach allows for the processing procedure was also developed using differential
reduction of number of unknowns, and approximation func- quadrature method to calculate the higher-order derivatives
tion of the displacement field is sum of the functions of three and was also implemented in ANSYS. Pandey and
displacements in the respective axes. This formulation uses Pradyumna39 developed an FE model for dynamic analysis
an iterative approach in which a 2D and 1D problem are of a sandwich plate with functionally graded material in the
solved in each iteration. Results obtained using current formu- center for thermal and non-thermal conditions. The layer-
lation were compared with the elasticity and were found in wise theory is based on FSDT for each layer by ensuring
good agreement. Vidal et al.34 has also extended the same displacement continuity at each interface. Further, it was sug-
approach to analyze the sandwich plates with piezoelectric lay- gested that current FE formulation gives accurate results for a
ers. It was also shown that current approach is less computa- singly or doubly curved sandwich plates or shells having differ-
tionally expensive when solving for quasi-3D results as ent layer configurations and boundary conditions. Shang
compared to classical layer-wise theoretical models. Wu and et al.40 proposed a finite element method to analyze the edge
Chen35 developed a C0 continuous higher-order theory for effect on the free and simply supported boundaries of the plate
analyzing sandwich plates under bending and thermal loads. modeled by FSDT. Two elements HDF-P4-Free and HDF-P4-
Derivatives of transverse displacement have been omitted in SS1 were developed under this FE formulation. The develop-
the in-plane displacement fields so that C1 continuity can be ment of these elements was based on the Hybrid Displacement
avoided. This theory is compared with a C1 continuous Function (HDF) element method. The standout features of
higher-order theory and it has been found in good agreement. these elements are (A) capability to capture steep gradients
Further, the proposed model can calculate transverse shear of the resultant forces in vicinity of boundaries, (B) insensitiv-
stress using constitutive relations without using any post- ity to mesh distortions, and (C) absence of shear locking.
processing method. Liu et al.41 studied the vibrations of isotropic plates using a
weak-form based Differential Quadrature Finite Element
Method (DQFEM). Current FE formulation is based on the
3. FE models based on first-order shear deformation theory layer-wise theory which is expansion of FSDT in each layer.
Novelty of current FE formulation was that analysis of sand-
This section reviews the FE models which are built on theoret- wich plates by using DQFEM and a layer-wise theory with
ical explanations which applies FSDT to the core. Ganapathi rotations in each layer was performed for the first time. This
et al.36 presented a C0 membrane-plate quadrilateral finite ele- formulation gave very accurate results for the field variables.
ment for static and dynamic analysis of moderately thick plates It was also shown that use of DQFEM is a very efficient
when subjected to relatively small deflections. This element method for achieving highly accurate analysis of large-scale
showed an improved membrane response without adding problems by comparing the results against benchmark data
modes having zero energy. To improve the performance of ele- available in the literature. Marjanović et al.42 presented a rect-
ment for coupled membrane-plate analysis, the assumed strain angular plate element based on the Reddy’s HSDT. Further,
field method was used. It was shown that current finite element the presented FE model was reduced to a FSDT model and
does a rapid convergence and responds very well to the mesh comparison was made between the two models against some
distortions. The added advantage of the element was that it benchmark data available in the literature. After performing
was standard from engineering perspective having all conven- the comparison, the following was concluded:
tional engineering degrees of freedom. This element was also
tested against benchmark results of some linear and non- (1) HSDT model gives considerably accurate results for
linear problems available in the literature and showed accurate lower vibration modes while a reduction of accuracy
results. Moreira et al.37 presented a four-node facet type shell was observed for higher vibration modes and the plates
finite element for dynamic analysis of sandwich plates with vis- which are highly constrained i.e. CCCC plate.
coelastic damping layers. Authors used non-conforming mem- (2) FSDT model over predicts the natural frequencies for all
brane formulation to improve the stiffness matrix which cases because of the over simplification of transverse
ultimately helped in overcoming the in-plane shear locking. shear. It was concluded that FSDT model is almost of
On the other hand, Mixed Interpolation of Tonsorial Compo- no use because softer core has to be modeled using
nent (MITC) approach was used against shear locking which HSDT in order to model shear instead of using a shear
helped against stiffness locking failure even for very thin plates. correction factor.
Hybrid Return-to-Zero (HRZ) method was used for mass
lumping. It was also shown that row-sum technique for obtain- Lezgy-Nazargah et al.43 has presented a mixed finite ele-
ing a diagonal mass matrix could not be used in this model ment model for the bending and vibrational analysis of thick
because of the inter layer coupling. It was also shown that for plates. This FE model is based on the mixed variational prin-
this particular case, formulation using lumped mass converged ciple which combines the Reissner’s and Rong’s mixed varia-
more rapidly than the model with consistent mass matrix. tional theorem. A new parameter was also introduced in the
Oh et al.38 presented a finite element formulation on the formulation, which was called splitting factor. A procedure
basis of an enhanced first-order shear deformation theory to was also outlined, using which value of splitting factor can
analyze the laminated composites. The enhanced FSDT is be selected for higher accuracy. The results of this FE model
derived by achieving a compromise on the error of least were compared with other theoretical explanations and 3D
A review of recent advancements in finite element formulation for sandwich plates 789

