Final Psych 625 Statistics Project Part One

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Statistics Project, Part 1: Opening Data in Microsoft Excel and Running Descriptive
Jessica C. Paone
University of Phoenix
May 10, 2021
Dr. Neil Stafford

Statistics Project Part One

Data statistics can be rather interesting in that it can give a researcher the answers they are

looking for from the data they have collected regarding specific research they may be doing

(Jackson, 2017). With this research being conducted, they want to know about happiness in the

workplace, so the data was gathered regarding gender, age, relationship with coworkers,

relationship with direct supervisor, telecommute schedule, workplace happiness rating and,

workplace engagement rating. Taking the variability and central tendency measurements and

breaking those down will give you data statistics. For this particular set of data, when it has to

do with gender, it is shown that there are more males than females, there is a 15 year age range,

and that is from the age of 25-40. When you calculate the gender and age range, it can give you

an idea that middle-aged males participated. With the relationship with the direct supervisor,

this was shown as four being the happiest and one not happy at all. The data shows that most of

the people in this research have a positive relationship with their supervisor. The data regarding

telecommuting that was collected showed that basically, very few had access to this. The

coworkers and their work relationship did not show very good data as it is showing that they do

not have work relationships with their coworkers. The data collected regarding work happiness

showed that most of the workers are happy with the workplace, and the workplace engagement

rating showed that most chose an 8 out of 1-10, so it would be interpreted that most are happy

with the workplace.



Jackson, S. (2017). Statistics. Plain and simple. 4th Ed. Boston, MA: Cengage Learning

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