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Monitoring and Analysis

 Reporting System
 Work Item Analysis
 Test Utilities for the

 SAP AG 1999

© SAP AG BC601 7-1

Monitoring and Analysis: Unit Objectives

At the conclusion of this unit, you will be able to:

 Execute runtime reports for the designer
 Execute runtime reports for the
 Execute runtime reports for the end user
 Evaluate the workflow log views and

 SAP AG 1999

© SAP AG BC601 7-2

Course Overview Diagram (7)

Course Overview Containers

Introduction Routing

Configuration Deadlines

Workflow Definition Events

Business Object Builder Workflow Wizards

Tasks Workflow and the Internet

Monitoring and Analysis 7 Appendix

 SAP AG 1999

© SAP AG BC601 7-3

Monitoring and Analysis: Business Scenario

 You built your first workflow

 You want to see all information stored in SAPR/3
about your workflow
 Analyze the workflowruntime data using the
standard delivered workflowreports

 SAPAG1999

© SAP AG BC601 7-4

Reporting System

Workflow log Workflow Work item

diagnosis analysis

Task Information
analysis system

Object-specific Workload
evaluation analysis

 SAP AG 1999

 There are different report for information purposes available.

 If you have problems with one specific workflow, then use the workflow diagnosis.

© SAP AG BC601 7-5

Evaluating Work Items: Work Item Analysis

Monitoring period Work item type Task filter

Work items

Work items per task:

Process duration

Missed deadlines

 SAP AG 1999

 To find the work item analysis, choose

SAP EASY ACCESS - Tools - Business Workflow - Development - Reporting - Work Item
You can then display the work items per task, work items with monitored deadlines, or work items
by processing duration.
 Work items per task:
You can enter a time span and choose to view selected tasks.
If you want to display the work items that together represent a workflow, set the flag (sub-)
 Work items with monitored deadlines:
To restrict the choice to a particular process, enter the individual task.
For work items with monitored deadlines for approval of vacation, you would enter ‘TS30000016’ in
the "Task" field.
 The work item analysis provides a good overview for workflow administrators and managers who
are responsible for this business process.

© SAP AG BC601 7-6

Identifying Work Items: Work Item Selection

Selection report criteria

Work item ID
Work item type
Work item status

Work items
Change work item
Display work item Display agent
Display container, etc.
Display workflow log

 SAP AG 1999

 To find the work item selection, choose

SAP EASY ACCESS - Tools - Business Workflow - Development - Reporting - Utilities - Work
Item Selection.
 Work item selection is probably the fastest way for a workflow designer to access the workflow log
of any workflow.
 Selection criteria:
- Task ID or task group (for example, WS99900012/TS30000016)
- Work item type
- Date created/time created
- Work item status
- Priority
- Specific entry of the work item key
 If you set the ‘Additional data’ flag, the display will include the number and version of the workflow
or task, the system administrator, and the user who executed the work item.
 Depending on your selection criteria, the report might display a list of work items. By double
clicking, you can display these work items to obtain detailed information.
 You can only execute or change these work items if you are a possible agent of those work items.

© SAP AG BC601 7-7

Work Item Types

 Dialog work item W

 Missed deadline work item D
 Workflow work item F
 Background work item B
 Wait step work item: E

 SAP AG 1999

 Work item types and their meanings:

 W: Dialog work item
Runtime representation for a task with user dialog
 D: Missed deadline work item
The message recipient for missed deadline is informed.
 F: Workflow work item
Runtime representation of a workflow. The processing status of the overall workflow can be
assessed using the status of this workflow work item.
 B: Background work item
Runtime representation of a task executed in the background.
 E: Wait step work item
Runtime representation of a wait step in the workflow definition.

© SAP AG BC601 7-8

Workload Analysis


Edited work items

Position of a user
S 500304 of a position
of a job
of an organizational unit
(Deadline can be specified)
C 40932

Work items still to edit

in inbox
User of a user
Miller of a position
of a job
of an organizational unit
Org. unit
O 500039

 SAP AG 1999

 To find the workload analysis, choose

SAP EASY ACCESS - Tools - Business Workflow - Development - Reporting - Workload Analysis.
 You can only execute the Workload Analysis if you have administrator authorization.
 From Workload Analysis you can go directly to the relevant inbox.