Table 1 Summary of reviewed FE models based on FSDT.36–43

Author Contribution
Ganapathi et al.36 A C0 membrane-plate element was presented and it was shown that this element improves membrane response without
adding zero energy modes. This element also showed rapid convergence and responded well to the mesh distortions.
Moreira et al.37 A four-node shell element to study dynamic response of sandwich plates with viscoelastic damping was presented. This
element used HRZ method of mass lumping and it was shown that formulation using lumped mass matrix converges
more rapidly than the one using consistent mass matrix.
Oh et al.38 Feasibility of using an FE model based on enhanced FSDT in any commercial software package was presented. The
same model was implemented in ANSYS with minimum effort.
Pandey and An FE model based on a layer-wise theory is presented, which can be used to analyze the dynamic response of a
Pradyumna39 sandwich plate with functionally graded material in the center.
Shang et al.40 Two finite elements namely HDF-P4-Free and HDF-P4-SS1 were presented, which are derived from FSDT using HDF
element method. These elements showed superiority because of absence of shear locking and insensitivity to mesh
Liu et al.41 An FE model was developed to study the vibrations of isotropic plates. Model was developed using differential
quadrature finite element method which showed superior results when large-scale problem was analyzed using it.
Marjanović et al.42 A rectangular finite element was developed on the basis of Reddy’s HSDT, then the same was reduced to FSDT based
model, and finally both were compared. HSDT based model showed better results.
Lezgy-Nazargah A finite element based on mixed variational principle was presented. A new parameter was introduced in formulation
et al.43 and it was shown that by controlling the parameter accuracy can be increased.

elasticity solution, which showed that this FE formulation can cases were investigated to validate the results. Initially, a sand-
achieve almost identical results to those of 3D elasticity. wich plate without functionally graded core was analyzed and
Table 1 gives the summary of reviewed FE models based on then the core of the same plate was replaced with a function-
FSDT.36–43 ally graded material. Comparison of the results showed that
by using functionally graded core, stress gradient reduces at
4. FE models based on higher-order shear deformation theory the interface of core and face sheets. This is in agreement with
the fact that by using functionally graded cores, interfacial
It is noteworthy here that order of theory can be extended up stress can be reduced. These results were also compared with
till any desired level, but it will give little gains in terms of the analytical solution and were found to be in agreement
accuracy at the cost of manifold complexity and computa- which validates the element.
tional effort required. Therefore, generally a third-order the- Plagianakos and Saravanos46 presented a higher-order the-
ory is considered to be a good enough compromise between ory and a finite element based on it for thick sandwich plates
accuracy and complexity. We have already discussed the dif- with damping layers in between the laminas. Stiffness, mass
ference between CPT and FSDT in Section 2. If we neglect and damping matrices of the element were calculated from
the third assumption of CPT, it becomes FSDT; similarly, layer to structural level. This approach combined with the
if we neglect the first assumption as well, it becomes the shear stress compatibility for different layers leads to a size
higher-order shear deformation theory and now the trans- reduction of the elemental matrices and calculation of shear
verse normal may become quadratic or cubic curves after stresses at the layer interface. C1 continuity at the element
the deformation has taken place. This eliminates the need boundaries was ensured. The results obtained from element
for shear correction factors, and the results obtained are were compared with both exact solution and the experiments.
more accurate. Comparison revealed that developed element is accurate,
Chakrabarti and Sheikh44 presented a finite element model robust and efficient. Moreira et al.47 presented an eight-node
based on a refined HSDT which is able to analyze the sand- hexahedral finite element for individual layers of a sandwich
wich plates having imperfections at the layer interface. These plate. The element was based on a layer-wise theory and FE
imperfections were modeled by incorporating displacement formulation was done on the basis of Enhanced Assumed
jumps at the layer interface using the characteristic of a linear Strain (EAS) method. This formulation resolved the shear
spring layer. The developed element was a triangular element locking phenomena. Accuracy of the results obtained from
with a total of six nodes (three each at corners and mid- the developed element showed that this element can serve as
sides). Degrees of freedom at each node were seven. Perfor- a good alternative if a 3D representation of strain and stress
mance of the new element was evaluated against the numerical field is required. Grover et al.48 developed a finite element
results for imperfect layers and it showed accuracy in results model based on an inverse hyperbolic shear deformation the-
with rapid convergence. Das et al.45 presented a new finite ele- ory. The element was an iso-parametric eight-node serendipity
ment based on an HSDT to carry out the thermo-elastic anal- quadrilateral element with seven degrees of freedom at each
ysis of sandwich plates with a functionally graded core. This node. To reduce the continuity requirement from C1 to C0 at
element was based on a higher-order single layer theory used element edges, first derivatives of transverse displacement were
to model thick sandwich plates having either a functionally considered as a separate degree of freedom. This element was
graded core or not. A hybrid energy functional was used to used to study the free vibration response of sandwich plates in
derive the elemental equations to ensure C1 continuity require- different ply configurations. It was found that this element is
ment at the element boundaries. Shape of the element was tri- capable of giving higher modes of vibration and corresponding
angular with thirteen degrees of freedom at each node. Two mode shapes accurately.