© SAP AG BC601 7-9

Workflow Outbox in Workplace

Business Workplace In the Business Workplace

outbox, every user can
gain an overview of the
Inbox work they have carried out
in workflow processes

Started workflows
workflow work item for WS30000015
workflow work item for WS30000161
workflow work item for WS99900035

Executed work items

work item1 for TS7869
work item2 for TS7869
work item3 for TS7869

Forwarded work items

work item1 for TS99900062

 SAP AG 1999

 The functions for displaying executed and forwarded work items are available from Release 4.6
 These functions are in the Business Workplace Outbox folder.
SAP EASY ACCESS - SAP Business Workplace, or Office - Workplace.

© SAP AG BC601 7-10

Information on Object Types and Objects

Which tasks and workflows use

the object type "Notification of absence" in their
Object type
Notification of
absence Which instances are there for the workflows and
tasks that use the object type
"Notification of absence" in their definition?

Which work item refers to the object
Notification of
1960 of the object type "Notification of absence"
and which Business Workplace is it in?

 SAP AG 1999

 Which tasks and workflows use a particular object type:

SAP EASY ACCESS - Tools - Business Workflow - Development - Definition Tools - Business
Object Builder - Enter the required task and choose the icon "Where-used list"
 Which instances exist for an object type:
SAP EASY ACCESS - Tools - Business Workflow - Development - Runtime Tools - Workflows For
Object Type.
You can decide between completed or active instances.
 Which work item relates to a particular object of an object type:
SAP EASY ACCESS - Tools - Business Workflow - Development - Runtime Tools - Workflows For

© SAP AG BC601 7-11

Test Utilities for the Designer

 Consistency check
 Task definition
 Customizing of the whole workflow system
 Event
 Simulation
 Event trigger (provide input data)
 Event trace (switch off in production)
 RFC Logs
 Manual start of a task or workflow
 First refresh the organizational assignment
and then provide input data

 SAP AG 1999

 Before you process a workflow in the development system, you should see only green lights on the
screen for 'Customizing of the whole workflow system'. Always check SWU3 if you suspect an error
in the workflow system.
 The event simulation is a ‘what if' game.
The system will inform you about the consequences of such an event, without actually triggering it.
If there are errors in event linkage you will receive a list of identified problems.
To find event simulation, choose Utilities - Events - Simulate Event
 The event trigger will ultimately trigger the event. You can use this to test whether your workflow
works properly without having to create the event in the application.
To find event triggering, choose Utilities - Events - Create Event
 In the development system, the event trace should be ‘switched on.'
Periodically, the workflow system administrator should remove this physical file.
In the productive system, the event log should be switched off for performance reasons.
To find the event trace, choose Utilities - Events - Event Trace
 The RFC log provides an overview of RFC problems.
To find the RFC log, enter transaction SM58.
 You can start a task or a workflow manually for test purposes using the transaction SWUS, or from
the Workflow Builder using the test icon.

© SAP AG BC601 7-12

Workflow Log: Setting Options in the Workflow Editor

The following steps are filtered out in the display for business users:
Container operation
Event creator
Process control
Undecided steps

Activity and user decision

(as long as they are marked with the option "Not in
workflow log)

The display is not filtered for technical users

 SAP AG 1999

 The workflow log provides different modes for various information requirements. Each mode
answers particular questions and is aimed at a particular user group. The following modes are
- Modes for agents with no technical information.
- Modes with technical details, as required, for example, by a workflow administrator.
 The standard display is the log for the business user.
 Your personal display depends on the mode you have chosen in your personal workflow settings. If
you have chosen the technical mode there, the display is not filtered.
 Workflow administrators should activate the technical view, so that they do not get any simplified
views. (This could mean viewing a workflow in a workflow log, but not seeing all the steps, and
therefore possibly making an incorrect diagnosis.)

© SAP AG BC601 7-13

Workflow Log: Graphical (New View)

Request created

(Agent x) Approved
Completed Agent and work
User item status
decision Send
Delete request
(Workflow system)
Withdraw Change
application request Started and
Request deleted Request changed Yes
steps and


 SAP AG 1999

 The graphical workflow log supplements the information in the text. The flow of workflow steps that
have already been processed is marked by the green line in the graphical representation of the
workflow definition.
You can tell at first glance which "route" a workflow instance has taken, and which activities are
processed in parallel to your own activities within a business process.
In contrast to the workflow log in text form, the graphical workflow log also shows the future steps
of a workflow instance. You can therefore see how a process is continued after executing your
 The technical basis of the graphical workflow log is the graphical workflow editor. To display the
graphical workflow log, the relevant workflow definition is read and combined with the runtime
 The graphical workflow log in the view without event-driven process chains (EPCs) has the same
advantages as the graphical workflow editor:
- Space-saving presentation
- Improved clarity
 Work items that have already been processed or are currently being executed are marked with their
status icon. In addition, the current agents and the work item status are shown below a node.

© SAP AG BC601 7-14

Workflow Log: Graphical (Using EPC)


(Agent x) Completed
Rejected Approved

Send mail
decision Agent and work
(Workflow system) item status
Delete Change Completed
request request
Mail sent
Withdraw Change
request request

Request Request Color coding of

deleted changed started and
executed steps
and events
No Yes

 SAP AG 1999

 The graphical workflow log is also available in the "event-driven process chains" view: Up to and
including Release 4.0, this was the only possible form of representation.
 Yellow and crossed-out nodes show which steps have already been executed or are currently being
 The current agent and the work item status are shown below a node.
 To call the view using EPC, choose the following:
Workflow Builder - Extras - Options - Graphic,
or from the graphic log using Extras - Options - Graphic

© SAP AG BC601 7-15

Workflow Log: Graphical: Important

 Important: The graphical workflow log displays the workflow

definition and also the runtime data!
 If a version of a workflow definition is changed
(considerably and incompatibly) by...
 Adding steps
 Deleting steps
 Moving blocks (cutting, pasting, etc.)
 ...and no new version is created
 ...the graphical workflow log may no longer represent what
occurred previously

 SAP AG 1999

 This problem will occur mainly in the development and test phase, if a workflow definition is
changed, executed, changed and executed again, and so on.
 While the workflow log in list form only formats past values from the workflow runtime tables in a
list, the graphical workflow log shows the version of the workflow executed as it is currently
 If the version has been notably changed, the graphic displays the changed workflow definition, but
the workflow process differs from this. The graphical workflow log therefore tries to enter
information from the runtime tables into a workflow definition that looks totally different. How can
you identify this problem?
 Steps seem to have been skipped (particularly apparent in a sequence)
 All steps are shown as "executed", even those in an alternative (not loop)
 The workflow is terminated, but you cannot determine a direct consequence of the workflow

© SAP AG BC601 7-16

Workflow Log: Workflow Chronicle View

Notification of absence
Work item status
Create request Completed
Approve request Completed
Access to
- Selected agents
- Possible agents
Access to work - Excluded agents
item history
Access to graphical
workflow log

Agent Action executed Date Time Object Object name

Hugo Boss Dialog step created 07.10.1998 12:58:29
Hugo Boss Query sent 07.10.1998 13:00:33 Office document Query (1) ...
Hugo Boss Work item reserved for processing 07.10.1998 13:00:33
Hugo Boss Execution started 07.10.1998 14:13:52
Hugo Boss Processing completed 07.10.1998 14:15:32 Notification of absence 0000000245

 SAP AG 1999

 The "Workflow chronicle" tab page in the workflow log (ActiveX) shows a hierarchical display of
all the steps of the workflow that have already been processed or are due to be processed. If the
workflow has a structure of (sub-)workflows, these are also displayed.
 The function "Details" lists the following details for one step in the lower part of the screen:
 Who carried out what detailed action with what result on these work items.
 When this action was executed.
 Which objects were involved.
 The function "Agents" shows:
 Selected agents
 Possible agents
 Excluded agents for a step
 The function "Graphic" leads to the graphical workflow log.
 The different views (Workflow chronicle, Workflow agents, Workflow objects) are also available in
the workflow log in the user view (without ActiveX), using the "Views" menu.

© SAP AG BC601 7-17

Workflow Log: Workflow Objects View

Patrick Schmidt

Notification of absence (Sub)workflow created

Create request Dialog step created
Create request Work item executed automatically
Create request Work item processing completed

Hugo Boss

Approve request Dialog step created

Approve request Query sent
Approve request Work item processing completed

Workflow System

Send mail Background work item created

Send mail Work item processing completed

 SAP AG 1999

 The tab page "Workflow agents" of the workflow log (ActiveX) displays the employees involved in
this workflow so far. The following entries are contained for every employee:
- Which action was executed in which step
- When was this action executed.
- Which objects were involved.
 This view mainly indicates which role an employee has played in executing a workflow.