Mantari and Soares49 presented a C0 iso-parametric quadri- Equations of dynamic problem were solved using Newmarl
lateral element for static analysis of sandwich plates. The ele- average acceleration method. Heat conduction effects were
ment was based on a generalized layer-wise HSDT. The captured by solving transient heat conduction equation using
results obtained using this element were compared with the central difference method and Crank-Nicolson method simul-
available exact solutions and some numerical calculations. It taneously. It was concluded that the proposed FE model can
has also been shown that some relatively unknown layer-wise be easily used to analyze free vibration response of an FGM
HSDTs with lesser degrees of freedom can give more accurate sandwich plate which is subjected to rapid heating. Zhao
results than some well-known layer-wise HSDTs. It has also et al.55 presented an FE formulation based on a piecewise
been recommended that analysis based on meshless method shear deformation theory. An iso-parametric C0 continuous
may be performed using this layer-wise HSDT to explore fur- finite element with four nodes was developed for analyzing free
ther solution options. Thai and Choi50 presented the finite ele- and forced vibrations of sandwich plates in thermal environ-
ment formulation for four different shear deformation theories ment. It was also demonstrated that FE formulation based
for functionally graded plates. These theories are similar to on piecewise shear deformation theory gives sufficiently accu-
classical plate theory, but effect of shear deformation is rate results as compared to layer-wise, zig-zag and higher-
accounted for without using the shear correction factors. It order Equivalent Single Layer (ESL) theories at a very low cost
is to be noted here that elongation of plate in the transverse of computation. Bhar and Satsangi56 developed a C0 continu-
direction is neglected in the formulation. A four-node quadri- ous finite element based on higher-order shear deformation
lateral element was developed by using Lagrange interpolation theory. The proposed methodology uses HSDT to carry out
for in-plane displacements and Hermite interpolation for the primary analysis and then a least square error technique
transverse displacement. Comparison of results was performed is applied during post-processing phase. It has been shown that
for both thin and thick plates, which showed that current FE the proposed approach accurately predicts the transverse stres-
formulation converges rapidly with high accuracy. Khandel- ses in the thickness direction for the thick sandwich plates.
wal et al.51 developed an element for static analysis of sand- Elmalich and Rabinovitch57 proposed a finite element formu-
wich plates based on a combination of refined HSDT and lation for dynamic analysis of sandwich plates with soft core
Least Square Error (LSE) method. C1 continuity was reduced and stiff face sheets. This finite element uses first-order shear
to C0 by carefully choosing the nodal degrees of freedom. deformation theory for the face sheets while uses a higher-
Analysis in the proposed scheme is done in two phases. First, order theory for the core. This study also showed that compu-
FE model based on RHSDT is used to calculate the displace- tational effort for analysis of sandwich plates can be consider-
ments and in-plane stresses. Second, LSE method is used to ably reduced by combining higher-order theory and the finite
accurately predict the transverse shear based on displacements element concept.
obtained in first phase. It has also been claimed that the pro- Table 2 gives the summary of reviewed FE models based on
posed model is the most efficient 2D model to predict the dis- HSDT.44–57
placements and stresses in sandwich plates. Pandey and
Pradyumna52 presented a C0 continuous element based on a
higher-order theory for static and free vibration analysis for 5. FE models based on zig-zag theories
sandwich plates. The higher-order theory was developed for
a sandwich plate with three layers. This theory assumes a This section is dedicated to the review of some finite element
higher-order displacement for the core and first-order displace- models based on zig-zag theories. The difference between
ment for the top and bottom face sheets. The developed ele- ESL models (as discussed in Sections 2 and 3) and Zig-Zag
ment was an iso-parametric eight-node element. Accuracy of (ZZ) theoretical models lies in the representation of displace-
results obtained by the proposed element was evaluated ment fields of different layers. In case of ESL models, displace-
against 3D elasticity solution and available numerical results. ment and stress field of each layer are specified and continuity
It was shown after comparison that the proposed element is at layer interface is implemented. However in the case of ZZ
much easier to implement and gives accurate results for greater models, displacement and stress fields are piecewise continuous
range of problems by using few elements. Nguyen et al.53 in the thickness direction.58
developed an FE formulation for isotropic and functionally Icardi59 developed a finite element for the sandwich plates
graded sandwich plates on the basis of an HSDT. The pro- subjected to some damage. To cater for the normal stress in
posed element was a triangular element with seven degrees of the thickness direction, C2 continuity was required but author
freedom at each node and required only C0 continuity. Main did some mathematical manipulation to get rid of some terms
element was further divided into three sub-triangles in which and reduced the continuity requirement to C0: Each node of
MITSC3 element was used to calculate the strains and then the element had six degrees of freedom (three displacements
edge based smoothing technique was used. After comparison and three stresses). Further, a post-processing scheme was
of obtained results, it was concluded that the proposed model also developed which helped to improve the accuracy of pre-
is efficient and accurate for isotropic and functionally graded dicted stresses between different layers. Distinct feature of the
sandwich plates. developed element was that it halved the computational time
Pandey and Pradyumna54 presented a finite element formu- as compared to an FE model based on conventional ESL the-
lation for the analysis of thermally induced vibrations in a ories. This feature was demonstrated by comparing the
functionally graded sandwich plate subjected to thermal shock. results with available data in literature. Kulkarni and
The formulation was based on a higher-order layer-wise theory Kapuria60 developed a four-node finite element based on a
in which higher-order displacement was assumed for FGM third-order zig-zag theory for dynamic analysis of sandwich
core and first-order displacement was assumed for face sheets. plates. Salient feature of the developed element included
A review of recent advancements in finite element formulation for sandwich plates 791

Table 2 Summary of reviewed FE models based on HSDT.44–57

Author Contribution
Chakrabarti and A six-node triangular element was developed for analysis of imperfections at the layer interface of a sandwich plate. It
Sheikh44 showed accurate results with rapid convergence for the problems being analyzed.
Das et al.45 A triangular element was developed with thirteen degrees of freedom at each node to analyze the sandwich plates with
functionally graded core subjected to thermo-elastic loading.
Plagianakos and A C1 continuous finite element was developed for analyzing free vibration response of thick sandwich plates with
Saravanos46 damping layers between the laminas. Results were compared with the experiments and exact solution and were found
in good agreement.
Moreira et al.47 A three-dimensional eight-node hexahedral element is developed using a layer-wise theory which is a very efficient
alternative when representation of a three-dimensional strain or stress field is desired.
Grover et al.48 An eight-node serendipity element with C0 continuity was developed to study the free vibrations of sandwich plates in
different ply configurations. It predicted higher vibration modes and mode shapes accurately.
Mantari and Soares49 A C0 element for static analysis was presented based on a layer-wise HSDT and it was shown that it gives better
results than some well-known layer-wise HSDTs.
Thai and Choi50 A quadrilateral four-node element was developed for four different relatively unknown shear deformation theories. It
was shown that current formulation gives accurate results with rapid convergence.
Khandelwal et al.51 A C0 continuous element based on a refined HSDT and LSE method is developed for static analysis. It has been
claimed that the proposed model is the most efficient model for static analysis of sandwich plates.
Pandey and A C0 continuous element for static and dynamic analysis was developed for sandwich plates with three layers. It was
Pradyumna52 shown that the proposed element can give accurate results for a greater range of problems with very few elements.
Nguyen et al.53 An MITSC3 triangular element with seven degrees of freedom per node was developed based on an HSDT for the
static and dynamic analysis of isotropic and functionally graded sandwich plates.
Pandey and A finite element formulation based on a higher-order layer-wise theory was developed to study the free vibrations of
Pradyumna54 an FGM sandwich plate subjected to rapid heating.
Zhao et al.55 An FE formulation on piecewise shear deformation theory was presented for vibration analysis of sandwich plates in
thermal environment. It was shown that piecewise theory can gives better results than layer-wise, zig-zag and HSDTs.
Bhar and Satsangi56 A C0 continuous finite element based on higher-order shear deformation theory was presented, which uses a least
square error technique during post-processing and gives very accurate results for thick sandwich plates.
Elmalich and A computationally less expensive FE formulation for dynamic analysis of sandwich plates with softer core was
Rabinovitch57 presented, which uses FSDT for face sheets and an HSDT for the core.

absence of shear locking and user-friendly behavior for com- Three nodes were located on the corners while the remaining
puter implementation. The results obtained from current ele- three were located on the middle of the sides. Corner nodes
ment were compared against the Navier solution of this have eleven degrees of freedom while mid-side nodes have
theory and were found in good agreement. Further, it was three degrees of freedom. This finite element formulation is
shown that for free vibration analysis of the sandwich plate, free of geometric locking and does not require shear correction
the results of improved Discrete Kirchhoff Quadrilateral factor. Results obtained using this element were compared
(DKQ) interpolation are better than those of simple DKQ with the analytical solution and ANSYS and it was found that
interpolation. current element gives significantly accurate results. Eijo et al.64
Ren et al.61 developed a C0 continuous triangular element developed a C0 continuous four-node quadrilateral element
based on a zig-zag theory with seven degrees of freedom at based on a refined zig-zag theory with seven degrees of free-
each node for static analysis of the sandwich plates. Quadratic dom per node. The distribution of transverse shear stresses
interpolation was used in the construction of this element. The in the thickness direction is accurately predicted by a posteriori
specialty of constructed element is that it can give accurate computational process and shear locking is avoided by assum-
results for both cross ply and angle ply with equal capability. ing a linear shear strain field. Polit et al.65 presented three
The accuracy of current element is evaluated by comparing eight-node C0 continuous finite element models for smart
results of sandwich plates with different materials and stacking sandwich plates. Nodal degrees of freedom are 9, 11 and 12
sequences. Comparison showed that developed element can respectively. Accuracy of the analysis is improved by introduc-
accurately predict the static response of sandwich plates. Sar- ing zig-zag functions in the three spatial directions. It was also
angan and Singh62 presented an FE model using a non- shown that these elements works fine for both thick and thin
polynomial zig-zag theory for dynamic analysis of sandwich plates. Versino et al.66 developed two C0 continuous finite ele-
plates. The element exhibited C0 continuity. Authors were able ments with six and three nodes respectively based on a refined
to reduce the computational cost significantly as compared to zig-zag theory. These two elements provide a trade-off between
previous FE models because of less number of degrees of free- efficiency and accuracy. Shape functions of the elements are
dom at each node. Current element had eight nodes with seven interdependent so that elements give accurate results even if
degrees of freedom at each node. thin plates are being analyzed. These elements were imple-
Barut et al.63 developed a C0 continuous six-node triangular mented using commercial code ABAQUS through user-
element based on a {2, 2}-order refined zig-zag plate theory. element subroutine and the results showed that these elements