© SAP AG BC601 7-18

Workflow Log: Workflow Objects View

Notification of absence

Notification of absence (Sub)workflow created

Create request Dialog step created

WI for self method 000000123456

Approve request Dialog step created

 SAP AG 1999

 The "Workflow objects" tab page lists the objects that are connected with the workflow or that have
been called by the workflow execution so far. These objects are:
 The "leading" object of the workflow
 Attachments and objects that have been added in the individual steps of the workflow.
 The following are listed for each object:
 Who carried out what detailed action in what task.
 When this action was executed.
 This view therefore shows what information was created and processed in what way.

© SAP AG BC601 7-19

Workflow Log: With Technical Details = Expert Mode

Workflow Test workflow

Workflow instance Test workflow
Instance number 000000872350
Start date 22.09.1998 Started by Patrick Schmidt
Start time 10:38:04 Current status In process

Workflow chronicle view

Error Status Work item ID Node number Task

Error Agent Action executed Date Time

  872350 1 Test workflow

Patrick Schmidt (Sub)workflow created 22.09.1998 10:38:04
Patrick Schmidt SWW_FI_START 22.09.1998 10:38:04
 69 Establish first letter of name
  872351 71 Display all requests from SCHMIDTPA
Patrick Schmidt Dialog step created 22.09.1998 10:38:04
Patrick Schmidt Work item executed automatically 22.09.1998 10:38:05

 SAP AG 1999

 The workflow log (non-ActiveX version) can be switched to an expert mode that displays technical
details. This includes:
 All steps: Hidden steps are also displayed.
 All information, warnings and errors that appeared during execution.
 Access to the workflow container and the relevant work item containers (container display
extended to display the attributes for object container elements).
 Display of work item IDs.
 In addition, all the functions and information of user mode are available.
 From the standard log, you can go to the technical display by choosing Goto - List with technical
details - Goto.

© SAP AG BC601 7-20

Monitoring and Analysis: Unit Summary

 To analyze the accumulated

workflow runtime data there
are a lot of standard delivered
 You can manually start a task
or workflow and you can
manually trigger events for

 SAP AG 1999

© SAP AG BC601 7-21


Unit: Monitoring and Analysis

Topic: Workflow Reports

At the conclusion of these exercises, you will be able to:

 Run workflow reporting and analysis tools for monitoring and
managing the workflow environment

 SAP Business Workflow provides several reporting and analysis tools

for monitoring processes in the workflow runtime system.
 Reports help workflow developers to enter information that can be
used for debugging program errors in workflow definitions.

For the following reports, use as many options as you like. See the
solutions for help.

1-1 Runtime Tools

1-1-1 Workflow Outbox

The work items representing "your" tasks are displayed in the workflow
outbox with date, time, and current status.
Display the workflow outbox.

1-1-2 Work Item Analysis

Using the work item analysis, you can carry out statistical evaluations of
work items. The work items to be analyzed can be restricted according to
time, their type, and their task.
The evaluation results displayed represent runtime information.

1-1-3 Workload Analysis

Using the workload analysis, you can determine the workload of individual
employees, positions, jobs, or organizational units.

© SAP AG BC601 7-22

1-1-4 Task Analysis
The task analysis allows you to display an overview of defined tasks with
their dependencies and relationships.

1-1-5 Workflows for object

This report allows you to display the workflow step log for a certain object.

1-1-6 Work item selection

This report allows you to display all work items created after a certain date.

1-1-7 RFC Monitor

If you checked that the 'triggering' event for a workflow has actually
occurred, but the workflow was never started, then use this RFC monitor to
locate the error.

1-1-8 Diagnosing workflows with errors

In some situations you may only want to see workflows that have errors.
Use this report to display only the errors and to call the workflow log.
If an error has occurred, display the work item with the error. For more
information, double-click the work item.

© SAP AG BC601 7-23


Unit: Monitoring and Analysis

Topic: Workflow Reports

1-1 Runtime Tools

1-1-1 Workflow Outbox
The work items representing "your" tasks are displayed in the workflow
outbox with date, time, and current status. Work items are displayed:
 For tasks you started in dialog (transaction SWUS, menu path Business
Workflow  Development Runtime Tools Start Workflow (Test
 For tasks which were started using a triggering event, and in whose
event parameter container your user name is specified as _Evt_Creator
Access the workflow outbox from the Business Workplace area menu:
Open the “Outbox” folder.
There are three categories for displaying work items in the Workflow
 Started workflows
 Work items executed by me
 Forwarded work items

It is possible to configure the Workflow Outbox, as you can the worklist.