Table 3 Summary of reviewed FE models based on zig-zag theories.59–66

Author Contribution
Icardi59 A C0 continuous element based on a zig-zag theory was developed. It was shown that it can reduce the computational
time by one-half as compared to the finite element models based on ESL theories.
Kulkarni and An element based on a third-order zig-zag theory was developed for dynamic analysis of sandwich plates. It was also
Kapuria60 shown that improved DKQ interpolation gives better results than simple DKQ for dynamic analysis of sandwich plates.
Ren et al.61 A C0 continuous six-node element with quadratic interpolation was developed for static analysis of sandwich plates. It
was shown that it can give accurate results for different materials and stacking sequences.
Sarangan and An efficient finite element based on non-polynomial zig-zag theory was constructed which showed a significant reduction
Singh62 in computational cost.
Barut et al.63 A C0 continuous triangular element was developed based on a refined zig-zag theory. It was compared with ANSYS and
it was shown that current element is significantly accurate and computationally far less expensive.
Eijo et al.64 A C0 continuous four-node element was developed, which uses a posteriori computational process to accurately predict
the shear stress distribution in thickness direction.
Polit et al.65 Three C0 continuous finite elements were developed for thick and thin smart sandwich plates and their accuracy was
improved by introducing zig-zag functions.
Versino et al.66 Two C0 continuous elements were developed based on a refined zig-zag theory and implemented using ABAQUS.
Comparison with FASDT based and zig-zag theories based elements showed that they are superior in terms of efficiency
and accuracy.

give superior results to FSDT based elements and other zig-zag demonstrated that mixed FE formulations which do not pass
theory based elements. patch test for out of plane bending cannot predict the response
Table 3 gives the summary of reviewed FE models based on accurately. Further, it was also shown that current formula-
zig-zag theories.59–66 tion is very accurate for the implicit and explicit analyses of
multilayered shells experiencing large deformations.
6. Mixed FE models based on solid and shell elements Rah et al.69 presented a solid-shell eight-node element using
Fraejis de Veubeke-Hu-Washizu mixed variational principle
There are many structures in the practical applications which for the linear structural analysis of thick isotropic and sand-
are a combination of 3D solid parts and 2D plates. This prob- wich composite plates. This formulation has three degrees of
lem is consistently encountered in the laminated composites freedom at a single node and all of them are the displacements.
where one layer maybe considerably thicker than the others. Analysis of the multilayered shell using this formulation can be
A considerable amount of theoretical explanations have been done by stacking the elements on top of each other and fulfill-
proposed by different researchers which model different layers ing the condition of stress continuity at interface of different
of these laminated composites as an equivalent layer. Then FE layers. It was shown that by optimizing the computer code this
formulations based on these theories are used to develop 2D formulation can be used for a greater range of plate problems.
shell elements. On the other hand, some researchers have pro- The response of current FE formulation to convergence and
posed that these structures can be analyzed using mixed FE mesh distortion was also compared against available bench-
formulations which solve the thicker layers using solid 3D ele- mark data and it was concluded that current element can be
ments and thinner layers using plate 2D elements. This section effectively used for sandwich plates. Biscani et al.70 developed
is dedicated for the review of such FE formulations which are a finite element by coupling a solid element and a higher-order
commonly referred to as mixed FE formulations. shell element using Arlequin method for the analysis of sand-
Ramtekkar et al.67 proposed an eighteen-node mixed finite wich plates. None of nodes has been considered as a free
element. Each node had six degrees of freedom out of which parameter in current formulation whereas degrees of freedom
three were the displacements in each axis direction (i.e. x, y at a single node are specified to be three displacements. Then,
and z) and three were the stress components in thickness direc- the proposed element and the developed model were compared
tion (i.e. exz, eyz and ezz). Due to the inclusion of stresses as with the performance of models which use only shell elements
nodal DOFs, the elasticity requirement of displacement and and also with the commercial software ABAQUS. It has been
shear stress continuity along the thickness of the laminated shown that mixed element based on coupling of solid and shell
plates was satisfied. Results obtained from this formulation can achieve accurate results for the sandwich plates and the
were compared with the elasticity solutions and it was found structures with both 2D and 3D parts.
that this formulation is capable of accurately predicting the Dozio and Alimonti71 presented an element for Fluid Struc-
response of sandwich plates under the set of different bound- ture Interaction (FSI) analysis involving thick or thin sand-
ary conditions. Tan and Vu-Quoc68 developed a mixed FE for- wich plates. Employing unified formulation, many FSI
mulation for the sandwich plates composed of non-linear elements and plate elements based on different theories were
materials. The element had eight nodes and there were three integrated into a single mathematical model. This integration
DOFs at all nodes out of which none is the rotation. Further, provided the flexibility for choosing the right formulation
the assumed natural strain method was used to avoid shear according to the accuracy requirements for different applica-
and curvature thickness locking. Authors also presented an tions. It was also shown that this mathematical model can be
optimized number of enhancing assumed strain parameters refined according to requirement where different structural ele-
for accurately predicting the plate response. It was also ments fail to give accurate results for FSI. Current FE
A review of recent advancements in finite element formulation for sandwich plates 793

Table 4 Summary of reviewed mixed solid-shell FE models.67–73

Author Contribution
Ramtekkar et al.67 An eighteen-node mixed element with six DOFs (three displacements and three stresses) at each node. Comparison with
elasticity showed that it gives accurate results for wider range of boundary conditions.
Tan and Vu- An eight-node element for analysis of sandwich plates composed of non-linear materials was developed. It was shown that
Quoc68 elements which do not pass patch test for out of plane bending cannot predict the response accurately.
Rah et al.69 An effective eight-node mixed element was developed using Fraeijs de Veubeke-Hu-Washizu mixed variational principle.
It was shown that optimized code can be used to analyze a wider range of plate problems using this element.
Biscani et al.70 A mixed element based on coupling of shell and solid element was developed. It was shown that current element gives
better results than the computational models which use shell elements only.
Dozio and An integrated element was developed for analyzing thin or thick sandwich plates undergoing interaction with the fluids.
Alimonti71 Customizability of the element as per analysis requirement was also shown.
Carrazedo and A prismatic solid-shell element was developed for analysis of sandwich plates. Current FE model used an optimized
Coda72 kinematics field which gives accurate results for both thick and thin plates.
Caliri et al.73 A C1 continuous element was developed for static and dynamic analysis of sandwich plates. Comparison with benchmark
showed that error in static analysis was 0.05% while for dynamic analysis was 0.5%.

formulation was also validated against benchmark data avail- tinuity requirements for both displacements and stresses at the
able in the literature. Carrazedo and Coda72 developed a boundaries of the layers. Theoretical model superposed the
mixed solid-shell triangular finite element for the analysis of global displacement field on the local field. Based on this, an
sandwich plates. Approximation order of the displacement element with C1 continuity and free of shear locking was suc-
field is selected in such a way that this formulation can handle cessfully developed. Accuracy of current element was checked
thin and thick sandwich plates with equal capability. Accuracy against available elasticity solutions and it was found that it
of model was evaluated against benchmark results and found gave accurate results with rapid convergence and low compu-
to be in good agreement. The standout features of this FE for- tational cost. Lezgy-Nazargah76 developed an FE model for
mulation are (A) successful avoidance of shear locking, (B) dynamic analysis of sandwich beams with piezoelectric layers
accurate stress distribution in the thickness co-ordinate, (C) in the core based on a refined global–local theory. The three-
accurate prediction of non-linear behavior (large displace- node element was C1 continuous for transverse displacement
ments), and (D) insensitivity to mesh distortion while was C0 continuous for rest of the degrees of freedom.
Caliri et al.73 developed a four-node mixed element using Current element was evaluated for different types of boundary
unified formulation. The proposed element satisfied the C1 conditions which contained both electrical and mechanical
continuity requirement for displacement in the thickness direc- ones. It was found that it gives accurate results with low com-
tion. Efficiency of the element was evaluated against bench- putational cost. Zappino et al.77 developed a finite element for-
mark results available in the literature for both static and mulation which had different degrees of freedom at different
dynamic analysis. Through comparison, it was found that nodes in the same element. This concept of formulation gave
error percentage in case of static analysis was only 0.05% the flexibility to study the behavior of sandwich plates accord-
and for dynamic analysis was only 0.5%. ing to requirement. Areas which are critical can use more
Table 4 summarizes the reviewed mixed solid-shell FE mod- nodal degrees of freedom and vice versa. The accuracy of this
els.67–73 formulation was tested by studying the examples in which
layer-wise nodal DOFs were used at critical areas and ESL
7. FE models based on global–local theory nodal DOFs were used at less critical areas. Results were com-
pared with the 3D FE models and it was shown that for prob-
Most commonly used theoretical explanations to study the lems where local effects are to be analyzed, current FE
behavior of sandwich/laminated plates are based on the ESL formulation gives much better results at less computational
model. This method provides a healthy compromise between cost.
accuracy and computational cost. On the other hand, layer- Table 5 gives the summary of reviewed FE models based on
wise theories are also used, which are computationally expen- global–local theories.75–77
sive. Li and Liu74 in 1997 found that a global–local superposi-
tion technique could be used for expressing the laminate 8. FE models for analysis of piezoelectric composite plates
theories in an explicit manner, namely recursive equations, to
retain the advantage of numerical efficiency. This is relatively There is a class of materials which can directly produce electric
a new concept according to which in-plane stresses of each dis- current when subjected to the mechanical strain. Such materi-
crete layer and the shear stress in the thickness direction can be als are called as piezoelectric materials and are properly
studied. Theoretical explanations based on this concept are defined as ‘‘a type of smart materials exhibiting a direct piezo-
commonly referred to as global–local theories. The first ever electric effect of the internal generation of electrical charge
global–local theory was also presented by them. This section resulting from an applied mechanical force and a reverse piezo-
is dedicated to review of some of FE models which are based electric effect of the internal generation of a mechanical strain
on global–local theories. resulting from an applied electrical field”.78 Due to this unique
Lezgy-Nazargah et al.75 developed an FE model based on a property of the piezoelectric materials, they have also found
refined higher-order global–local theory. Theory satisfies con- their applications in the sensors and actuators other than the