(See: Configuring the worklist in the SAP Library)

 From the “Started workflows” overview area, you can select a dialog
work item or a background work item from the work item list. The
work item steps are displayed below in the Detail area. To go to the
workflow log, choose any of these steps followed by the “Workflow
log” button.
There are three views in the workflow log display: View: Workflow
Chronicle (what was processed when), View: Workflow Agents (who
processed what), and View: Workflow Objects (what was processed).

© SAP AG BC601 7-24

In the Workflow Log screen, choose and check the following options:
 On the tab page “View: Workflow Chronicle”:
Open the Workflow folder and choose the icon in the “Details”
column. The detailed actions for a step are displayed at the bottom of
the screen.
Choose the icon in the “Graphic” column to display the graphical
workflow log.
Choose the icon in the “Agent” column to display the Possible and
Excluded Agents.
You can show or hide columns for Processing time and Workflow IDs
using the appropriate option in the “Extras” menu.
 On the tab page “View: Workflow Agents”:
Open the folder for an agent to view the tasks executed by that agent.
 “View: Workflow Objects”
Choose this tab page to view the objects referred to by a task, an agent,
executed action, date and time.
 Technical workflow log

In the “Workflow Log” screen, choose

Goto  List with technical details

 Work item display

In the “Workflow Log” screen, select a step from the Overview area,
then choose Goto  List with technical details.

You can also select the “List with technical details” button and
double-click a Workflow step. This displays the “Display Work item”

To obtain further information for the displayed work items, choose the
relevant function from the “Display work item” screen:
 Agent info

Goto  Agent  Possible agents

 Containers

Extras  Containers
 Object links

Work item  Object  Display

Note: Before you can execute one of the above functions, you must
position the cursor on the respective work item.

© SAP AG BC601 7-25

1-1-2 Work Item Analysis
Using the work item analysis, you can carry out statistical evaluations
of work items. The work items to be analyzed can be restricted
according to time, their type, and their task.
The evaluation results displayed represent runtime information.

To start work item analysis, choose the following from the SAP Easy
Access menu:

Tools  Business Workflow  Development Reporting Work

Item Analysis.

Select the different work item analysis types.

Work items per task:

Double-click "Work items per task".

In the “Work Items Per Task” screen, select the following radio

In the “Monitoring period” frame:

(The work item evaluations always refer to a "monitoring period").

Select “Today”.

In the “Work item type” frame:

You can specify the work item type as another selection criterion for
the work items to be analyzed.

Choose “Dialog”, “(Sub-)Workflow”, or “Background”.

You can make more than one selection. You must select at least one
work item type.

Make sure that the entries for the task filter and work item types are not
mutually exclusive.

In the “Task Filter” frame (optional):

You can limit the work items to be analyzed by specifying the

underlying task. This information is optional but recommended for
this exercise to restrict the displayed output of your executed workflow

© SAP AG BC601 7-26

Enter the Task ID in the “Task” field. The task ID begins with the
task type followed by an 8-digit number. Use TSxxxxxxxx (standard
task), WSxxxxxxxx (workflow template)

In the “Work Items Per Task” screen, choose

Analysis  Execute, or the “Execute” button.

The work items of the specified type, or for the specified tasks in the
specified monitoring period are displayed. The list is sorted according to
Repeatedly double-clicking an entry displays the following information:
Detailed information for a shorter period (only for monitoring periods
of more than one day.)
List of all work items for a task with date, status, and possibly the
Work item display for work items of single-step tasks; workflow log
for workflow work items.

Work items with monitored deadlines:

Double-click "Work Items With Monitored Deadlines".

Repeat the choices outlined above in the “Work Items With Monitored
Deadlines screen”.

Choose Analysis  Execute, or the “Execute” button

If the work items of the specified type or specified tasks were subject to
deadline monitoring, information is given on how often these deadlines
were exceeded within the specified monitoring period. The list is sorted
according to task.

Work items by processing duration:

Double-click "Work items By Processing Duration".