Table 5 Summary of reviewed FE models based on global–local theories.75–77

Author Contribution
Lezgy-Nazargah A C1 continuous element based on a global–local theory was developed, which gives accurate results with faster
et al.75 convergence and low computational cost.
Lezgy-Nazargah76 A three-node finite element was presented with both C1 and C0 continuity for different primary variables, which is
accurate and computationally less expensive.
Zappino et al.77 An FE model with different unknowns at different nodes of the same element was presented, which can give accurate
results at less computational cost.

direct electricity generation. Further, these materials are being software ABAQUS and piezoelastic solutions. Comparisons
used extensively in the aerospace sector to power subsystems showed that current model is not only accurate but also com-
as a redundant measure. The success of these materials has putationally inexpensive. Plagianakos and Papadopoulos83
been possible because of the continuous size reduction and presented an element based on a higher-order layer-wise theory
increasing efficiency in power consumption of the modern elec- with a focus to analyze the delamination of layers in case of
tronic devices.78 Piezoelectric materials are broadly catego- piezoelectric plates. For this, prediction of shear and trans-
rized into piezo-crystals, piezo-ceramics, piezo-polymers and verse stresses at interface of different layers was emphasized.
the naturally occurring materials. This section is dedicated to This FE formulation proved to be computationally efficient
review of some FE models which have been developed to ana- because each layer is analyzed discretely in order to capture
lyze piezoelectric sandwich plates. the stresses accurately in the thickness direction at layer inter-
Gorge et al.79 presented an FE model which was based on a face. It was also shown that transverse stress obtained at outer
layer-wise model of first-order shear deformation theory. The face of laminates form this formulation becomes slightly inac-
element was developed for free-vibration dynamic analysis of curate because of imposition of shear stress compatibility at
axisymmetric piezoelectric shells. Element had two nodes with the layer interface. Cinefra et al.84 developed a nine-node ele-
two displacements as the mechanical DOF at each node. Pri- ment for dynamic analysis of plates with piezoelectric patches
mary variables were interpolated using Lagrangian interpola- over it. Shear locking was eliminated from element using
tion. Derivative of any primary variable is not included as MITC method because of which it was also referred to as
degree of freedom at any node. Current finite element was MITC9 element. Element was evaluated under different sets
evaluated against the available results in the literature and of mechanical and electrical boundary conditions and it was
was found effective. It was also shown that current element found that this element is superior to classical models when
would also be suitable for analysis of structural–acoustic prob- plates having piezoelectric patches are to be analyzed. Kpeky
lems. Kapuria and Kulkarni80 developed a five-node element et al85 presented two hexahedral mixed solid-shell elements
(four physical and one electric) for analysis of plates with with linear and quadratic interpolation functions respectively.
piezoelectric sensor and actuator as electrodes. Element was Both elements had four DOFs each with four mechanical
based on an improved zig-zag theory for dynamic analysis of (translational dis-placements) and one electric degree of free-
the piezoelectric plates. The evaluation of element was done dom. Results obtained from these elements were compared
by comparing the results with a 3D FE model of commercial with the elements of commercial software ABAQUS and other
software ABAQUS and it was found that current element gives reference results in literature. It was shown that results of
accurate results. Further, it was shown that developed element currently developed elements were better than the ABAQUS
is computationally very efficient as it reduced the computa- elements. It was also shown that in case of very intense non-
tional time by almost 300 times as compared to ABAQUS. linear behavior these elements might give slightly inaccurate
Moita et al.81 presented a finite element for dynamic anal- results but overall accuracy and convergence rate of developed
ysis of sandwich plates having piezoelectric and viscoelastic elements were better than ABAQUS elements. Moita et al.86
cores. Face sheets were modeled using CPT while core was developed a finite element model for analyzing sandwich plates
modeled using a third-order shear deformation theory. Cur- with viscous damping. Plates consist of viscoelastic core which
rent element was a three-node triangular element with eight has been modeled using first-order shear deformation theory
degrees of freedom per node. It was shown that current FE while elastic and piezoelectric layers are modeled using classi-
model could be an effective tool for handling the optimization cal plate theory. It was also shown that the proposed FE model
problems due to its computational efficiency. Beheshti-Aval can be applied for analysis of sandwich plates consisting of
and Lezgy-Nazargah82 developed a three-node quadratic ele- materials whose properties are dependent on frequency.
ment free of shear locking for sandwich panels containing Table 6 gives the summary of reviewed FE models based on
piezoelectric layers. It was based on a higher-order global–lo- global–local theories.79–86
cal theory in which in-plane displacements were presented
using a higher order term, an exponential term and a term con- 9. FE models for buckling/stability analysis of sandwich plates
taining first-order derivatives of the electric DOFs. Element
contained relatively lesser number of mechanical DOFs at each
node as compared to previous models due to which this model Sandwich plates have one dimension considerably smaller than
was computationally efficient. To verify the element, compar- the other two. In case of in-plane compressive loading, these
isons were made with 3D FE models built using commercial plates tend to buckle, which is a very critical mode of failure
A review of recent advancements in finite element formulation for sandwich plates 795