Repeat the choices outlined above in the "Work Items By Processing

Duration" screen.

Choose Analysis Execute or the “Execute” button.

Specifies the process duration of work items of the specified type or for
the specified tasks. The list is sorted according to task.

© SAP AG BC601 7-27

1-1-3 Workload Analysis
Using the workload analysis, you can determine the workload of
individual employees, positions, jobs, or organizational units.

Start “Workload Analysis” from the “Reporting” folder.

Double-click "Workload Analysis…".

Enter the organizational entity (PD) for which the workload is to be

determined, in the field “Responsibility”.
Describe the organizational entity (PD) by its type and 8-digit number

In the “Workload Analysis” screen , enter the following information:

In the “Responsibility” frame:

Field Name Input Data

Type O (Organizational unit)

ID 8 digit number (ID)

(The organizational unit created in

the PD Organizational Structure
exercise). Note: Use the “F4” key for
input help.

To enter a user, enter the identifier US in the “Type” field and the user
name in the “ID” field. Use the “F4” key for input help.

In the “Period” frame:

Choose the period for which you want to determine the workload, by
selecting the “To be processed by” radio button.

Choose Workload  Execute, or the “Execute” button.

 A list of work items is displayed which must be processed by the

specified date by members of the organizational entity.
 A work item must meet the following criteria to be displayed in this
The work item must be a type W work item (dialog work item).
© SAP AG BC601 7-28
The work item must have the status waiting, ready, in process, reserved,
or executed.
(For more information on work item statuses, see Statuses)

1-1-4 Task Analysis

The task analysis allows you to display an overview of defined tasks with
their dependencies and relationships.

Task analysis returns information from the environment of the task and
workflow definition. It does not provide runtime information.

Start “Workload Analysis” from the “Reporting” folder.

From the “Task Analysis” folder,

Double-click "Tasks in Workflows"

Type of Evaluation

Where-used list

for tasks in workflow definitions

for object types in workflow definitions

From the “Task Analysis” folder,

Double-click the “Tasks Profile” icon.

Type of Evaluation

Authorization to execute and start tasks

Note: Double-click the tasks displayed in the individual analyses to

display their definition.

1-1-5 Workflows for object

This report allows you to display the workflow log for a certain object.

This report provides runtime information about one object.

© SAP AG BC601 7-29

Start this report from the SAP Easy Access menu.

Open the “Runtime Tools” folder.

Double-click "Workflows For Object".

In the “Choose Info Help” dialog box, choose the “Infosystem” button.

Enter * in the “Object type” field and choose the “Execute Enter”

From the Business objects, select FORMABSENC - Form: Notification

of absence

Choose the [Accept Enter] button.

Enter the number of your last “Notification of absence” request.

Afterwards you can display a breakdown of the workflow log for this
workflow, and check which agents have been involved in the process so

1-1-6 Work item selection

This report allows you to display all work items created after a certain

Use this report to display work items that were recently started .

Start the “Work Item Selection” report in the SAP Easy Access menu.

Open the folder “Utilities”.

Double-click the “Work Item Selection” icon.

In the “Selection Report for Work Items” screen, you will now execute
this report using the default options.

Afterwards, use another setting, for example, Type “F” and Status
“Completed” (Use the “F4” key for input help). Before you start the
report, delete the “Time created” entry and choose Program 
Execute, or the “Execute” button.

This report setting will give you a list of all workflows completed today.
Display the workflow log to find the agent who participated in this

© SAP AG BC601 7-30

1-1-7 RFC Monitor
If you checked that the 'triggering' event for a workflow has actually
occurred, but the workflow was never started, then use this RFC monitor to
locate the error.

Also use transaction SM58 with the user name “*” to obtain a longer list.

Start the RFC monitor from the SAP Easy Access menu.

Open the “Events” folder.

Double-click the “Workflow RFC Monitor” icon.
In case of errors, double click the status text to obtain more information.

1-1-8 Diagnosing workflows with errors

In some situations you may only want to see workflows that have errors.
Use this report to display only the errors and to call the workflow log.

Use this report to list only work items with errors.

Run the diagnosis of workflows with errors report, by choosing

Administration  Workflow Runtime.
Double-click "Diagnosis Of Workflows With Errors".

If an error has occurred, display the work item with the error. For more
information, double-click the work item.

© SAP AG BC601 7-31

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