Table 6 Summary of reviewed FE models for analyzing piezoelectric sandwich plates.79–86

Author Contribution
Gorge et al.79 A conical adaptive element based on layer-wise FSDT was developed for dynamic analysis of axisymmetric
piezoelectric shells.
Kapuria and Kulkarni80 A five-node element was developed for dynamic analysis of piezoelectric sandwich plates. It reduced the
computational time by almost 300 times as compared to ABAQUS software.
Moita et al.81 A triangular element was developed for dynamic analysis of sandwich plates with piezoelectric and viscoelastic
core. It was recommended that optimization problems could be efficiently solved using this element.
Beheshti-Aval and Lezgy- A three-node quadratic element for piezoelectric panels was presented. Computational efficiency of element was
Nazargah82 shown by comparing it with ABAQUS and piezoelasticity.
Plagianakos and An element with a focus on delamination of layers in piezoelectric plates was developed. This element showed
Pandopoulos83 overall good results with a slight inaccuracy in predicting transverse stress at outer faces of laminates.
Cinefra et al.84 A nine-node element was presented and it was shown that performance of this element is superior to previous
models when plates with piezoelectric patches are to be analyzed for free vibrations.
Kpeky et al.85 Two mixed solid-shell elements for piezoelectric analysis were presented and it was shown that accuracy and
convergence rate of these elements were better than those of ABAQUS elements.
Moita et al.86 A finite element was developed for the analysis of plates with piezoelectric layers and viscous damping. It was
shown that developed model gave very accurate results for the plates whose properties are frequency dependent.

Table 7 Summary of reviewed FE models developed for buckling analysis of sandwich plates.87–92
Author Contribution
Sarath Babu and Two C0 continuous elements were developed for thermal buckling analysis of sandwich plates. It was shown that for this
Kant87 type of analysis effect of transverse deformation can be neglected to save computational effort.
Grover et al.88 A generic finite element formulation was developed, which can use any shear deformation theory using shear strain
function to analyze the buckling of a sandwich plate.
Ren and Wu89 An FE model based on a zig-zag theory was presented. It was shown that FE models which considered transverse normal
strain gave less accurate results as compared to current model which neglected it.
Ji and Waas90 Limitations of the commercial FE software were presented when they are used to analyze the buckling of sandwich
Yu et al.91 A computationally efficient finite element was developed, which can be further improved by using reduced order
technique to enhance the efficiency.
Ho-Huu et al.92 An optimization technique based on smoothed finite element method was presented and it was shown that overall
thickness of plate has insignificant impact on critical buckling load.

and thus requires special attention. This section is dedicated to this FE formulation as a generic tool can be readily used to
the review of some selected publications which focus on the FE study the buckling behavior of sandwich plates.
models built for buckling and stability analysis of sandwich Ren and Wu89 developed a C0 continuous element based
plates. Sarath Babu and Kant 87 developed two elements based on a zig-zag theory to analyze buckling behavior of sand-
on refined higher-order theories for thermal buckling analysis wich plates with soft cores in the middle. To avoid C1 con-
of sandwich plates. Difference in the two was based on the tinuity, no artificial constraint was added in the model and
effect of transverse deformation. FE model based on the one first derivatives of transverse displacements were neglected
that neglected the effect and had nine degrees of freedom per in displacement field. A quadrilateral element with eight
node (HOST9) while other which took the effect into account nodes was developed. It was shown that prediction of criti-
had eleven degrees of freedom per node (HOST11). Compar- cal buckling loads for sandwich plates with angle-ply face
ison of the results showed that, for sandwich plates, results sheets is more difficult than that for the plates with cross-
of HOST9 are more accurate than those of HOST11. Both ele- ply face sheets. It was also shown that computational mod-
ments were C0 continuous. This comparison showed that in els which consider transverse normal strain give less accurate
case of thermal buckling analysis of sandwich plates, trans- results than the current model which neglected transverse
verse deformation (mechanical or thermal) in thickness direc- strain. Ji and Waas90 presented a finite element formulation
tion can be neglected to save the computational effort. for buckling analysis of thick orthotropic plates. This paper
Grover et al.88 presented a C0 continuous element based on also highlighted the terms which have considerable impact
an inverse hyperbolic shear deformation theory for buckling on buckling of plates but are neglected in popular commer-
analysis of sandwich plates. Element had eight nodes with cial FE software. Two ratios were highlighted, which consid-
seven degrees of freedom per node. Element was used to study erably influence the induced error in results of commercial
the critical buckling loads and buckling mode shapes for differ- FE software while analyzing the buckling of plates. These
ent laminate configurations. Current element was constructed ratios are the ratio of material properties between face
in such a way that it can be used for all existing shear deforma- sheets and core and ratio of thickness between core and face
tion theories which use shear strain function. Hence, making sheets.

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lations are based on first-order shear deformation theory, higher-order shear deformation plate theories. Struct Eng Mech
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ments, global–local theories and zig-zag theories. It is observed 15. Hamidi A, Houari MSA, Mahmoud S, Tounsi A. A sinusoidal
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sible from the computational point of view, and on the other 17. Meziane AA, Abdelaziz HH, Tounsi A. An efficient and simple
hand, FSDT is not very accurate. It is also noted that a delib- refined theory for buckling and free vibration of exponentially
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